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Product Management Tube map

Our Product Management Tube map covers all the things we think you need to know about in product management and product marketing World class product management

. The tube lines represent major areas and the stations are important topics
Note: every product job has a different context and responsibilities vary from company to company - so you may find some topics are not
relevant for you. But Mind the Gap. In many companies, the focus is on Agile and Product Owners, and the strategic & leadership role of
Training | Resources | Reviews | Leadership |

product management is missing

Listening Proposition elements Technology buyer Product marketing Product mainline

posts Marcoms Online
End-user buyer Product development Market analysis
Product strategy Propositions Training
Economic buyer Events
Product lifecycle Pricing
environment Buyer Social media
personas Reviews
Positioning charts Sales crib sheets SEO
Market & Leadership
technology trends Features-advantages-benefits PR Certification

Kano Toolbox
Technical debt Insight Sensitivity
Competitors MVP Lean start-up analysis Forecasting Business case analysis End-of-life
Innovation Stop development product
Gather & prioritize Jobs-to-be-done
Price Business requirements Customer
Stop selling focus
elasticity model NOSE
Maturity Stop
Strategy Penetration Win/loss Release supporting
diamond analysis approach
Pricing CRM
cycle Skimming
Decline Remove from
Growth service
Portfolio Product lifecycle
analysis User eXperience (UX)
matching Product
Innovator’s Value marketing
dilemma ProdOps 7Ps 7Ps Marketing mix for services
Web analytics proposition plan
Discovery CRM Customer Relationship
User and Management
Job stories
Product KPIs KPIs Key Performance Indicators
Crossing Buy / partner
MVP Minimum Viable Product
the chasm Product training Design
Use cases NOSE Needs, Outcomes, Solutions,
Launch Evidence
DevOps Trial Test Build
SEO Search Engine Optimization
Functional &
non-functional Scrum, Kanban, Lean
Lean canvas Collateral Agile loop Dual-track agile requirements
Ready to tell

Discounting Ready to trial Demo User

Brand personas
User groups
Ready to sell Voice of the
customer gap
Psychology Ready for service Focus Market

Interviews Segmentation
groups problems MIND THE GAP
Blue Ocean Campaigns & Waterfall/ Value-based Versioning
(Value Curve) programs Stage-Gate pricing
Market coverage Requirements


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