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chaos is scary for a brief period of time if a person can

get a grasp of what is happening around him all

previous feeling of fear will be lost
an average person will find a scene where absolutely
nothing if their expecting to be scared where if a
person doesn’t expect anything scary to happen
jumpscares are more effective but jumpscares are
more surprising then actually fear inducing .A
jumpscare has a build-up and then a culmination
leaving the viewer satisfied and with the feeling that its
all over a scene where nothing happens doesn’t have a
culmination so the feeling of suspense sticks longer.
Universe fear for everyone is suffocating or more
precisely the feeling of suffocating
Slowly going insane i really scary to most individuals
Off placing the main “scare” and blending it into the
background makes it so the viewer has to find what
coming from them and scaring them in the process
a good thing to try and benefit from is sound if a room
is generally clean with maybe a vase or other small
item is missplaced playing a crashing sound can make
the viewer start searching for the source of the sound
and upon finding it it starts a process what tiped it
over was it always on the floor does that mean it
coming for me ;
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