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[Info | 8:12:02 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.377.0.

0 - 4/25/2021 8:12:02 PM

[Info | 8:12:19 PM] EventThrottler enabled

[Info | 8:12:29 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 8:12:29 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 8:12:29 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 8:12:36 PM] User saved as -1 - undefined
[Info | 8:12:36 PM] Clip folder: Clips/
[Info | 8:12:36 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\
[Info | 8:12:38 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:12:38 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 8:12:42 PM] New command - user * {
"key": "7164dae7-e362-417d-aba7-dd09a71e2dc6",
"userId": 2626543,
"expires": 31536000000,
"userName": "INNER Pineapple",
"state": {
"state": "online",
"timestamp": 1618803399133
"userName.base64": "SU5ORVIgUGluZWFwcGxl"
[Info | 8:12:46 PM] Username is base64 translated to INNER Pineapple
[Info | 8:12:47 PM] User updated 2626543 - INNER Pineapple
[Info | 8:12:47 PM] job.respond a49a61e6-f8e6-4dc8-a80e-8649d97aced8
[Warning | 8:12:47 PM] ICYMI settings don't exist
[Info | 8:12:47 PM] Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 15 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Mic input
setting is False - Mic gain is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting is
True - Auto upload state setting is 1 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Maintain Aspect Ratio is True - Clip folder is-
C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.374.0\Clips - Bitrate
setting is 10 - Controller trigger key is select - Saving Trigger Key Enabled
setting is True - Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving
mouseTriggerEnabled setting is False - mouseTrigger is Middle - Selected audio
device is Auto - Selected mic device is Auto - BookmarkModeEnabled setting is False
- DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False - Mono audio setting is False - Selected
webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled setting is False - Switch game trigger key
is F10 - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - In
Memory Buffer setting is False - Mic noise suppression enabled setting is False -
Mic noise suppression threshold is -30 - ICYMI setting is False - ICYMI setting is
- Audio Notifications setting is False - Hold-To-Record setting is False -
GPUPrioritySetting is True - IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio
is Custom - Windows Graphics Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting
is True -
[Info | 8:12:47 PM] request user
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] request environment
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] requestuser reply {"key":"7164dae7-e362-417d-aba7-
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] Username is base64 translated to INNER Pineapple
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] Saving environment production
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] User updated 2626543 - INNER Pineapple
[Info | 8:12:48 PM] New command - set.gameSoundAudioDevice * {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 8:12:50 PM] New command - set.switchGameTriggerkey * {
"key": "F10",
"key.base64": "RjEw"
[Info | 8:12:50 PM] Saving switch game key settings RjEw
[Info | 8:12:50 PM] New command - set.holdToRecordEnabled * {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 8:12:55 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F10
[Debug | 8:12:55 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:12:56 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 8:12:56 PM] job.respond d68c7298-22b8-45a1-8d89-383191c5abe3
[Info | 8:12:56 PM] New command - set.micAudioDevice * {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Debug | 8:12:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:03 PM] Saving Hold-To-Record enabled: False
[Info | 8:13:03 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:03 PM] job.respond 363255ba-78d5-40f9-a84c-cf9628378a37
[Info | 8:13:03 PM] New command - ICYMIEnabled * {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 8:13:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] job.respond 66c91825-b844-462f-bae5-8ca3c8f59847
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] New command - set.triggerkey * {
"key": "F3",
"key.base64": "RjM="
[Debug | 8:13:05 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] Saving key settings RjM=
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F3
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:13:05 PM] job.respond e2261b91-89af-4537-8959-b645ee95ea21
[Debug | 8:13:05 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:05 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a49a61e6-f8e6-4dc8-a80e-
ed':false}}},'11':{'GameName':'League of
Disabled':false},'2':{'EventName':'Knocked Down
isabled':false},'4':{'EventName':'Battle Royale
arget','ForceDisabled':false},'10':{'EventName':'Long Distance
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] job.respond 70715533-5332-43ef-9458-44c83cb730a4
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] job.respond 66e92d95-4996-4fb7-b775-cb31e1e18827
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] New command - set.devmode * {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 8:13:06 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:06 PM] New command - set.triggerKeyEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] job.respond 8991d7c0-e32d-40fe-87b7-e83bf1152551
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] job.respond 824fd804-614e-4457-b1a1-89150a918b96
[Debug | 8:13:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] New command - set.windowsGraphicsCapture * {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 8:13:08 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] New command - set.bookmarkModeEnabled * {
"enabled": false
