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This thesis I dedicated

To my beloved parents and late grandmother,

Mr. Hatamang, Mrs. Andi Rosiati and Mrs. Raba Malo


Ulfa Kurnia Citra, 2022. A Comparative Study on The Student's Perception on The
Effectiveness of English Language Skills of English Language Education Students during
Online Learning and Face-to-Face Learning.
Makassar: English Education Study Program, English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Literature, Makassar State University.
(Supervised by Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu, M. Hum and Dr. Hj. Geminastiti Sakkir, S. Pd. M.Pd).
The objective of this research was to determine the perceptions of English education students
regarding their English skills during online learning and face-to-face learning. The research
was conducted at the faculty of language and literature, majoring in English Education. The
population in this research were students of English language education class 2020. The
instruments used in this research were interviews and documentation. Based on the results of
the research, researcher found that students' perceptions of online learning and face-to-face
learning, face-to-face learning became the most preferred choice as a better learning system
to improve the effectiveness of students' English skills.

Keywords: Perception, English Skills, Online Learning, Face-to-Face Learning


Ulfa Kurnia Citra, 2022. Penelitian Perbandingan Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Efektivitas
Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Selama Pembelajaran
Online dan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka.
Makassar: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas
Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Negeri Makassar.
(Dibimbing oleh Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu, M.Hum dan Dr. Hj. Geminastiti Sakkir, S.Pd.M.Pd).
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa
Inggris tentang kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka selama pembelajaran online dan
pembelajaran tatap muka. Penelitian ini dilakukan di fakultas bahasa dan sastra, jurusan
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pendidikan
bahasa Inggris angkatan tahun 2020. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa
persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran online dan pembelajaran tatap muka,
pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi pilihan yang paling disukai sebagai sistem pembelajaran
yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan efektifitas kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa. .

Kata kunci: Persepsi, Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris, Pembelajaran Online, Pembelajaran

Tatap Muka

In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Compassionate and Merciful, who has bestowed

her grace and mercy on the researcher to complete this research. Greetings also to the great

lord of Muslims, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has freed us from the era of


The researcher would like to thank all parties who have participated in helping the

researcher complete this thesis. First and most importantly, sincere thanks to my beloved

parents, Mr. Hataman, and Mrs. Andi Rosiati, who have given full love to accompany the

researcher during the preparation of this thesis, secondly, thank you to the late grandmother

of the researcher, Mrs. Raba Malo who has been the biggest motivation for researcher to

complete her thesis. I would also like to express my appreciation to the whole family for their

prayers and support .

The researcher expresses her deepest gratitude to Dr. A. Muliati M, M.Pd and Drs.

Ahmad Thalib, M.Pd as a supervisor who plays an important role in providing constructive

input and criticism during the completion of the thesis. The examiners, Dr. Nur Aeni, S.Pd.,

M.Pd., and Asriati, M.Pd, are also grateful for their corrections and suggestions during the

submission of her thesis. She would like to express her appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Husain Syam, M.TP. as Chancellor of Makassar State University

2. Prof. Dr. Syukur Saud, M.Pd, as the Dean of the Faculty of Languages dan

Makassar State University of Literature.

3. Samtidar, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D. as Head of the English Department at the Faculty

Department of Language and Literature, Makassar State University.

4. Chairil Anwar Korompot, M.A., Ph.D as Head of English Educatio

Study Program, Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Literature,

Makassar State University.

5. All lecturers and staff for knowledge, direction, teaching, and help during the


6. Sincere thanks to the students of the Faculty of Language and Literature, Department

of English Education, batch 2022, who have been willing to serve as informants in

this research.

7. Special thanks to my beloved friends in particular, April Ade Sunia, Muhammad

Irham, Nursyamri Gifari, Nurul Azizah Amiruddin, Nila Sari Rustan, Muh. Djakir,

Asfiani, Nurul Khafifah, Nurmalayanti and Mila Dwi Rezky who always provide help

and support to researcher.

8. And lastly, thank you very much to myself for surviving until now, being strong,

thank you for believing in myself because until now if it weren't for myself I would

not have been able to get to this point.

Researcher hopes that this research can be useful, especially for researcher herselves

and for readers. And last but not least, thank you to the Lord of the worlds, Allah SWT,

who has blessed us all, created light in our hearts and always listened to our prayers.


Makassar, 14 September 2022

The Researcher


This chapter covers background, problem statements, objectives of the research, and

significances of the research.

A. Background

During the COVID-19 pandemic, things began to subside, many things have started to

return to normal, Likewise with the education system in lectures. However, some universities

still carry out integrated learning by implementing online learning and face-to-face learning.

Its flexibility allows teachers and students to have choices about how and where they can

spend their time to study (Greenhow, 2009). In some ways, it is important to note that

blended learning such as distance learning also produces uncertain outcomes for students.

This is done to prevent the spread of the virus and ensure whether this learning system is

effective for students, especially students of English education where they have to develop

their English. As we know, students majoring in English need a highly integrated or effective

learning system to support or develop their English.

However, although the current learning system is carried out in a combined manner, the

problem is that there are still some students who complain about online learning and some

complain about face-to-face learning. Online learning or web base learning is part of E-

learning (Simanihuruk, 2019). The main characteristic is the use of digital media such as

computers and other devices in learning. From this, it can be seen that online or distance

learning requires media so that the online learning process can run. After the pandemic

subsides, students return to face-to-face learning and it can be a turmoil in their learning,

where they used to take online learning and then switch to face-to-face learning systems.

Students who have good learning independence can get good learning outcomes as well

(Brandt, 1996). The problem is that not all students are the same, we know the balance of
perceptions between different students, what learning system they like. This is because there

are students who prefer online learning and vice versa. Students assume that one of these

learning systems, if implemented, will develop the effectiveness of developing their English

skills. One solution is with student perceptions, with student perceptions it is very necessary

because it can provide an overview of the learning system they like. By conducting this

research, it can provide benefits by taking action to maintain students’ opinions or

perceptions of phenomena in lectures, especially those concerning learning systems that

attract students to develop special skills in their majors, English education students. With this,

universities, especially in the faculty environment, can find out what students want in

learning and therefore the learning process can be achieved, students can absorb learning

satisfactorily and lecturers can achieve teaching goals as they should.

In this study, the effectiveness of English language education students’ language skills

will be explained in writing regarding two learning processes, namely online learning and

face-to-face learning from the opinions of English education students. The shift from face-to-

face teaching to virtual classrooms creates new challenges and effects. In addition, online

learning environments can offer learners opportunities for flexibility, interaction, and

collaboration (Dilani S. P. Gedera1, 2013).

Advances in information technology in the twenty-first century have greatly changed our

education system. Internet use in teaching and learning has become more common in higher

education (Hogg, 2012), (Halawi, 2012), (Bhagat, 2016), (Meng-Jung, 2009), (Steel, 2011).

The reality is that online learning is a new mode of instructional delivery that is now

available to students. About online learning, online learning has actually been used for a long

time. In Learning The growth of online education has been driven primarily by state-led

online programs (such as the Florida Virtual School, Michigan Virtual School, Idaho Digital

Learning Academy, and Virtual Virginia) and full-time online schools (such as charter and
contract schools affiliated with K12 Inc., Connections Academy, and Insight Schools) which

was started specifically to provide online learning opportunities remotely (John Watson).

With this, in general, the two learning processes can be compared to online learning and face-

to-face learning. There are reasons why learning systems are the best. In addition, Bhat also

classifies five reasons why online learning is better than face-to-face learning; demand for

digital content, less time commitment, tracking of learning patterns, high retention rates and

social learning collaboration (Bhat, 2020). Students’ learning experiences and responses to

distance learning are very much needed to be known and investigated. But face-to-face

learning is also very important for English education students where they are majoring in

foreign languages and their education. A foreign language or English will be more easily

mastered if the learning is practiced, one of which is the ability to speak English. According

to Chastain, speaking is a productive skill because it generates ideas, messages and

suggestions and people need to practice them. And education where students are taught about

the rules of educating or teaching which also requires direct explanation from the lecturer

(Chastain, 1998).

According to Ally , online learning uses the internet to access material, interact with

content, teachers, and other students, get support while learning, gain knowledge, and build

meaning and personal progress through learning experiences (Ally, 2008). Online learning as

a learning system mediated by the internet network without face-to-face meetings between

teachers and students (Mirawati, 2020). Then, online learning utilizes an internet connection

and a learning platform during the teaching and learning process (Fitriani, 2020). In other

words, the two learning systems have their respective advantages and disadvantages,

therefore the perception of students as recipients of knowledge is needed so that it is known

which system makes them more comfortable and of course increases the expertise of their

majors, (English education).

Regardless of title or name, online learning and face-to-face learning are very different.

Traditional or face-to-face learning environments have been criticized for encouraging

passive learning, ignoring individual differences and learner needs, and not paying attention

to problem solving, critical thinking, or other higher-order issues, sequential thinking skills

(Banathy, 1994). New advances in internet-based technology have brought challenges and

opportunities to education and training, particularly through online teaching. Online

instruction is a form of distance education delivered over the Internet. For many, this type of

teaching is considered a major breakthrough in teaching and learning as it facilitates the

exchange of information and expertise while providing opportunities for all types of learners

in remote or disadvantaged locations (Hill, 1997), (Webster, 1997). While online instruction

is gaining popularity, it is not free from criticism. Many educators and trainers do not support

online teaching because they do not believe it really solves difficult teaching and learning

problems while others are concerned about the many barriers that stand in the way of

effective online teaching and learning (Conlon, 1997). These concerns include the changing

nature of technology, complexity of networked systems, lack of stability in online learning

environments, and limited understanding of how much students and instructors need to know

to participate successfully (Brandt, 1996)).

In addition, there are several previous studies which state that learning readiness affects

learning outcomes (Jayadiningrat, 2017)). Another study states that learning readiness can

increase students’ optimism in facing exams (Rizki, 2013). In terms of online learning

readiness, there is one study which states that not all students are ready to take online

learning (Mardhiyana, 2018). Subsequent research was carried out by Kusmawan which

stated that students’ readiness for independent learning in the distance learning model was

included in the medium category (Kusmawan, 2016). Similar studies have also been carried

out by (Tereseviciene, 2020). The study explains that many universities experience problems
in implementing online learning. In terms of changing learning methods, of course, there are

students who experience perceptions about their feelings when this happens. Students who

are accustomed to face-to-face learning and who subsequently enroll in online platforms have

developed high levels of negative emotions, such as fear, anger, or helplessness (Butz,

Stupnisky, & Pekrun, 2015). Research by Muqtadiroh, Nisafani, & Silviana states that one of

the secondary schools in Jember district is ready to carry out online learning. However,

further research explains that students’ readiness for online learning needs to be improved. So

in this case research on the perception of a scope of education needs to be know (Muqtadiroh,

Nisafani, & Silviana, 2017).

If we look at the responses from other countries, such as India regarding online learning,

there are some perceived difficulties in implementing process changes in the education

system that have emerged after the COVID-19 crisis; These difficulties are related to the new

perspectives of online education and its technological complexity. Prior to this pandemic,

online education was considered as education provided by open universities in India.

However in the time of the impact of COVID-19, online teaching of learning is becoming a

major challenge to be faced, and stakeholders are not potentially fit to adapt to sudden

educational changes as they are not technologically competent to embrace the current

situation (Lokanath Mishra a, 2020). Meanwhile, in the country that was first affected by

Covid-19, namely China, Chinese schools nationwide moved their operations online (Huang,

2020) and therefore provided a rare opportunity to analyze and evaluate the phenomenon of

online learning in the primary school environment. And medium empirically on a large scale.

