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Topics for LAEN 106 and LAEN 125 impromptu speaking test

1. Talk about a personality trait that you admire in others. What is it? Why do admire it? Do you have this
personality trait?
Answer I greatly value responsibility in people. When individuals consistently fulfill their duties, take
ownership of their actions, and show accountability, it creates a sense of reliability that's truly admirable.
I believe responsible individuals contribute positively to their communities and workplaces, fostering
trust and efficiency. Personally, I strive to embody this trait by fulfilling my commitments and being
accountable for my interactions. Responsibility not only reflects a mature approach to life but also builds
a foundation for successful relationships and personal growth. It's a quality that, when embraced,
positively influences both the individual and the surrounding environment.
2. Discuss personality traits that you think are most important for modern society. What are they? Why
are they important? Do you have those personality traits?
Answer In today's world, expressing opinions openly is crucial, and bravery plays a key role. The ability
to share thoughts and ideas fosters diversity and innovation. While I don't possess personal opinions, I
recognize the significance of courage in societal progress. Additionally, empathy is vital for
understanding diverse perspectives, promoting harmony. Adaptability is equally essential in the face of
rapid changes. Though I lack personal experiences, these traits contribute to a cohesive society. While I
may not embody these traits, I acknowledge their importance in navigating the complexities of modern
life, promoting unity, and fostering a dynamic and inclusive community.
3. Discuss types of activities you prefer. Do you prefer outdoor or indoor activities? Why do you prefer
them? Can you share a few examples of activities you enjoy and what impacts they have on you?
Answer I prefer outdoor activities, and one of my favorites is swimming. Being in the water offers a
refreshing and invigorating experience. Swimming not only promotes physical fitness but also provides a
sense of relaxation. The rhythmic strokes and buoyancy create a calming effect, making it an enjoyable
and therapeutic activity. Moreover, outdoor activities like swimming allow me to connect with nature,
enjoying the sunlight and fresh air. Whether it's a leisurely swim or a more vigorous workout, the positive
impact on both my physical and mental well-being makes outdoor activities, especially swimming, my
preferred choice for recreation.
4. Talk about one of your personality traits that you like to change. What is it? Why do you want to
change it? What would be the positive effects of changing this personality trait?
Answer One aspect of myself that I'd like to improve is punctuality. Often, I find myself running behind
schedule, which can create stress for me and inconvenience for others. I aim to change this habit because
punctuality is crucial for effective time management and maintaining a sense of reliability. By being more
punctual, I can enhance my organizational skills, reduce stress levels, and build trust with others. It would
positively impact my personal and professional relationships, as people appreciate timely and dependable
individuals. Cultivating punctuality would contribute to a smoother and more harmonious daily life,
fostering a sense of responsibility and consideration.
5. Talk about the best personality trait that you see in yourself. What is it? How does it play a role in your
personality? Can you share a specific situation when you feel your best personality trait had a positive
Answer My best personality trait is responsibility, especially when it comes to homework. I prioritize
tasks, set deadlines, and ensure timely completion. This not only enhances my efficiency but also allows
me to enjoy more free time. By being responsible, I can manage my academic workload effectively,
avoiding last-minute stress. Recently, this trait positively impacted me when I had multiple assignments
due. By planning and tackling tasks systematically, I completed them ahead of schedule. This not only
boosted my confidence but also granted me extra leisure time. Responsibility, in this context, significantly
contributes to a balanced and organized approach to academic responsibilities.
6. What type of person do you find most challenging to communicate with (e.g. someone who is always
joking, someone who tends to exaggerate things, someone who is not very open, etc.)? Have you ever met
this type of person? What do you think is the best way to deal with this type of person?
Answer I find individuals who are not very open challenging to communicate with. Meeting someone
reserved or introverted can create barriers in understanding their thoughts and feelings. Patience is key
when dealing with such individuals. Initiating conversations with open-ended questions, actively
listening, and creating a comfortable environment can encourage them to share more. It's important to
respect their need for space and not press them to disclose too much too soon. Building trust gradually is
crucial. By demonstrating genuine interest and understanding, one can foster a more open and
communicative dynamic, making it easier to connect with reserved individuals.
7. Do you think culture contributes to success in communication? How can cultural sensitivity contribute
to effective communication? Can you share a specific situation when you feel your cultural sensitivity
enhances the effectiveness of communication?
