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Alex Jaron


My First time Riding a Bike

My first experience of riding a bicycle at the age of five is among my most vivid memories when
it comes to the joys of childhood and conquering fears. On that day in summer, I acquired new skills
and became more confident in my physical abilities, and these memories still help me today.
As a five-year-old child, I regarded riding bikes as something exciting but scary. At that age, I was
still riding my bike with one training wheel to develop a sense of balance and become confident
enough. I still remember my bike with white, pink, and purple elements, a small bicycle bell, and two
colourful handlebar pom poms. On one bright and sunny day during summer break, my uncle finally
told me that training wheels were only for babies and that it was high time for me to start riding my
bike without assistance.

My uncle’s determination to take the training wheel off deeply affected me and, to some degree,
instilled mixed feelings in my heart. I actually wanted to prove that I was old enough to master the
skill of riding a bike and said with confidence that I was not a baby. However, from the perspective of
a young child, taking the training wheel off was similar to a drastic change in life.

To my surprise, my fear of falling gave way to excitement and enthusiasm a few minutes after we
started practising. My uncle devoted enough time to teach me how to turn, and we practised near my
grandfather’s house until I was able to ride to the corner without falling. Of course, that experience
was not without unpleasant moments because I fell a few times and scraped my knee due to having no
protective equipment.

In conclusion, I often remember that day with happiness and sweet sadness. Most importantly, the day
when I learned to ride a bike bubbles to the surface of my memory when I hesitate to try something
new. This experience has helped me to realise that what seems scary often turns out to be fascinating
and refreshing.

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