First, they seek to explore student learning patterns in online contexts as they tend to differ

from lessons from Chinese 3 that exist in traditional classrooms, and thus may lead to

interesting findings regarding sudden transitions from learning modalities. Second, they are

interested in understanding how students perceive their online learning experiences, because
such subjective perceptions directly affect students’ acceptance and participation in online

learning. Third, they are very interested in student engagement because lack of engagement is

a persistent challenge for online learners, leading to poor online learning outcomes and

retention (Buelow, 2018). In Malaysia, like many countries in the world, the Movement

Control Order (MCO) was enacted to flatten the curve of the spread of Covid. The Ministry

of Higher Education announced that all public and private universities in Malaysia are

carrying out online teaching and learning activities. The academic community is very tough,

adaptable and proactive in overcoming the challenges presented by MCO. Lessons, projects,

group work, presentations and assessments are all ready within two weeks and done with the

help of technology. Although it is undeniable that online learning is considered as the best

solution to ensure the continuity of learning in an era that has created a “new norm”, there

may be some setbacks such as the lack of human touch such as sensing students’

incomprehension through facial expressions. Expressions, making small jokes to brighten the

mood, engagement and interaction of students which can be done more effectively in

traditional face-to-face learning. The absence of social interaction and the inability to form

study groups that students used to enjoy are also some of the challenges they now have to

face. (Ellen Chung, 2020)

In practice, the online learning process and face-to-face learning are certainly two very

different learning processes, both in their implementation and the way students receive or

absorb learning. Difference between e-learning and face-to-face learning has also been

demonstrated in relation to primary sources of information, as well as evaluation and quality

of learning (Nycz & Cohen, 2007). This is certainly a benchmark for the effectiveness of

students learning. Various responses and perceptions can be found through students regarding

the two learning processes, especially to students of English education where their

perceptions about the effectiveness of language skills on online learning systems and face-to-
face learning. Students, especially students of English education, have various responses to

the two learning systems, each student has complaints about the system and also has a

preference for the opposite learning system. This study will focus on students’ perceptions of

English education regarding the system or process of online learning and face-to-face


B. Problem Statements

After describing the description of the problem, and looking at the current state of the

learning system, namely the combined learning system which includes online classes and

face-to-face classes, especially English education study programs, it can be concluded that

the problem to be studied in this study is:

1. What are students’ perceptions of online learning?

2. What are students’ perceptions of face-to-face learning?

3. Which learning system is better for effective English language skills?

C. Objectives of the Research

In accordance with the research problem, the researcher conducted research with the aim


1. To obtain information about students’ perceptions of English education regarding online

learning systems and face-to-face learning systems.

2. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. What learning system is effective for

the effectiveness of their English skills.

By conducting this research, the researcher will summarize students’ perceptions into a

data conclusion that is in accordance with Alex’s opinion which states that perception is the

process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, evaluating, and reacting to stimuli or

sensory data (Alex, 2003). From these conclusions, it can be seen which learning process

supports the effectiveness of English language skills of English education students during
combined learning, namely online learning and face-to-face learning. The perceptions that

will be obtained are based on their experiences during the two learning processes.

D. Significances of the Research

The researcher hopes that this research can provide more integrated information to

educators or lecturers regarding students response to the two learning processes that have

been carried out at the Makassar State University, especially in the Faculty of Language and

Literature, majoring in English Education. Regarding this significant research, there are two

of them of Theoretical Significance and Practical Significance.

1. Theoretical Significance

This study will provide additional knowledge regarding the perception of online

learning systems and face-to-face learning and their effectiveness on language skills

obtained from the opinions of English education students.

2. Practicals of Significance

a. For students

The results of this study can be used by students as a reference for their additional

research in the future and can also help students understand both the online learning process

and face-to-face learning.

b. For lecturers

With this research, it will help teachers or lecturers to more easily understand what

learning process students prefer from student perceptions to online learning systems and face-

to-face learning. And this can enable learning objectives to be easily achieved.

c. For other researchers

Provide additional further references for other researchers who will conduct research in

related research fields.



This chapter presents some pertinant ideas, and conceptual framework.

A. Pertinant Ideas

In this section, the researcher will explain the theory of perception, English language

skills, online learning and face-to-face learning.

1. Perception

a. Definition of Perception

Perception is the process used by individuals in managing and interpreting their sensory

impressions in order to give meaning to their environment (Robbins S, 2003). Another

opinion from Sugihartono suggests that perception is the ability of the brain to translate a

stimulus or process to translate a stimulus that enters the human senses. There are different

points of view in surveying human perception. In covering human perception, we can

compare two objects and this can lead to the advantages and disadvantages of each object, the

case can be a comparison. From the two definitions above, it can be concluded that

perception is the process of presenting a discussion or object that relates to the human senses.

(Sugihartono, 2007)

b. Factors Affecting Perception

In his book Organizational Behavior states that perception is influenced by three factors

(Robbins S. P, 2003), namely:

1) Perceiver

An individual looks at a target and tries to interpret what he sees, then that interpretation

is influenced by the personal characteristics of the the perpetrators of the perception

themselves, including attitudes, needs, interests, experience, and expectations.

2) Object

The characteristics in the object to be observed can affect what perceived by someone.

Novelty, sound, size, background proximity, and similarity of an object can be shape the way

we see things.

3) Situation

Changes or differences in time, place (work setting), and circumstances Social settings

can lead to different perceptions of something.

c. Types of perception

Perception is divided into two, namely: perception of the object (physical environment)

and perception of human or social. These three types of perception have differences, namely:

1) Perception of objects through physical symbols, while to humans through verbal and

nonverbal symbols. Humans are more effective than most objects and more difficult to


2) Perceptions of objects respond to external properties, while humans respond to external

and internal characteristics (feelings, motives, hopes, and so on).

3) Objects do not react, while humans react. In other words, objects are static, while humans

are dynamic. Therefore, the perception of humans can change from time to time, faster

than the perception of objects.

There are several important principles regarding social perception, namely:

1) Perception based on experience, namely human perception of a person, object, or event

and their reaction to those things based on their past experience and learning related to

similar people, objects or events.

2) Perception is selective. Every human being often gets sensory stimulation. Our attention

to a stimulus is the main factor that determines our selectivity for that stimulus.
3) Perception is conjectural. Occurs because the data we obtain about objects are never

complete, so this presumptive process of perception allows us to interpret an object with a

more complete meaning from any point of view.

4) Perception is evaluative. This means that most of us say that what we perceive is

something real, however, sometimes our senses and perceptions deceive us so that we

also doubt how close our perception is to the actual reality.

5) Perception is contextual. It means that of all the influences in our perception, context is

one of the most powerful influences. When we see a person, an object or an event, the

context of the stimulus greatly influences the cognitive structure, expectations and

therefore our perception. (Mulyana, 2015).

d. General characteristics of perception

In order to produce a meaningful sense, there are certain general characteristics in

perception, these characteristics are as follows:

1) Modality: the stimuli received must be in accordance with the modality of each sense,

namely the basic sensory properties of each sense (light for sight; smell for smell;

temperature for taste; sound for hearing; surface properties for touch and so on).

2) Dimensions of space: perception has the nature of space (dimensional space); we can say

top down, low height, narrow area, foreground background, and so on.

3) Time dimension: perception has a time dimension, such as fast and slow, young and old,

and so on.

4) Context structure, a unified whole: objects or phenomena in the world of observation have a

structure that is unified with their context. This structure and context form a unified whole

5) A world of meaning: perception is a world of meaning. We tend to make observations or

perceptions of the phenomena that have meaning for us, which have something to do with

us. (Saleh)
e. Perception aspects

1) Cognitive Component

Components that are composed on the basis of knowledge or information that a person

has about the object of his attitude. From this knowledge, a certain belief will be formed

about the object of the attitude.

2) Affective Component

Affective relates to feelings of pleasure and displeasure. So it is evaluative which is

closely related to cultural values or its value system.

3) Conative Component

It is a person’s readiness to behave in relation to the object of his attitude. (Humrah,


2. English Language Skills

English is a very important language to master because as we know that English is

designated as an international language, meaning that English is the main language that must

be mastered (, 2020). In the era of globalization, English is very important

because language is a bridge to socialize with various kinds of great people. To master

English, one must master several skills, especially for non-native speakers. This is because

English is unique, namely the letters and how to read them are different, especially for

Indonesians. So many differences both in terms of reading letters and word order. Therefore,

it is important to master English skills.

a. Skills in English

These four abilities to maximize English to get significant results (English, 2013).

1) Listening

Listening is very important in learning any language. By listening, we can imitate

something and increase our accuracy when speaking. The way to learn to listen effectively
is to listen actively, that is, to pay attention not only to the content of speech, but also how

it is clear.

2) Talking

Most people find it difficult to start a conversation in English because they are not used to

it. Therefore, it is important to frequently practice English in your daily life. Don’t be afraid

to make mistakes because it’s a natural part of the learning process.

3) Reading

Although Indonesian people’s interest in reading is low, reading is an activity that can

support your language learning process faster because it makes your mind accustomed to

interpreting sentences, phrases, or other idioms. Also, by reading you will learn more about

grammar, tenses, and sentence structure.

4) Writing

Writing is a challenge for most Indonesian people. But with a little will and discipline,

anyone can get used to it. By writing, you will memorize the vocabulary that you have read

before. When writing, especially for formal writing, your grammar skills will be put to the

full test.

3. Online Learning

a. Definition of Online Learning

Online learning is a distance learning system that has been implemented for a long time.

Online learning is one form of distance learning or distance education that has long been a

part of the American education system, and has become the largest distance learning sector in

recent years (Bartley, 2004). Online learning relies on the internet so that teaching and the

participants being taught can be connected to each other and that is where the learning and

teaching process occurs.

b. Kinds of online learning media

1) Google Class

Google Classroom is a web-based bold learning application created to facilitate learning

activities between teachers and students without having to meet face-to-face. Google

Classroom is a service from Google for Education to assist communication activities

between teachers and students in learning. Google classroom supports teachers to see

which students have progressed and have not completed assignments and can

immediately provide real-time grades and feedback. Students can also easily access and

receive materials and submit assignments directly through Google Classroom.

2) Animaker

Animaker is a platform that can be used by teachers in making animated videos of

learning materials. This application can make it easier for teachers to spread even

complex material without having to face to face. Animated videos that have been made

can be shared with students as an interesting and interactive learning medium.

3) Edmodo

This education-based service launched by a US technology company can be used by

teachers to share content, distribute quizzes, distribute assignments, and manage

communication between teachers, to submit reports directly to parents. Edmodo is one of

the most popular learning applications in the world because of its easy use and supported

by the solution features offered for technological developments, especially in the world of


4) Zoom

One of the most popular apps these days is Zoom. Zoom supports boldly supporting

distance learning by delivering subject matter that can be conveyed to students, so that

learning can be carried out in two directions and students can immediately provide
feedback on the material presented. One of the most useful features of Zoom is the screen

record feature, which can be used to record material presented on the screen. With this

feature, we don’t have to worry about missing material that can be accessed via saved

recorded videos.

5) Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle is a platform that can help you choose learning videos, help teachers, help

choose, vote, and can add a question to be used as a basis for quizzes. With edpuzzle,

learning activities by watching learning videos can encourage students to be more active.

By using edpuzzle to distribute learning materials, teachers can find out how long

students watch learning videos and statistics for watching videos given by the teacher.

(Nurcahyani, 2021).

c. The Benefits of Online Learning

Online learning is learning that can be done at home without even going to a learning

place and of course this is a benefit for the students or the teaching team. The advantages of

web-based online learning according to (Rusman, 2011) are:

1) allows everyone to learn anything without being restricted space and time, because access

is available anytime, anywhere in the whole world;

2) The operational costs of each student to participate in learning activities become more


3) Supervision of student progress is made easier;

4) Web-based learning design allows for personalized learning activities;

5) learning materials can be updated more easily.

According to Wena the benefits of e-learning can be categorized based on 3 points of

view (Wena, 2009), namely:

1) Student’s point of view

E-learning can make student learning activities more flexible, students can access

learning at any time and repeatedly. Smaldino said that the online learning model is able to

realize an effective learning function (S. E. Smaldino, 2008). Even according to Machmes

and Asher as quoted by Roblyer two-way interactive learning online is more effective than

traditional learning (A. H. Roblyer, 2013). In addition, students can also interact with the

teacher at any time, so when there are questions or feel unclear, students can directly ask the

teacher. This is very different from conventional learning, where the process of teaching and

learning activities must be carried out at the right time and place.

In addition, according to Seok Riyanto there are several advantages of e-learning

compared to conventional learning if the supporting infrastructure facilities are met to reach

rural areas (Riyanto L. D., 2011), namely:

a) Small rural schools can access or learn subjects not taught in their schools

b) For students who take home schoolers (family education programs) can take lessons that

cannot be taught by their parents such as foreign languages or computers.

c) E-learning can be accessed by students who have a phobia (phobia) of school, students

who are treated in hospital or at home, who drop out of school but are interested in

continuing their education, students who are outside the region or abroad.

d) Students who are not accommodated in conventional schools can take advantage of e-

learning to get education.