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] 1 logs of- Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] job.respond 1127d6c0-9e8e-471b-9ef0-9881e8a14b3b
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] New command - set.mouseTrigger * {
"trigger": {
"name": "Middle Click",
"index": 1
[Info | 8:13:09 PM] Saving mouseTrigger settings Middle Click
[Debug | 8:13:09 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:10 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 8:13:10 PM] Saving Windows Graphics Capture 0
[Info | 8:13:10 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:10 PM] job.respond 27cb162c-b460-4a6b-bf07-e4fb5929d62c
[Debug | 8:13:10 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:10 PM] New command - set.recordingEnabled * {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond fc339671-f697-43b3-adb3-0c71c2de3d2e
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecording
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond 80023adb-33a3-4de8-b135-69497b9e5dae
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'363255ba-78d5-40f9-a84c-
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving BookmarkModeEnabled False
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond 8560bd5c-615c-4366-8e12-2680c7ce5159
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] New command - * {
"enabled": false
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] New command - set.mouseTriggerEnabled * {
"enabled": false
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond 2caf9325-43d6-4608-b03e-3143609e638b
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] New command - * {
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving mouseTriggerEnabled Enabled False
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond d7725932-0208-472a-b592-b6dea71bf788
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] New command - set.controllerTrigger * {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Debug | 8:13:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:11 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Info | 8:13:12 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:12 PM] job.respond a14108d9-9bd1-4121-810e-b4b64ca759aa
[Info | 8:13:12 PM] New command - * {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Debug | 8:13:12 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:12 PM] job.respond 6625e08b-d226-469e-96a4-758c822d25af
[Info | 8:13:12 PM] New command - set.controllerTriggerEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 8:13:12 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] job.respond 1e0cd538-6f38-4a9f-a63c-c6e468f2a719
[Warning | 8:13:13 PM] Mic noise suppression threshold settings invalid, resetting
to 0.
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] Saving nic noise suppression threshold 0
[Debug | 8:13:13 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d68c7298-22b8-45a1-8d89-
[Debug | 8:13:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] job.respond 05701ece-31e3-4837-a87d-004428082b31
[Debug | 8:13:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:13 PM] New command - set.inMemoryBuffer * {
"enabled": true
[Info | 8:13:14 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 8:13:14 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:14 PM] job.respond 2eef45b3-ee06-4a39-ba64-2a1b841df3ff
[Info | 8:13:14 PM] New command - set.cliplength * {
"cliplength": "60"
[Debug | 8:13:14 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:14 PM] Saving clip length 60
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] job.respond d3ba5036-0d9f-40fd-9053-9219b6dd639c
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] ControllerManager stopping...
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] ControllerManager stopped.
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] New command - set.inMemoryBuffer * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 8:13:15 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] job.respond cfeb0659-7f85-4b26-af47-82b25d926829
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] New command - set.resolution * {
"resolution": "Full HD (1080p)"
[Debug | 8:13:15 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] Saving resolution Full HD (1080p)
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] Saving bitrate 15
[Info | 8:13:15 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 8:13:16 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\
[Info | 8:13:16 PM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] Process watcher started
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] job.respond 27d6086e-6a86-4e22-9924-cffa8d9e00dc
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] New command - set.fps * {
"fps": "60"
[Debug | 8:13:17 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:17 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 8:13:18 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:18 PM] job.respond 5de3fad4-e354-435f-809f-064f475172ee
[Info | 8:13:19 PM] New command - set.micinput * {
"micinput": 0
[Debug | 8:13:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:19 PM] Saving Mic Input False
[Info | 8:13:19 PM] job.respond 2fc73288-db93-4bb1-8f99-bd20a173c485
[Info | 8:13:19 PM] New command - set.monoAudio * {
"monoaudio": false
[Debug | 8:13:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] job.respond 49438adc-bd87-43c1-939e-5df1aa663bf9
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] New command - set.overlayalerts * {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 8:13:21 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] job.respond ebed45a9-c169-4415-bfbd-dec904e588f3
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] Path to Steam and CSGO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\
common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg/
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] New command - set.soundalerts * {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 8:13:21 PM] ICYMI-CSGO: Wrote configuration file.
