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Me retina diaria

I picked the characteristic of loyalty for the Character Bassanio in the

Merchant of Venice, written by Shakespeare.

Bassanio is a loyal character to his friends and those who trust him.
We have many examples throughout the play of Bassanios loyalty.
Most of these scenes show us his loyalty to his best friend Antonio.
Antonio got a loan from his enemy Shylock of 3000 ducats for 3
months, as Bassanio needed the money to buy gifts for an heiress to
impress her and marry her. However Shylock made a crazy deal, if
Antonio were to not be able to provide the money in those 3 months,
Shylock could get a pound of his flesh, and Antonio agreed.
Bassanio was successful and married the heiress,Portia. However,
news got to him letting him know Antonio had lost all his cargo ships
and therefore couldn’t fulfill his deal with Shylock. Bassanio could
have ignored the letter and let Antonio die in Shylocks arms, but
instead he went back to Venice to help Antonio out. This shows
loyalty. He didn’t leave Antonio and forget about him, he returned
back and tried to fix the trouble Antonio was in as he couldn’t lose
his friend.

Another example of loyalty is shown in Portia and Bassanio. Portia

disguises herself as the judge and goes to Venice to help Antonio,
after seeing Bassanios desperation to help his dear friend. This is an
act of loyalty from Portia to Bassanio. She also shows how she’s
dependable by using her fortunes on Antonio to break the bond with
Shylock because that is what her husband, Bassanio wants. Each
character depends on one another, loyalty.
Me retina diaria

Here is what I would do if I were to advertise a movie version of the

Play “The Merchant Of Venice”.

The text would be written in old school as it’s a play set in the 16th
century in Venice.

I would set the background image behind the text in a court room
with Shylock in the middle knelt down crying. By his side I would
place Antonio and Bassanio hugging and crying. And Portia smiling
dressed as the judge.

In the back of the main characters I would have an audience, dimmed

just so you can slightly see them all happy.

The reason for having Shylock knelt down, crying as the centre piece
is to get the audience thinking what happened to him and why is
everyone around him happy? We know they’re all happy for
Antonio’s victory.
Me retina diaria

Me despierta a las siete y media en la mañana.

Me levanto y me maquillo. Me visto en mi ropas
de colegio. Desayuno y me lavo los dientes. Me
pieno y voy al colegio. En colegio, voy a mi clases y
almuerzo. Vuelvo a casa y Me visto. Veo a
telefónica y hago los deberes. Ceno con mi familia.
Me visto en my pijamas y me acuesto. Veo la
telefónica y me duermo a la 12.

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