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Digestion Pathway 1.BRAIN 5. PANCREAS This is where digestion begins. With the This organ creates + releases digestive enzymes thought, sight, + smell of food, your brain tells to finish breaking down food once it enters the th digestive processes. small intestine. It also neutralizes the acid hat your coming from the stomach. 2. MOUTH 6. SMALL INTESTINE In addition to mechanical Most nutrient absorption occurs here (until now, food was still technically outside your body). This is also where the immune system screens for invadler balance can lead to ni 3. STOMACH HCI (hydrochloric acid) and pepsin further break down + kill any pathogens in your food. insufficient INTESTINE This is the final stage of digestion + home to trilions of microbes that help modulate your immune system, impact your mood, keep you regular, + synthesize valuable nutrients. 4. LIVER + GALLBLADDER These organs produce + release bile to help break down fats. Your Practice Name

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