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Crafting a thesis statement for a topic as complex and nuanced as European imperialism in Africa

can be a daunting task. This period of history encompasses a multitude of factors including political,
economic, social, and cultural dynamics that influenced the continent and its people in profound
ways. As such, formulating a clear and concise thesis statement that effectively captures the essence
of this topic requires extensive research, critical analysis, and careful consideration.

One of the main challenges in writing a thesis statement on European imperialism in Africa is the vast
amount of information available. Navigating through historical documents, scholarly articles, and
diverse perspectives can be overwhelming, making it difficult to identify key themes and arguments.
Additionally, the multifaceted nature of imperialism in Africa demands a nuanced approach, as it
involves not only the actions of European powers but also the responses and experiences of African

Furthermore, crafting a thesis statement requires synthesizing complex ideas into a single, coherent
statement that serves as the foundation for the entire paper. This involves distilling key concepts and
arguments into a concise and focused statement that effectively communicates the main argument or
perspective of the paper.

Given the challenges involved in writing a thesis statement on European imperialism in Africa, it is
not uncommon for students to seek assistance. offers professional writing services
tailored to help students tackle complex topics like this with ease. By enlisting the expertise of
experienced writers, students can ensure that their thesis statements are well-crafted, well-researched,
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students can confidently navigate the complexities of writing a thesis on European imperialism in
Africa and produce high-quality academic work.
The colonies were to supply both resources for industrial Europe, and new markets for Europe’s
finished goods. Most of the public believed that if imperialism was going to exist, it was best if
Britain was the driving force behind it. However, as the 19th century progressed, a shift occurred. In
the middle decades of the nineteenth century abolitionists turned their attention to East Africa; this
move coincided with a heightened interest by European explorers in mapping the frontiers of East
Africa and finding the source of the Nile River. If interested in similar readings on the Imperialist
era, check other offerings by this author. Britain simply could not allow France to beat them at
anything, least of all somewhere where the English had a majority of the trading interest. They took
up the scientific ideas of natural selection and the survival of the fittest and applied the concepts to
the human social world. Two others were moral superiority and rivalry between nations. Add to this
that Europe needed a place to house and employ their surplus population, and you can see why New
Imperialism held the promise of economic growth. In 1882 when Arab forces attempted to seize
Egypt from European hands, the British out-did the French by taking on the strong military role and
crushing the Arab forces. Another famous 14th century city, Mombasa, exported spices, gold and
ivory. These new markets had to lie in hitherto undeveloped countries, chiefly in the tropics. In order
to encourage the French, Bismarck, who had never wanted colonies before, began some imperialism
in Africa. One of the main reasons may be that Europeans believed that the more territory a country
was able to control, the more powerful and important they were believed to be. Slavery and African
Life: Occidental, Oriental, and African Slave Trades. The abolitionist movement in East Africa was
both a humanitarian and an imperialist endeavor. The second focused on Asia, while the third wave
extended European control into Africa. When Africa began to be opened up by adventurers and the
like it was something that would sell. The British settlers in South Africa referred to the white
Afrikaners, who lived with a blend of European, as an inferior race. However, Britain was the most
influential, because they were strongest. The New Imperialism of the 19 th century was marked by a
desire among the Belgians, Germans, and Italians to build empires in Africa that would match the
ones created by earlier imperial powers. In 1869 the French completed the Suez canal in Egypt.
European powers overthrew Chinas empress and set up their own ruler. This provoked a rare display
of unity among the colonial powers, who formed the. This makes his comments on civilization and
human rights in the excerpts below all the more interesting. They were political and military interests,
humanitarian and religious goals, ideological, exploratory, and lastly, but most importantly, economic
interests. Though the British attempted to impose a naval blockade on the coast and prevent dhows
filled with human cargo from departing, slave dhows still left Portuguese controlled ports in
Mozambique bound for French colonial plantations in the Mascarenes. Abolition overlapped with
and helped justify imperialism, culminating in European conquest of most of East Africa by the first
decade of the twentieth century. No affair what the signifier of media looked at, they all have the
ability of being either an assistance to concern’s success or a hurt. Which of the following statements
accurately describes the movement of ideas and goods during the middle ages.
