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Reconstructionism School

Compiled By: Group 10

1. Khairida Fahriya (06081281924022)

2. Nur Zahwa (06081281924066)
3. Fathonah (06081381924041)
4. May Olyvia (06081381924065)

Dr. Somakim, M.Pd.
Zuli Nuraeni, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Novika Sukmaningthias, S.Pd., M.Pd.



All praise and gratitude to God Almighty who has given His gifts, both health and
time so that we can complete the paper as an assignment from the Philosophy of Education
course entitled "The Flow of Reconstructionism".
In writing this paper we would like to thank all those who have been involved in the
completion of this paper, especially to the lecturers of Philosophy. Education who have given
their knowledge to us and the author's parents who always provide support and advice and
friends in arms for their motivation.
Hopefully this paper can add insight for readers. However, the author realizes that this
paper is far from perfect. For that, we expect criticism and suggestions from readers, so that
this paper can later become a better paper. Then, if there are many mistakes in this paper we
apologize profusely. To God we ask for forgiveness.

Palembang, October 7, 2021

Group 10


TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................................3
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Formulation...................................................................................................3
1.3 Destination...................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II CONTENTS........................................................................................................5
2.1 School of Reconstructionism.......................................................................................5
2.2 History of Reconstructionism......................................................................................6
2.3 Application of Reconstructionism in Education........................................................10
2.4 Pros and Cons of Reconstructionism.........................................................................13
CHAPTER III CLOSURE.......................................................................................................15
3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................15
3.2 Advice........................................................................................................................15


1.1 Background
In modern philosophy, several schools are known, including the Reconstructionism
school in modern times, which has caused many crises in various fields of human life,
especially in the field of education where the current situation is an era that has a culture that
is disturbed by destruction, confusion and confusion. Previously we have discussed the
Progressivism school which has a view of learners as beings who have the advantage of
potential intelligence / intelligence that is creative and dynamic compared to other creatures.
students are placed in a central position in conducting learning (student center). Then discuss
the Essentialism school which has the view that education is the preserver of culture so that
education must be based on values that have clarity and durability, which provide stability
and the highest values in order and clear. Finally, Paranialism views education as a means of
transferring knowledge about eternal truths. Education must be based on noble values, norms
and religion and is a teaching and learning process that must return to the noble values, norms
and religion of the past. All these schools have the same vision to achieve a better world of
education in different ways. In this case we will discuss the School of Reconstructionism.

To overcome the crisis of modern life, the Reconstructionism school seeks to build the
broadest consensus and the highest and basic goals in the life of mankind. Therefore, in this
school of Reconstructionism, future human civilization is highly emphasized. in addition, the
school of Reconstructionism further emphasizes problem solving, critical thinking and so on.
To get to know the School of Reconstructionism more clearly will be described in this paper.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is the school of Reconstructionism?
2. What is the history of the emergence of Reconstructionism?

3. Who are the leaders of the Reconstructionism school?
4. How does Reconstructionism apply to education?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Reconstructionism?

1.3 Destination
1. To know the definition and concept of the Reconstructionism school
2. To know the history of the emergence of the school of Reconstructionism
3. To know the figures of the Reconstructionism school
4. To know the application of Reconstructionism in education
5. To know the advantages and disadvantages of the Reconstructionism school


2.1 School of Reconstructionism
The word reconstructivism comes from the English word reconstruct which means to
reorganize. In the Oxford dictionary, to reconstruct means to build or to form (something)
again after it has been damaged or destroyed. In the scientific dictionary, reconstruction
means a designed and new life. In the KBBI, Reconstruction has the meaning of returning to
the original; rearrangement (depiction). In the context of educational philosophy, the
reconstructivism school is a school that seeks to overhaul the old order and build a cultural
life system that answers the problems of the modern world, not by returning to old habits that
are considered capable of solving the problems of the current era (Amini, 2018). The
reconstructivism school basically departs from the same starting point as the perennialism
school, which starts from the crisis of modern culture (Jalaluddin & Abdullah Idi: 1997).
Meanwhile, according to Imam Barnadib, reconstructivism as a philosophy of education
requires students to raise their ability to reconstructively adapt to the demands of changes and
developments in society, as a result of the influence of science and technology (Abd.
Rachman Assegaf: 2014).

