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The environment is everything around us, both natural and man-made.

A major
problem in the world today is the destruction of the natural environment.This is
the finished problem. We burn fuel and throw away plastic bags, which pollute.
We have made factories that produce or use chemicals that are always chemical
waste. They are usually poisonous and they also persist in the environment.What
must we do at school or at home to reduce pollution? For me, There are many
ways you can make your life greener. The easiest way is planting more trees and
forests. Trees help absorb Carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to cool
the atmosphere. Besides, it will provide shade and make the air fresh. The
second thing we can do is organising regular clean-up. This keeps the
environment clean and raise awareness for all citizens about the Green lifestyle.
In addition, turning off electrical devices when not in use is an effective way.
This not only helps reduce energy bills but also prevents any dangerous
situations. Living a green lifestyle is not difficult, but these small changes will
make a big difference.

As I mentioned above, there are many ways to protect the environment. As a

student, I did some things to improve the surrounding environment such as
throwing trash in the right place, cleaning the surrounding area regularly,
planting more flowers and trees and finally but The most important thing is to
propagate( pra pơ gết) and remind people to be conscious of keeping the
environment clean and green.

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