2) The point of view of the teacher/educator

From the point of view of an educator according to Wena the benefits of e-learning

(Wena, 2009) include:

a) It is easier to update learning materials in accordance with the development of existing


b) Can develop themselves or do research with more free time.

c) Controlling student study habits, teachers can know when their students study.

d) Checking students in working on practice questions.

e) Checking student answers and informing students of the results of the assessment.

3) School point of view

For schools, e-learning has several benefits, including:

a) There will be teaching materials that have been validated by experts according to their

fields so that every teacher can use them easily, effectively, and efficiently.

b) The development of learning content will be in accordance with various subjects.

c) Can be a practical guideline for implementing learning according to the conditions and

characteristics of learning.

d) Cultivate an attitude of cooperation both between fellow teachers and between teachers

and students in solving learning problems.

d. Disadvantages of Online Learning

The disadvantages of web-based e-learning according to (Munir, 2009) are as follows:

1) Lack of interaction between teachers and students as well as between students with one

another. This happens because in web-based learning, classes are conducted virtually so

that the interaction is still lacking.

2) Sometimes more focused on the technological aspect than the educational aspect. E-

learning products are the result of technological advances so that there are still many

users who have not paid attention to the educational aspects used in them. The learning

process will be hampered, but

3) If the teacher does not know and master the strategies, methods, and techniques of

information technology-based learning. It is necessary for teachers who understand

today’s technological advances, so that the learning carried out remains up to date.

4) Very much needed motivation and high independent learning ability from the learner

himself. The success of e-learning is very dependent on the willingness of students to

learn independently, so that the motivation of the learners is also very important in this


5) Not all students can take advantage of all internet facilities. This is because not all schools

have complete facilities that students can use to access the internet.

6) There are still limited availability of software. Not all software used to develop e-learning

can be obtained easily by teachers.

7) There is still a lack of knowledge and ability to operate computers and the internet

properly. This is because there are differences in the ability and understanding of students

and teachers in operating computers and the internet.

e. Online Learning Method

There are two types or methods of delivering online learning (Khan, 2006):

Synchronous and Asynchronous. Synchronous learning is a type where online learning is

carried out or carried out at the same time. This allows direct interaction between teachers

and students via the internet. In short, This type of online learning is almost the same as

direct learning in the classroom, but the class is virtual and uses internet-connected media or

technology. Tool learning is used in real time, such as instant messaging applications or video

conferencing applications (Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc.) that allow students and teachers

to ask and answer questions immediately and synchronously (at the same time).

Asynchronous is the opposite of synchronous. That is “not at the same time”. So, between

lecturers and students do not have to access the online learning system at the same time.
Students can start studying, submit assignments, discuss, and complete class/lecture

administration at any time, although not at the same time as the creation or writing of

materials and assignments carried out by lecturers. An example of this asynchronous learning

method is the use of Learning Management Systems such as Google Classroom, Schoology,

Edmodo, and others.

4. Face-to-Face Learning

a. Definition of Face-to-Face Learning

Face-to-face learning is a learning process that is carried out directly between teachers

and students. Face-to-face learning allows for direct or face-to-face interaction between

educators and students so that it can be said that students can more easily digest the material

given because teachers and students are directly involved in giving and receiving learning


b. Kinds of face-to-face learning media

1) LCD

Percentages run sequentially as a straight line so that can be called linear media and is

usually used when the number of audience is more than one person, for example it can be

realized in the form of a CD.

2) Whiteboard

The blackboard is also a learning tool that can be categorized as a learning medium

because the blackboard is used to convey information and is used to convey subject matter.

The blackboard is probably the most common and frequently used medium in learning.

Teachers will feel that something is missing in the classroom if there is no whiteboard.
3) Laptop

Laptop as advanced technology have many benefits and uses, especially in the field of

education. Laptops have several inputs that can be used, including the use of a laptop as a

video or audio player, a source of information if connected to the internet.

c. Benefits of face-to-face learning

In general, the benefits of face-to-face learning include;

1) Improve hard skills and soft skills

Hard skills and soft skills are two very important abilities for everyone, especially for

students. Hard skills are abilities that can be obtained from the process of training, repetition

and education. With face-to-face learning, students’ hard skills will of course be very well

honed. While soft skills are the ability of communication, personal characteristics and natural

intelligence that a person has. By attending classes directly, the soft skills of students can be

further developed because social interactions are increasing all the time.

2) More interactive learning

Face-to-face learning of course makes learning more interactive because students interact

directly, thus making it easier for students to understand the material provided.

3) Meet lots of friends

Interacting with people can be easier now even online. But it is not effective because after

all meetings are better face to face. With face-to-face learning, we can meet directly with

classmates and be able to establish better relationships.

4) Facing a more productive morning

Making yourself more productive is one of the steps that can make yourself grow. Face-

to-face learning makes this possible, because you have to get up every morning to go to

where the learning process takes place, receive lessons directly, do assignments together,

group discussions and much more.

d. Disadvantages of Face-to-Face Learning

The disadvantages of face-to-face learning include:

1. The weakness of face-to-face learning is the learning process what happens is limited by

space and time so that learning is felt to be less than optimal by educators according to

(Sari, 2014).

2. Face-to-face learning is classroom learning that relies on the presence of teaching

lecturers to teach in class. In face-to-face learning, students engage in spontaneous verbal

communication in a permanent physical environment. According to Norman, one of the

problems in traditional face-to-face learning is that it requires higher tuition fees,

especially at well-known universities (Norman, 2016).

3. The presence of students in face-to-face classroom learning is not the main concern of

higher education institutions, but the main concern is more on the relationship between

the presence of these students and the satisfaction of the students themselves in

participating in the learning being studied.

e. Face-to-face Learning Steps

According by journal Kembang The general steps of face-to-face learning (Kembang,

2020) include:

1) The teacher conveys the objectives, background information of the lesson and prepare

students’ learning readiness.

2) The teacher demonstrates the correct skill or provide step-by-step information.

3) The teacher plans and provides initial training guidance.

4) The teacher checks on the success of students doing assignments well, providing

B. Conceptual Framework

The framework of thinking in research is very important because it guides researchers to

make their research more accurate. The research framework is very important in every field

of research (Lester, 2005). This study uses a conceptual framework where the conceptual

framework is a network, namely interrelated concepts that together provide a comprehensive

understanding of a phenomenon or several phenomena (Jabareen, 2009), with a conceptual

framework associated with research theory. The framework is a conceptual model of how

theory relates to what has been described and identified as an important issue (Hayati, 2019).

With the above statement, the researcher presents the conceptual framework as follows:


English Skills

Online Learning Face-to-Face Learning

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

With the conceptual framework above, it provides an overview of the flow of the

research, arranged based on the theory and problems in the research. In accordance with the

title of the study, the perception of students, especially students of English education study

programs, regarding their English skills during online learning and face-to-face learning. The

conceptual framework also indirectly describes the problems in the research, regarding the

comparison of the two research subjects of online learning and face-to-face learning which
contains its advantages and disadvantages both of them. This can be a reference for students’

perceptions (English Education).



This chapter will present research design, data resources, population and subjects,

techniques of collecting data, data analysis, instrument of the research, and data validity.

A. Research Design

Good research is a researcher who presents the research process including the type of

research used, where the research results must be rational or reasonable or can be easily

reached by the human mind, empirical is a research method that can be understood by human

senses and systematic which is the research uses certain steps that are logical or


In accordance with the title of the research, this research uses a type of research with

qualitative methods, where qualitative methods are methods that describe results

descriptively by analyzing individual or group phenomena. According to Denzin & Lincoln,

usually quoted in the literature: “Qualitative researchers study things in their natural setting,

trying to understand, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings that people bring to

them”. While the type of research that will be used is case study research where the

researcher observes a group and presents it descriptively, from these observations it will be

concluded in the form of theory.

B. Data Resources

This research will be conducted at Makassar State University, Faculty of Language and

Literature Jl. Mallengkeri Raya, Parang Tambung, Kec. Tamalate, Makassar City, South

Sulawesi 90224. In accordance with the title of the study, this research focuses on students

majoring in English education class 2020. The reason for choosing the place and research

participants is because Makassar State University students, namely the language and

literature faculty majoring in English education class 2020 in the corona virus outbreak began
to subside and campuses began to slowly implement offline learning methods. As we know,

the 2020 batch of students who have felt the impact of the corona virus outbreak since they

started enrolling as students of English education at the Makassar State University and

underwent online learning then returned to study with the offline learning system in 2022 at

this time, this of course can be a comparison of the effectiveness of their abilities. Their

English during their online learning and now has returned to offline.

C. Population and Subject

This study will present the opinions of students majoring in English education class 2020

Makassar University. Therefore the researcher will collect data from each class consisting of

4 classes (A, B, C and D) at least 5 students from each class express their opinions.

To determine the subject in this study, the researchers decided to use a Purposive

Sampling Technique. Which is where the purposive sampling technique, also called

assessment sampling, is the intentional choice of a participant because of the qualities that the

participant possesses. It is a non-randomized technique that does not require an underlying

theory or a number of participants. Simply put, the researcher decides what needs to be

known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide information based on

knowledge or experience. It is usually used in qualitative research to identify and select

information-rich cases for the most appropriate utilization of available resources. By using

this technique, the researcher will determine the participants who will be examined according

to the research criteria so that the informants for this research can provide accurate research


D. Techniques of Collecting Data

Data collection techniques in a study play a very important role because knowing

research techniques and of course collecting data and research will be able to be well directed
and provide good research results. Below are data collection techniques that will be carried

out in this study, as follows:

1. Interview

Interview is an interaction activity carried out by someone who wants information and

someone who provides information with the aim of getting information from a phenomenon

or research. In this study, researchers will conduct interviews with research subjects, which

can be two options according to the situation, namely face-to-face or online by telephone or


2. Documentation

Documentation is the process of collecting evidence of an activity in the form of

electronic images or printed images. During the research, the researcher will collect evidence

of the research process by taking pictures during the offline learning process and online


E. Data Analysis

Miles suggests three stages that must be done in analyzing qualitative research data,

namely (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing/verifying (Miles,


1. Data Reduction

Sugiyono says that reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing

on the important things, looking for themes and patterns (Sugiyono, 2014). The data that has

been reduced will make it easier for researchers to obtain clearer data information, and collect


2. Data Display

Prastowo says that the presentation of the data here is a set of structured information that

provides the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action (Prastowo, 2012). Analysis
of qualitative research data is carried out by organizing the data, breaking it down into units,

synthesizing it, compiling it into a pattern, choosing which ones are important and which

ones will be studied so that conclusions can be drawn to be conveyed to others (Patilima,

2005). In this study, the researcher analyzes the data interactively or continuously until the

data is saturated, data saturation can be indicated by the information obtained or there is no

new development or information so that information can be drawn as a conclusion in the


3. Conclusion Drawing/Verifying

Gunawan explains that the conclusions are presented in the form of descriptive research

objects based on research studies (Gunawan, 2013). The initial conclusions put forward are

still temporary, and will change if no strong evidence is found to support the next data

collection stage. So in this study the analyzer will collect data repeatedly to ensure there is no

change in the perception of the research subject (about online learning and face-to-face

learning). If the information obtained does not develop or their perceptions are still the same

since the beginning of data collection, that is the conclusion of the study.

F. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is in the form of interviews. The interview aims to obtain

information about the perceptions of English education students towards online learning

systems and face-to-face learning. Documentation is carried out as a form of evidence that

the research is actually realized.

G. Data Validity

Examination of the validity of the data is basically, in addition to being used to refute the

allegations against qualitative research that says it is unscientific, it is also an inseparable

element of the body of knowledge of qualitative research (Moleong, 2014). The validity of
the data in qualitative research includes tests credibility, transferability, and confirmability

(Sugiyono, 2006).

