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Iago is quite the master manipulator, using various tactics to achieve his sinister goals.

Some of the
manipulative tactics he employs include:

1. Deception: Iago disguises his true intentions and presents himself as trustworthy and loyal, gaining
the confidence of those around him.

2. Rumor-mongering: He spreads false rumors and whispers to create doubt and mistrust among
characters, sowing seeds of suspicion.

3. Exploiting weaknesses: Iago identifies the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others and exploits
them to his advantage, such as manipulating Othello's insecurities about his race and Desdemona's

4. Manipulating emotions: He plays with the emotions of characters, stoking their anger, jealousy,
and fear to manipulate their actions and decisions.

5. Misdirection: Iago strategically directs the attention of characters away from his own malicious
intentions, diverting suspicion onto others.

These tactics showcase Iago's cunning and manipulative nature, enabling him to control and
influence those around him. Shakespeare truly created a complex and intriguing character in Iago!

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