[Debug | 8:13:21 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:22 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 8:13:22 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 8:13:22 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Info | 8:13:22 PM] job.respond 60b95d24-2965-4238-97e9-020bbe0b83ae
[Info | 8:13:22 PM] New command - set.maintainAspectRatio * {
"maintainAspectRatio": 1
[Debug | 8:13:22 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:25 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Fit
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] Saving Maintain Aspect Ratio True
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] job.respond ffb35317-dc69-45bf-84af-534bbd34226e
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Debug | 8:13:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] New command - set.aspectRatio * {
"aspectRatio": 0
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 8:13:27 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] Setting initial encoder to GPU
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Stretch
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] job.respond 2ecdc567-ba8d-49c6-8da1-97b688c9e366
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] Sending Encoder Setting: GPU
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] New command - set.detectallgames * {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 8:13:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] SendEncoderSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Info | 8:13:28 PM] job.respond 795a2cd1-0e48-48bc-aa35-512778beb522
[Info | 8:13:29 PM] New command - set.encoder * {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 8:13:29 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:29 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti","1
Status":"OK","1 Caption":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti","1
DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Integrated
RAMDAC","1 Monochrome":"False","1 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\
DriverVersion":"","1 VideoProcessor":"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti","1
VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive
C:\\","C:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"OS","C:\\ File
system":"NTFS","C:\\ Available space to current user":"18.9 GB","C:\\ Total
available space":"18.9 GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"216.2 GB","C:\\ Root
directory":"C:\\","E:\\ Name":"Drive E:\\","E:\\ Drive type":"CDRom"},"CPU":{"1
Name":"AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor ","1 DeviceID":"CPU0","1
Manufacturer":"AuthenticAMD","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"3100","1 Caption":"AMD64 Family
23 Model 1 Stepping 1","1 NumberOfCores":"4","1 NumberOfEnabledCore":"4","1
NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"4","1 Architecture":"9","1 Family":"107","1
ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"4","1 AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1
Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1 WindowsDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS","1
ProductType":"1","1 SerialNumber":"00331-20300-00000-AA391","1
SystemDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32","1 CountryCode":"1","1 CurrentTimeZone":"-
480","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSType":"18","1 Version":"10.0.18362"},"Sound":
{"1 Name":"High Definition Audio Device","1 ProductName":"High Definition Audio
Device","1 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2 Name":"USB
Audio Device","2 ProductName":"USB Audio Device","2 DeviceID":"USB\\
VID_0D8C&PID_0134&MI_00\\7&13AC05EB&0&0000","2 PowerManagementSupported":"False","2
Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3","3 Name":"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave
Extensible) (WDM)","3 ProductName":"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible)
(WDM)","3 DeviceID":"ROOT\\UNNAMED_DEVICE\\0000","3
PowerManagementSupported":"False","3 Status":"OK","3 StatusInfo":"3","4
Name":"NVIDIA High Definition Audio","4 ProductName":"NVIDIA High Definition
Audio","4 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","4 Status":"OK","4 StatusInfo":"3","5
Name":"Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)","5 ProductName":"Voicemod Virtual Audio
Device (WDM)","5 DeviceID":"ROOT\\MEDIA\\0000","5
PowerManagementSupported":"False","5 Status":"OK","5 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] job.respond fc96a986-9773-4b2a-8315-27deebc88cdc
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[Debug | 8:13:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] New command - set.clipFolder * {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%James Ferdolage%path.sep%Videos
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcSmFtZXMgRmVyZG9sYWdlXFZpZGVvc1xNZWRhbA=="
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] Saving Clip folder:
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\James
[Debug | 8:13:30 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] job.respond 18dcfe87-4523-4482-baae-0f41682f4c17
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] New command - set.bitrate * {
"bitrate": "20"
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] Saving bitrate 20
[Debug | 8:13:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:13:30 PM] job.respond 9943f2b5-e174-4a13-95da-9e868650b247
[Info | 8:13:31 PM] New command - set.autoUploadState * {
"autoUploadState": 3
[Debug | 8:13:31 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:31 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 3
[Warning | 8:13:31 PM] Auto upload state settings invalid 3 -- resetting to 1
[Info | 8:13:31 PM] job.respond 73a89b91-4696-4419-bad0-349b26e47982
[Info | 8:13:31 PM] New command - set.autoUpload * {
"autoUpload": false
[Debug | 8:13:31 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] job.respond 5ce3376c-67a5-46ee-9b48-dd41e4a3eb3d
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] New command - get.availableMicDevices *
[Debug | 8:13:32 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (High Definition Audio
Device), Microphone (TONOR TC-777 Audio Device), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio
Device (WDM))
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\Medal\
recorder-3.374.0\DLLs\MServer.exe - found
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] job.respond c540a784-5ab6-4494-ab8d-3d9092f22428
[Info | 8:13:32 PM] New command - get.availableAudioDevices *
[Debug | 8:13:32 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 8:13:32 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] Sending available audio devices Headphones (High Definition
Audio Device), Speakers (High Definition Audio Device), Line (Voicemod Virtual
Audio Device (WDM))
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond a5f3d872-d754-4673-a691-58f649f54731
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] New command - get.micAudioDevice *
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond 9b2f659a-e94b-458e-94f7-4036d01d0c2c
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] New command - get.gameSoundAudioDevice *
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond 9b6ba0c4-2cec-47ae-89a5-679fa092ff6c
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] New command - set.gameSoundGain * {
"gain": 50
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] 1 logs of- SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond 85c3f78e-3f34-4bae-922f-0cda96de5b6c
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] New command - set.micGain * {
"gain": 50
[Info | 8:13:33 PM] Saving mic gain 50
[Debug | 8:13:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond e54857c1-f32b-4b4d-ac84-0fe623ee9cb8
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] New command - set.showCursor * {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond 55eb36a8-f391-4a39-95a1-69f1c2000af2
