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Personal Statement

Hello, my name is Alijah Alvarado. I came from a city called Modesto, California. Modesto
was very diverse when it came to the kids. My middle and highschool had many people of all
different types of cultures. Growing up I lived with my mom,sister,cousin and eventually my step
dad. I am currently attending El Capitan High school in Merced CA.

Growing up in Modesto CA was a very good learning experience. It taught me that no matter
where you come from or no matter how hard something can be you can overcome it. When I
was in middle school I dealt with various problems. As I didn't have a father figure growing up it
would be hard for me in school.Paying attention has never been easy for me neither has school
. Then to make it worse my freshman year we were all affected by Covid-19 and all schools shut
down. This made it significantly harder with me falling behind, falling asleep, and not doing the
work. It was even hard adapting back to school when I came back my sophomore year.

After my sophomore year it completely changed my mind and how I thought about school.It
made me realize that this was something that I actually need to focus on and put my effort into it

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