1. Credibility

The credibility test is carried out so that the research carried out is not doubtful. In

conducting this credibility test, there are several steps, namely:

a. Increase accuracy, in research where this is done to check or control the processing of

data that is created, presented and collected is correct or not.

b. Triangulation, Wiersma said that triangulation in credibility testing is defined as checking

data from various sources at various times (Wiersma, 1986). Thus there is triangulation of

sources, triangulation of data collection techniques, and time (Sugiyono, 2006).

c. Analysis of negative cases, namely by analyzing or checking if there are different data or

sources of information. If there are no more data that are different or conflicting with the

findings, meaning that they still get data that contradicts the data found, the researcher

might change his findings (Sugiyono, 2006).

d. Using reference materials, in research reports, it is better if the data presented needs to be

accompanied by photos or authentic documents, so that they become more reliable

(Sugiyono, 2006).

e. Conduct Membercheck, The purpose of membercheck is to find out how far the data

obtained is in accordance with what is provided by the data provider. So the purpose of

membercheck is that the information obtained and will be used in writing reports is in

accordance with what is meant by the data source or informant (Sugiyono, 2006).

2. Transferability

Transferability is external validity in qualitative research. External validity indicates the

degree of accuracy or applicability of the research results to the population where the

sample was taken (Sugiyono, 2006).

3. Confirmability

Confirmability or confirmed from a research that is if the results of a confirmed research

related to the purpose and function of the research. The validity of the data can be seen

from the results of the study which do not differ between the data obtained from the

research and the phenomena that actually occur in the object of research.


This chapter will present Findings, which consist of the research process, subject

overviews and research subjects. Conclusion consists of students’ perception of online

learning, students’ perception of face-to-face learning and better learning system for

English skills.

A. Findings

1. Research Process

Writing the results of this study is a description of each opinion of the subject

regarding online and face-to-face learning systems. The opinion is presented based on the

characteristics, the background that causes the subjects to choose a learning system that

can improve their English skills.

In the research process, there are several obstacles, including: researchers have to wait

quite a long time to conduct research because to meet informants with the aim of direct

interviews, researchers wait for a face-to-face lecture schedule from July to 29 August to

be able to meet with informants, Then to meet informants from each class, you have to

arrange a rather complicated time, because the informant’s learning system mixes

between online classes and face-to-face classes so that researchers have to ask for

schedules from each class to find class schedules offline, and other obstacles, namely

Researchers cannot expect to be able to meet informants from each class who have made

an appointment with the researcher, because it is not uncommon for informants not to

come to campus because offline classes are canceled so researchers have to find another

day to meet.

The first interview was conducted with the subject of class C English Education class

2020 on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 11.40 noon in the DH 203 building. According to
the population of the subjects to be interviewed, there were 5 people from each class. I

had made an appointment with the head of class C in advance that I would go to their

class after their class ended. Persuading class C students to become informants in my

research was not that difficult, they were very happy to volunteer themselves for

interviews. Researchers also conducted interviews one by one to informants who were

willing and at the same time captured images during the interview process as research

documentation material.

The next interview, the researcher went to two classes at once to get informants,

because both classes A and B will carry out offline classes on Wednesday, August 31,

2022 in the same building, namely DH on the second floor. The researcher met class B

first at 12.30 in room 203, to get 5 informants in class B. The researcher had contacted

one of the class B students to tell their classmates about the research and the researcher’s

goals. There are obstacles, namely that many class B students are in a hurry to return

home, so the researcher has to find some students who are still in the campus environment

and are willing to conduct interviews. With the effort that was not in vain, the researcher

finally got the desired informant.

After conducting research on class B, the researcher continued to go to class A, but

there was an error because the researcher went to the class that had been agreed upon, but

the researcher saw that there were no students in the room. Not long after, at 2:50 p.m. the

head of class A contacted the researcher to come to class DH 202 because the class had

changed places. To get 5 informants in class A can be said to be very easy because the

head of class A has already found participants so that when the researcher comes the

interview can be carried out immediately.

The research lasted for one week and after feeling all the data collected and

documentation was also considered complete. The researcher then randomized 20

subjects to get an internet package as an initial agreement before the study and this was

done to persuade students to be excited to participate and a form of gratitude for wanting

to participate in this study.

2. Subject Overviews

The subjects in this study were twenty students, five from each class A, B, C and D.

These subjects were students majoring in English education class 2020, Makassar State

University who had experienced online learning and face-to-face learning. With this, the

researcher chose the subject as the research target to solve the problems in this study.

a. Class A Subjects Identity

1) Name : Buya Ahmad Bilal

NIM : 200502502015

Class : English Education A/20

2) Name : Adam Naipon

NIM : 200502500008

Class : English Education A/20

3) Name : Beby Anisa

NIM : 200502501016

Class : English Education A/20

4) Name : Fitri Rahma Sari

NIM : 200502500003

Class : English Education A/20

5) Name : Muhammad Zainal Arifin

NIM : 200502502001

Class : English Education A/20

b. Class B Subjects Identity

1) Name : Nurhalisah

NIM : 200502502045

Class : English Education B/20

2) Name : Zalza Putri Nabila

NIM : 200502501030

Class : English Education B/20

3) Name : Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi

NIM : 200502501038

Class : English Education B/20

4) Name : Nur Fadilah Zahirah M

NIM : 200502500014

Class : English Education B/20

5) Name : Grace Aprilia Tangkeallo

NIM : 200502500011

Class : English Education B/20

c. Class C Subjects Identity

1) Name : Atifa Dila Syamsuri

NIM : 200502502041

Class : English Education C/20

2) Name : Teti Uhrawi

NIM : 200502501050

Class : English Education C/20

3) Name : Melinda

NIM : 200502501052
Class : English Education C/20

4) Name : Dedy Darmawan

NIM : 200502500029

Class : English Education C/20

5) Name : Aisyah Wardani Zain

NIM : 200502500025

Class : English Education C/20

d. Class D Subjects Identity

1) Name : Andi Nur Ismi

NIM : 2005250100059

Class : English Education D/20

2) Name : Duta Aisyah Pratiwi

NIM : 200502501067

Class : English Education D/20

3) Name : Nurshofiqih

NIM : 200502500036

Class : English Education D/20

4) Name : Andi Aenul Fadilla

NIM : 200502500039

Class : English Education D/20

5) Name : Fadillah

NIM : 200502500035

Class : English Education D/20

3. Research Subjects

a. Class A Subjects
1) Subject 1

Name : Buya Ahmad Bilal

NIM : 200502502015

Class : English Education A/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “There are positive and negative things online learning,

the negative thing is that we are less focused when learning or lectures take

place but the positive thing with online learning we can easily ask the


2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “As I’ve said before, it’s not that great”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Positive thing as I said before, we can easily access

whatever it is to learn, of course it can also train our knowledge but this is

also a negative thing because for me this is what makes me pamper myself

so I can’t focus because I’m too indulgent during learning online and it

resulted in my lack of English my less developed. So I can say that online

learning is not effective for my English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Actually I really enjoyed it, but other things are a bit

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?\

Subject’s Answer : “Okay, I really like face-to-face learning, I can easily

understand the learning material, I get excited about attending lectures”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I’m excited, it’s more challenging for me and the vibes

will be more different than online learning”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I can say it is very effective because I can focus more

on learning in class”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, of course”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Okay, I prefer face-to-face learning because it makes

me more focused and I feel more challenged to know something”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course, face-to-face learning”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “As I said before, each learning system has its positive

and negative sides. But if we talk from the context of lectures, of course

face-to-face learning is better”.

2) Subject 2

Name : Adam Naipon

NIM : 200502500008

Class : English Education A/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online-based learning is where online

learning uses socialmedia such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Google Meet

applications and is also zoom in as a platform for learning due to

situations that do not allow face-to-face meetings”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “My online learning during the pandemic can be said to

be fun and I really enjoy it every day, because I have a commitment to

myself that everything that has happened must have a lesson, therefore I

always think positively through every lecur and Alhamdulillah the value for

all my courses great and I’m very proud of myself for getting through all of


3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s quite effective because I can feel it until

now, because maybe I was very lazy in the past. Learning English but during

this pandemic Ispend a lot of my time studying”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes of course, I really enjoy day after day, month

after month for the last 2 years, because I am always grateful no matter

what circumstances have happened and in that situation it also has a

positiveimpact on me, such as quality time for myself, getting to know more

myself and of course honing my skills in English”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face-to-face learning like what we all

do on campus, I think it’s good that it has been implemented because it

has been a long time for me to study online, but we need to know that

there are still many lecturers who do not follow the rules that have been

imposed by the campus. Such as not conducting hybrid lectures but

lecturers conducting lectures in full face to face which in my opinion will

be a big consequence because we never know that COVID-19 will be

affected by anyone, this is seen from the very large number of students but

in forced to do face to face gradually”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I undergo face-to-face learning while maintaining

health protocols, why because I didn’t say that COVID-19 in Indonesia is

over because there are still many patients who are hospitalized, therefore I

still maintain the health protocol and do it during lectures”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I can’t confirm this because face-to-face learning has

just been carried out”.
8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Alhamdulillah yes, because this is my first face-to-face

during college”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I personally think it’s online because I can do lectures

anywhere and can more effectively manage my time in studying”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think online learning is because I can manage my

time well and without feeling tired because when compared to offline

maybe I can’t manage it well because I’m tired of doing activities outside

and meeting many people makes me feel dizzy”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Honestly, I think offline is because I can feel every

learning process better and it will make it easier for students to understand


3) Subject 3

Name : Beby Anisa

NIM : 200502501016

Class : English Education A/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online learning is more effective than

face-to-face learning because first of all, we as students save more time, in

online learning, students can more easily get the material provided through

WhatsApp groups so that we can reread the material. Apart from the

material, we can also record or the material provided can be accessed from

YouTube, Google Drive anywhere and anytime”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “My online learning during Covid-19 is quite good

because some of the material I have learned and given by my lecturer can

save it on my laptop so I can re-learn what I have learned”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Actually my English skills during this online learning, I

can say it’s not bad and not good either but during this online learning

apart from the material provided by the lecturer, I also study material

outside of lectures so that I can practice my English skills apart from

lectures which I live. In order to improve or not during this online learning,

my English skills have increased quite a bit regarding vocabulary that I

don’t know well from the lecturers, especially the translation course, that’s

where I learned a lot more”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I really enjoy my learning during online classes

because it can streamline my time, while studying online and not draining a

lot of energy, I complete the tasks given very well because the time for

completing the tasks given by the lecturer can be completed on time and

online learning can provide time other than from doing the task”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning in my opinion is quite good, we

can ask questions without any problems such as a bad network because on

the other hand online learning requires a stable network. The material in

face-to-face learning is clearer and easier to understand”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “During face-to-face learning, I enjoyed it because the

lecturers who attended the class explained the material very well so that I

could understand the material. Apart from that, we can ask questions

directly about materials that we don’t understand and the lecturers can also

answer them directly without any problems. But the negative thing is that

some lecturers like to change the lecture schedule so that we who have come

to campus have to return home”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I choose online learning, because it is more effective

and can manage my time and also the material or modules given by our

lecturers can access it repeatedly and can save it on the laptop”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “During face-to-face learning, I enjoyed it because the

lecturers who attended the class explained the material very well so that I

could understand the material. Apart from that, we can ask questions

directly about materials that we don’t understand and the lecturers can also

answer them directly without any problems. But the negative thing is that

some lecturers like to change the lecture schedule so that we who have come

to campus have to return home”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I choose online learning, because it is more effective

and can manage my time and also the material or modules given by our

lecturers can access it repeatedly and can save it on the laptop”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Between online learning and face-to-face learning,

both of them actually improve my English, but online learning further

sharpens my skills in terms of finding new vocabulary in the material the

lecturer provides. As for face-to-face learning, I think it is less effective

because most of the time during the learning process students are only

mostly silent and the lecturers explain a lot so that English language skills if

we study face-to-face are very less effective”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I think a better learning system especially for English

education students is online learning”.

4) Subject 4

Name : Fitri Rahma Sari

NIM : 200502500003

Class : English Education A/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “So, my opinion from online learning is that there are

both positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that the

transportation costs to campus become more efficient and the negative

impact is that it is constrained by unstable network conditions”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, it becomes difficult for me to

understand what the lecturer explains when online learning takes place”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “So in my opinion online learning to improve English

skills is not effective because I personally find it difficult to improve my

English skills if it is done online”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I enjoy this online learning a bit because I can

also do homework in my free time”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “So in my opinion face-to-face learning is better than

online learning because maybe we can more easily understand and

understand what the lecturer is saying directly and can directly ask about

what is not understood”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “For now, face-to-face learning on campus is hybrid”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I understand a little more in face-to-face learning

because I can ask the lecturer directly about what I don’t understand”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I really enjoy it because besides being able to

learn directly, I can also meet friends in class”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “So in my opinion, it is face-to-face learning because I

can meet friends and ask questions directly about things that I don’t

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think face-to-face learning can improve English


11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I think face-to-face learning is because we can

practice it in the classroom”.

