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The Two Presidencies Thesis refers to a theory in political science that suggests there are two distinct

spheres of presidential power: one pertaining to domestic affairs and the other to foreign policy. This
theory posits that presidents often have more success and influence in foreign policy matters
compared to domestic issues due to factors such as greater expertise, fewer checks and balances
from Congress, and a higher level of public support.

Writing a thesis on the Two Presidencies Thesis can be a daunting task. It requires in-depth research,
critical analysis of historical and contemporary presidential actions, and a nuanced understanding of
political science theories. Additionally, crafting a well-structured and cohesive argument that
contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge on the topic is no easy feat.

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Research on political institutions has argued that the delegation of policy-making authority promotes
its use. Although the appproach might have been applicable during the Roosevelt eras, the American
nation has experienced a convergence of the domestic and foreign issues. The terms in this section
should be terms directly related to the research that will be used by you throughout the study. This
paper “Major Influences That Have Shaped Foreign Policy in the USA” will examine the various
factors that help to shape the US foreign policies, in order to derive that the factors of the organized
groups of various business houses hold the maximum sway over US foreign policies. As Figure 2
indicates, policy areas reasonably classified under the umbrella of foreign affairs tend to be ranked
higher in presidential discretion (that is, as ones over which presidents have more discretion). It is
one of the samples used on chapter 1 written report. In others, their ability to use executive actions
to change or create policy is more limited. This episode reveals the extent to which bureaucratic
politics affected the Administration’s foreign policy decision making. Executive order counts come
from the Comparative Agendas Project; executive order counts from Chiou and Rothenberg (
Reference Chiou and Rothenberg 2014 ) were generated by setting a significance threshold of 0.5;
estimates of total unilateral action come from Lowande ( Reference Lowande 2021 ), and include all
directives, as well as non-directive actions like regulations and informal orders. Moreover, though
Anastasopoulos and Bertelli ( Reference Anastasopoulos and Bertelli 2020 ) offer a scalable and
replicable extension of this approach, it still relies on the initial hand coding of third-party
summaries. Bureaucratic politics: decision making as an exercise in bargaining. It spans a cross
section of the policy-making landscape in the United States and beyond. Cordesman, A. H., 2002.
Salvaging American Defense: The Challenge of Strategic Overstretch. Such an effort, tries to
demystify the complex inter-institutional relationship between our nation’s first two branches of
government. According to Chomsky (2003, p.301) the official definition of terrorism adopted by the
U.S. is. The readers would respond to this statement by thinking, “Possibly exactly what the author
states holds true, but I’m not convinced. The statist or state-centrist formulation posits that the state
is best viewed as a unitary actor projecting itself as a unified political entity onto the international
system or as an agent reacting to that system (Morgenthau 1993 and Waltz 1979). More specifically,
we utilize a pairwise comparison approach to calculate latent discretion across policy areas on a
common scale. I probably will do his argument some disservice here.). History of foreign policy,
cont. -- WWII, clearly put the U.S. in the position of a world power. It is not clear why
appropriations alone capture delegation, independent of the underlying authorizations that can
themselves constrain or increase discretion. Ulrich Brechbuhl. These actions were consistent with
President Trump’s previous efforts to undermine United States Government investigations into
foreign interference in United States elections. In outlining the theory of dual presidencies,
Wildavsky explained that although the American nation had one president at any particular time in
practice, in theory there exists’ two presidencies (Renshon, 2003, p.276). In essence, Wildavsky
sought to explain that president’s either concentrated on domestic policies or foreign policies.
Although we are interested in presidential discretion, which is conceptually and empirically distinct
from agency discretion, the approaches of studies that measure agency discretion are informative.
The notion of time or “happens before” relationship is fundamental in computer systems. For
instance, a political observer might think that Dukakis lost while he endured from the “soft-on-
crime” image. An inter-institutional policy making procedure shared between the president and the
Congress via the component issue areas of foreign affairs across the vagaries of a politicized
conception of historical time. A recent work by Fleisher et al., using a new measure of presidential
support, argues convincingly that broad generalizations about the phenomenon of increased
presidential support in foreign policy must be drawn tentatively. This gives us more confidence that
these patterns are not a function of the predominance of the hypotheses themselves in the discipline
of political science. Let 1 Unit 2 Flashcards Quizlet The Constitution is reticent about the presidents
role in legislating yet the relationship between Congress and the executive is the most.. President
assumed office following the death of President Franklin Roosevelt 1882-1945.
