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Classroom task

1. Google colab -

1. Free cloud based platform
2. Allows you write and execute codes in python in collaborative
3. Can analyze date using famous python libraries like Pandas,
Tensorflow, Numby
4. Access to GPU for accelerated computation
5. Real time collaboration with others
2. Jupyter notebook
1. Open source, web based interactive platform
2. Supports various programming languages such as Python, R and
3. Microsoft power BI - Business analytical tool by Microsoft
1. Enables you visualize data and share insights from the data
2. Integration with wide range of data sources
3. Collaboration and sharing capabilitie
4. Tableau Public
1. User friendly, drag and drop interface
2. Completely free version of Tableau
3. Come in handy not create and share interactive data
5. RStudio Cloud
1. Granted access to R language in online platform
2. No need to do local installation on the deice
3. Integrates with version control system

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