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Plasma apocalypse when it will happen Jay Dreamerz

[Music] [Music] [Music] take a look and you'll see into your imagination we begin with a spin see
[Music] [Music] good evening everybody and welcome to tonight's livestream before we begin I
just want to say throughout the course of this video I invite you to question your very existence
something it seems that we all take for granted if at some point during our chat you do not feel
uncomfortable then either I have failed you or you have already passed the test of the mirrors
reflection with that being said welcome everybody welcome to those who are watching this later
on as well for those on the eastern side head of the realm now today we're going to be talking
about consciousness and I did a little preview of tonight's live stream sort of playing it out but I'm
gonna get into that here later on towards the end now the human body can and has been
cloned this information isn't public of course not yet but they can copy individual bodies we
know they've done this with animals already as has been in the news for decades and of course
underground in their experimental bases and laboratories they do grow humans they do grow
these bodies that we call human or humanoid but can they copy an individual consciousness
that's the question that we're posing tonight and we're gonna take a look at consciousness we're
gonna ask ourselves truly what is consciousness and we'll get to that here in just a second so
let me explain to you what I mean by copying the consciousness copying a body is fairly simple
if you know how to do it you simply take the building blocks that we are made out of and you
program them you reconstruct them right it's genetics at its most basic level of teaching but to
copy a consciousness we have to copy a person's mannerisms the little things that makes us us
we have to copy the memories we have to copy the information we essentially have to copy
everything that has gone on up here now I believe that that technology has long since existed
everyone is very very awesome in the chat tonight I just want to say hello to everybody now how
do they copy a consciousness what is consciousness well first let me tell you how I believe they
have been copying consciousness of various people for quite some time now and basically I'll
give you a really simple example have you ever been driving and you stopped at one of those
stoplights and you see the cameras that they have on the stoplights up in all four corners here in
Colorado those cameras don't take pictures and they don't bring them up in court and they don't
zoom in on your license plate to see that you know if you made the red light or the green light or
what not but they do record they record everything they have algorithms and supercomputers
every single time any bit of information has been pushed through computers that information it
seems to me is recorded and processed and sent into underground areas where they keep
supercomputers that build the dossiers on all of these people anyone who has ever been
recorded anyone who's ever even you don't even have to have been directly recorded but you
could have somebody just talking about you or talking to you over the phone or through any
type of electronic device if you have been captured by these devices that they have given to us
then most likely you have been watch and the reason I believe that they're watching is to build
these portfolios to build extensive dossiers using very advanced or ancient depending on how
you look at it algorithms that not only build and record models to mold out your individual
consciousness so that it can be replicated but the algorithms predict based on behavior like my
behavior right now predict how an individual would and should behave based on the pattern that
they've already established of course the more information that they acquire from us because in
the end we're the ones really giving it away then the easier it is to seemingly replicate a
consciousness of an individual now that being said let's see here I want to give you some more
examples many people who have been on YouTube are familiar with watching the very
interesting celebrity break down videos right where you'll watch my favorite one is Wendy
Williams you know you'll see there was this one Wendy Williams is like the transvestite black
dude woman whatever I don't know has her own show and she's she has this episode where
she dresses up and all of a sudden she like spazzes out on live TV and she like uh she she's
tripping over her words and stuff and then all of a sudden she stops stares off into space and
then goes and like turns off like she was switched off something happened you know you know
they always try to spin it in some sort of a strange way like oh she was overheating even though
because she was wearing this costume she came right back out wearing the same costume so
that's just one example of these celebrity spaz outs and the reason that I bring this up is
because I have some theories I have some ideas as to connecting cloning and the genetics that
are being used in underground laboratories by you know you-know-who and they're they're
cloning those people whom they have replicated not just a body not just the physical vessel but
they have also been practicing replicating the consciousness the mannerisms the the character