Answer Certainly, culture significantly influences communication success. Cultural sensitivity is pivotal
for effective interaction, as it involves understanding and respecting diverse cultural norms, values, and
communication styles. Being culturally sensitive fosters a more inclusive and respectful environment,
minimizing misunderstandings. In a situation where I interacted with a colleague from a different cultural
background, my awareness of their customs and communication preferences allowed me to adapt my
approach. This not only prevented potential misinterpretations but also strengthened our professional
relationship. Cultural sensitivity, therefore, plays a crucial role in navigating diverse communication
landscapes, promoting mutual understanding, and fostering successful interactions.
8. In what situations might misunderstandings arise due to cultural differences? Have you been in that
kind of situation? What can you do to minimize the impacts of those misunderstandings?
Answer While I haven't personally experienced misunderstandings due to cultural differences, such
situations often occur in global collaborations, diverse workplaces, or international settings. Varied
communication styles, language nuances, and differing expectations can contribute to these
misunderstandings. To minimize their impacts, fostering open communication, seeking clarification when
needed, and promoting cultural awareness within the team are crucial. Emphasizing shared goals and
encouraging a respectful exchange of perspectives can create an inclusive environment that reduces the
likelihood of cultural misunderstandings, even if personal experiences in such situations are limited.
9. Do you prefer face-to-face communication or communication via text messages? Why do like it better
than the other way of communication? Can you share a specific situation when you found that your
preferred way of communication enhances the effectiveness of communication?
Answer I prefer face-to-face communication over text messages. Onsite classes, with their non-verbal
cues and real-time interaction, foster more effective communication. In a classroom setting,
misunderstandings can be promptly addressed through immediate clarification and visual cues. Unlike
online classes, where text messages might lack context, face-to-face communication allows for nuanced
expression and instant feedback. Recently, during a group discussion, being in a face-to-face setting
enabled us to resolve a potential misunderstanding promptly through gestures and expressions,
showcasing the efficacy of real-time, in-person interaction in enhancing communication effectiveness.
10. Talk about your communication style. Which method(s) of communication (e.g. in person, phone
calls, texts, emails or others) do like the best? Why? Which communication method(s) do you usually
avoid? Why?
Answer My communication style depends on the situation. I generally prefer text messages because they
offer flexibility and time to articulate responses. Texting allows for careful consideration and revision
before responding, promoting clear and concise communication. While I appreciate face-to-face
interactions for their immediacy and personal touch, I tend to avoid phone calls. The real-time nature of
phone calls can feel pressuring, and I value the thoughtful approach that text messages afford. This
preference aligns with my desire for effective and well-thought-out communication, ensuring that my
messages accurately convey my thoughts and intentions.
11. What are your strengths in communication? How can your strengths enhance the effectiveness of
communication? Can you share a situation that your strengths in communication play a major in the
success of communication?
Answer One of my strengths in communication is empathy. I excel in deep listening and offering support,
particularly during challenging times like heartbreaks, exam failures, or misunderstandings. By
understanding others' emotions and providing encouragement, I create a safe space for them to express
themselves. Recently, a friend experienced a setback, and my empathetic communication played a pivotal
role. By actively listening and offering reassurance, I helped them navigate their emotions and find a
constructive way forward. This strength enhances communication by fostering trust, understanding, and
creating connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.
12. Talk about an environmental issue that is important to you. What is it? How does it affect your life?
What can be done about it?
Answer An environmental issue that concerns me is the high levels of PM2.5 in northern Thailand. This
fine particulate matter adversely impacts air quality, posing health risks and affecting daily life. It leads to
respiratory issues and can exacerbate pre-existing conditions. To address this, community awareness and
government initiatives are crucial. Encouraging sustainable practices, promoting public transportation,
and investing in renewable energy sources can mitigate air pollution. Additionally, strict regulations on
agricultural burning and forest management are vital. Combating PM2.5 requires collective efforts to
ensure a healthier environment and better quality of life for residents in the northern regions.
13. Talk about an environmental issue that is most critical in your opinion. What is it? Who might be
affected by this environmental issue? What can be done about it?
