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Doc. No: HOL/WRC/FMEHS/11-002 Issue No.

01 Rev:00 Date: Mar-8th-2024

Title: Emergency Evacuation Drill Action Plan

HOLMAN EHS Department

As Decided by top management, the Fire Emergency Evacuation/Weather Emergency Evacuation drill is
to be held on 20th – March -2024 by 10: 30 AM(TBA) and following are the roles and responsibilities for
subjected drill:

# Role Responsibility
Discovering the fire and alerting others by using
1 All employees
the fire alarm/or tornado alarm
Isolating fire location from flammable objects
2 Emergency Respond Team
and start firefighting procedure
3 Guiding evacuation to the outside building yard Lead Emergency Officer & Fire wardens
Counting employees and report missing
4 HR Admin & Site Security
5 Contacting relevant authorities Lead Emergency Officer/Emergency Coordinator

The times for each activity are to be measured and then compared to the estimated time as follows:

# Activity Estimated Time/Duration (seconds)

1 Time between discovering the fire and alerting others 30-40
2 Initiating firefighting activities after alerting 30-60
3 Evacuating employees to the outside building yard 60-100
4 Counting employees and reporting the missing ones 60-130
5 Contacting related authorities during firefighting activities In parallel with point # 2

Consequently, we expect your cooperation to execute this drill successfully.

Issued By: Lead Emergency Officer



Signature: _________________________

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