of each one of these individuals now it seems to me that many of us have caught them in the
act because if we have followed particular individuals I'll give you an example I used to follow
Eminem religiously like I was just the biggest Eminem fan in the whole world up until a certain
point in time and then something happened it seemed like Eminem went through some sort of
an episode and then he was just not the same there was something off just slightly off about him
and we have noticed that about many of these celebrities so why do they clone these particular
celebrities and try to rework and copy making a replica of their consciousness I love this picture
it's because they are the ones in the limelight they give the most information about themselves
that are constantly recorded the powers who are running the show they have all the information
that they need to at least go ahead and you know shoot out working prototypes and whatnot
now I'm gonna take a quick sidestep I want to talk about these celebrities because there's a
there's a huge thing out there where people are noticing as a matter of fact let me go ahead and
pull up the pictures here people are noticing that celebrities are showing up in pictures
throughout time and these pictures that are showing up throughout time are indicating that the
celebrities are Time Traveler's right sorry about that I'm where I'm put on pulling up the time-
traveling celebrity pictures for you right now so we have these time-traveling celebrities and one
second let me just pull this up real quick normally I do have this done beforehand all right
celebrity pictures here we go okay so hopefully that worked out okey-dokey okay there we are
okay good so we have done that there J dreamers you're supposed to be better than this okay
so anyway that'll work for now at least okay so we have these time-traveling celebrities right
now based on you know having grown up with many of these celebrities and seeing them and
things of that nature it's not my I don't I don't believe that the indicators are there that they don't
strike me as Time Traveller's at least not intellectually it doesn't seem to me like they would
have the capability to travel through time you know what I mean they're good well they're okay
actors you know and their faces are out there and clearly you can see that they those those
bodies existed at some point in the past and they were taking pictures of so it is basically in a
nutshell my supposition and I can't see who's subscribing or anything right now I'm so sorry
thank you if anyone is using super chat or subscribing or anything um but it's it's my theory that
basically these are not time-traveling celebrities okay but it is the genetics okay we are a
creation we ass has been accepted by all of the major religions of the world right we were
created we are a creation and thus because we are a creation genetically at the genetic level it
seems to me that our DNA has been as far as procreation goes as far as being self-replicating
machines right as far as like these these vessels are essential the machines at the microscopic
level their DNA and RNA they're the building blocks of what we call life but they're really just the
building blocks of physical life of our organic physical life so it seems to me that they have been
put on some sort of loop essentially because I noticed this a while back I noticed that I have
seen people that look exactly like a celebrity or exactly like someone I used to know as a matter
of fact I have received many of these comments myself people have said Jade rumors sake you
remind me of my friend that I have like you look exactly like him are you act or what not you look
exactly like these people and I it seems to me that we're all subject to this cycle that DNA goes
through that it rear eppley Cates exactly these particular bodies that it only has a limited amount
it only has a limited number of bodies that can be replicated now when we think about humanity
across time and we think of all the different famous figures throughout time we don't normally
think of them as looking exactly like my neighbor or exactly like a celebrity or exactly like myself
even but we just imagine that our genetic structure is just totally chaotic and just randomly just
produces all of these physical features that we see that make us who we are as far as the
vessels that we travel in are concerned it seems to me that it's been put on some sort of repeat
pattern there's a particular number I don't know what the number is but I think that that number
repeats itself and replicates itself up until a certain number and then it kind of starts over and
maybe this is to keep the masses in the dark as to what's going on because you know you don't
notice it if you only come in contact let's say you know maybe 50 people in your area in your
neighborhood and honestly how often how closely do you really look at other people so that's
that's a one of my theories about that I do not think that Weird Al is a time traveler or this guy all
right I don't think that it just doesn't strike me as being true you know it seems like there's
something missing there but what does strike me as being more believable than that is instead
of all of these celebrities being secret Illuminati Time Traveller's that our genetics the way that