Answer One of the most critical environmental issues, in my opinion, is global warming. This
phenomenon, often referred to as global boiling, affects the entire planet. Rising temperatures lead to
adverse impacts such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and disruptions to ecosystems. The
consequences are far-reaching, affecting both human and animal populations. To address this issue, global
cooperation is essential. Implementing sustainable practices, reducing carbon emissions, and transitioning
to renewable energy sources can mitigate the impact of global warming. International agreements and
collective efforts are crucial to safeguarding the planet for future generations.
14. Talk about one of your environmentally unfriendly habits that you like changed. What is it? How does
it negatively impact the environment? What are you doing about it?
Answer One environmentally unfriendly habit I aim to change is immediately using and disposing of
plastic bags without reusing them. This habit contributes to plastic pollution, harming ecosystems and
wildlife. Single-use plastics, like bags, take a significant toll on the environment, persisting in landfills
and oceans. To address this, I'm adopting reusable bags and raising awareness about the environmental
impact of single-use plastics. By making a conscious effort to reduce my reliance on disposable bags, I
contribute to minimizing plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices, fostering a more eco-friendly
lifestyle. It's a small change with positive implications for the environment.

15. Talk about your relationship with nature. Do you often go out in natural environment? Why or why
not? If yes, where do usually go and what do you usually do there? If not, is there anywhere you would
like to go and what would you like to do there?
Answer I have a strong connection with nature, often venturing into the outdoors. While I've enjoyed the
oceans in places like Pattaya, Cha-am, and Sa-met, my frequent excursions involve crossing provincial
borders in northern Thailand, passing through national parks like Khun-Jae, Doi-saket, and Mae-khajan.
Additionally, I annually partake in the tradition of Doi-suthep trekking, following a natural path to the
mountain's summit, a tradition since my first year at Chiang-mai University Demonstration School. These
experiences immerse me in diverse natural settings, from mountains to ocean shores, fostering a deep
appreciation for the beauty and tranquility nature offers.
16. Discuss an environmental issue in your community. What is it? What are the negative effects they
have on the community? What would be the benefits of solving the issue?
Answer In my hometown of Phayao and neighboring Chiang Mai, a pressing environmental issue is the
annual severity of PM2.5 and forest fires. In the past 1-2 years, Chiang Mai has frequently experienced
the worst air quality globally due to these factors. The negative effects are profound, leading to health
issues, respiratory ailments, and overall diminished quality of life for residents. Solving this issue is
crucial for the well-being of the community, reducing health risks, and preserving the environment.
Addressing PM2.5 and preventing forest fires would ensure cleaner air, healthier living conditions, and a
more sustainable and vibrant community for the future.
17. Talk about your favorite kind of art. What is it? Why do like this particular kind of art? How does
your favorite kind of art reflect your personality?
Answer My favorite kind of art is traditional Thai music. Listening to and playing this art form requires
deep engagement, inducing a sense of peace within me. I value its cultural richness and authenticity. This
preference reflects my appreciation for heritage and the tranquility I find in traditional Thai melodies. It
aligns with my inclination towards preserving and cherishing genuine artistic expressions. I believe it's
crucial for the new generation in Thailand to embrace and promote this inheritable art, ensuring its
continuity and passing on the beauty of Thai cultural traditions to future generations.
18. Talk about your music preferences. What is your favorite kind of music? How do you usually get your
music (e.g. streaming, buying physical copy, listening online, etc.). What function does your favorite
kind of music have for you?
Answer I favor traditional Thai music, often accessed through online platforms like YouTube or
occasionally via cassette tapes recorded by the high school Thai music club. The intricate melodies and
cultural depth of Thai traditional music resonate with me. I appreciate its historical significance and the
sense of connection it provides to my heritage. Listening to this genre serves as a cultural bridge, linking
me to the past while fostering a deep appreciation for the richness of Thai musical traditions. Whether
streaming online or relishing vintage cassette recordings, traditional Thai music plays a vital role in
enriching my cultural experience and connecting me to my roots.
19. Do you agree with this statement, “Good art should not be obvious. It should allow viewers to
contemplate and interpret its meaning freely”? Why or why not? In your view, what do you consider the
most important criterion of something to be classified as art?