This first systematic measure of discretion enabled empirical tests of theories of delegation and
highlighted the importance of procedural constraints (Franchino Reference Franchino 2004 ). The
calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious or
ideological in nature through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear. Expert judgments implicitly
account for this variation. However, when Bush adopted an foreign policy and connected it with the
domestic policies against drugs he was able to gain popularity (Whitford, 2005, p.87). RELATED
PAPERS H I S T O R I C A L D I C T I O N A R Y O F t h e Alf Beauman (PI). In others, their
ability to use executive actions to change or create policy is more limited. Readers of educational
essays have a much questions discussed, explored, or perhaps clarified. There’s nothing as frustrating
as hitting on a good idea for any thesis, then failing to remember it whenever you lose concentration.
Presidents can, of course, instruct uninsulated agencies to take policy actions or suggest these
actions to them; hence, agency discretion might comprise one component of presidential discretion.
All parametric, probabilistic choice models assume some form of stochastic transitivity, which itself
is not empirically verifiable. Readers of educational essays have a much questions discussed,
explored, or perhaps clarified. According to Kaufman (2010, p.57), the period between the end of
1st World War and the 2nd World War was marked by America’s withdrawal from active
international politics. I wish to read further to determine the way the author argues this claim.”. This
abuse of office served to cover up the President’s own repeated misconduct and to seize and control
the power of impeachment—and thus to nullify a vital constitutional safeguard vested solely in the
House of Representatives. This focus is partly a function of the relative ease of measuring
ideological disagreement or divided government. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons
that lie behind such differing policy outcomes (limited war on the one hand and total war on the
other) relative to how these dilemmas were addressed. The convergennce has made it dificult to
separate foreign policy issues and domestic policy issues due to the position of the American nation
globally and the psychological perception of Americans with regard to their role globally. It does this
by showcasing the role that issue area and sub-policy categories within the domestic sphere of policy
play. Finally, the lack of normative study either as a critique of executive-legislative relations or as a
reflexive commentary on the body of research itself holds the two presidencies back from fulfilling a
broader promise regarding American political analysis. Sometimes they focus on substituting
delegation at the federal level for delegation to the states (Clouser McCann Reference Clouser
McCann 2016 ). Economic issues and war on terror take center stage. U.S. as a declining power.
Presidents leverage this discretion to act alone, often signing executive decrees or orders (for
example, Carey and Shugart Reference Carey and Shugart 1998; Howell Reference Howell 2003;
Negretto Reference Negretto 2004; Opalo Reference Opalo 2019 ). Davis, J., 2002. The Global War
on Terrorism: Assessing Americas Respone. Unlike legislation, regulations or judicial decisions, the
numerous formal and informal initiatives generated by presidents are not subject to any standardized
record-keeping scheme. The notion of time or “happens before” relationship is fundamental in
computer systems. The second reason was that Clinton was dealing with the Lewinsky issue at home
and his influence on the congress has been affected significantly. Check out our chapter 1dissertation
introduction sample. 1 chapter 1 introduction to the thesis 10 introduction since the introduction of
masters degree level credits into the post graduate certificate in education pgce award in england and
wales in 2006 trainee teachers have had the opportunity to utilise these credits towards gaining a full
masters level qualification. Evaluations of this notion over the next 40 years were decidedly mixed;
most research finds a time-bound effect (for example, Cohen Reference Cohen 1982; Fleisher and
Bond Reference Fleisher and Bond 2000 ). Though contemporaneous reporting speculates about the
legality of presidential moves, scholars have long known that the discretion to act is not random.
Applying the framework Cuban Missile Crisis Iraq Evaluating decisions: good process can lead to
bad outcomes.