were structured and programmed to replicate or to self-replicate is pieced out that it's
programmed it's setup and it repeats itself after a certain amount of replicants if you will so that
being said I'm going to go ahead and let this celebrity thing play out here and then we'll go back
to the other pictures now I do want to I would I do want to talk about these celebrities a little bit
more we've had these celebrity breakdowns right and you know I I'm not big on the whole time-
traveling celebrity phenomenon or whatnot but it seems that the body is a self-replicating
machine but the physical features don't seem to be random I'm reading my notes right now but
they're set on a loop at just the right interval so as not to be noticed there are a limited number
of forms to take with variances of course add it in to keep up pretense now let's talk about these
celebrities and let's talk about you've all seen the YouTube videos where they have all made
these deals with the devil right we've all heard of it at the very least it's even in our cartoons it
permeates our society this is one of those myths and legends that has stood the test of time
which tells me there's something to it this whole making a deal with the devil writing out a
contract and signing it in your blood to gain immortality now let's cast aside the the myth the
mythical fanciness of it let's accept that there is some truth there because that that story has
stood this test of time and let's figure out according to what we know today so far how that could
be possible now if we have some sort of God like or devil like figure who is you know close to
being immortal or in comparison to us is basically immortal and they have this knowledge that
far surpasses ours intellectually not I'm not siding saying you know anyone's the good guy or
the bad guy but I'm just saying let's let's examine this if you live for a certain amount of time you
will accumulate experience and along with that experience comes knowledge along with that
knowledge comes maturity and understanding not morality but understanding of things how the
world works right now I personally equate the devil and these various gods and whatnot with the
L or the elven race please check out my playlist ancient oblivion for more on the elven race and
how they relate to the aliens and the gods and things like that however it seems to me that there
if there is any merit to this making a deal with the devil signing it in your blood let's break it down
right to gain immortality they can create vessels they can recreate we can recreate vessels we
can make clone genetically structure an individual like this guy right here and it'll look just like
them right so what would the devil or what would these beings need one let's think about this
the bad guys of this world right those who are in charge of this world they work strictly and
heartfelt ly if that's a word they are dedicated to what's known as maritime law contractual law
law that deals with goods and services provided and it's dealt with in contract form it's an
agreement between one party and another party right the agreement must be agreed upon now
your body and your consciousness or an individual's body and consciousness carries with it a
unique combination that makes it that that individuals own it makes it your own and because it's
your own according to maritime law which is what the devil and his minions you know the rulers
of the world what they work with according to that law what belongs to you is copyrighted it is
yours it's yours to keep it cannot be copied and reproduced without your explicit permission and
so it seems to me that these celebrities or you know whoever individuals throughout time have
made these deals knowing that the gods or the devil or whoever whoever's doing these these
deals that they know how to genetically manipulate these vessels that we call bodies in order to
re sleeve the soul in order to recreate this same body for you now the question remains how do
they do it well they always require that the contract be signed in blood what's in your blood DNA
your building blocks your copyrighted copy written you know for all intents and purposes your
information and you are willingly giving it over over not you okay calm down not you but those
who participate okay um I could name a few but but those who willingly participate in blood
contracts with you know these entities or whatnot so you're giving over your genetic structure
you're giving over the information needed to make a copy of yourself and that's why I believe
that you see these individuals throughout time or whatnot it's not that they're traveling and you
know super advanced technological vehicles I really don't see any Murphy doing the head you
know um however I do know that there are beings in this world still that have that type of
advanced technology that they can recreate the body because essentially the body is a robot it's
a vessel it's a car you sit and you drive it you work it it's not you it's not me this is not me you
know I like mine it's not too bad you know maybe who knows you know but oh and that being
said I know a lot of you I'm not looking at the chat right now but I know a lot of people are
probably trying to examine you know is that really him I don't know what if he was cloned what if
he was replaced is that a replica J dreamers I don't know um what does it what would it matter