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] New command - set.gameAudioOnly * {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond a455c440-ff95-4269-b6bd-917cce1668ce
[Debug | 8:13:34 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'66c91825-b844-462f-bae5-
{'uuid':'27d6086e-6a86-4e22-9924-cffa8d9e00dc','body':{'resolution':'Full HD
0f41682f4c17','body':{'clipFolder':'C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%James Ferdolage
[Debug | 8:13:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:13:34 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\Medal\
recorder-3.374.0\MedalEncoder.exe - found
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\James
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\James
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Info | 8:13:35 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Info | 8:13:38 PM] System supports GAO.
[Info | 8:13:38 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 8:13:39 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 8:13:39 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 8:13:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 8:13:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 8:13:42 PM] Update available. Downloading new game database from with force
update False
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Overlay asset path is C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\
[Info | 8:14:26 PM] 3 logs of- Overlay asset path is C:\Users\James Ferdolage\
[Info | 8:14:26 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:14:26 PM] job.respond ee245864-c6b3-4d8b-affc-4125546e2b6b
[Debug | 8:14:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:14:27 PM] Game database updated. Version:
[Info | 8:14:27 PM] Processing command: none
[Info | 8:14:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 8:14:27 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
[Info | 8:14:30 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\
[Info | 8:14:30 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:14:38 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:14:38 PM] job.respond 3836d0d6-6126-481c-85a6-fe97604090ee
[Debug | 8:14:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 8:14:40 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:14:45 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [Apex Legends: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Eliminated: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Knocked Down: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Champion: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:14:45 PM] job.respond 2e64d62e-d258-468f-88f2-664a0bdd84cf
[Debug | 8:14:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 8:14:45 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Warning | 8:14:55 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:15:03 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:15:03 PM] job.respond c8235a7e-71c9-4407-be46-d0e3effaffe1
[Debug | 8:15:04 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 8:15:05 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:15:07 PM] Saving ICYMI Events [Rocket League: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Goal: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Save:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Epic Save: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [League of Legends: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Enemy Slain: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Triple Kill:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Quadra Kill: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Penta Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double
Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Ace: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [CS:GO: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Enemy
Killed: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False]], [Fortnite: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[Eliminated Player: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Knocked Down Player:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Victory Royale: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Battle Royale Death: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Double Elimination: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Multi Elimination: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Victory: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Headshot: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False], [Long Distance Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False],
[Ludicrous Shot: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [War Thunder: Enabled:True,
ForceDisabled:False, Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False], [Death:
Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False, Events:
[: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [: Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False], [:
Enabled:False, ForceDisabled:False]], [Valorant: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False,
Events:[Kill: Enabled:True, ForceDisabled:False]]
[Info | 8:15:07 PM] job.respond dfb2ab70-7819-44c1-b745-609a5c510225
[Debug | 8:15:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Game Found Type 1: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Game Found Type 1: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Process name found csgo | Caption | Counter-Strike: Global
Offensive | and class | Valve001 | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] 1 logs of- Game Found Type 1: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Process name found csgo | Caption | Counter-Strike: Global
Offensive | and class | Valve001 | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] 1 logs of- Process name found csgo | Caption | Counter-Strike:
Global Offensive | and class | Valve001 | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Game found csgo Handle: 535796
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Game found csgo Handle: 535796
[Info | 8:15:09 PM] Game found csgo Handle: 535796
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] Active game initialized Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Counter Strike: Global
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] recordingstarted 14 - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:10 PM] Start recording game Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Warning | 8:15:10 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:15:11 PM] Active game initialized Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Info | 8:15:11 PM] Active game initialized Counter Strike: Global Offensive
[Debug | 8:15:11 PM] recordingstarted reply
[Info | 8:15:11 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureStart
[Debug | 8:15:12 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Warning | 8:15:16 PM] Error in GameFound - System.ArgumentException: An item with
the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value,
Boolean add)
at (GameFoundResult )
[Warning | 8:15:22 PM] Error in GameFound - System.ArgumentException: An item with
the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value,
Boolean add)
at (GameFoundResult )
[Critical | 8:15:23 PM] Error in GameFound
[Critical | 8:15:23 PM] Error in GameFound
[Info | 8:15:23 PM] ICYMI initializing. Config Enabled: True - Settings Enabled:
[Info | 8:15:24 PM] Check for late hook install: False
[Info | 8:15:24 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 8:15:26 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 8:15:27 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 8:15:27 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 8:15:28 PM] Default device is Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
[Info | 8:15:32 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Headphones (High Definition Audio
Device), Audio Index:5, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 8:15:33 PM] Window capture video resolution is {Width=1920, Height=1080} -
Aspect ratio is Stretch
[Info | 8:15:33 PM] Acquired window capture device.
