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Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, for the abundance of His grace and gifts,
so that the authorr can complete this scription with the title: The Effect Of Using
Animation Video As a Media On Students' Writing Descriptive Text In Tenth
Grade Of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kisaran 2022/2023 Academic Year . This is to
fulfill one of the requirements for completing the study as well as in order to
obtain a Bachelor of Education degree in the English Language Education Study
Program, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Asahan University. The author
realizes that the completion of this scription is inseparable from the help,
guidance, instructions, suggestions and facilities from various parties. Therefore
the author would like to express his sincere appreciation and gratitude to my
beloved father, Riono and mother, whom I love Nuriani, who have poured out all
their love and affection as well as moral and material attention, that the author
realizes that without them the author is nothing. May Allah SWT always bestow
Grace, Health, Gifts and blessings in the world and in the hereafter for the good
deeds that have been given to the author.

With humility, the author would also like to thank the honorable:

1. Mr Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Tri Harsono, M.Sc. as Chancellor of Asahan


2. Mr. Drs. Dailami, M.Pd as Dean of the Faculty of Teaching and

Education, Asahan University.

3. Ma’am Putri Lidiana Permata Sari, S.Pd.I., M.S Head of the Asahan
English Education Study Program.

4. The author's appreciation and gratitude is given to Ma’am. Dra. Hamidah

Sidabalok, M.Hum as the Advisor who has helped write this scription.

5. Mr. Headmaster of SMK Muhammadiyan 5 Kisaran.

Thank you to all students of SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kisaran, my best friends
(Meme, Elly, Siska, and Irvah who are kind), all my friends in grade 8 C whom


the author loves and fellow students, especially the English Language Education
S1 study program. For the closest person to the author, thanks to Muhammad
Satria Budiman, S. S.H, who has always been there as a support system during
lecture activities and until now. Thanks to my sisters Uci Riswahyu, S.Akun,
Nurefaliana,S.E and my brother Muhammad Kiki, for his attention so far towards
the author, and also to all the family, thank you for the prayers.

Finally, the author realizes that in writing this scription, it is still far from being
perfect. Therefore, the authors ask for suggestions and constructive criticism for
the sake of perfection and hopefully useful for all of us. Aamiin

Kisaran, June 2023


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