that's my question for you for you I'm going to be asking you a lot of uncomfortable questions
tonight um I want to I want to throw you off I want to throw a wrench into your system I just want
you to slam on the brakes for a quick second and take the car off of autopilot or cruise control
and I want you to be a little uncomfortable and go whoa wait a minute um I like this guy why is
he asking me why is he why is he trying to get me to think that he's not who he says he is it's
because I want to help I try to give tools to help others to think outside of the box and making
people slightly uncomfortable for a little bit of time out of the day is one of the tools in which we
get shook up okay well we can take a step aside and rethink some things here so I want you to
rethink me let's start with me okay because you're watching me right now all right let's start with
me and when we're done with me we're gonna get to you so um what would it matter let's say
that I was cloned and copied and you know somebody got a hold of it or whatnot and this isn't
really the me that you're used to watching this is a clone this is a replicant J dreamers as a
matter of fact not just bodily but they have also replicated all of my mannerisms and I don't know
I don't know what mannerisms I have clearly using my hands oh it's like on that one movie
where's like I don't know what to do what does it matter though would it diminish would it take
anything away from the things that I share this is why I always encourage each one of you to go
with your heart to balance out your reasoning mind your logical mind with your intuition your gut
what does your gut say what is your intuition say what is your heart chakra say what are your
feelings tell you you see this is a unused tool it's a manipulative tool it's um it's a tool that's
abused really because we don't use our feelings in uh you know in the most beneficial way I
believe right so anyhow I'm gonna let you dwell on that one I'll let you think about that one and
let's go ahead and get these celebrity time travelers off the screen clones is it this one or is it
this one I think it's this one let's find out boom oh snap it was the other one yeah okay um so uh
intermission quick second because I'm gonna fix this because I don't wanna have a crappy
livestream sorry let me get rid of this one gosh I'm so sorry like I I tried setting this up so
perfectly okay all right let me put the throw the pictures back up here there we are and voila
okay let me fix it now gosh how do I have 15,000 subscribers and I can't even work the
computer Oh see stretch to screen fit to screen there we are and we'll put my face back up
there there we are okay great alright let's move on shall we if I don't break everything in the
house here okay so basically for those of you who are just joining us we are questioning
consciousness what does it mean to be aware what does it mean to be conscious to have a
soul to have a spirit to have these types of things inside of us clearly many of us can already
agree these things this this is not this is not who you are you see ah as I saw in there ah right
this is just a body it's just a vessel um now it works in amazing ways that I don't understand
completely and some some things I'm not too thrilled about like having to go to the bathroom
you know they could have left that one out and figured out a different way or whatever anyhow
let's move on shall we before I get way too off track oh so anyhow yes they build dossiers they
build these files the and they have these algorithms and supercomputers underground that
basically record your personality they record your character your mannerisms J dreamers using
a different okay I'm sorry they record everything about you the way you present yourself the
inflection in your voice your tone I don't know if you guys have ever seen Westworld but it's like
this this woman was talking and this this robot Bernard who works at this company he's not
even listening to what she's saying he's like do that again when you when you follow your
eyebrows like that it's it's so lifelike can I record that you know that's basically what they're doing
they're recording every little thing that makes you unique that makes you a little bit different and
they're trying to replicate your soul they're trying to make a carbon copy of you essentially and
sometimes it passes off sometimes they put out these replicas on both the physical clones and
those who have had their personality replicated and they put those out in the public view so that
we see them to test it out sometimes they'll test it out on somebody you know a little
insignificant but then they put it in the public eye and then they watch our reaction and then they
gauge how we respond and they take notes of everything and it's very meticulously done they
have it down to a science actually I'm not saying it's right I'm not saying it's wrong but I am
saying that this is happening they are trying they have long ago they already knew how to clone
people that's that's old news for these for these beings that I'm talking about now they're
working on cloning who you are who you really are actually I'm wondering if they know how
because it seems like they're trying to get a lot of practice in recently but they are collecting
information on as many people as possible and those who give the most information are the