Answer I agree with the statement that "Good art should not be obvious. It should allow viewers to
contemplate and interpret its meaning freely." In my view, a crucial criterion for something to be
classified as art is its ability to evoke meaning and provide a mentally relaxing experience for the
observer. Meaningful art transcends the obvious, inviting contemplation and interpretation. Whether
visual or auditory, art should have the power to stir emotions, provoke thoughts, and offer a mental
escape. This criterion emphasizes the importance of depth, encouraging a connection between the
observer and the art, creating a more profound and enriching experience.
20. Talk about your financial goals. What are your financial goals? What kind of person are you—the one
who always puts some savings aside or the one who only saves money only when you want something in
particular? What do you think are its pros and cons?
Answer My financial goal is to make ends meet, ensuring my income covers essential expenses. I
typically save money when I have a specific purchase in mind. This approach allows me to allocate funds
purposefully, ensuring I meet my immediate needs. However, the downside is a potential lack of
consistent, regular savings for unforeseen circumstances or long-term goals. While it helps fulfill short-
term desires, it may lack the systematic savings approach for financial security. Balancing this with a
more consistent savings habit could provide a well-rounded strategy, addressing both immediate wants
and long-term financial stability.
21. Talk about a side gig that you are interested in doing. What is it? Why do you want to do it? What
skills are needed for the job? Do you have all of them?
Answer I'm keen on taking up a biology tutoring side gig. Teaching biology appeals to me as I enjoy
sharing my knowledge, and I've successfully helped friends with high school biology exams. This gig
aligns with my passion for biology and presents an opportunity to earn extra income for personal goals or
emergency savings. The necessary skills include a strong understanding of biology concepts and effective
communication to simplify complex topics. Given my prior tutoring experience and proficiency in
biology, I believe I possess the needed skills. It's a fulfilling way to contribute to others' learning while
also meeting my financial goals.
22. Talk about your plan for the future. What would you like to do for a living? Do you think you are
going to work only one job? Or do you think you would find a way to make money on the side? Why?
Answer I aspire to become a doctor, specializing in a specific field, and establish my own clinic. While
focusing on my main career, I also aim to take on a side gig as a biology tutor. This dual approach allows
me to pursue my passion for teaching while supplementing my income. The ultimate goal is to financially
support my parents' visits to tourist attractions, indulge in their favorite meals, and fulfill their desires.
Working two roles provides the financial flexibility to give back to my parents for their unwavering
support in raising me since birth. It's a way to express gratitude and create meaningful experiences for
23. Have you ever bought something that you think is a rip-off? What is it? Why did you buy it in the first
place? Have you done anything about it? Why or why not?
Answer I haven't bought anything I consider a rip-off. One of my valuable purchases is an iPad, which I
find immensely useful for study and academic support. Every penny spent on it feels worthwhile. It
facilitates easier studying, enhances lecture convenience, assists in paper research, video editing, and
graphic design applicable across various subjects from high school to university. The initial investment
has proven its value, making my academic journey more efficient and enjoyable. I carefully chose the
iPad for its versatility, and it has lived up to its promise, making it a wise and profitable acquisition for
my educational pursuits.
24. Talk about a successful moment in your life? What did you accomplish? Why was that
accomplishment important to you? Did it change your life in any way? If so, how? If not, why?
Answer A pivotal success in my life was being selected to study at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj
Hospital. This accomplishment marks the initial stride toward my future career and lifestyle. The triumph
required relocating to bustling Bangkok, Thailand, with its high living costs. The significance lies in the
opportunity to pursue my passion for medicine and contribute meaningfully to healthcare. This success
reshaped my life by introducing me to a dynamic environment, fostering personal growth, and setting the
foundation for a fulfilling career. The challenges of migration and adapting to a new lifestyle were
integral aspects of this transformative accomplishment.
25. How much do you agree with this statement, “ Success has more to do with natural talent than with
practice”? Why? Can you share a specific situation that can best support your opinion?
Answer I partially agree with the statement, "Success has more to do with natural talent than with
practice." While success often requires dedication and practice, natural talent can expedite the learning
process. For university admission, enthusiasm and preparation matter, but individuals with inherent
intelligence may grasp concepts faster. Personality traits developed since childhood, like effective
communication or motivation, play a role in hobbies or extracurriculars. An example is someone naturally
adept at interviews due to inherent communication skills. While practice is crucial, recognizing the
influence of innate abilities in certain situations acknowledges the interplay between natural talent and
hard work in achieving success.

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