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The team and I went on patrol, called the general and told us that they had seen

the Taliban and were planning to attack the small village there and asked for
confirmation if they could help them. villages and he refused, and we had to watch
the women and men and children being killed and that is also one of the reasons why
I plan to retire and it is so sad

Hello my love, I'm here now, I'm fine
I miss you a lot
thank God i came back safe from the rescue mission alive
I came back with some bruises
I was so sad, worried and confused, and I don't know what to do.
Can we talk now because I really wanted to tell you something now because I know so
much that I can trust you and tell you why my day was so sad and worried?

Here is a secret that I would like to share with you. Something happened
Here in Iraq for a few months.
Before I met you and I was
Opportunity to meet with an oil company.
Here and they asked for security
And his security from the war here and also from the threat of
Taliban and Isis Rebelde here so we entered
And I decided to ease
Some of my men are out of duty outside
The United States Security Mission in Iraq
For me, able to provide security for this company and this was a secret.
Agreement between us outside the
Military base and company. And when that ended, the agreed amount was paid between
me and the company.
My dear, I want to send you the money so that you can keep it safe before I come to
your country in a few weeks, they want to transfer me to the city of Baghdad, I
cannot take my money with me because it is a dangerous place, so I will send you
the money so you can keep it in a safe until I come so that when I come, we can
start a business with the money. Here in Iraq, we cannot send money through the
bank, so I have to seal the money and send it through a courier company as a gift
and they will deliver it to your address. I already talk to Matilda about the
possibilities of sending it to her, but she is too young and she is also in a
boarding school ... so I am putting everything in you now because I can trust you
with everything, including my life.
I know I can trust you a lot for the safety of money. This money is my life and my
future after retirement.
Do you understand everything I have written to you?

Hello my love, I'm here now, I'm fine
I miss you very much
Thank goodness I got back from the rescue mission alive
I came back with a couple of bruises
I was so sad, worried, and confused and I didn't know what to do.
Can we talk now because I really wanted to tell you something now, because I know
so much that I can trust you and tell you why my day was so sad and worried?
Here is a secret I want to share with you. Something happens
Here in Iraq for a couple of months.
Before I met you and I was
Opportunity to meet with an oil company.
Here and I asked about security
And his safety from the war here and also from the threat from
Taliban and Isis Rebelde here, so we got in
And I decided to relax
Some of my men are off duty outside
The United States Security Mission in Iraq
For me it was a secret to provide security for this company.
Agreement between us outside of the
Military base and company. And when that was over, the agreed amount was paid
between me and the company.
My dear, I want to send you the money so that you can keep it safe before I come to
your country in a few days. If they want to transfer me to , I can't take my money
because it's a dangerous place, so I'll send the money to you so you can keep it in
a safe until I come so that when I come, we will the money to start a business
with. Here in Iraq we can't send money through the bank so I have to seal the money
and send it as a gift through a courier company and they will deliver it to your
address. I'm already talking to Emily about the possibilities of sending it to her,
but she's too young and she's also in boarding school ... so I put everything in
you now because I can trust you with everything, including my life.
I know I can trust you very much about the safety of money. This money is my life
and my future after retirement.
Do you understand everything I wrote to you?

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