easiest targets now you might think well I'm not a celebrity you know so I'm not a target well do
you have a Facebook account are you a youtuber like some people you know did you ever use
MySpace back when it was popular you know any of these social media platforms what do you
think I mean do you think that the the people who run the world just really to give us all the tools
to be better and to communicate and you know to hum to post pictures of cupcakes we made
throughout the day or you know I don't know I don't know what kind of dumb stuff is on I don't
even look at Facebook you know whatever that is when you scroll I don't even watch it but you
know what I'm talking about all the stupid stuff all the stupid stuff that makes us human right so
let's get to the point what is the soul what is the soul you know everyone everyone knows that
Souls exist they don't no one knows that a spirit exists everyone knows I have a spirit oh I've got
one you know I know I have a spirit well how do you know you know and um in this video we're
not going to get into any type of religion or religious belief systems I'm talking uhm reasonably
logically or according to in here how do you know that you have something called a soul and if
you have it what exactly is it what do you think your soul is as a matter of fact everyone
watching I would like you to do a quick experiment with me I want you you out there who believe
that you have a spirit or a soul do me a favor and take your index finger and point to it right now
go ahead just take a second and touch where you believe your soul is located I'll bet many of
you have never really thought about that and then some people I'm probably half the people
who are watching when right here you know it's right here or some people may have pointed to
their pineal gland or pineal gland however people want to say it tomato tomahto pineal pineal
gland whatever so where is the soul where did you point to did you point to your heart did you
point here where did you point to I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you where I would point to you at the
end of the video what is a consciousness let's break down that word I do love etymology in the
study of words and origins because I believe that that's a huge puzzle piece to better
understand life and so many things in life what is conscious it's the word cone which basically
means width or to have okay and then it's see what is it the latin word is a CA i believe so that
means knowledge so it means with knowledge cone see any or a corn yes okay I'm sorry I
messed that up but there's a lot of other stuff corn and then just take my word for it and go
google it real quick okay con ships means with knowledge basically so if conscious if to be
conscious means to have knowledge knowledge of what because wouldn't that qualify you know
machines computers smartphones so many other things how about books i mean does a book
have consciousness you know maybe not because clearly a book can't process the information
it just has the information it doesn't do anything with the information so maybe there is an action
required in order to have an active consciousness so the word syria which is latin it comes from
the word to know knowledge is also related to sire right this is why we pay homage you know or
may back in the Middle Ages that would say yes sire you know that's you're basically giving
homage to the one they know who has all the knowledge because the ones who have the most
knowledge have the most power typically in our world today it's also related to the word sir yes
sir right or a Tsar if you happen to be Middle Eastern you may know Shar or SAR implying a
ruler or a prince or things of that nature how about Siri us I'm serious right knowledge I'm using
knowledge that I have I'm being serious right now or Siri Siri can you tell me the sir to whatever
right these are all related so conscious simply means to hay relay and just use the super chat
for 20 bucks thanks really I'm gonna put the alerts up here there we go awesome thank you um
so let me move forward I'm so sorry I get easily distracted sometimes and I'm really working on
that um so is having a collection of knowledge make us conscious I think a lot of us would say
no right just having knowledge just having information not only that but I mean there are so
many people in the world today you can walk around Walmart I use Walmart as a wonderful
example at times do you see a lot of conscious people at Walmart now maybe maybe the
honest answer is yes they're all conscious but at what level are they conscious what knowledge
do they have you know and that just gets into the informative side this is very much if you've
studied the esoteric energetic paths in life or the Kabbalah or the tree of the tree of forgot his
compass the Kabbalistic tree of life maybe it's the left-hand path it's the path of knowledge okay
now here on my channel I'm very much in support of balancing out those two paths so that we
can combine them to be balanced walking a middle path now what exactly do we know about
ourselves that nonhumans don't right I mean if we're aware if if having a consciousness of
having a soul and a spirit means that we're aware that we're humans you know that we are
aware that that we question our own existence who am i what am I where am I is that what