5) Subject 5

Name : Muhammad Zainal Arifin

NIM : 200502502001

Class :English Education A/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, that’s fine. Because both online and

offline, it has its advantages and disadvantages”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “So far so good”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “So far it’s probably normal, for me”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s obvious”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I’m not ready for that because my waking schedule is

often late”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, it’s pretty tiring, because you have to arrange a

few more things from scratch. For example, getting up early”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Seems the same as online learning”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Just normal”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer online learning because I don’t have to be

tired of going on campus”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s the same. It comes back from the students

themselves, whether they want to study hard or not”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Maybe an offline learning system is better”.

b. Class B Subjects

1) Subject 1

Name : Nurhalisah

NIM : 200502502045

Class : English Education B/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online learning is a learning that uses

internet media during the learning process”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “During the pandemic, some of the online lessons I

received were unsatisfactory because our interactions with lecturers were

limited by a poor network and we were reluctant to ask questions only via

the internet”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “For me, not effective at all. What we receive is only the

knowledge and it is quite difficult to apply it because we do not interact

directly to hone our English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I quite enjoy online learning at home, but I also have

difficulty applying it directly and receiving learning at home and I can

easily forget knowledge because of the many distractions around me”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face-to-face learning is learning that

we often do in the classroom where students can interact directly with the


6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “When I attended face-to-face learning after the

pandemic I was quite surprised and unfamiliar but I realized that face-to-

face learning is more profitable than online learning”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Very effective when compared to online learning and

my English skills are more honed when face-to-face learning takes place”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I quite enjoy face-to-face learning”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face-to-face learning is what I prefer

because, as I said before, face-to-face learning allows me to interact more

freely with friends and with lecturers and more freely ask questions directly

to the lecturer”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “For me face-to-face learning”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, for the learning system, the face-to-face

learning system is more effective for English education students. As an

English education student, I feel more benefited when using face-to-face

learning. We need hands-on interaction practice so we can get used to

practicing it when we become English teachers later”.

2) Subject 2

Name : Zalza Putri Nabila

NIM : 200502501030

Class : English Education B/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “From the beginning of the semester until now I have

honestly never seen online learning suit me. Like I never found the

effectiveness or problems during the study. In fact, I spent a lot of money

even more fortunately to buy internet quota because we all know that in

online learning we have to use zoom, google meet, google classroom and

even youtube. Because as we know there are many lecturers who just upload

their videos on youtube and we have to watch all those videos. And also as a

student doing part time work I personally feel that I think online learning

has a lot of drawbacks for me, because I find it difficult to manage my time,

I find it difficult to take breaks and so on”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “Okay, I think my online learning during the Covid-19

pandemic is quite interesting, and I feel that with this online learning I can

find out a lot of things that I didn’t know before. For example, the use of the

zoom meeting application, to be honest before the online learning, I did not

know the application, there is an application called google meet, which

makes it very easy for us as students to learn. There may be some obstacles

in learning online, such as Phonology courses, I think it will be difficult if

applied in online learning”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Okay, I think the effectiveness of English language

skills, especially in our communication, depends on the learner himself

whether he wants to practice it directly in their daily lives. That, in my

opinion, is the biggest factor if we want to improve our English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I enjoy learning through online systems, but on the

other hand I also enjoy learning through offline. I feel that as long as I can

accept the lesson, I will really enjoy it. Except that the difference is online

learning there are some obstacles such as internet connection, internet

quota and others”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Lots of people think that face-to-face learning is better

than online learning, actually I don’t think so. In my opinion both are the

same, no one is superior and no one is lower. Although both have their own

advantages and disadvantages”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s a little weird for me because we have been

doing online learning for almost three years and we have to be active

students, adapting to face-to-face learning. The adaptation is like we have to

get used to getting up early in contrast to online learning we don’t have to

shower before online learning”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I have not felt the effectiveness of my English during

face-to-face learning”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I do enjoy it”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Okay, to be honest I like both of them but if I had to

choose one of them I would choose face-to-face learning because apart from

that we don’t need a lot of internet quota, and a good internet connection to

study. Face-to-face learning I think we can have a lot of experience

compared to online learning”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Coming back from the previous question, I think both

learning systems have their respective advantages in improving English


11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Okay, if I had to choose one of them, of course, no

matter how sophisticated the media we use in online learning, I will always

choose face-to-face learning, especially for English education students”.

3) Subject 3

6) Name : Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi

NIM : 200502501038

Class :English Education B/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, online learning is very ineffective for

gaining knowledge because there are still many shortcomings, such as an

inadequate network where the network is sometimes unstable, the

explanations given by lecturers are sometimes not conveyed properly, even

so online learning is very flexible for students and lecturers because we can

do it anywhere and anytime if the network is adequate’’.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “When studying online during a pandemic, it was very

ineffective for me because of the lack of interaction between lecturers and

students and vice versa, and what I felt when studying online I felt that I was

lacking in obtaining the knowledge given by the lecturer’’.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Not very effective due to frequent interactions, and the

understanding obtained is also lacking”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Behind the difficulty of teaching online during a

pandemic, some lecturers have tried very hard for their students to provide

knowledge, so I really appreciate the efforts of these lecturers”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, in contrast to online learning, face to

face learning has many beneficial sides for students due to direct interaction

between lecturers and students so that the delivery of information can also

be more easily understood”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I live it very enjoy, I get more knowledge when

learning face to face compared to online learning and can more easily

understand the delivery of lecturers”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s quite effective, my English skills have

improved since learning face-to-face”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I really enjoy my lecturers because it turns out that the

lecturers who teach are very reliable in handling classes and are maximal in

teaching and many lecturers when teaching make the class feel less tense”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer to learn face to face because it is more

effective and the lecturers are not too difficult in conveying the material and

students can also more easily understand the material presented”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course, when it comes to face-to-face learning, the

reason I have mentioned above”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I highly recommend face-to-face learning because a lot

can’t be achieved or achieved during the learning and teaching process”.

4) Subject 4

Name : Nur Fadilah Zahirah M

NIM : 200502500014

Class : English Education B/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Talk about online learning, certainly not foreign to me

as a class of covid-19. Online learning is a teaching and learning system

through online media. Online learning is a shortcut and the only thing that

can be done in the education system at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic

is at its peak. Online learning provides new challenges for parties involved

in the education system, especially teachers and students in the early days of

COVID-19. However, over time many parties have been able to adapt and

are comfortable with this system”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “Because online learning is a new thing for me in taking

formal education, it is certainly a challenge for me personally. So far, I feel

the application of this system is still less effective. I personally feel less

enthusiastic about learning when studying online. I also get a lot of

distraction by my environment during the teaching and learning process so I

can’t focus and get distracted easily when I’m studying”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I still feel very lacking. In fact, social media is much

more helpful for me in learning than during the online teaching and

learning process. I also feel a significant difference when offline learning

has been implemented recently (starting semester 3), starting from my

enthusiasm for learning, which also has an impact on learning outcomes.

When offline, I feel more challenged to practice my speaking directly, with

that I try to respond often during the teaching and learning process and it’s

more fun when offline. During online learning, we are only focused on

learning to create and watch learning materials through videos. This is very

boring, especially when watching videos that have a long enough duration

with the speaker volume making you sleepy”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Not all. But I enjoy with some lecturers who are quite

fun, varied and interactive in using learning media”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning is my favorite learning system so

far. I think this system is the most effective system in the teaching and

learning process because students need a teacher figure to be nurtured and

imitated. The purpose of formal education is not only to create or print

smart generations, because Google is much smarter than schools. But we

need direct interactions that can influence student attitudes and behavior.

One of the goals of the school is also the formation of character. We need

students who have akhratul karimah. If you only have smart capital, there

will be more corruptors in this country. Therefore, I think this face to face

system is the most effective system so far”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “So far so good. I am more enthusiastic about learning,

lessons are more easily absorbed because there is face to face interaction,

making it easier for students to respond to and communicate with each other

so that the essence of education is more easily realized”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Enough to increase especially in terms of speaking and

listening. The face to face learning system also increases my confidence in

speaking practice in front of many people, exactly in front of my classmates.

Practice my listening when paying attention to the lecturer who is teaching

and how can I respond quickly and accurately”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, exactly. I really enjoy”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course face-to-face learning system. I think the

reason is quite clear and relevant to my previous explanation/answer. I

prefer to interact face to face with my lecturers cause the essence of

learning is more real”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning system”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning system. This is also to avoid

cheating and build student confidence”.

5) Subject 5

Name : Grace Aprilia Tangkeallo

NIM : 200502500011

Class : English Education B/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online learning is a learning whose

learning media utilizes technology that develops in the modern era, one of

which is using application applications, such as through Zoom meetings,

Google Meets, or learning using video media through the YouTube

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online learning that I have experienced,

at first online learning looked and felt foreign to me who had never

experienced online learning before the covid 19 pandemic, there were

several obstacles and difficulties that I also felt in this online learning, one

of which I missed several times lessons because the signal is not good, and I

also feel less focused when doing online learning”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I personally feel that my English skills are less effective

during online learning, because I don’t focus on automatic learning of

English learning materials, and this also reduces the effectiveness of my

English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I quite enjoy this online learning because when I study

online I feel more relaxed in learning”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face-to-face learning is learning that is

carried out between teachers face to face, which is carried out both at

schools, campuses, and others without any screens that limit such as online

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I undergo face-to-face learning better than during

online learning, I focus more and try to understand the material provided

and I also experience this online learning with a happy feeling, because I

can meet friends, teachers/lecturers, who initially only I only met in online

classes, then I personally also felt that I could understand the material

presented by the teacher/lecturer better”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I feel that face-to-face learning makes the effectiveness

of my English skills better than online learning, because when I do face-to-

face learning I am given more space for the development of my English,

whether it’s reading, writing, speaking or listening. , because during this

face-to-face learning we are given practical writing assignments for the

development of my writing, practical teaching assignments for the

development of my listening, speaking, reading skills”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I personally really enjoy the face-to-face learning

that I am currently doing instead of being confined at home to study online,

because through face-to-face learning I can understand myself better, at

what level my English skills are at this time”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning, because I feel that with face-to-

face learning that we used to always do before this pandemic, I feel more

understanding of the theories given and I also feel more focused when

offline or face-to-face learning has been carried out again”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, when I do face-to-face learning, my

English skills are also more effective and better”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I personally, who is also an English education student,

feel that face-to-face learning is more effective, especially for English

language students because during face-to-face learning, it is not only theory

or material that is presented to students but also accompanied by practical

practices that may not necessarily be carried out on the same day. When

learning online one of them is a visit to school, and also teaching practice

with each focusing on improving students’ English skills”.

c. Class C Subjects

1) Subject 1

Name : Atifa Dila Syamsuri

NIM : 200502502041

Class :English Education C/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I feel that online learning is one of the tricks or

solutions that our education can take and continue the learning process”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “I live it patiently and steadfastly even though sometimes

I don’t understand but I’m trying to find other references to understand


3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “When online learning I feel my English is quite


4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I don’t really enjoy online learning because the

learning process is still confusing, some lecturers carry out learning via

zoom or google meet but some lecturers don’t give us an explanation, just

tell us to read the material and give us a quiz”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I feel that face-to-face learning is the learning system

that I need and very interesting learning”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I live face-to-face learning with gratitude and

enthusiasm every day even though it is sometimes tiring”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “When face-to-face learning I feel that my English skills

are quite honed, this is because we are directly guided to speak English in


8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I enjoy face-to-face learning”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Between online learning and face-to-face learning, I

choose face-to-face learning, this is because I can interact directly with

teachers so that I can understand them better both in terms of material and

in terms of psychology”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “The learning system that makes my English skills

improve is both. I can’t choose because both learning systems have positive

things that make my English skills improve”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course, face-to-face learning, because English

education students are required to become teaching staff later and it

requires direct interaction to be able to train their English to be better”.

