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It is a normal night, Harmony, a 17-year-old girl, enters her

room tired after a long day and ready to call her day an end

*sigh* today has been so exhausting

She walks over to her lamp turns it on and then checks her
phone for the time

Ugh its already 9:50

She jumps on her bed with a sigh

work was so annoying today, I should
really quit that job, I work wayyy to
much, and im getting home too late

She lays back, stares at the ceiling for a moment. She tosses
and turns stretching now that she can finally relax, she
smells her clothes

Ew, i smell like fast food, *sighs*, I
should probably go take a shower, Im
so tired so though, I really dont want
to get up, I could just sleep in my
work clothes. No thats disgusting

She grabs her phone next to her, lifts her head up to check
the time, and then looks outside

Okay, its only 9:55, I guess ill go

take a shower before it too late

She gets up, grabs her clothes, and starts to walk towards
her door when she hears the crying of a woman, she turns
around confused and slightly scared

What was that?

She looks around her room trying to find an answer

It was probably nothing, probably just
the neighbors, or Im just tired, yeah
yeah that's definitely it

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She exits the room and walks towards the bathroom, she turns
on the shower head and steps in. The noise of the shower
continues mixed in with the crying of the woman


Harmony steps out of the bathroom, she walks back to her room

*sighs* Finally, I don't smell like
fast food anymore, now I smell like

She laughs slightly and walks over to her drawers putting

away all her clothes, she grabs her phone again checking the

Okay, its only 10:20, I didn't take
too long and now im all done and could
just fall asleep watching TV

She grabs her remote, turns on her TV, walks over to her bed
and makes it to go to sleep, she then shuts off her lamp, and
lays downs

Lets see if there is anything I could
fall asleep too

She scrolls through the channels, occasionally looking to her

window, scared and as if something is coming for her, she
remember how she heard the sound of the woman wailing, she
knows something is wrong, but decides to ignore it, she
quickly she watches TV for a while, ignoring her fear till
she finally falls asleep.


A woman dressed in white is walking alongside the street,

wailing and crying looking for her children


Harmony wakes up with a jump as she hears the woman crying,

she looks over to her window and then check her phone next to
her. The time read 12:00 am

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Shit, No, no, no, no, no, I need to go
back to sleep, I don't hear her I
don't hear her

She turns up her TV and takes a deep breath

Its okay Harmony just go back to sleep

Go back to sleep

She tries to go back to sleep, closing her eyes, but the

wailing gets louder and louder, Harmony puts a pillow to her
head trying to block out the sounds, and puts the covers over

All you have to do is ignore her,
remember what mom said Harmony, just
go back to sleep, and shell leave me

The wailing then stopped, Harmony took off the pillow on her
head and the blankets, and she looked at her window, her hand
shaking she decided to check if the coast was clear. When she
looks out the window, she sees the woman dressed in white,
looking straight at her from her window

Harmony jumps back scared and quickly closes her blinds

She didn't see me….Right?.... No no
there was no way, I'm just tired, I
need to go to bed it's been a long
night and Im just hearing things, and
seeing things. The story is not true
and I just need to sleep, yes that's
it just…need….to…sleep

She goes back under her covers, trying to sleep, when she
hears her door slowly creak open, she stops moving, not
daring to look over the shoulder, the woman in white enters
her room, humming a lullaby. The woman in white walks over to
her bed, Harmony still doesn't move, her breathing getting
heavier. The woman stops humming. Harmony still not moving,
moves her eyes trying to figure out what to do, her breathing
still heavy, the woman still behind her. Then….BAM the woman
in a white veil covered slightly in dirt looks at Harmony,
she smiles and as Harmony tries to scream, she covers her

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Shhhhh, No llores, mi bebe


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