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In short, your USP is what you have that competitors don’t.

Depending on the market, this could be as simple as serving one specific niche. I.E. a web
design agency for coffee shops (this probably isn’t a very solid idea, but you get the point,
there aren’t many other coffee shop exclusive web design agencies.)

If the market is more sophisticated/saturated with an offer similar to yours - that’s when we
need to get creative.

Answer these questions and choose and start to brainstorm your USP:

 What does your product/service have that your competitors dont? (we have not
created our offer yet, we will do that in The Godfather Offer)

 Can you provide something exclusive to your target?

 Do you have celebrity credibility in your market? (I.E. you worked with Dwayne “The
Rock” Johnson and got him into movie shape)

 Do you distribute differently than your competitors? (For digital offers: is the
knowledge delivered in a different way?)

 Can you offer lower prices OR higher quality

If you are having trouble brainstorming how YOU are different, here are some examples of
successful USPs:

TOMS Shoes - A child in need gets a new pair of shoes for every purchase you make.

Nerd Fitness - A fitness website exclusively for “nerds”

Head & Shoulders - Clinically proven to reduce dandruff

Dominos Pizza - Hot and fresh pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less

Piece Together Your USP

Option 1: Take the greatest benefit of your offer and GUARANTEE they will receive that benefit

FedEx example: Guaranteed overnight delivery

(Some people offer overnight delivery but don’t guarantee it)

Agency example: Guaranteed X amount of leads per month or your money back

(This guarantees the client makes more than they spend)

Option 2: Your niche combined with your product/service without inconvenience

You see a lot of freelancers / agency owners / coaches with this: I help [niche] get [results]
through [product/service] without [inconvenience that competitors have]

Option 3: Throw your unique mechanism at the end of your USP from above as the way you
help them achieve their desired result.

Landing your first client, increasing your conversion rate, selling more products, and creating a
compelling offer is difficult... so I'm going to make it a lot easier on you.

When it comes to selling anything (freelance services, coaching, consulting, digital products,
physical products)... specificity matters.

Especially when it comes to your promised result (the things that potential customers care
about most.

 I will bring you 5 new qualified leads this week > I will do lead generation for you.

 You will lose 10 pounds per month > You will lose weight

Any promise you give should be as specific as you can make it.

This gives the potential customer something quantifiable. Something they can make sense of.
It sparks desire.

(Pair this with a unique system to get those results and ding ding you have a semi-incredible

This creates a problem for beginners.

They don't have any results to back these numbers up. It's hard for you to display your value to
There is the traditional "permissionless apprenticeship" approach where you send free work,
let them test it out, then start working for them (or get a testimonial in return).
This works, but we can add more firepower to start getting paid. More risk reversal.
If you are confident in the product or service that you offer - throw a number out there. What
do results do you think you can get them?

 Let's say for a social media growth service - 2,000 followers a month minimum.

 How about an email marketing service for coaches - 5 sales calls booked.

 Fitness coaching? 10 pounds lost in the first month.

 Performance coaching? Reducing the amount of time you work by 2 hours.

Now we are working with something. You should be confident in the numbers that you are
throwing out.

If you aren't skilled enough to do this, get better at what you do. Help people for free.
Understand their business / life. Dig into their problems and give them the solutions.

Systemize it.

Make it easy to get them results.

But... what happens if you don't get them that result? That's where the risk reversal comes
in. Usually in the form of a refund (because they are paying for the result with money,
that's the risk).

You can get creative with this. You can offer to work with them a second month for free, work
with them until they do get those results, or offer some form of that is worth something.
(These work great for coaches).

 For social media - If I don't bring you 2,000 followers this month, you won't pay a cent.
(You can even go as far to say that you will pay them an extra $100 on top just for
wasting their time... who can refuse that?)

 For email marketing - If I don't bring you 5 new calendar books this month, I will
refund you the cost of service.

 For fitness coaching - If you don't lose 10 pounds this month, I will work with you until
you lose 15 pounds for free.

Not only does this make your offer irresistible, it acts as accountability and gives you real-
world experience.

If you don't get results, you don't get paid. So you better get results.
Now... you will have to set criteria for some of these.

You can't just promise someone to lose 10 pounds, they end up doing nothing to actually get
there, and you have to refund them because you didn't set boundaries.

Same goes for email marketing. If they have a dead email list filled with people that are not
interested in coaching... it's going to be near impossible to get calendar bookings.

This is why qualification and setting hard criteria works. It holds you AND the client

You can get creative with all of this and use it for digital products as well. (You will just have to
set harder criteria... which is good because it will encourage people to actually use the

Simple, no?

Get specific. Add a risk reversal. Make it the forefront of your marketing.

To make things extremely simple, we are going to turn your entire marketing strategy into a
one-sentence description.

This will help you regain clarity when you fall off track.

I learned about this sentence from Dan Henry, but before we dive into what it actually is, we
need other parts of our marketing locked down.

Components of an Irresistible Offer

It’s time to start thinking of your offer in more ways than just a product or service. There is
much much more that comes into play here.

1. Pricing

Value based pricing

How do people charge thousands of dollars for a few videos (in a course)? They provide an
overwhelming amount of value for the price.