2) Subject 2

Name : Teti Uhrawi

NIM : 200502501050

Class : English Education C/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s challenging for me because I have to adapt all of


2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “There are some troubles I got that are bad connection,

time management unarranged, absorbing the material”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I’m gonna with 40 % of 100 % cuz those troubles that I

answer above. Perhaps I also don’t practice my English with my classmates

because at that time I haven’t made friends”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “To be honest I didn’t enjoy”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s great for me cuz the materials are more

understandable explained”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I’m excited and I think offline get me to interact with

my classmates more”.
7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s 80% of 100% effective cuz I pay attention and

absorb the material more”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I do enjoy”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer offline learning than online cuz it’s easier the

material input”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s offline learning”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Actually it depends on the people but to be honest for

me offline learning is better because we can get interaction with other

people a lot, the material clearly explained and absorbed, and we don’t

need to worry about the bad connection which will disturb our learning


3) Subject 3

Name : Melinda

NIM : 200502501052

Class : English Education C/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think the online learning is one of the type to learning

except of offline. Sometimes online learning is one way of learning by using

an application that can reach everyone”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “Maybe this is the good to learning by using application

but in every situation have a advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is

we can learning in every situation or where we are we can learn, but the

disadvantage is the network is not supported, make a bad habits and so on”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Maybe the effective my English skills is less, because

sometimes I cant focus to learn and have a so many lots of distractions from

the environment”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes I do”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “This is the good way if you want to have a good

effective to increase our learning”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “After the campus is opened and can meet with friends

and lecturers there is a sense of satisfaction and learning becomes more

enjoyable and smooth”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Very good”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I do”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer to face-to-face learning, because can meet with

friends and lecturers there is a sense of satisfaction and learning becomes

more enjoyable and smooth”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Learning by doing. I really like to learn when I put it

into practice”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning is good way to learning


4) Subject 4

Name : Dedy Darmawan

NIM : 200502500029

Class : English Education C20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think online learning is one of the learning methods

which later became the main learning during the rampant cases of the

COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning is distance learning by relying on an

internet connection and adequate applications”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “I live online learning by only opening my gadget every

day to read and listen to what the teacher or lecturer teaches through zoom

meetings, google meetings, whatsapp, google classroom or other video

conferencing applications and of course that requires a lot of quota or

cellular data usage”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Effective English skills or can be developed through

online learning I feel are my listening skills because we really have to be

careful with what our lecturers explain when explaining material in English

and instructing an assignment in English”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Sometimes I feel enjoy but I always feel that this is not

the way of learning that I like”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning is a learning method that I like

because we are directly faced with all learning tools and we can experience

the facilities provided by the campus without having to bother anymore. For

example, campus wifi, we don’t need to spend more money for it. In

addition, we can observe cognitively and psychomotorically the learning


6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I went through face-to-face learning after the pandemic

with a little relief and felt free from the shackles but as if I was still

shrouded in online learning policies from the campus, maybe the reason was

for the common good or just to cover the campus’s shortcomings in facilities

such as classrooms, maybe even lecturers’ unprofessionalism in teaching

such as being lazy to attend class. Even though we are very ready to face

face-to-face learning. I like it and I enjoy it”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think English skills are very effective in face-to-face

learning, we are able to adapt directly to changes in learning methods from

online to offline as well as changes to the existing curriculum. I feel that my

English skills are getting better and I feel less lazy to study”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I really enjoyed my lectures during face-to-face

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer face-to-face learning. Because there is a lot

that we can do and gain during face-to-face learning compared to online

learning, even though online learning also has its own advantages”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course face-to-face learning, like all the reasons I

mentioned earlier”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I think this is a bit difficult to generalize because every

student has different pleasures in learning, there are groups who like online

learning, some like face-to-face learning and some even like hybrid learning

(blended). For English education students, I think all learning systems are

good as long as we really like and are serious about learning”.

5) Subject 5

Name : Aisyah Wardani Zain

NIM : 200502500025

Class : English Education C/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Online learning is one solution so that the learning and

teaching process can occur during the COVID pandemic. I think this method

is very good to use because students and lecturers can interact indirectly but

can give each other material/feedback on learning”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “Online learning during covid can be said to run

smoothly, because there is still interaction between students and lecturers”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Still not improving”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course, because the lecturer also presents

interesting material”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Learning should be done face to face so that students

and lecturers can interact directly”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “At first I was a little worried because I was afraid that I

would not be able to adjust well during learning, considering that online

learning has been done for a long time”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Slightly increased”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I really like it because the direct interaction is very

extraordinary sensation”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning, because you can easily

understand the material because there are no obstacles, unlike online which

is usually constrained by the network”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face to face because lectures should be

done that way so that students and lecturers can interact directly, and

students can understand the material well, students can ask questions if they

don’t understand, and lecturers can provide feedback on learning”.

d. Class D Subjects

1) Subject 1

Name : Andi Nur Ismi

NIM : 2005250100059

Class : English Education D/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “So, my opinion about online learning is learning that

needs adaptation more than our own because at that time there was a

pandemic that automatically shifted learning to online learning which

changed our habits in learning”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “Of course I need to adapt because for 9 years I have

been studying in person and suddenly faced online learning which made me

a little restless because I had to adapt more and had to undergo virtual


3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Honestly, my English is not very effective, especially

skills that require skill or practice, so I think online learning is not very

supportive for my English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “It depends, because there are some lecturers who can

adapt and know how to use the existing technology and there are some who

don’t know and only provide learning via WhatsApp, only the theory of

repeated exercises without any explanation”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning is an effective learning especially

for English skills”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I like face-to-face learning because one of the obstacles

when facing online learning is a signal and it is not an obstacle when

learning face-to-face because of the direct interaction between teachers and


7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think my English will be better if the learning is face-


8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I enjoy face-to-face learning because although most of

the courses are mostly theoretical, sometimes there are some things, for

example speaking practice becomes a lesson for us like “wow, this is how

it’s pronounced” and we learn it face-to-face”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Of course, I prefer face-to-face learning, because as I

said before, the obstacles in learning can technically be overcome by face-

to-face learning and of course the practice is more effective, especially our

speaking skills”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think this question aligns with the previous question.

Therefore, I think face-to-face learning will improve my English skills”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “I think of course face-to-face learning because as

educators we can automatically see this when the lecturer teaches and that

is what we learn that this is what being an education student is like”.

2) Subject 2

Name : Duta Aisyah Pratiwi

NIM : 200502501067

Class : English Education D/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Online learning is a learning that has advantages and

of course has disadvantages. Where, the drawbacks that I have experienced

are like network constraints and the advantage is that I can better know or

master various E-learning applications”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “I think the online learning that I have experienced

during this pandemic is quite draining, this is because students often use

laptops / cellphones to do all college activities and it makes my eyes tired

quickly. Another thing is that I sometimes feel sleepy/bored when zooming in

or with google meet”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Until now, my English skills are not perfect. Especially

during online learning in semesters 1-3, my English is very poor because I

rarely interact or have conversations using English”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Sometimes online learning is fun and sometimes it’s

very boring. The thing that makes me love online learning is because we can

learn without having to come to campus and therefore, we can study

wherever and whenever we are. In addition, it is more flexible and reduces

travel costs. While the thing that makes me bored is when I can’t interact

directly with lecturers and friends which can make us less understanding

with their explanations”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Face-to-face learning in my opinion is fun. Where, I

can interact directly with lecturers and friends who can increase my

understanding of learning”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, face-to-face learning is quite effective,

this is because it is easy for us to understand the lecturer’s explanation and

also makes it easier for us to interact or discuss with other friends”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I can say that my English skills have improved when

compared to online learning during the pandemic. This is because

sometimes we have conversations in English”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It can be said that I quite enjoy it, but sometimes I feel

like going to college with an online system because I have been doing online

learning for 3 semesters which got me used to it”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “For now, I am more comfortable doing online learning

because maybe there is a habit that I have done for 3 semesters”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think the face-to-face learning system is what makes

my English skills effective”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, the face-to-face learning system is more

effective when you want to master English more. With direct interaction,

PBI students will find it easier to do things directly and can better

understand learning or lecturer explanations when in face-to-face classes.”.

3) Subject 3

Name : Norshafiqih

NIM : 200502500036

Class : English Education D/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “For the first, I need adapting with the situation when

online learning and to learn about new apps that have we know and good


2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “It’s difficult, I have to go outside to find good network

for online and submit assignments”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s effective to me, I read English book learning and

watch English contents to improve my English skills”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I do enjoy”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s feel like real learning that I know, want, and

imagine when became students in college, we can see lectures explain and

greet in real”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s glad to me, I can go and see campus, class and

interaction with my classmates in real”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s little improve and effective compared to

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I do enjoy can see lectures in real without online”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I prefer face-to-face learning because not makes eyes

hurt looking at phone screen and have more interaction with lectures and

classmates compared online learning”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “It’s face-to-face learning system”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion is face-to-face learning system because

we have partner to practice English speaking in real life, and it comes back

again from the students themselves how they can improve their English


4) Subject 4

Name : Andi Aenul Fadilla

NIM : 200502500039

Class : English Education D/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, online learning is less effective because

there are several obstacles, one of which is an internet connection

according to personal experience in the previous semester, some students

experienced network problems that were not good”.

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “During online learning there are some lecturers who

only rely on videos or send files to work on, the lecturers do not provide

more detailed explanations, so I myself do not master the material if online

learning and English mastery are lacking due to lack of direct interaction or

it can be said my ommuni is not well trained”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “My English skills during online learning are very

lacking because as I said before because when we study online there is very

little interaction and of course the feel is very different if it is face-to-face

learning. So my English is still very lacking”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “No, because to be honest, I really like the explanation

of the material from the teacher or lecturer clearly so that I can ask directly

when something is not clear. If it’s online that only relies on videos, it

sometimes causes a sense of laziness because the learning method is too

boring. So I don’t enjoy it”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion about face-to-face learning, I am very

happy and I think face-to-face learning is effective because we can interact

directly, and at the same time we can train ourselves to master English

because we are used to speaking English directly, so without realizing our

English skills are sharpened”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I think it’s better like this, namely face-to-face


7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “During face-to-face learning my English has become

more honed, my vocabulary has increased and I have confidence because

when we meet face-to-face without realizing it we get used to speaking

English so my English is a little bit developed”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “Yes, I enjoy face-to-face learning because we can

interact with our friends, share knowledge and learn together”.

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “I choose face-to-face learning because we can interact

directly with lecturers and lecturers can also explain freely without

interference like online networks”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion, a more effective learning system is face-

to-face because by interacting directly, we can also hone our English


11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “Better learning is face-to-face learning because

English education is prepared to become an English teacher so we have the

provisions as teachers who are skilled in teaching”.

5) Subject 5

Name : Fadillah

NIM : 200502500035

Class : English Education D/20

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “In my opinion online learning was great option that

choosen in order to keep learning process conducted. As a student who

started the first semester of lectures with online learning I think its

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


Subject’s Answer : “For me it was pretty well, because the lecture has

provide best lesson to us, but of course there also problem such as poor

internet connection and less interaction maybe because some courses is

difficult to teach with online class”.

3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I think the effectiveness of online learning depends on

someone’s perception, and the answer is yes. Because, for me the materials

delivered by our lecturer already taught well. I still can understand their

explanation also the assignments are appropriate”.

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

Subject’s Answer : “I would say I really enjoy the online learning, even we

just mate by video conference but it is still work properly for me”.

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “For me the face to face learning is quite difficult. My

class has just experienced offline classes starting last semester, so for me the

difficult thing here was time management”.

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

Subject’s Answer : “I did it nicely, but because not every course must face

to face (hybrid) honestly it was hectic for me”.

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “To be honest, I think my English skills in this face-to-

face learning already have progress”.

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

Subject’s Answer : “I enjoyed it because the class session being more


9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

Subject’s Answer : “Honestly, I prefer online learning. Because it is

suitable for me, I can easily divide my time than with this face to face era.

Even though I realize there will not always online learning”.

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

Subject’s Answer : “I think both of them”.

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?

Subject’s Answer : “The best system for English Edu students is face to face

because as future teacher we must have more practice in the class and of

course it will be great if doing in face to face. The other reason is because

we study English we must get ready to ommunicate it and the face to face

really need to do it better”.

B. Discussion

1. Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning

From the exposure of the interview data above, each subjects have their opinion about

online learning.

