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Judiciary Management System

1. Application: Judiciary Management System

2. Purpose: To automate the functioning of the judiciary and speed up the settlement of
court cases
3. Motivation:

 There is a huge backlog of court cases and they take a long time to deliver the
 One of the reasons for delay is the process involved and the amount of
information involved.
 Many of the processes and information are paper based
 Hence automating these processes & information will enable speedy closure of

4. User of the system

 Judges
 Court staff
 Lawyers
 Citizens

5. Functions supported by the system

 Citizen related functions

o File a case
o Upload relevant documents
o View date of hearing
o Check status of case
o View related documents
 Judge related functions
o View documents pertaining to a case
o Schedule case hearing
o Record proceedings
o View pending cases
o Mention category of case: Civil, Criminal, Labour
o Assign a judge to the case (only for coordinating judge)
o Record evidences
o Record verdict
o Request information from defendant or petitioner
o Approve information added by court staff
 Court staff related functions
o Add information to the case, as provided by the judge (in paper written
form). Info can be proceedings, evidences, observations
 Lawyer related
o Notify the concerned lawyers when the court proceedings are posted /
published on the system
o View the court proceedings of different cases handled by the lawyer in
chronological order
o File affidavits and petitions online

6. Features / Quality attributes

 Security
o Only authorized personnel should be able to view and add information
o No information should be deleted
o Modification can be done only by judge
o Log should be maintained of all addition & modifications – who,
when, what

 Usability
o The system should be very easy to use for a regular citizen
o It should clearly indicate the steps to file a case, add documents to a
case, and all other activities done by different types of users
o It should provide an ack # to the citizen for every activity done such as
adding of documents.
o The judge should be able to get a list of pending cases and the reasons
they are pending (pending for scheduling, pending for approval of info
added, etc.)
o Citizen, judge and court staff should be able to see the chronological
events and changes to the case
o Citizen should be able to see the current status, steps completed and
steps pending
o Any change of state of the case should be notified to the citizen via

 Performance
o The response time for queries or updates should be less than 3 seconds

 Multi-device support
o Should run on laptop
o Some functions should run on smart phones also

 Availability
o Uptime should be 99%

7. Working of the application

 All information is stored in a central database

 Judges and court staff can access the system via internal LAN only
 Citizens can access via internet using laptop or smart phone

8. Prioritization of Quality attributes

Priorit Quality Justification
y attribute
1 Security Information is very critical
2 Usability Efficiency of users is important. Else system may
not be used widely and purpose will be defeated
3 Performance For efficiency reasons
4 Availability Citizens should be able to use it any time they
5 Multi-device Since most people have smart phones, it should be
support accessible via laptop and smart phone

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