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Kenzhegara Temirlan soc-32

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve
the mind, such as readin g and doing crossword, puzzles. Other feel that it is
important to rest the mind during leisure time.
Leisure time is often at the center of a debate: should it be used to enrich the mind
or to rest it. Proponents of mental engagement argue that activities like reading
and solving puzzles not only enhance cognitive abilities. On the other side, other
people advocate insist that recharge, free from the pressures of productivity. I will
explore both perspectives, ultimately suggesting that the value of leisure lies in its
personalization, catering to the needs of the individual’s mind and spirit.

Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this
is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

The integration of computers into educational settings is a trend that has sparked
much debate. Advocates of this digital infusion argue that it enhances learning
through interactive and personalized experiences. Critics, however, caution against
over-reliance on technology, suggesting it may diminish critical thinking and
interpersonal skills. I will examine the arguments on both sides, proposing that
while computers offer invaluable tools for education, their use must be balanced
with traditional teaching methods to ensure a well-rounded educational experience.

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