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Ekayanaa School, Indore

Class VII computer

More on HTML 5
Important Tags and their uses
Basic Structure of HTML document

1) <BODY>
It contains the contents of your document.
Bgrcolor attribute is used to change the background colour of the webpage
Eg: <Body bgcolor=green>

2) Heading Tags

There are 6 heading tags. <H1> to <H6>

<H1> displays the text in largest size and <h6> displays in smallest size.
Eg: <H1>My first Webpage</H1>

3) <P> - Paragraph tag

The <p> tag defines a paragraph.

Eg: <P>HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design the web pages. With the
help of HTML, you can create a complete website structure. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and
Markup language.</P>

4) <BR>
It splits the line and displays the text on a newline.

5) <HR>

It draws a horizontal line across the webpage.

6) <B> , <I> , <U> -To display the text in Bold, Italics and Underline.

Eg: Welcome to <B> HTML </B>

7) Ordered list -<OL> :- It is used to create numbered list

<OL>-…</OL> to start and end the list
<li> To display list item
Attribute of ol tag – 1) start
2) reversed
3) type (can be like A/a/I/i/1) default is 1
Ex. - <ol start = 5 reversed >
<h1> Stationary items
<ol start = a>
<li> pen
<li> pencil
<li> Eraser
</ol >
8) Unordered list - <UL> :- It is used to create bulleted list
Its attributes - type (it can be disc , square , circle ) default value is disc
Eg. <body>
<h1> Stationary items
<UL type = “square” >
<li> pen
<li> pencil
<li> Eraser
</UL >
9) Definition List - <DL> :- It is used to create a list consists of a term followed by its definition.
It starts with <DL> tag
<DT>- Data Term
<DD>-Data Definition
Eg. <body>
<DT> Keyboard
<DD> An input device
<DD>An output device
10) <Table> tag- To create tables
<TR> - Table Row
<TD> -Table Data
<Caption> To give a heading/caption for the table.
Attributes of <Table> tag-
Border- To give a border for the table
Bgcolor – To give background colour for the table
height & width - To change the height and width of the table
<table border=2 height=20% width=20%>
<td>Maria </td>

11) <IMG> tag – To insert images in the webpage

SRC – to add the source(location) of the image
ALT- To specify an alternate text to the image
Height & width- To increase the height and width of the image
<IMG src=” C:\Users \Downloads\imagename.jpg”>

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