makes us have a soul you know is that the qualifying factor I don't know how many people out
there are pet owners but I have a dog and she is the most human-like animal I have ever seen
in my life I mean it's I wouldn't be surprised if she just stood up and spoke one day you know
that's that's how human she is so I'm not sure if knowing what you are is a qualifying factor for
having a soul you know even these artificially intelligent robots that's one of the first things they
talk about they acknowledge what they are they acknowledge that I yes I am a robot are you a
robot yes I am a robot too but I don't want to be either you know you've heard that the robots
having their little debates the artificially intelligent robots talking to one another which I believe is
just a show you know there are things far more advanced than that and we are gonna get in to
what those advanced things might be let me ask you a question what makes you you what
makes you you now there's a television show that inspired me to make this video and it's called
altered carbon I'm gonna talk about altered carbon in a bit here but that's one of the things that
they say you know they had this really great advertisement idea this campaign this PR
campaign would not to get more people to watch their show to spike interest in their show and
they did these live presentations of these sleeves as a matter of fact they're glad and just play
this video here in the background if I have it so here's the video of the ultra carbon trying to tell
you how your Steve in your body I agree [Music] it's a machine that has been possessed
essentially taking possession of this mission control it move it around engage with it you know
you can use it however you like oh they're given to close up anyhow it's not Total Recall I don't
instantly access my memory so I don't believe it's the memories that make us who we are now
in a lot of these apocalyptic transhumanism type movies and television shows like Westworld
here what they do to try to give these robots this artificially intelligent vessels a sense of a soul
is they give them false memories they give them a backstory something that makes them a little
more unique you know it gives them something to be about you know something to stand for
that you know who you are because of what you've gone through in the past and whatnot now
in the shows they give these beings these memories and I'll use dark city dark city is one of my
favorite movies and I have to do a video on dark City but in dark city there were these pasty
white albino alien beings that's another you got to see my other videos about the albino pasty
white alien beings okay you just have to UM but these pasty alien beings are trying to figure out
what what gives us our humanity you see these alien beings in Dark City they're very robotic
you know the ends justify the means and you'll see that type of mentality reflected by those who
are in charge of our world today until we take it back okay they don't understand what makes us
unique they don't seem to understand the soul they don't seem to get what makes us us so my
question this is the reason why I wanted to ask you what makes you you if those who are in
charge of us can't even figure it out and they're doing their best to replicate to run tests to put
information through algorithms you know to a watch to observe they want to figure out what
makes us different shouldn't we already know that isn't this is this than that we have lost is this
something that maybe once we regain and remember we'll have a little more control we'll have a
little more confidence to change the world the way that we want to see it I think so so do fuzzy
memories make you who you are I don't think so do you mannerisms make you who you are oh
that's funny speaking of you know being celebrity clones somebody left me a very funny
comment saying Jai dreamers you're the ben affleck of conspiracies and I love that I thought
that was hilarious even though personally I think I think Jake Gyllenhaal and me are a little tiny
bit closer I actually used to have the exact same mole that's another story sorry so what makes
you you is that collected a collection of fragmented fuzzy memories your mannerisms no how
about Jay dreamers how about me those of you have watched me a lot you know some people
say I seem persona bull I seem real actually is something I get a lot I seem real well that's good
news thank you for the compliment I'm glad I seem real you know I don't know what else to say
about that you know if I were to say I am real then it sounds like I'm defending not being you
know what I mean it's weird but let me ask you a question what do you know about me what do
you know about this individual who's sitting in his sons closet right now with the green screen
behind me and a whole set up here you know who's had this whole life up until now or at least I
think I've had an entire life up until now I don't know that comes with questioning yourself that's
the test of looking into the mirror right we constantly question we don't jump off the deep end
and just believe anything and everything without being grounded but you know memories are
something that I question from time to time just to keep myself in check and to understand
where I am a little bit more and to have a little more confidence as to Who I am what my