Reconstructionism is a school that sees all phenomena originating from existence,

namely the way humans are in a world that is different from material existence (Shofiyah,
2018). Reconstructionism, in principle, agrees with perennialism, which wants to transcend
the crisis of modern culture. Both schools, reconstructionism and perennialism, view the
modern age as one in which the social order is plagued by destruction, confusion and

However, the principles of reconstructionism are not the same as those of

perennialism. Both have different visions and ways of solving the problems that will be taken
to restore a harmonious culture in life. The perennialism school chooses its own way, namely
by returning to the old cultural realm or known as regressive road culture which they
consider the most ideal (Muhammad Kristiawan: 2016). Meanwhile, reconstructionism seeks
agreement among fellow human beings, in order to organize human life in a harmonious
order for humanity and also the entire world.

environment. Thus, the process and institution of education in the view of reconstructionism
needs to overhaul the old order and build a new order. To achieve this main goal, cooperation
between all elements of humanity is needed. Reconstructionism believes that the task of
saving the world is a humanitarian task that is the responsibility of all nations and individuals.
Therefore, the rebuilding of healthy intellectual and spiritual power can be realized through
proper education on the right values and norms, so that a harmonious new world order is
formed under the supervision of mankind (Jalaluddin & Abdullah Idi: 1997).

2.2 History of Reconstructionism

Reconstructionism as an educational system, originated from the publication of John
Dewey's book in 1920, entitled Reconstruction in Philosophy. This book was then made into
a movement by George Counts and Harold Rugg in the 1930s, They intend to build a new
society, a society that is seen as appropriate and just. Through their desire to make
educational institutions a medium for the reconstruction of society. In 1932, George Counts
(1889-1974) criticized school practices that had perpetuated glaring inequalities based on
race, class, and ethnicity. He asserted that public high schools had become the preserve of
high social class people and affluent families. Through his writing entitled, Dare the School
Build a New Social Order, he then tried to question how the social and economic system of
society at that time had become a fundamental problem for society. So education, according
to him, must be an agent of change for social reconstruction. He also criticized the
educational model of progressivism that had failed to develop a theory of social welfare and
even asserted that child-centered education (the child centered approach) did not guarantee
the creation of the skills and knowledge needed to face the 20th century.

The school of Reconstructionism essentially agrees with the school of perennialism

which both want to overcome the crisis of modern life. It's just that the path it takes is different
from what is used by perennialism, but in accordance with the term it contains, which is
trying to build the broadest and most possible consensus about the main and highest goals in
human life (restore to the original form) (Zuhairini, et al., 2008: 29). This school of
philosophy bases its reconstruction ideas on previous philosophers who are considered
reconstructionist philosophers, including:

1) Plato emphasized that education is the main pillar of building a new society and the
best society in which there is sexual quality, communal fostering of children's
education, and ruled by leaders who have philosophical accreditation.
2) Stoics like Marcus Aurelius, a king and philosopher of the Roman empire,
promoted an idealized "world state" liberated from the constraints of nationalism
and chauvinism.
3) St. Augustine also offered reconstruction efforts through the ideal Christian state
(The City of God). The industrial revolution tended to make technology enrich a
handful of capital owners. Thinkers such as Comte de Saint Simon, Charles
Fourier, Robert Owen, Francois Noel Babeuf, and Edward Bellamy emerged.
4) Karl Marx, saw the plight of the proletariat dehumanized by the capitalist industrial
system, and sought to reconstruct world society, based on a network of
international communism.

