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The 5 Minute Sales Copy Framework

Graham Cochrane

Hey there! Thanks for downloading this bonus guide.

If you’re getting stuck writing sales copy for your next product, service, or coaching package I’ve
got your back. If you give me 5 minutes I can help you build the outline for your next sales page.

Here’s how this process works:

● I’ll ask you ​a series of questions that I’d like you to answer​. Questions about your
audience, your product, your experience and so on.
● The answers to these questions will become your literal outline for your sales
copy​. They will represent the 9 core elements of copy that must be present in your sales
● From there you will be able to build out the remaining details​ and your sales page (or
sales video) will become plug and play!

To be fair, this process might take longer than 5 minutes the first time you use it. ​Tip: the more
familiar you are with your audience and product benefits, the faster this will go for you​.

OK - let’s begin!

1: The Hook
Who does your product/service help? ​(Be as specific as possible: i.e. busy moms who are
out of shape)

What one overarching problem does your product/service help them solve? OR What one
overarching desired result does your product/service help them achieve? ​(Hint: this
should be answered in one sentence)
What is one fear, misconception, or mental roadblock that might keep your ideal
customer from believing that their problem could be solved or their dream realized?​ (Hint:
think about common objections “That won’t work for me because...”)

2: The Conspiracy
What bad information is out there that’s holding your customer back from success in this
area? ​(i.e. bad advice, strategies, products, schools of thought)

What is one mini lesson you can teach them in a paragraph or two that makes them feel
empowered and educated on the subject while causing them to question other
solutions? ​(i.e. “Everyone tells you to avoid fat in your diet in order to lose weight, but in reality
most fat free foods are loaded up with sugar which ironically causes you to ​gain w ​ eight, so fat
free foods can’t be the answer...”

3: The Discovery
What “discovery” have you made in your years of experience that has led you to see
results for yourself and your students? ​(Hint: this can be your overall method, or even a
nuanced approach to previous methods. The goal here is to show that a solution does exist and
you have found it)

What specific experience/credibility do you have that has led you to discover this better
solution? ​(i.e. any credibility markers work here: number of years experience, number of
students helped, high profile clientele, or other social proof. Keep in mind this can be super brief
to work)
4: The Product
Drawing from the Hook (above) what is your product/service? Who does it help? And
what does it help them do? ​(Hint: this can be pretty straight forward. You’re just announcing
the product. In fact sometimes I’ll literally say “Announcing...” or even better “And that’s what I

What format is your product and how do they interact with it?​ (i.e. is it an online course? A
membership site? A coaching package? A live event? A virtual summit?)

5: The Bullets
What are 10-15 benefits your product/service gives them? ​(Hint: these are simple bullet
points of what they will learn, but presented from a benefits point of view, not features)

TIP for coming up with juicy bullets…Tell them the benefit then stack it with more
benefits. ​For example ​“You’ll learn how to play your favorite songs on guitar (benefit),
WITHOUT needing to ever read sheet music (another benefit) AND in just 15 minutes a day of
practice (another benefit).”
6: The Price
What are one or two alternate solutions to their problem that are much more expensive
than your product? ​(Hint: the bigger the price difference the better this works)

What are the real prices of those alternate solutions? ​(The psychology here is “price
anchoring” - where we show alternative options at much higher price points before revealing the
price of your product, thus communicating your value in a more impactful way)

7: The Guarantee
How long is your money back guarantee refund policy? ​(Hint: 30-60 days is great, although
I’ve even seen 365 day guarantees work)

What do they need to do to receive a refund if they are unhappy? ​(What simple action
should they take? Email your team?)

TIP: Don’t be afraid of mentioning your refund policy. In fact, highlight it! Use it as a
selling point.​ The idea is simple - your job is to transfer any and all risk from your customer to
you. Make it easier for them to say “YES” by taking away any fear that they might not be happy
with their purchase and be out the money.
8: The Bonuses
What are 2-3 free bonuses they will receive included in their purchase of your product?
(i.e. exclusive video trainings, guides, private community, downloadable tools)

What are 1-3 main benefits of each bonus? ​(Think bullet points again here)

What is the monetary value of each bonus? ​(Don’t make up something silly here just be
honest about what this bonus sells for or should sell for if sold individually)

9: The Future
Given that they only have two choices - to buy your product or not - what does their
future look like for either choice? ​(Usually here I just like to briefly paint the picture of their
future a few months from now if they DO purchase - the dream - and then I contrast that with
their future if they DON’T purchase - they stay the same)
What are 5-10 frequently asked questions about this product (or anticipated questions)
and what are the answers to those questions? ​(Hint: this is where you can basically address
common objections that you anticipate someone having. Address their invisible concerns openly
and honestly so they can truly make an informed decision as to whether or not your product is
the right fit for them)

BONUS: Testimonials
Customer testimonials sell product easier than any sales copy can. If you already have
customers with success from your product, feature them liberally on your sales page. 3
minimum. ​Literal screenshots of emails, social media posts, or comments inside of an online
course or community work best here! Just be sure to black out last names and email addresses.

If you don’t have any testimonials for the product yet try and pull student success stories
with your free material or past coaching. ​Don’t lie and say they were testimonials for this
product, but just highlight your students’ success with your material in general.
Putting It All Together

Just by answering all the above questions you will have done virtually 95% of the heavy lifting
when it comes to copywriting. You have all the right dots on the page, you’ll simply need to
connect them with your own voice.

Not only that but each element has been listed in order!

That’s right - ​you not only have the right content but you have a roadmap of what order to
present that content in. I’m literally teeing the ball up for you my friend!

Whether you choose to write a long sales letter or film a short sales video on your phone, as
long as you have done your homework answering these questions and present your finished
copy in that order you’ll be golden.

Thank you for downloading this guide and reading it! Here’s to creating some killer sales copy -
and ultimately helping a bunch of people!

Graham Cochrane

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