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WORKSHEET, 2023-24
Subject: Social Studies

Class: V_______ Time: 20 Minutes

Name: ___________________ Max Marks: 10

1.Label the important latitudes (5)

2. Name the capital of the given states in the figure. (10)

a.Punjab - f.Arunachal Pradesh –

b.Manipur - g.Maharashtra -

c.Mizoram - h.Rajasthan -

d.Sikkim - i.Jharkhand -

e.Karnataka - j.West Bengal

3.Name three water bodies surrounding India (3)

1- __________ 2. ___________ 3.____________

4.Name any 4 boundaries if India. (0.5x4=2)

(note-there are seven question marks given but you can tell any four)

1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________

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