Under this articulation, foreign policy is the by-product of a complex system of interrelationships
between a varying mix of actors under conditions approximating pluralism and emphasizing the
inherent connections of the principals involved (Keohane and Nye, 1977; Fearon, 1994; Rogowski,
1989; Snyder, 1991; and Putnam, 1988 for types of applications). The second reason was that
Clinton was dealing with the Lewinsky issue at home and his influence on the congress has been
affected significantly. First, it defines discretion as the freedom to change policy that results from
the president operating as the head of the executive branch. The success of policies adopted by
presidents is partly dependent on the approach taken to implement the policies. An ineffective thesis
could be, “Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because communism is evil.” This really is
difficult to argue (evil from whose perspective. Clinton wanted to affirm the security of Americans
because without security other domestic economic development would have been difficult to
achieve. This thesis constitutes a definite, arguable claim: the disintegration of economies performed
a far more natural part than cultural forces in defeating communism in Eastern Europe. Phd thesis
chapter 1 introduction. 1 chapter 1 introduction 11 background of the study with diminishing
finances it is rarely possible for a library or information center to have enough resources to fulfill the
needs of its clients. The readers would respond to this statement by thinking, “Possibly exactly what
the author states holds true, but I’m not convinced. Also, the cultural version of the theory is
associated at least through the qualitative meta-analysis with the employment of qualitative methods;
this relationship does not appear in the quantitative portion of the meta-analysis. Here, we explore
whether the new normative understanding of White House structuring for decision making offers
prescriptions that are as “good” as they might be. A stable Europe would be good for US investments
and a market for American goods. In his conduct of the office of President of the United States—and
in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States
and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and
in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Donald J. It
would later emerge that Afghanistan was also a major contributor towards the narcotics circulating
around the world. The Clinton administration’s laxity on war on terror has always been blamed for
the subsequent attack by terrorists against Americans on American soil. Four ingredients of an
energetic executive branch are unity competent powers adequate provision for its support and
duration. - Truman genuinely despised racial discrimination - Truman reached out in unprecedented
ways to the nations. Thus several decades of research on unilateral action have established empirical
associations between the issuance of various presidential directives and political covariates like the
size of the majority party, the ideological distance between the president and Congress, polarization
and divided government. Footnote 15 In summary, our new measure of presidential discretion
comports with stylized accounts of the concept and usefully organizes observed cases of unilateral
action over the previous four presidencies. The Truman Doctrine arose from a speech delivered by
President Truman before a joint session of Congress on March 12 1947The immediate cause for the
speech was a recent announcement by the British Government that as of March 31 it would no
longer provide military and economic assistance to the Greek Government in its civil war against the
Greek. This fact is clearly evident during Bush administration wher overmephasis on foreign policy
issues led Bush to be voted one of the worst presidents Americans have had. Furthermore, there was
the threat of Hitler and Japan joining forces and Russia was also headache to the security of the
United States (Heinrichs, 2002, p.6). Accordingly, in this study, I present a theoretical-
methodological alternative to the above accounts which I believe captures the inherent “nuances” of
the real world conditions which foreign policy construction occurs in (at least as far as the American
case is concerned). The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are
political, religious or ideological in nature through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear. As we
show in the Appendix, these estimates also reproduce the patterns found in Figures 2 (B7) and 3
(B8). Readers are utilized to finding theses there, so that they instantly pay more attention once they
browse the last sentence of the introduction. However, it’s too simple to imagine possible
counterarguments. The findings support the issue area schema and show that political time is a factor
in the executive-legislative construction of foreign policies. An issue (“Why did communism collapse
in Eastern Europe?”) isn’t an argument, and with no argument, a thesis is dead within the water. I
suggest that between the presidency and the Congress a high politics arena characterized by
presidency-centered conditions favors securitization and greater presidential dominance vis-a-vis the
Congress. Also, it will emphasize the differing responses of the two Bush presidencies regarding the
major security dilemmas of their respective situations.
Moreover, collecting and aggregating these myriad sources of potential action raises the issue of
including orders that are insignificant or do not fit the standard spatial model of policy change
(Chiou and Rothenberg Reference Chiou and Rothenberg 2014; Howell Reference Howell 2005;
Mayer and Price Reference Mayer and Price 2002 ). Chomsky, N., 2003. Radical Priorities. Oakland,
CA: AK Publishers. If our respondents are simply attributing agency discretion to presidents, then
we would expect to find that for the policy areas over which independent agencies have authority,
our respondents would always rate presidents as having high levels of discretion. This subset of
mostly legal scholars produced very similar assessments of the presidential discretion. Graham, J. D.,
2010. Bush on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks. Because we wanted to
reach beyond political science to the disciplines of law, economics, history and public policy, we
especially used this approach to identify scholars in those fields. I will be incorporating an issue
areas analysis along with the conceptualizations of American Political Development into a cohesive
synthesis. Wildavsky's work suggested that no less than two policy making presidencies existed
within a single president's relationship with the Congress (1966). War in drugs by the U.S. is also an
issue that it both a domestic policy issue and a foreign policy issue. A critical analysis of Wildavsky’s
