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Yes, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has been transitioning to digitalization

since 2016. This is part of the government's overall goal of becoming a digital

The PSA has digitized its processes and systems, including:

 Data collection: The PSA now uses electronic forms and tablets to collect data from
households and businesses. This has made the data collection process more efficient
and accurate.
 Data processing: The PSA now uses cloud computing and big data analytics to process
data. This has made it possible to analyze data more quickly and efficiently.
 Data dissemination: The PSA now publishes its data online and through mobile apps.
This has made it easier for people to access and use PSA data.

The PSA's digitalization efforts have been successful in improving the quality and
accessibility of PSA data. This has helped the government make better decisions and
has empowered citizens to make informed decisions.

In addition to the digitalization of its processes and systems, the PSA has also launched
a number of digital initiatives, including:

 The PSA Open Data Portal: This portal provides free access to PSA data in machine-
readable format.
 The PSA Mobile App: This app provides users with access to PSA data and services on
their mobile devices.
 The PSA e-Services: This platform provides users with the ability to apply for PSA
services online.

The PSA's digital initiatives have made it easier for people to access and use PSA data
and services. This has helped to improve the transparency and accountability of the

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