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Wordpress Requirement:

Management of the registration of children in classes

We need a registration page on our Wordpress site. This page will allow parents to enter their
contact details and information about their children.
We will have a limited number of places in the classes.
The design must respect the graphic charter of the pages of the site and be
in responsive design. The color of orange is #ff9900.

A. Wordpress Editor + Administrator side

1. Create a (school) class

Possibility to create AND modify classes with a limited number of places.

FIELDS of the form (FRENCH) :
● Nom de la classe * (text field)
● Description (champs textarea)
● Nombre de places maximum * (text field)
● Enfants acceptés * (choix multiple)
Préscolaire 1 à 2 ans
Préscolaire 3 à 4 ans
1ère année
2ème année
3ème année
4ème année
5ème année
6ème année
Secondaire 1

2. Database

- The database must be searchable via several lists:

1. The list of parents,
2. The list of children,
3. A list of all the classes (+ a link to modify the class with the form identical to that of
“Créer une classe”); and on each of the classes, it is possible to click to see:
a. the number of children in this class,
b. the number of children present in this class (subtraction: number of children
belonging to this class - number of children belonging to this class BUT absent;
cf. B.2b with the field is_present),
c. the list of children belonging to this class.

- You can sort all the lists in ascending or descending alphabetical order or search by keywords.

- The list of children can be sorted by (multiple choice in French):

Préscolaire 1 à 2 ans
Préscolaire 3 à 4 ans
1ère année
2ème année
3ème année
4ème année
5ème année
6ème année
Secondaire 1

- When you click on the name of a parent or child, you find the family sheet with:
1. Information about Parent 1
2. Information about Parent 2
3. Information about Child 1
4. Information about Child 2, 3, 4,...
The orange buttons on the top-right corners are only displayed for Wordpress administrators or
parents themselves. A Wordpress editor will not see these buttons.

: edit the family sheet (returns to the complete form)

: delete the record from the database; before deleting, the following
warning message must be displayed: “ATTENTION : vous allez supprimer DÉFINITIVEMENT
cette fiche ; êtes-vous certain de vouloir continuer ? ” (+ two buttons: “Continuer” and “Annuler”).

: empty the Parent 2 record or delete a child's record from the database.

B. User/parent side
The following pages are accessible to everyone on the site; in other words, they are not
reserved for administrators and editors, although the link is private.

Two buttons:
1. Inscrire mon enfant (pour les nouveaux)
2. Je suis déjà inscrit

1. Inscrire mon enfant (pour les nouveaux)

Registration form with the following fields (fields with * are required):

● Parent 1 / personne responsable

○ Prénom * (text field)
○ Nom * (text field)
○ Cellulaire * (phone field)
○ Courriel * (email field)
● Parent 2
○ Prénom (text field)
○ Nom (text field)
○ Cellulaire (phone field)
● Adresse postale
○ Rue et numéro civique * (text field)
○ Numéro d’appartement (text field)
○ Ville * (text field)
○ Code postal * (text field)

→ Permanently display an “AJOUTER UN ENFANT” button which allows you to add as many
children as the person wishes. with each click, the following form is displayed:

● Enfant 1 (→ puis Enfant 2, Enfant 3…)

○ Prénom * (text field)
○ Nom * (text field)
○ Date de naissance * (calendar)
○ Année scolaire * : (drop-down menu with the same information as “Enfants
acceptés” in the Admin side)
■ Préscolaire 1 à 2 ans
■ Préscolaire 3 à 4 ans
■ Maternelle
■ 1ère année
■ 2ème année
■ 3ème année
■ 4ème année
■ 5ème année
■ 6ème année
■ Secondaire 1
○ Allergies (text field)
○ Autres informations (textarea field)
○ “J'accepte que l’équipe média de Plénitude filme ou photographie mon enfant et
j’autorise la publication des images sur les réseaux sociaux de l’église
Plénitude.” (Checkbox)
○ Présent en classe aujourd’hui (is_present=1 to indicate their presence in class)
2. Je suis déjà inscrit
It is a login form + a profile page.
The login is done by indicating the First name + Last name + Cell phone of Parent 1 or Parent 2
(box not sensitive)

→ Once logged in, the parent arrives on the Family sheet (Cf. A.2; the same one available
in administrator mode, with the edit buttons).

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