theory reveals that is attempts to heuristically simplify the administration of American presidents by
looking at two opposing forces that determine the president’s use of power. Chapters 1 5 Chapter 1
with a highly focused review of. This phenomenon is itself a function of the proximity of the policy-
to-institutional or individual behavioral orientations within the Congress. Friesendorf, C., 2007. US
Foreign Policy And the War on Drugs: Displacing the Cocaine And Heroin Industry. Bush also
received criticism on his policies on social security. When argue from the point of view of a dometic
policy issue such as homeland security and foreign policy issue such as terrosm there seems to be
reciprocating rather than operating as dichotomies. This approach presents the opportunity to
examine differences in presidential discretion and public perceptions of presidential power, and can
be applied beyond the US case. Four ingredients of an energetic executive branch are unity
competent powers adequate provision for its support and duration. - Truman genuinely despised
racial discrimination - Truman reached out in unprecedented ways to the nations. Secondly, it
explicitly mentions actions that are independent of Congress, which is central to how scholars and
the public think about executive unilateralism. By writing lower your thesis you’ll be made to
consider it clearly, logically, and concisely. His post is about Aaron Wildavsky’s version of the two
presidencies theory, the idea that there is a “foreign policy” presidency and a “domestic policy”
presidency. What according to Hamilton is the most necessary quality for a president. We report this
series of correlations and bivariate relationships in Table 1 and Figure 3. First and most obviously,
many of the topics we present did not exist during the administrations of John Quincy Adams or
Grover Cleveland. Others might be based on the raw number of available personnel and funds to
determine the ultimate discretion available to a president. Initially, president Bush was passive in the
war againt drugs. In his conduct of the office of President of the United States—and in violation of
his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the
best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation
of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Donald J. The foreign
policy approach was consolidated by Roosevelt when he centralized much of the political power in
Washington and took advantage of the lack of interest by congress on foreign policy issues. Most of
this theoretical work focuses on comparative statics associated with changes in Congress and the
president's preferences. It is one of the samples used on chapter 1 written report. Presidents can, of
course, instruct uninsulated agencies to take policy actions or suggest these actions to them; hence,
agency discretion might comprise one component of presidential discretion.
For these reasons, this approach may also work well for samples of non-experts, and renders the
results of such companion surveys more valid and directly comparable. After studying your thesis
statement, the readers should think, “This essay will attempt to convince me of something. This
presidency is a limited presidency in which the president draws his authority from the Constitution
and does not lead public opinion. Download Free PDF View PDF The Multiple Congresses Thesis,
1979-present Dominic Beard, Matthew Caverly This paper examines the legislative-executive
domestic policy making relationship between the Congress and the presidency across functional sub-
policies and issue areas in the context of political time. We selected the policy topics from each
category in which the president is involved in implementing or setting policy. According to Kaufman
(2010, p.57), the period between the end of 1st World War and the 2nd World War was marked by
America’s withdrawal from active international politics. Hence, the Congress will be less likely to
follow presidential legislative leadership in these domestic policies because they are inherently more
particularistic in orientation. So here’s a case where President Obama can potentially be a leader by
taking a proposal that has popular support, turning it into a concrete policy proposal, and then
advocating for its passage. You most likely won’t be able to create out your final-draft form of your
thesis the very first time you attempt, but you will get yourself on course by writing lower that which
you have. T-rule trull trullo truly Truman Truman Doctrine Truman Harry S Truman-MacArthur
controversy Trumbo Trumbull trumeau. This first systematic measure of discretion enabled empirical
tests of theories of delegation and highlighted the importance of procedural constraints (Franchino
Reference Franchino 2004 ). In addition, in instances where a president overemphasizes on foreign
issues, there is also bound to arise opposition. To do so, we turned to the Comparative Agendas
Project (CAP), which categorizes the vast domain of public policy into twenty-one broad areas, such
as Civil Rights, Health, Defense and Foreign Trade, and then further subdivides each of those
broader categories into a series of more specific subtopics. We examined this possibility in two ways,
which we describe in more detail in Appendix Section B2. Presidents can, of course, instruct
uninsulated agencies to take policy actions or suggest these actions to them; hence, agency
discretion might comprise one component of presidential discretion. We then turned to journals,
beginning with Presidential Studies Quarterly and then examining more general journals, to identify
scholars who had written on these topics. But some raters are more internally inconsistent than
others. There’s actually a fair amount of public support for doing so. Most involve variants of item
response models, which leverage multiple raters who are each given a list of items to place on a
scale. Merril explains that their relationship rests wth their capcity to deifne aspects such as the
national identity of Americans. They are not time consuming for respondents and permit incomplete
exposure to all items within raters. This is an important omission in the US context, since executive
policy making appears to be increasingly driven by the initiative of the elected head of the executive
branch. You can purchase already completed solutions to be used as samples and you can order
assignments to be done afresh by our competent writers. If readers strongly disagree along with you
right from the start, they might stop studying. Footnote 9 The category of Health, for example, is
disaggregated into subcategories that include Health Insurance Availability and Costs, Prescription
Drug Coverage and Costs, Abortion Policy, and Substance Abuse Prevent and Treatment. An
ineffective thesis could be, “Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because communism is evil.”