Education as a major instrument of social change, for example Plato asserted that
education is the sine qua non of the best society; Marx saw education as a way to help the
proletariat develop a view of "social consciousness". In the United States, there are Horace
Mann, Henry Barnard, William Torrey Harris, Francis Parker and John Dewey. Dewey (of
the pragmatism school) saw education as an instrument of individual and societal change.
Clearly, Dewey's tendency towards reconstructionism can be seen from his statement:

"The essential contrast of the idea of education as continuous reconstruction with the
other one-sided conceptions which have been criticized in this and the previous chapter is
that it identifies the end (result) and the process ... Every such continuous experience or
activity is educative, and all education resides in having such experience. It remains only to
point out (what will receive more ample attention later) that the reconstruction of experience
may be social as well as personnel."

Dewey's description above explains: first, reconstructionism explains the end (result
or outcome) and the process. This means that education in reconstructionism is not
synonymous with uncertainty of direction or purpose and without process. Although
reconstructionism considers that experience is developmental and that

Secondly, experiences and activities are continuously evolving and changing, in line with the
demands faced by education at the time (here reconstructionism goes further than
progressivism). Secondly, experiences and activities continuously develop and change, in line
with the demands faced by education at the time (here reconstructionism is more far-reaching
than progressivism). Thirdly, the construction of experience can occur in both individuals and
collectives. Consequently, education must pay attention to both aspects. Furthermore, Dewey
states that education is the reconstruction or reorganization of experience so that it can add
meaning to the experience, and can increase the ability to determine the direction of the next
experience. In practical terms, reconstructionism in education calls for the purpose of
education to be to raise students' awareness of the social, political and economic problems
faced by humans globally, and to nurture and equip them with basic abilities in order to solve
these problems. The curriculum and methods of education according to reconstructionism
should include the social, political and economic issues faced by society, as well as the
personal problems faced by students. Meanwhile, the methods in the reconstructionist
curriculum use the disciplines of the social sciences and the scientific method.

The style of learning activities in the reconstructionism school according to Kinsley

Price is as follows,

a) Everything that is characterized as autocratic must be avoided, so that those who learn
avoid the element of coercion.
b) Teachers must be able to convince their students of their ability to solve problems, so
that problems in subject matters can be overcome.
c) To cultivate students' desire to learn, a teacher must be able to recognize each student
d) A teacher must be able to create classroom conditions in such a way that the teacher's
interaction with students and all those present in one classroom can communicate
well, without anyone showing an authoritarian attitude (Muhmidayeli: 2011). From
the explanation above, it can be concluded that educational reconstruction has a
specific purpose, namely to raise students' awareness of the social, political and
economic problems faced by humans globally, and to foster them, equipping them
with basic abilities in order to solve these problems.

Although built on pragmatism, Reconstructionism does not just promote scientific
methods, problem solving, naturalism and humanism, but how to apply pragmatic methods in
education. Not only does it "fix" society, but it also wants to make social changes.
Reconstructionism shares with perennialism the principle that there is an urgent need for
certainty in today's confused modern culture (Djumransjah, 2004: 188). Reconstructionism
has a vision and method of solving the problem of restoring a culture that is harmonious with
life. While perennialism chooses to return to the realm of old culture (regressive road
culture) as the most ideal solution. Why did reconstructionism emerge? The answer, of
course, is very diverse, including the following:

1) There is a gap between theory and practice in education and disappointment with
general theories that cannot be "critical". So a grounded theory is needed that is able
to appreciate social, cultural and political aspects to the fullest. The attack on general
theory was started by C. Wright Mills and culminated in Habermas.
2) There is a need for a substantive critical theory of society that is developed to a
metateoretical level in terms of self-reflection on theory and method.
3) A deep concern for the fate of humanity in which individuals as social beings are
contextualized in the social totality of material and spiritual culture.
4) Undertaking social emancipation and trying to find a social theory that is capable of
shouldering the responsibility of resistance to the status quo.
5) It is a broader critique of the fact that capitalist culture is a form of manipulation and
control, which totally permeates psychic and social structures.