European nations compete to control the pre-industrial world. Do Now. Examine the cartoon and
answer the following questions: Where is the man standing. As in the example of Gordon, a British
general allowed himself to be caught in a siege then publicly asked for British assistance. On these
tropical islands, as well as the nearby coast, the ancient African civilization of the Swahili grew
wealthy on trading links with India, Arabia, Egypt and China. By the 1800s, European countries
began to build colonies in other areas of the world to find the raw materials they needed. The
imperativeness and the media are responsible for describing intelligence, issues and events. The
Industrial Revolution and interests in nationalism sparked a fresh era of imperialism around 1750.
What have been the lasting effects of imperialism on Africa today. Beginning in the seventeenth
century, Great Britain formed and maintained an economic relationship with India. Here, Africans
worked for their new colonizers growing cotton, coconuts, palm oil, or cocoa for export. Before the
arrival of European imperialists, boundaries in Africa were loosely defined. It helped me pass my
exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on This website
helped me pass! A quote by John Hobson, a British reformer and economist, sums up the period of
Imperialism in Africa quite well. An economic depression in Europe in the 1870’s and the 1880’s
didn’t help matters. You will receive your score and answers at the end. With Lugard, we see the full
scale implementation of a strategy of military and colonial conquest in the service of abolition and
other humanitarian aims. What praise does Lavigerie have for David Livingstone. Stanley wrote
about Livingstones great humanitarian efforts, and his wish to end the slave trade that was still taking
place in Africa. Their economy was primarily based on trade, and because colonies could be added as
a form of imperial control, it only furthered and expanded trade. The British already had control of
the Straits of Gibraltar and Malta, so their position in the Mediterranean Sea was secure. European
Imperialism and American expansionism overseas B. They did not see their future because their past
was hidden and were not recognized even by their own people. Both were visited by the famous
North African traveler Ibn Battuta. Livingstone was the first missionary to successfully undertake
multiple trips across eastern and southern Africa. The complete absence of political aims in the
economic analysis of Western Imperialism in Africa is another of its weak points. Nationalism is also
dependent on the way the colonies have been obtained and managed, the presence and absence of
colonizers, the custom of resistance and the social organization of the nationalist movement with its
leadership (“Colonialism-Africa- the demise of Colonialism,” 2008). France and Britain also began
the “Battle of the Flags,” a dispute about towns along the Niger River that almost led to war.
Perhaps a bit along the same lines, European countries also sent missionaries to establish churches
and schools in the conquered areas. In Africa in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, imperialism
was present and growing. Try to imagine how different groups of Africans in the nineteenth century
might have perceived the abolitionist cause. Decolonization is also affected by the power of
colonizers and how well the colonizers perceived their power and what importance is the colony to
them (“Colonialism-Africa- the demise of Colonialism,” 2008).
When Africa began to be opened up by adventurers and the like it was something that would sell.
Location London Imprint Routledge DOI Pages 182 eBook ISBN 9780203043288 Subjects
Humanities Share Citation Get Citation Penrose, E.F. (1975). European Imperialism and the Partition
of Africa (1st ed.). Routledge. COPY ABSTRACT This volume seeks to explain the European
partition of Africa between 1880-1900. The following statements best describes migration in the
20th century. 5How did imperialism affect the culture of the colonies. The British economy has
always depended heavily on trade, and having colonies was the way to expand trade. This one page
reading plus one page of questions summarizes the impact of European imperialism in Africa. As an
action, it was the indirect or direct exploitation of an alien land or people by a state. In Representing
africa Diverse cultural practices accelerate power and politics of representing africa. Focus on
subsistence farming led to surplus Focus on cash crops led to famine Too many items that were
sources of food Too few items that were imports for Africa 10. Which Statement Best Describes the
Atoms of the Gas Neon. In 1869 the French completed the Suez canal in Egypt. Today, an increase
in the level of informal economy happened due to the loss of Africa’s social and economic
institutions. Whole new ways of doing things were transported from Europe and foisted on third
world countries by various ways and means. They took up the scientific ideas of natural selection and
the survival of the fittest and applied the concepts to the human social world. It wasn't until the
onslaught of the period of European Imperialism that Africa would see more direct involvement and
would become a pawn in European states drive to create vast political empires. Before the arrival of
European imperialists, boundaries in Africa were loosely defined. Industrialization fueled the need
for resources European nations competed for new markets. Stanley, In Darkest Africa, or, The quest,
rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria, Frontispiece (1890) Henry M. They also annexed
land in order to have allies in case a war should start. As countries industrialized, they needed more
and more raw materials to make goods. Survival as an empire was another reason for Britain’s
interest in Africa after 1869. Even after 1815, when the British acquired the land under the Congress
of Vienna treaty they expressed little interest in the supposedly barren land except as a pit stop on
the route to India around the cape of Good Hope. Rozet, an, in negotiation with tribal chiefs, Pariti,
Timor, 1896. European powers overthrew Chinas empress and set up their own ruler. Learning
Outcomes Studying this lesson could prepare you to. Some Hindu and Muslim Sepoys rebelled in
1857, resulting in the. It was during the First World War, were the Africans crucial contribution took
part, a result of Europeans conflict. Again the British were forced to compete with another European
power to achieve their goals and once again they came out on the up side. European imperialism was
motivated by a desire for economic gains in both regions. Colonialism and Genocide are the
phenomenons that have deep roots in the world history. Finally the mass media turned Africa into an
adventure novel that made sensational reading, and sometimes pushed the government into action.
With Lugard, we see the full scale implementation of a strategy of military and colonial conquest in
the service of abolition and other humanitarian aims. However, Britain was the most influential,
because they were strongest. As a result, they were used as slave labor by colonial powers. Today,
Africa is one the poorest inhabited continent. Many young people in Africa, without the knowledge
of their past, lack pride and faith in their own country and was blinded with whole word because of
what cultural imperialism of the west has brought. Readings of Things Fall Apart supports power
representation outside africa by majoring on African teachings and colonialism. Their economy was
primarily based on trade, and because colonies could be added as a form of imperial control, it only
furthered and expanded trade. From 1869 until nearly the start of World War I, the British practiced
imperialism in Africa out of fear of losing their empire. As far as moral superiority, this can plainly
be seen in Rudyard Kipling's 'The White Man's Burden' and the Berlin Conference, which divided
Africa with little to no thought for its people or their customs and traditions. Since European
travelers more commonly wrote down their accounts of encounters with Africa, we are often left
with little more than their viewpoint from which to write history. There are many examples of
imperialism throughout European history. You could draw arrows from Europe reaching towards Asia
and Africa to show how New Imperialism was Europe's way of expanding into these other
continents. Which of the following statements BEST describes European imperialism in China. After
the end of the second world war and the eventual break up of the Soviet Union come the 'end' of the
cold war, decolonisation was all but a done deal. The Red Sea was a very important seaway, and
British ships that passed through it would have been vulnerable to attack. Decolonization is also
affected by the power of colonizers and how well the colonizers perceived their power and what
importance is the colony to them (“Colonialism-Africa- the demise of Colonialism,” 2008). Pride in
one's country is called Social Darwinism White Man's Burden Nationalism Economics 5. Once
Contact was established Portugal claimed all of Africa to belong to her. Stanley, In Darkest Africa,
or, The quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria, Frontispiece (1890) Henry M. No
affair what the signifier of media looked at, they all have the ability of being either an assistance to
concern’s success or a hurt. In 1875 the British had their opportunity: they bought shares in the canal
from the Khedive of Egypt and gained control of it. An economic depression in Europe in the 1870’s
and the 1880’s didn’t help matters. Denny, Gallagher and Robinson (1961) claim that England never
had a particular connection with Africa but that it became involved with its annexation of Egypt.7
Egypt was of special importance to England because it held the Suez Canal which was essential to
trade with other important British colonies. Wanting to keep Russians from gaining power, Britain
fought aggressively to keep them out of areas like Afghanistan, Iran, and especially India. As Sir
Walter Raleigh said, “Whosoever commands the sea commands the trade; whosoever commands the
trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself.” India was
where the riches of the world came from, the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. Many
nationalist claimed that it was nationalism that led to the dismantling of colonialism in Africa, while
the imperialist believed that decolonization was just a planned outcome and policies of the
metropolitans and others thought of it as a result of the international relation system changes. With a
more accurate land recognization, it made it easier for the British to go into Africa and take over. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. What is the concern Lugard mentions about how
abolition will affect the labor market. Mostly, the motives were economic, political, racial, or

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