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1. Why is planning the foundation of management functions?

Planning is the foundation of management functions because it sets the direction for
organizational activities, establishes goals and objectives, and outlines the means to
achieve them. It provides a roadmap for decision-making, resource allocation, and
coordination, ensuring that efforts are aligned towards a common purpose.

2. How would you evaluate Global Interactive Corporation’s planning

Global Interactive Corporation's planning process initially responded well to
increased demand during the pandemic. However, the oversight in not aligning
production quotas with staffing levels led to a decline in sales due to damaged and
delayed orders. Evaluation suggests a lack of foresight in anticipating operational

3. How would Global Interactive Corporation’s actions during planning affect

their business and operations?
The actions during planning, specifically the failure to align production quotas with
staffing levels, resulted in sick staff, lapses in quality control, and damaged customer
orders. This negatively impacted business operations, leading to a 30% drop in sales
and potential damage to the company's reputation.
4. Suppose that you were part of Global Interactive Corporation’s top
management. Suggest ways on how your organization can improve your
planning success.
a. Staffing Alignment: Ensure production quotas align with adequate staffing levels to
prevent overworking and maintain quality standards.
b. Risk Assessment: Conduct thorough risk assessments to anticipate potential
challenges and devise contingency plans.
c. Communication: Foster clear communication channels within the organization to
address issues promptly and avoid lapses.
d. Agile Planning: Adopt an agile planning approach to respond effectively to
changing circumstances, such as unforeseen demand fluctuations or disruptions.

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