If you can nearly guarantee someone results - and their PROBLEM is BIG enough, they will pay
the price to have your solution.

When crafting the rest of your offer, take competitor prices into account.

Are you providing more than they are?

Can you offer a lower (but respectable) price?

2. Bonuses

Bonuses can be used in multiple ways - the main thing is… you need to be able to offer

For price negotiation (not directly included in the offer):

If somebody says the price is “too high” or they do not have enough - do not lower your price.
It decreases the value of your offer.

Instead, offer them a relevant bonus (that is not included in the offer) to push them over the
edge and get them to buy.

Example: $1500 is too much for a website - offer them a free landing page valued at $500 to
push them over the edge

Included in your offer:

What bonuses, relevant to your main product or service, can you bake into the offer to add
higher perceived value?

Let’s say my main product is a web design course… I can offer bonuses like:

 An SEO guide so people can get more organic traffic to their site

 A free 30 minute coaching session to help them make use of it

 A Slack or Discord community where buyers can interact

 A website checklist to make it easy for them to create websites

Bonuses will justify your pricing and result in an extremely happy customer.

Some people buy products solely for the bonus items.

3. Risk Reversal (Social Proof Included)

What will make the reader understand that there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO RISK from buying from

This comes down to a few things.

1. Payment options (split payments, financing, etc)

2. Money back guarantee

3. Social proof

4. Other proof that shows your offer WORKS

5. Guaranteeing QER or else you receive X bonus

We will discuss the Negative Risk concept one of these days in an article format.

4. Discounts

Discounts should be used sparingly (depending on the platform or method)

Discounts for holidays, special events, and milestones are a good idea - not much to touch on

One thing to take into account is CONTRAST.

You should talk about the true value of your offer compared to the price you are offering it at.

“Coaches charge $2500 for 3 months of hand holding. I am giving you all of the information
you need for $47.”

“Realistically, this website would go for $10,000 when designed by a big agency, I am giving
you it today for $5000.”

“Everything included in this bundle is worth $449, you get it for $25”

You get the point.

Use this to your advantage when selling both verbally and written.

Offer Stacking

Offer stacking is an INCREDIBLE way to sell more of your service.

Side note: if you can create a course, you can create a service. You SHOULD create a service..
Whether it's freelancing, coaching, consulting, or all of the above.

Example of An Offer Stack

I am now a freelancer. I charge e-commerce stores $5000/month to implement the Email
Domination funnel (random name off the top of my head).

When I am on a sales call with the decision maker of this e-commerce store, they may have
objections about the price, OR just not be able to afford it.

SO, I now have a backup offer. I can implement a piece of the Email Domination Funnel for half
the price ($5000 one time fee). Rather than the entire funnel, I write specific sequences and
hand them off to the store.

If this is still too much, I can offer consulting for $2500. 8 calls and I teach them how to
implement the entire Email Domination Funnel by themselves.

They get all of the value of the $5000/month service at a fraction of the cost.

At this point, $2500 one time fee seems like NOTHING compared to $5000/month.

Example For Coaches

First offer: The Actualization Program ($5000)

Full fledged 3 month program.

Second offer: The Accelerated Program ($2500)

Accelerated 1.5 month program. Same value + material, half the time and half the calls (still
extremely appealing).

Third offer: The Micro Program ($500)

2 weeks of DM or Telegram access, no calls. You assign them content from the program and
talk them through it.

Now, once they go through any of these programs, you can upsell them on a micro coaching
monthly retainer. $500/month with little time investment on your end. Let your mind run
wild and get creative with this.

What I mean by offer stack is having different tiers/options for your high ticket offer.

Freelance, consulting, or coaching service.

If you don't have a service yet, you should.

Services should come before products because it is easier to iterate and get results. (There is
nuance to this. It is dependent on your goals).
By iterating, you are creating your own unique method for getting results (this is important).
Your unique system.

THEN, you can package your unique system up into a product and leverage the results /
testimonials it has gotten people.

Example of An Offer Stack

I am now a freelancer. I charge e-commerce stores $5000/month to implement the Email

Domination funnel (random name off the top of my head).

When I am on a sales call with the decision-maker of this e-commerce store, they may have
objections about the price, OR just not be able to afford it.

SO, I now have a backup offer. I can implement a piece of the Email Domination Funnel for half
the price ($5000 one-time fee). Rather than the entire funnel, I write specific sequences and
hand them off to the store.

If this is still too much, I can offer to consult for $2500. 8 calls and I teach them how to
implement the entire Email Domination Funnel by themselves. They get all of the value of the
$5000/month service at a fraction of the cost.

At this point, $2500 one time fee seems like NOTHING compared to $5000/month.

Example For Coaches

First offer: The Actualization Program ($5000)

Full-fledged 3-month program.

Second offer: The Accelerated Program ($2500)

Accelerated 1.5 month program. Same value + material, half the time and half the calls (still
extremely appealing).

Third offer: The Micro Program ($500)

2 weeks of DM or Telegram access, no calls. You assign them content from the program and
talk them through it.

Now, once they go through any of these programs, you can upsell them on a micro coaching
monthly retainer. $500/month with little time investment on your end. Let your mind run
wild and get creative with this.

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