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Introduction to the

Verb "To Be"

An essential verb in English, "to be" is used to indicate existence, identity,
or state of being. It is crucial for building basic sentences.

by Valeriia Rodenko
Explanation of "am" for First Person
1 Usage 2 Examples
"Am" is used for the first person singular, "I am happy." "I am tall."
such as "I am a student."
Explanation of "is" for Third Person

1 Utilization 2 Instances
"Is" is employed for the third person "She is happy." "He is smart."
singular, like "He is a doctor."
Explanation of "are" for Second Person
Singular and Plural
1 Application 2 Illustrations
"Are" is used for the second person singular "You are kind." "They are diligent."
and plural, as in "You are my friend" or
"They are students."
Examples of Using "am", "is", and "are"
in Sentences

Variety of Sentences
Examples of sentences using "am", "is", and "are" in different contexts.
Practice Exercises for Using "am", "is",
and "are"
Fill in the Blanks Matching Game Role-Play Scenarios

Provide students with Create a fun activity where Engage students in real-life
sentences to complete with students match subjects with role-play situations to practice
the correct form of "am", "is", or the correct form of "to be". proper usage of "to be".
Common Mistakes to Avoid When
Using "am", "is", and "are"
1 Subject-Verb Agreement 2 Contractions Usage
Explain the importance of matching Clarify the appropriate use of
the subject with the correct form of contractions for "am", "is", and "are".
"to be".

3 Positioning in a Sentence
Highlight the correct placement of "am", "is", and "are" in affirmative and negative
Conclusion and Summary of Verb
"To Be" Usage
1 Foundation of English
Summarize the vital role "to be" plays in English language construction.

2 Everyday Application
Highlight the omnipresence of "to be" in daily conversations and written

3 Importance of Proficiency
Emphasize the necessity of mastering "am", "is", and "are" for effective

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