A Class Subject 1 ( Buya Ahmad Bilal)

Based on the results of an interview with subject 1 (Buya Ahmad Bilal), he stated his

perception of online learning, namely online learning according to him has positive and

negative things where the positive thing is that we can learn anywhere and anytime, while the

negative thing is Buya Ahmad Bilal is difficult to focus if the learning is online.

A Class Subject 2 (Adam Naipon)

According to Subject 2 (Sadam Naipon) online learning is learning that uses the

internet network with application media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Google Meet and

Zoom where online learning is carried out when face-to-face learning is not possible to be


A Class Subject 3 (Beby Anisa)

Subject 3 (Beby Anisa) stated that online learning is effective learning compared to

face-to-face learning because online learning Beby Anisa can save a lot of time and can make

it easier for her to get lecture material, namely just by getting it in the whatsapp group so it is

easy for him to read the material repeatedly.

A Class Subject 4 (Fitri Rahma Sari)

Subject 4 (Beby Anisa) has the opinion that online learning is a learning system that

has both positive and negative impacts. For Beby Anisa, the positive thing about online

learning is that she doesn’t have to come to campus and can save on transportation to come to

campus, while the negative thing is that online learning must require a stable network.

A Class Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin)

Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin) did not comment much on online learning, he

only said that online learning is good and of course it has advantages and disadvantages.

B Class Subject 6 (Nurhalisah)

Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with Subject 6

(Nurhalizah), she said that online learning is a learning process that requires a network.
B Class Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila)

Interviews conducted with Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila) researchers obtained data

that stated Zalza Putri Nabila’s opinion regarding online learning that as long as she

participated in online learning she had not felt the effectiveness of the online learning. Zalza

Putri Nabila also complained about the learning process carried out by several lecturers who

only sent videos of the material without explaining the material, besides Zalza Putri Nabila

besides undergoing lectures she also worked part time so it drained a lot of energy and she

also had difficulty managing her time if she had to take lessons. Online and work part time at

the same time.

B Class Subject 8 (Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi)

Based on the opinion conveyed by Subject 8 (Andi Ryza Daviq Ardavi) online

learning is not very effective for him to increase knowledge, based on online learning

experiences he often experiences problems in terms of networking, but he also states that

online learning is flexible where learning can be done anywhere.

B Class Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M)

According to Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M) for her online learning is not a

foreign thing where he responds that online learning is the chosen learning system during the

Covid-19 outbreak. Where Nur Fadilah Zahirah M is already accustomed to undergoing an

online learning system.

B Class Subject 10 (Grace Aprilia Tangkeallo)

The results of interviews that have been conducted with Subject 10 (Grace Aprilia

Tangkeallo) who asked about her opinion on online learning, where she argued that online

learning is a learning system that uses modern media, for example using media applications

such as Zoom Meeting, Google Meet and for video material using Youtube App.
C Class Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri)

Based on the opinion presented by Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri) regarding online

learning is a solution to continue the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic.

C Class Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi)

Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi) did not comment much on online learning, she only thought

that online learning was quite challenging for her because she had to adapt to the learning


C Class Subject 13 (Melinda)

Based on the results of interviews with Subject 13 (Teti Uhrawi), said that online

learning is a learning system where the learning system is easy to reach.

C Class Subject 14 (Dedy Darmawan)

Subject 14 (Dedy Dermawan) argues that online learning is learning that was once the

main learning system when Covid-19 spread. Dedy Dermawana also added his opinion that

online learning is a learning system that requires an internet connection and adequate

application media.

C Class Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain)

After conducting an interview with Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain) the researcher

obtained the results from Aisyah Wardani Zain’s opinion regarding online learning which

according to him is a solution to the learning system when Covid-19 penetrated. Online

learning also allows interaction between teachers and students at a distance.

D Class Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi)

Based on the opinion of Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi) regarding online learning as a

learning system that requires further adaptation because Andi Nur Ismi is already used to

face-to-face learning, that’s why she really tries to get used to online learning time.

D Class Subject 17 (Duta Aisyah Pratiwi)

Subject 17 (Ambassador Aisyah Pratiwi) when interviewed expressed his opinion

about online learning that online learning has advantages and disadvantages. She said that the

advantage of online learning is that she can find many online learning applications, while the

disadvantage of online learning is that we need a stable network to participate in the learning


D Class Subject 18 (Norshafiqih)

Subject 18 (Norshafiqih) that when she first joined online learning she needed to

adapt herself to the conditions where she had to learn to use applications that she just

recognized and of course she also had to always maintain the stability of her internet network.

D Class Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla)

Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla) stated that the online learning system was not

effective for her because based on personal experience most of the students had internet

problems when online learning took place.

D Class Subject 20 (Fadillah)

According to Subject 20 (Fadillah) online learning is the right choice if the face-to-

face learning process is not possible. For Fadillah, starting the first semester with online

learning was a challenge for her.

a. Triangulation Theory about Online Learning

Number Theory Description Subjects Pro Contra Impartial

1. Online learning is a Subject 1 Subject has

learning system that difficulty
is carried out focusing on
remotely which online
requires the stability learning due
of the internet to distance
network. learning.
Subject 2 Subject 2
knows a lot
of useful
in online
Subject 3 Subject 3
spends a lot
of time with
learning and
it is easy to
get material
and can also
read the
Subject 4 Subjects
that online
has its own
Subject 5 Subject
that online
does not
on to arrive
at the place
of study,
but online
requires a
Subject 6 Subject feels
that online
learning is
Subject 7 Subject never
felt the
of online
Subject 8 Subject
based on his
experience he
an unstable
during the
Subject 9 Subject was
used to
Subject 10 Subjects
argue that
using media
such as
zoom, google
meet and
Subject 11 The subject
thought that
the online
system was a
during the
Subject 12 The subject
felt that
learning was
a bit
for him who
was not
familiar with
Subject 13 The subject
that online
learning is
easy to reach.
Subject 14 Subjects
that online
requires a
good network
and distance
Subject 15 The subject
stated that
teachers and
students to
Subject 16 Subjects are
trying to
adapt to
Subject 17 The
states that
Subject 18 Subjects are
trying to
using online
Subject 19 Subject feel
learning is
Subject 20 Subjects felt
that online
learning used
to be quite
think online
learning is a
good choice
if face-to-
face learning
is not
b. Mind Map Based on Online Learning Triangulation

Class A Subjects
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 4
Subject 5
Class B Subjects
Subject 6
Subject 7
Subject 8
Subject 9
Online Learning Subject 10 Contra
Class C Subjects
Subject 11
Subject 12
Subject 13
Subject 14
Subject 15
Class D Subjects
Subject 16
Subject 17
Subject 18
Subject 19
Subject 20

2. Students’ Perception of Face-to-Face Learning

From the exposure of the interview data above, each subjects have their opinion about

online learning.

A Class Subject 1 (Buya Ahmad Bilal)

After conducting an interview with Subject 1 (Buya Ahmad Bilal) expressed his opinion

that face-to-face learning is a learning system that subject really likes, the subject is easy to

understand the material and face-to-face learning for him is very effective for improving his

English skills.

A Class Subject 2 (Adam Naipon)

Subject 2 (Adam Naipon) Face-to-face learning is a direct learning activity as it

should be carried out on campus. Adam Naipon has been learning online for a very long time.

Since studying face-to-face, Adam Naipon has complained that there are still some lecturers

who do not follow the rules, for example implementing hybrid learning, while Adam Naipon

still feels that Covid-19 has not completely disappeared.

A Class Subject 3 (Beby Anisa)

According to Subject 3 (Beby Anisa) Online learning is a pretty good learning system,

subjects can easily ask questions directly to teachers without fear of bad connections. The

material in face-to-face learning is also clearer for him and can be easily understood.

A Class Subject 4 (Fitri Rahma Sari)

Subject 4 (Fitri Rahma Sari) emphasized that face-to-face learning is an effective

learning system because the subject can easily understand the learning material, there is direct

interaction and the subject can also ask the teacher directly if the subject does not understand


A Class Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin)

Based on the opinion of Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin) the opinion that the

subject is actually not ready for face-to-face learning because it requires punctuality to go to

campus while the subject’s wake-up schedule is always late.

B Class Subject 6 (Nurhalisah)

Subject 6 (Nurhalisah) stated that online learning is learning that is carried out in the

classroom where students can interact directly with teaching lecturers.

B Class Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila)

Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila) thought that most people thought that face-to-face

learning was better than online learning, but the subject did not think so. According to the

subject, every learning system will be effective if we are really serious about it. The subject
added that we need to know that each learning system has its own advantages and


B Class Subject 8 (Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi)

Subject 8 (Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi) stated that face-to-face learning has many

advantages, apart from direct interaction between teachers and students, the material provided

can also be easily understood.

B Class Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M)

Based on the results of interview data that has been conducted by researchers to

Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M), face-to-face learning is the subject’s favorite learning

system so far. According to the subject, this system is the most effective system in the

teaching and learning process because students need a teacher figure to be nurtured and

imitated. The purpose of formal education is not just to create or print a smart generation,

because Google is much smarter than schools. But we need direct interactions that can

influence student attitudes and behavior. One of the goals of the school is also the formation

of character. We need students who have akhratul karimah. If you only have smart capital,

there will be more and more corruptors in this country. Therefore, according to the subject

this face-to-face system is the most effective system so far.

B Class Subject 10 (Grace Aprilia Tangkeallo)

According to Subject 10 (Grace Aprilia Tangkeallo) face-to-face learning is a learning

process carried out by lecturers and students directly on campus without the need for an

internet network to achieve the learning process.

C Class Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri)

Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri) stated that face-to-face learning is learning that

subject really likes and needs.

C Class Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi)

Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi) face-to-face learning is the best learning system because the

material is easy to explain and understand.

C Class Subject 13 (Melinda)

Subject 13 (Melinda) thinks that face-to-face learning is a good way if you want to

achieve effectiveness in learning.

C Class Subject 14 (Dedy Darmawan)

Subject 14 (Dedy Dermawan) stated that face-to-face learning is a learning system

that the subject prefers because in addition to being able to learn directly or have direct

interaction, the subject can also use campus facilities such as campus lcd and wifi, the subject

feels that he can save with these facilities.

C Class Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain)

Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain) emphasized her opinion that face-to-face learning

should be applied so that there is direct interaction between teachers and students.

D Class Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi)

Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi), face-to-face learning is the right learning to improve

English skills.

D Class Subject 17 (Duta Aisyah Pratiwi)

Subject 17 (Ambassador Aisyah Pratiwi) in her interview stated that face-to-face

learning is a fun learning system. In addition to the subject can interact directly with the

subject lecturers, they can also meet with classmates and share knowledge together.

D Class Subject 18 (Norshafiqih)

Subject 18 (Norshafiqih) the subject’s opinion about face-to-face learning is a

learning system that the subject has longed for since becoming a student, we can see the

lecturer explain directly.

D Class Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla)

Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla) according to the subject of face-to-face learning is

effective learning, especially to improve the subject’s English skills, because there is direct

interaction so that our English is always honed without realizing it.