This really is difficult to argue (evil from whose perspective. How to measure? Success rate of
getting president’s agenda through Congress. For instance, he was forced to adopt a neutral stance
on the admittance of gays and lesbians in the army using the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy.
Chomsky, N., 2003. Radical Priorities. Oakland, CA: AK Publishers. Much of the drugs that find
their way into the American society are from other countries that either have weak policies that
prevent the cultivation the raw materials for these drugs or that actually support the cultivation of the
raw materials. As the U.S. adopts domestic policies to reduce drug addition, the country also looks at
ways in which it can prevent the cultivation of these drugs in foreign countries and the entry of the
drugs into the U.S. society (Friesendorf, 2007, p.8).
Bureaucratic politics: decision making as an exercise in bargaining. First and most obviously, many
of the topics we present did not exist during the administrations of John Quincy Adams or Grover
Cleveland. In addition, presidents should also adopt strategies that harmonize domestic policies and
foreign policies regardless of the one that tops their respective priorities. Finally, this analysis will
shed some light on the issue of security dilemma response to the new security threats facing the
American national security state in the immediate past, the present and most likely the future. In
addition, in instances where a president overemphasizes on foreign issues, there is also bound to arise
opposition. Includes random utility model (RUM) estimates of discretion. However, he also realized
that there were some countries like Germany that were frustrating these efforts (Howard, 2003, p.
51). Fisher, G. L., 2006. Rethinking Our War on Drugs: Candid Talk About Controversial Issues.
Most of this theoretical work focuses on comparative statics associated with changes in Congress
and the president's preferences. You will want to know soon if the lawyer believes the accused to
become guilty or otherwise guilty, and just how the attorney intends to convince you. Although it
might have seemed like Roosevelt favored foreign policies to domestic policies with regard to the
dual presidency theory, the general realization is that he used foreign policy to create even greater
economic opportunities for U.S. Roosevelt did this by working together with likeminded nations in
the alliance to get rid of ideologies that would frustrate globale economy. You can’t really weigh
every “factor” that ever happened in Europe. In addition, we assess the distinction between
presidential and agency discretion by leveraging the fact that many agencies exist outside of the
executive branch, and that these agencies, by virtue of their formal independence from both
branches, can exercise greater discretion over policy making. Finally, to address the potential
omission of non-executive order initiatives, we use estimates of total unilateral action from Lowande
( Reference Lowande 2021 ). For instance, he was forced to adopt a neutral stance on the admittance
of gays and lesbians in the army using the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. Clinton and Lewis (
Reference Clinton and Lewis 2008 ), the closest in subject matter to our study, report a response rate
of 70 per cent. As part of this impeachment inquiry, the Committees undertaking the investigation
served subpoenas seeking documents and testimony deemed vital to the inquiry from various
Executive Branch agencies and offices, and current and former officials. You most likely won’t be
able to create out your final-draft form of your thesis the very first time you attempt, but you will get
yourself on course by writing lower that which you have. Therefore, I propose that foreign policy
construction is best analyzed through an “issue areas” perspective that examines each of the “sets” of
issue areas contained within foreign affairs including trade, aid, immigration and security. We find
that experts are united in their assessment that the president enjoys more discretion in foreign policy,
relative to domestic policy. Media Mill Works., 2012, May 6. Text of President Bushs 2003 State of
the Union Address. Critiques and extensions of the two presidencies idea. One good example may
be the case with regard to the president Johnson in 1964. In Appendix A2, we describe a companion
survey of the general public that will allow for comparisons of expert and public ratings. Bush also
received criticism on his policies on social security. In addition, when Bush appointed John Walters to
the drug docket Bush was accused of ignoring the rehabilitation, “treatment and prevention”
strategies in favor of the direct fight against drug barons and peddlers. This allows researchers to ask
a straightforward, but often overlooked, question: how do the perceptions of experts and non-experts
diverge for latent concepts like discretion. The opening statement of his 2003 State of Union address
he began by preparing the American people on the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion less that 6 months
later.In his speech he says that “we will answer every enemy and every danger that threatens the
American people” (Media Mill Works, 2012). Broyde and Robert Schapiro, “Impeachment and
Accountability: The Case of the First Lady,” Constitutional Commentary, vol. 15, no. 3 (1998): 479-
510 Michael J. The relationship is stronger as insignificant orders are removed and other types of
directives beyond executive orders are included.

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