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What is Audit Site Tour

Audit site tour is a process where auditors visit a company's premises to assess its operations, controls,
and compliance with regulations. It involves physical inspections, interviews with employees, and review
of documents. The purpose is to gather evidence and gain a better understanding of the organization's
internal processes.

Purpose of Audit Site Tour

Site tour is fundamental in verifying the state of premises and equipment, the employee’s behavior, the
materials flow and to orient the documental review, performed usually in the remaining part of the
audit, before the close meeting.

The purpose of an audit site tour is to physically inspect and assess the operations, processes, and
controls of a company or organization. It allows auditors to gather evidence, verify information, and
identify any potential risks or non-compliance issues. The site tour helps ensure the accuracy and
reliability of the audit findings and recommendations.

Do – Audit Site Tour

During an audit site tour, it is important to be prepared and organized, e.g. :

• Ensure that all necessary documents and records are readily available for review.
• Maintain open communication with the auditors and address any questions or concerns promptly.
• Follow safety protocols and accompany auditors throughout the tour.
• Take note of any findings or observations for further investigation or improvement.

Don’t Do – Audit Site Tour

During an audit site tour, it is important to avoid certain actions by the auditee, e.g. :

• Firstly, do not interfere with the audit process or distract the auditors.
• Secondly, do not provide false or misleading information.
• Thirdly, do not hide or tamper with any relevant documents.
• Lastly, do not refuse access to areas or personnel requested by the auditors.

Remember, cooperation and transparency are key during an audit site tour.

Aspect to consider during audit Site tour

During an audit site tour, several aspects should be considered.
• Firstly, the physical condition of the site, including any potential safety hazards or environmental
• Secondly, the organization's compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
• Thirdly, the effectiveness of the site's operational processes and controls.
• Lastly, any potential areas of improvement or corrective actions that need to be addressed.

How to Conduct Audit Site Tour

To conduct an audit site tour effectively, start by planning the visit in advance. Familiarize yourself with
the site's layout and objectives. During the tour, observe operations, review documentation, and
interview staff. Take detailed notes and photographs as evidence. Finally, analyze the findings and
prepare a comprehensive audit report.

The Auditee should lead the Audit team on a brief (no more than one hour) orientation tour, which
should take place immediately after the opening meeting. The purpose of the tour is to:

a. Familiarize the Audit team with the facility layout and key operations;
b. Observe general physical and working conditions;
c. Observe areas of potential high risk as identified in the Auditee self-assessment and other pre-
Audit documentation; and
d. Identify and prioritize other areas and aspects of local operations that may require more detailed
inspection and review during the Audit.

The orientation tour should provide a general overview and walk-through of all buildings and operations
within the scope of the Audit.

Evidences being sought during Audit Site Tour

When conducting an audit site tour, it is crucial to gather sufficient evidence to support findings. This can
include physical documentation, photographs, and interviews with relevant personnel. These evidences
provide a comprehensive understanding of the site's operations and enable auditors to make informed

Facility Inspections
Inspections of the site, with special attention given to potential high risk/nonconformance areas, should
be conducted following a review of records and interviews with Auditee management staff. Physical
inspections may include areas concerned with:

• Air emissions and emission control systems;

• Hazardous waste generation and storage;
• Fuel, chemical and oil storage, transport and use;
• Wastewater treatment, discharge and sludge disposal;
• Hazardous materials storage and handling;
• Manufacturing and processing operations;
• Work stations;
• Worker canteen, kitchen and food storage facilities;
• Recreational facilities;
• Restroom/bathroom facilities;
• Medical center/clinic, and
• Dormitory facilities.

Worker interviews should be conducted while performing these detailed site tours. Also, with consent
from the facility management, digital photographs might be taken to further support the data obtained.

Instrument Used during Audit Site Tour

• Site Map Plan
• Quality Plan
• HSE Plan
• Risk Assessment Table
• Quality Objective
• Environmental Objective
• OHS Objective (leading and lagging indicator)

How should auditor taking notes as Audit Site Tour Result

• Awareness of operators in the area division during the tour audit
• The actual condition of process control observed during the audit tour
• Results of observations of unsafe conditions and unsafe behavior in areas visited during the audit
• Observation results regarding the impact of implementation aspects on the areas visited during the
audit tour

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