D Class Subject 20 (Fadillah)

Subject 20 (Nufadillah) according to the subject of face-to-face learning is a learning

system that is quite difficult because the problem is the time schedule that is always


a. Triangulation Theory about Face-to-Face Learning

Number Theory Subjects Pro Contra Impartial


1. Face-to-face Subject 1 The subject

learning is a likes face-to-
learning system face learning,
that is carried the subject is
out directly, easy to
namely direct understand the
interaction course material
between and the subject’s
teachers and English skills
students. The are developing.
face-to-face Subject 2 Subjects
learning system complained
allows students that in face-to-
to meet with face learning
teachers and there were still
classmates and lecturers who
the material is did not follow
explained the rules such
directly and as changing
provides the lecture
opportunities for schedule.
students to Subject 3 Subjects like
enjoy campus or face-to-face
school facilities learning and
directly. subjects are easy
to ask directly
worrying about
bad network.
Subject 4 The subject
feels that face-
to-face learning
is effective, the
subject is easy
to understand
the material,
there is direct
interaction and
the subject is
easy to ask
questions if they
do not
Subject 5 Subject 5 is
not ready for
learning, face-
requires timing
while it is not
in accordance
with the
waking time.
Subject 6 Subject 5 states
that face-to-face
learning is a
direct learning
Subject 7 Subjects do
not think
learning is
always a
better learning
system. The
that the
system would
be better
depending on
the person
who carried it
Subject 8 According to the
subject of
effective face-
to-face learning,
the subject can
more easily
understand the
Subject 9 Face-to-face
learning is a
learning system
of subject
behavior and
traits can be
directed with
learning, direct
Subject 10 Subjects can
interact with
directly without
the need for an
Subject 11 Subject likes
learning and
also need it.
Subject 12 The subject
stated that face-
to-face learning
is the best, the
material was
easy to explain
and understand.
Subject 13 The subject
stated that face-
to-face learning
is the best way
to improve
learning skills
Subject 14 Subject can
enjoy campus
facilities such as
lcd and wifi,
subjects can
save by face-to-
face learning.
Subject 15 The subject
emphasized that
learning needs
to be applied.
Subject 16 According to the
subject, face-to-
face learning is
effective for
language skills.
Subject 17 According to the
subject of face-
to-face learning
is fun, the
subject can meet
with lecturers
and classmates.
Subject 18 Subject has
dreamed of
Subject 19 For the subject
of face-to-face
learning, an
learning system,
especially for
the subject’s
language skills.
Subject 20 Subject feels
that face-to-face
learning is a bit
difficult, the
time settings
b. Mind Map Based on Face-to-Face Learning

Class A Subjects
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 4
Subject 5
Class B Subjects
Subject 6
Subject 7
Subject 8
Subject 9
Online Learning Subject 10 Contra
Class C Subjects
Subject 11
Subject 12
Subject 13
Subject 14
Subject 15
Class D Subjects
Subject 16
Subject 17
Subject 18
Subject 19
Subject 20

3. Better Learning System for English Skills

From the exposure of the interview data above, each subjects have their opinion about

better learning system for English skills.

A Class Subject 1 (Buya Ahmad Bilal)

Subject 1 (Buya Ahmad Bilal) in his opinion, each learning system has its own

advantages and disadvantages, but the subject adds that English skills are certainly effective

face-to-face learning.

A Class Subject 2 (Adam Naipon)

According to Subject 2 (Adam Naipon) Face-to-face learning is better for English

language skills and with a face-to-face learning system makes students easier to understand in


A Class Subject 3 (Beby Anisa)

Subject 3 (Beby Anisa) stated that online learning and face-to-face learning were able

to develop the subject’s English. But when it comes to the effectiveness of a better learning

system for English skills, the subject chooses online learning, this is because according to his

experience when undergoing face-to-face learning, most students just stay silent, different

from online learning, students are more active and it also makes students’ English skills


A Class Subject 4 (Fitri Rahma Sari)

Subject 4 (Fitri Rahma Sari) chose face-to-face learning as a better learning system

for English skills, this is because the subject explained that the face-to-face learning system

allows the subject to practice her English in the classroom directly.

A Class Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin)

Subject 5 (Muhammad Zainal Arifin) stated that to make English skills effective, both

learning systems are capable of depending on the person who runs the learning system. But

the learning system for Subject English education students chooses face-to-face learning

which is better.

B Class Subject 6 (Nurhalisa)

Subject 6 (Nurhalisa) Opinions that the face-to-face learning system is a better

learning system to improve English language skills, this is the reason given by the subject

that as an English education student the subject is prepared to become a teacher in the future

and this requires practical practice. Directly so that the face-to-face learning system is better.

B Class Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila)

Subject 7 (Zalza Putri Nabila) explained that each learning system has its own

advantages and disadvantages to streamline English skills, but if you have to choose a better

learning system for English skills, face-to-face learning is the subject of choice.

B Class Subject 8 (Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi)

Subject 8 (Andi Ryaz Daviq Ardavi) strongly recommends face-to-face learning to

develop English language skills.

B Class Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M)

Subject 9 (Nur Fadilah Zahirah M) chose face-to-face learning as a better learning

system for English language skills this is because face-to-face learning does not only explain

and provide theory directly but English can be practiced every day directly and without

realizing English can develop.

B Class Subject 10 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri)

Subject 10 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri) said that if the learning system is the reason the

subject’s English is getting better, the subject chooses both. Each learning system plays a role

in developing the subject’s English skills.

C Class Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri)

Subject 11 (Atifa Dila Syamsuri), the subject could not choose a better learning

system for the subject’s English skills, on the grounds that each learning system has its own


C Class Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi)

Subject 12 (Teti Uhrawi) chose face-to-face learning, because the learning system

allows us to interact with many people so that it can improve English skills.

C Class Subject 13 (Melinda)

Subject 13 (Melinda) stated that face-to-face learning is better, subjects like learning

if they practice it directly.

C Class Subject 14 (Dedy Dermawan)

Subject 14 (Dedy Dermawan) It is difficult to decide on a better learning system for

English skills. According to him, some people like face-to-face learning and some choose

online learning, he added, it depends on the person who runs it.

C Class Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain)

Subject 15 (Aisyah Wardani Zain) emphasized that the subject chose face-to-face

learning as a better learning system to develop the subject’s English skills. The subject

explained the reason because the subject and the lecturer could interact directly in English.

D Class Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi)

Subject 16 (Andi Nur Ismi) stated that of course she chose face-to-face learning.

D Class Subject 17 (Duta Aisyah Pratiwi)

Subject 17 (Ambassador Aisyah Pratiwi) chose face-to-face learning. In the interview,

the subject explained his opinion that if we want to develop our English, face-to-face learning

is the better choice.

D Class Subject 18 (Norshafiqih)

Subject 18 (Norshafiqih) chose face-to-face learning, with face-to-face learning the

subject could practice her English with the subject’s friends directly.

D Class Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla)

Subject 19 (Andi Aenul Fadilla) chose face-to-face learning because by interacting

directly, the subject was also able to appreciate the subject’s English language skills, thus

face-to-face learning is the preferred choice for the effectiveness of English skills.

D Class Subject 20 (Fadilla)

Subject 20 (Fadilla) expressed her opinion that both learning systems can streamline

English skills. But if you choose a better learning system for students of English education,

the subject of course chooses face-to-face learning because as an English education student
the subject has been prepared to become a teacher who is able to be responsible for the field

that the subject should master.

a. Triangulation about Better Learning System for English Skills

Number Description Subjects Pro Contra Impartial

1. Online Subject 1 Subject states

Learning and effective face-to-
Face-to-face face learning
Learning Subject 2 Subject can more
easily understand
Subject 3 Subject chooses
online learning,
based on face-
to-face learning
experiences that
do not make the
subject active in
Subject 4 Face-to-face
learning system
allows the subject
to practice her
English in the
Subject 5 Subject
chooses both
When it
comes to the
system for
education the
Subject 6 To improve
English skills the
subject chooses
Subject 7 If subject has to
choose a better
learning system to
improve your
English skills the
subject decides to
Subject 8 The subject
recommends face-
to-face learning.
Subject 9 Face-to-face
learning allows
the subject to
practice the
subject’s English
in real life, the
subject naturally
experiences the
development of
Subject 10 Subject
chooses both
Subject 11 Subjects
could not
choose a
system for
skills. Both
systems have
Subject 12 Subjects with
learning systems
make it possible
to interact with
many people, the
subject’s English
is increasing.
Subject 13 Subject likes
Subject 14 The learning
on the
people who
run it.
Subject 15 Subjects and
lecturers can
interact directly in
Subject 16 The subject
emphasized that
he would choose
Subject 17 If the subject
wants to improve
English skills,
learning is better.
Subject 18 The subject can
practice the
subject’s English
with the subject’s
Subject 19 Subject is able to
appreciate the
subject’s English
language skills, so
learning is the
main choice for
the effectiveness
of English
language skills.
Subject 20 To become a
qualified teacher,
the subject
chooses face-to-
face learning so
that the subject’s
English skills are

c. Mind Map Based on Better Learning System for English Skills

Class A Subjects
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 4
Subject 5
Class B Subjects
Subject 6
Subject 7
Subject 8
Subject 9
Online Learning Subject 10 Contra
Class C Subjects
Subject 11
Subject 12
Subject 13
Subject 14
Subject 15
Class D Subjects
Subject 16
Subject 17
Subject 18
Subject 19
Subject 20


In this chapter, it will present the conclusion of the research and suggestions for

lecturers, students and future researchers.

A. Conclusion

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can draw conclusions from the

research, namely about student perceptions of the effectiveness of English language skills

for English language education students during online learning and face-to-face learning.

Starting from students’ perceptions of online learning, students’ perceptions of face-to-

face learning and a better learning system for the effectiveness of English skills.

1. The students’ perceptions of online learning

Based on the conclusion that has been summarized by the researcher on twenty

subjects of English education students class 2020 regarding the subject’s perception of

online learning, it is a learning system in which students study by distance using a stable

internet network. Online learning has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage

is that students do not have to come to the place of study directly so they don’t have to pay

for transportation, learning can be carried out anytime and anywhere while the drawbacks

are that students often experience problems with unstable internet networks, there is no

direct interaction, students find it difficult to understand the explanation of the material

and students complain about the high cost of internet quota.

2. The students’ perceptions of face-to-face learning

Based on the conclusions that have been summarized by the researchers on twenty

subjects of English education students class of 2020 regarding the subject’s perception of

face-to-face learning, it is a learning system where the learning process is carried out

directly or face-to-face, students come to the place of the teaching and learning process.
The subject explained that face-to-face learning has advantages and disadvantages, namely

the advantages of direct interaction between lecturers and teachers, students can better

understand the material explained, students can enjoy campus facilities directly, students

can meet and share knowledge with their classmates directly while the disadvantages are

that there are some lecturers are still changing the class schedule, requiring transportation

costs to go to study and there are still students who find face-to-face learning challenging

for them because they are used to online learning.

3. Better learning system for English skills

Based on the conclusions that have been summarized by researchers on twenty

subjects of English education students class of 2020 regarding a better learning system for

students’ English skills, where almost all subjects choose face-to-face learning, by

summarizing several reasons, namely the subject admits that face-to-face learning is

effective in improving English language skills because with face-to-face learning students

can practice direct English interaction. As education students in the English language

field, students are prepared to be able to become qualified educators and are responsible

for the fields that have been pursued, therefore face-to-face learning is needed so that can

train students directly, and with face-to-face learning students have the opportunity to

improve their English in real life not online.

B. Suggestion

1. For lecturers/teachers

More sensitive to pay attention to the condition of students on the learning system

presented, especially regarding setting the teaching schedule so that students can be more

comfortable with the learning process.

2. For students
The researcher hopes that students can be more enthusiastic in learning, especially in

the fields pursued by English Language Education, which we know that the learning

system is applied according to the conditions of the world of education. Therefore,

students are expected to be able to prepare themselves to adapt to the type of education

system implemented.

3. For future researchers

Students’ perception of English education during online learning and face-to-face

learning is an interesting research if it is associated with English language skills.

Therefore, the researcher hopes that the next researcher can conduct more in-depth

research and observations of this research in order to really know more about perception,

because over time, the perception of each individual will change, especially students of

English education towards their English skills during attend lectures while undergoing

online learning and face-to-face learning.


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Interview Guide

English Education Students Class 2020

Online Learning and Face-to-face Learning

Name :


Class :

Number List of Questions

1. What do you think about online learning?

2. How are you going about your online learning during the Covid-19


3. How effective are your English skills during online learning?

4. Do you enjoy your lectures during the online learning system?

5. What do you think about face-to-face learning?

6. How are you going through face-to-face learning after Covid-19 is over?

7. How effective are your English skills during face-to-face learning?

8. Do you enjoy your lectures during the face-to-face learning?

9. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

do you prefer? And why?

10. Between online learning and face-to-face learning. Which learning system

makes your English skills effective?

11. In your opinion, which learning system is better, especially for English

education students?


Ulfa Kurnia Citra was born in Bulukumba, January 31th, 2001.

She is the last child from four siblings. Her father’s name is Mr.

Hatamang and her mother’s name is Mrs. Andi Rosiati and she

is moslim.

In 2013, she was graduated in SDN 44 Dampang and she

continued her study in MTS Negeri 6 Bulukumba and graduated

in 2016.

In the same year she was continued her study at SMKN 1 Bulukumba with the office

administration major and finished in 2019. After finished in vocational high school she was

proposed her study at Universitas Negeri Makassar in 2019. She is accepted in English

Education Program Faculty of Languages and Literature.

At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with the title “A Comparative Study on

The Students’ Perception on The Effectiveness of English Language Skills of English

Language Education Students during Online Learning and Face-to-face Learning”.

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