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Dear brother….

Your lifeilluminated the world unparallel strength and joy. Born with unique challenges, your
unwavering spirit taught me resilience and acceptance. Amidst adversity your radiant smile and quite
courage became an inspiration. As your sister, I cherished our shared laughter and conversation
embracing the beauty in our ifferences. Even though it was brief… way too brief for me, I’m better for
having loved you. The survivors guilt is present. It suffocates me. I cant breathe. I know that I could have
been better but it is too late and all I can think about. I just miss you so much. Its not fair and how do I
accept this and move forward from here. My life froze that that day and everything else either ceased to
exist or faded into the background.

I’ve put things off, important things. Thinking I’ll come back to them when I get past this. I am realizing
more and more that this is just who I am now. There is no going back to how things used to be. Am not
the same girl I was an year ago. I don’t know who I am at all… who am I … am your big sister,your
protector, the one who was always there and now am just not. I would give anything to have your soul
and just be able to pick up and leave here. I may not know who I am, but I do know I am better. I will
never understand or be okay with the fact that you left too soon. I had planned for us a lot of things but
now am just confused. My world’s light has been shattered and am living in pure darkness and my heart
shred into many pieces.

I cant make the sense of why some live over and over again and don’t care if they live but you…dindnt
make it why. I have anger not for others but for myself, I should never have left that day just as you
requested me. Why did I leave you. What I don’t regret is that I played my part, we all did especially
mum and little sis and Dad. You deserved even better. You are irreplaceable and I feel empty .A massive
hole has benn ganged out of my soul and am suffering the loss of your absence .

I miss you baby brother and sure as days are long I will miss you every single day

Rest in peace my dear brother . your memory lives in the hearts of those who were blessed to know you.
Until we meet again know that you are forever loved by Dad, mum and esther and profoundly missed. I
love you so much baby brother..Bye

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