Clearly, reconstructionism rests on two major premises. First, society needs constant
reconstruction or change. Second, social change is also educational reconstruction and uses
education as a vehicle for reconstructing society. Thus, there is a need for an order that can
change, and the philosophy of reconstructionism becomes a foothold. Reconstructionism also
aims to concretize life, and it is necessary to establish social institutions that are supervised
by the community, children, schools and education in accordance with the demands of society
(Zuhairini, et al., 2008: 29).

2.3 Application of Reconstructionism in Education
In the world of education, the school of reconstructionism is a school that builds or
overhauls the old order by organizing a modern cultural life arrangement. The principle of
reconstructionism stems from the crisis of modern culture, this school views that the current
situation is an era that has a culture plagued by destruction, confusion, and confusion.
Reconstructionism believes that reorganizing the world is the task of all humanity. Therefore,
rebuilding healthy spiritual intellectual power through proper education and rebuilding people
with the right values and norms is also for the sake of current and future generations. Real
ideals are not only theoretical, but must be realized into reality, so as to improve the quality
of health, welfare and prosperity and security of the community regardless of skin color,
descent, nationalism, religion (belief) and the community concerned.

In the world of education, this reconstructionism school aims to foster awareness in

students related to general social, economic and political problems. So that students have the
ability to solve problems from the problems that are being faced. And in this way it can also
improve the thinking skills of students. So it can be concluded that reconstructionism is a
school in the philosophy of education that seeks to overhaul or reconstitute a past order and
build a new modern cultural order. This school hopes that education can change the social
order of society, the economy of society, changing all forms of anything that exists in society.

The Reconstructionism school is considered suitable for a better world of education

because this school thinks about how we are able to create human resources who are able to
compete in the era of modernization who are not only intelligent in the field of knowledge but
have good skills and attitudes. In addition, this school emphasizes that students are the main
target in education. Learners are required to be more active in expressing their opinions and
thoughts in solving a problem. So the role of the teacher here is only as a facilitator, not the
one who gives a lot of solutions to a solution.

problem. So through the institution and process of education, Reconstructionism wants to
overhaul the old order and build a new order of cultural life. Without losing the essence of the
previous culture. So the previous culture is used as a benchmark for forming a new cultural

The elements of education are the most important things in the learning process
because between one element and another element have a relationship and cannot be
separated. The elements of education that are applied and related to the school of
reconstructionism in education include curriculum, learning principles, and educational

1. Curriculum
The curriculum is a set of plans that guide the learning process. Curriculum developers
must have clear philosophical values about what they uphold. A vague philosophy will
lead to a curriculum that is uncertain in its direction. The curriculum as a social
reconstruction prioritizes social interests over individual interests. The goal is
responsibility for the future of society. Such a curriculum task is not something new but
has always been a part of the educational function, because education is always related to
its purpose in the future. Reconstructionism wants individuals to be prepared for the
changes that are bound to occur in the future in the hope that they will be able to survive
in this dynamic and unstable world. For this reason, the curriculum needs to be based on
current social, economic and political problems so that students are able to deal with them
in the future.
2. Learning Principles
According to Jerome Bruner, learning is acquiring information, which coincides or
contradicts the existing one, transforming it, that is, manipulating it. The principle put
forward by Bruner is that individuals actively reconstruct their experiences by connecting
new knowledge with "internal capital" or cognitive structures they already have. Bruner's
approach is called "instrumental conceptualism" based on two aspects of the cognitive
process is that humans construct a model on themselves about the world of reality, and
they recognize the world based on that model. The principles of learning are clearly
influenced by the philosophy of reconstructionism, because the purpose of learning is not
just the brain, but as a whole, both socially and emotionally, as well as to be able to
organize a better life in the future.

3. Education Methods
In the learning process in the classroom, an educator must be able to use methods that can
make students or stimulate students to think and dare to express opinions so that learning
is not only centered on the teacher but students who must be the object of learning. One
of the methods recognized and used in this school is learning by doing. In addition, the
method that can be used is the group learning method because this school prioritizes
socialism. So that schools must take place in groups, which means that groups play a very
important role in schools. School is the realization of social, through school will be
developed not only social nature but the ability to involve themselves in social planning.

