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November 21, 2023


Officiating Minister
Asinan Baptist Church
Buayan , General Santos City

Dear Pastor,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to you with great joy as my fiancé,
Hermie Lyn Tibon and I plan to embark on a journey of love and commitment through the sacrament of
marriage. After much consideration, we are reaching out to express our sincere desire to have you
officiate our wedding ceremony.

We have been touched by your guidance, wisdom, and spiritual leadership at Asinan Baptist Church and
it would mean the world to us to have you play a pivotal role in this significant moment of our lives. We
understand that traditionally weddings take place within the church, but we have chosen to have our
ceremony outside the church.

We have carefully considered the location for our special day and have chosen Balay ni Leonor, located
at Tagum City Davao Del Norte, a place that holds significant meaning for us. This decision stems from
our desire to infuse our wedding with a touch of personalization, creating an environment that resonates
with our unique journey.

The venue not only aligns with our vision for a more intimate and personalized celebration but also
provides logistical convenience by combining both the ceremony and reception in one location. We
believe this will contribute to a seamless and enjoyable experience for ourselves and our cherished

We understand the responsibilities associated with officiating a wedding and would be more than happy
to discuss any details, answer questions, or accommodate any preferences you may have regarding the

We sincerely hope that you will consider our request, and we would be honored to receive your blessing
and guidance as we step into this new chapter of our lives. We look forward to the possibility of having
you share in the joy of our union.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours in faith,



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