[Info | 8:15:34 PM] [Game Status]: capture/started - Counter Strike: Global
[Info | 8:15:34 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Debug | 8:15:34 PM] capture/started reply "ok"
[Info | 8:15:35 PM] Memory buffer size (MB): 300
[Info | 8:15:35 PM] Started Filter
[Critical | 8:15:36 PM] WindowCapture video thread error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:15:38 PM] 1 logs of- WindowCapture video thread error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:15:38 PM] Capture area is 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:15:38 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Critical | 8:15:39 PM] WindowCapture video thread error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:15:40 PM] 1 logs of- WindowCapture video thread error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:15:40 PM] Capture mode: DXGI
[Critical | 8:15:41 PM] WindowCapture video thread error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:15:41 PM] First video data from screen capture
[Info | 8:15:41 PM] ControllerManager starting...
[Info | 8:15:41 PM] Keyboard hook started F3
[Info | 8:15:41 PM] Set sound gain {0},{0} - 0 - 10
[Info | 8:15:41 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] DeviceEventWatcher started
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] ControllerManager started.
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: WindowCapture----
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:15:42 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:16:05 PM] Active game GameRecordingFailedToStartWindowCapture
[Warning | 8:22:37 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:33:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:33:53 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:33:53 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:33:54 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Critical | 8:33:55 PM] Error on grabbing frame from Screen Capture engine:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] Creating overlay frame from: C:\Users\James Ferdolage\AppData\
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:56 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:33:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:56 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 11 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 12 logs of- Screen: 0
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 10 logs of- Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 10 logs of- Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] 10 logs of- [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:33:57 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:58 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:33:59 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:34:00 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:17 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:18 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:18 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:34:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:18 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:19 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:19 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:25 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:25 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:26 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Critical | 8:34:33 PM] Error on grabbing frame from Screen Capture engine:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:34:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:38 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:39 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:40 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Critical | 8:34:41 PM] Error on grabbing frame from Screen Capture engine:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:34:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:41 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:34:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:34:42 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:35:04 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:35:05 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:35:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Critical | 8:35:46 PM] Error on grabbing frame from Screen Capture engine:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800705B4): This operation returned
because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4)
at MFORMATSLib.MFLiveClass.SourceFrameConvertedGet(M_AV_PROPS& _pAVPropsOut,
Int64 _rtMaxWait, MFFrame& _ppFrame, String _bsHints)
at (WindowCaptureState , CancellationToken )
[Info | 8:35:46 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 8:35:46 PM] Screen: 0
[Warning | 8:35:47 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:35:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Debug | 8:35:48 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'10f6a424-9c1a-43c4-a687-
[Warning | 8:35:48 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:35:48 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:35:50 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:36:00 PM] 2 logs of- Screen: 0
[Info | 8:36:00 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:03 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:36:10 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Warning | 8:36:12 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:36:13 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Warning | 8:36:13 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Warning | 8:36:13 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Warning | 8:36:14 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 8:36:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:16 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:18 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:23 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:36:25 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:36:25 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:36:26 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:26 PM] 2 logs of- Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:27 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:36:28 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:29 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:30 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:36:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:36:30 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:36:30 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] 1 logs of- Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Showing: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:37:51 PM] Hiding: 0,0,1280,1024
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] Screen: 0
[Info | 8:37:52 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved

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