The theory of reconstructionism education put forward by Brameld is:

1. Education must be implemented here and now in order to create a new social order that
will replenish the basic values of our culture, and harmonize with the underlying
economic, and social forces of modern society. Now civilization faces the possibility of
self-destruction. Education must sponsor a true change in human conscience. Therefore,
the immense power of technology must be harnessed to build humanity, not to destroy it.
Society must be transformed not through political action, but in the most fundamental
way by educating its citizens, towards a new outlook on life and living together.
2. Children, schools, and education itself are conditioned by cultural and social forces.
According to reconstructionism, civilized life is group life, so groups will play an
important role in schools. Education is the realization of the social.
3. The teacher should conduct an open examination of the facts, even if they contradict his
views. The teacher presents alternative solutions clearly, and he allows students to defend
their own views.
4. The way and purpose of education must be completely revamped in order to meet the
needs associated with the current cultural crisis, and to match the needs of social science.
The importance of social science is

It pushes us to find values, which people believe or not are universal.

2.4 Pros and Cons of Reconstructionism

The Reconstructionism School is a school that activates changes in a more modern
direction, and together with working together to achieve changes in a better direction is what
the adherents of the Reconstructionism philosophical flow want to aim for, but here we
discuss what the advantages and disadvantages of this flow if applied in today's world of
education. The following are the advantages of reconstructionism:

• The Reconstructionism school follows the times, not only follows the times but also
builds a new cultural structure or discards unnecessary ones, which means that the
Reconstructionism school is open to the times, this is what is needed in the world of
education, because in general education is open and flexible to the times so as not to be
left behind in the future.
• This school of philosophy emphasizes the role of students and also the considerable role
of teachers in learning, unlike previous education where teachers explain lessons and
students are only tasked and also understand, and do not really have an important role in
the learning process in the classroom, in the school of Reconstructionism students are
emphasized to also be active in learning and teachers are not only as teaching staff but
also as mentors and leaders who direct their students in learning.
• This school of Reconstructionism also emphasizes students to be open to their social
environment and also discusses social problems in their community.
• Not closed and open to significant developments, it also expects students to always be
ready to face the changing times that are sophisticated and full of new technology.

Besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages of reconstructionism.

The school of reconstructionism is as follows:

• This school of philosophy focuses too much on the social, which means that it focuses too
much on deepening the social knowledge of learners, and perhaps even

While teaching social understanding and tolerance is important, learning science is
equally important. This stream may be suitable for those who want to learn more about
social studies but not for all aspects of education, everything must be balanced.
• This flow allows the entry of politics into learning, in this case the intention is not good,
there are some things that should not need to be learned in the learning system, the
involvement of dirty politics can cause disruption of smoothness in education, these two
things must be separated and must be focused on other learning such as building student
• The Reconstructionist school of philosophy does not really focus on the development of
children's character that is needed today, this school focuses on global problems such as
politics, social, and economic problems and other problems. whereas at school age you
should also pay attention to your role as a student first and then to the outside world and
society as a whole.


3.1 Conclusion
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the Reconstructionism
School in education aims to foster awareness in students related to general social, economic
and political problems. So that students have the ability to solve problems from the problems
being faced. And in this way it can also improve the thinking skills of students. It can be
concluded that reconstructionism is a school in the philosophy of education that seeks to
overhaul or reconstitute a past order and build a new modern cultural order. This school
hopes that education can change the social order of society, the economy of society, changing
all forms of anything that exists in society. This flow also has the advantage of making
students able to adapt in this modern world. While the disadvantage is that it is too focused
on social life alone so that it allows the existence of political elements in the world of

3.2 Advice
After studying the school of Reconstructionism, then as a prospective Mathematics
Education teacher should be able to understand and be able to apply it. A teacher must be
able to make students aware of the problems they are facing, a teacher must help students
identify problems to solve. Teachers must also be able to encourage students to be able to
think about alternatives in solving problems in this modern life.

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