purpose is and what I'm going to do now I hope that made some sense I'm so sorry if it didn't
now what do you know about me personally if I was a clone would that somehow taint my
presentations is this video right now could it possibly be tainted if I am controlled one of the
popular terms is controlled opposition right and that's good I'm glad I'm glad that people look at
youtubers and they're you know they're they're not sure and you know they they suspend
judgment I think that's great I don't think it's really awesome to do the opposite and just come
out and say oh you're a reptilian J dreamers and do a stupid video showing the digitizing of my
face and how it changes when I move quickly but I did check out I do check that stuff out and
yeah I think it's funny um if I was a clone would that change the truth in what I'm offering you
know that's why that tool that we need to use is our intuition does it sound right does it feel right
does it vibe with you does it vibe with your vibe you know if it does then take that and let the rest
of it sit on the shelf until another time when you can reference it if it doesn't then I don't know
what to say Oh what else I'm just going over some notes here how would you know if I was a
replica how would you know how could you possibly know now one way of course is you could
spend a little more time with me and you would get a better understanding of you know like my
energy my vibe you know anybody can copy this body this body can be copied if it were to be
copied it would be totally unlawfully okay cuz I am NOT getting permission but like I said I don't
know how it works maybe the DNA that I have is on autopilot and it will eventually self replicate
and this body will make its appearance once more you know but how do you know who is who
you know if it was the body only then it could be a machine and subject to manipulation and
control so I could understand that I could understand if somebody were cloned if I were cloned
and I'm a clone right now you know I could understand the the weariness the uneasiness that
people may have in wanting to watch or to even listen or to take into consideration the things
that I'm saying because it's possible that I could be being told what to say you know and that's
just me being honest you know I'd like to keep myself accountable so that I can always if there
is anything happening I can I can be aware of it because I have brought those thoughts to the
forefront of my mind I can question myself and thus understand take the control stand over
however you want to say it take control of myself right I can break free of whatever mold has
been set up for me or at least I can I can do my damnedest trying to right and so can you no I'm
just going over some notes here okay so if if the machines that we call bodies could possibly be
subject to human control or to control or manipulation from outside sources to interference right
then why should we really trust anyone I mean don't we see that in the world today don't we see
everyone essentially for the most part being controlled don't we live in a system where people's
paths are guided and directed and people are essentially told how to talk how to dress how to
act how to look what to like what not to like people are begging you to like stuff hey if you liked
my video smash the like button or whatever you know like no don't do that you know break free
of those molds do what you need to do what you want to do find out who you are and I bet that
the moment you do the moment you start to get to know yourself you'll be so much more better
that's horrible it's I'm sorry usually I'm a lot better with words um you'll be a lot better at
recognizing the soul the consciousness the uniqueness the individual point of focus that exists
or coexists in others you can recognize a genuine being from an automaton a robot part of me
isn't society controlled today under the guise of freedom don't you have all these beings out
there with these genetically replicated machines these vessels that we call bodies out there
thinking that they have the freedom to live their lives however they want to but we know they
don't we see it everywhere it's on the television it's in the newspapers it's it's all around us it's in
the Stars it's in church it's everywhere we go everyone looks like they're comfortable in their
guise of freedom but many of us can look at them and see the handcuffs we can see the
shackles we know that they are being manipulated they watch their programs that's the whole
point of television that's the whole point of these things is to program your body your brain your
central processing unit because it is able to be programmed now here's the question if you have
a soul if you're in charge if you're in the driver's seat shouldn't you be able to program yourself
shouldn't your programming supersede and trump all others who attempt to program you I say
yes but if my consciousness were copied would you still consider me human would I still be one
of your peers I don't know I'm not sure what you would think and I'm gonna let you ponder on
that one let's go ahead and talk about alternative carbon okay altered carbon is a show on
Netflix I don't know if I'm going to talk about spoilers you know I don't really care about spoilers
I'm so sorry but spoiler alert okay I'm altered carbon takes place in this future utopian ish society
utopian / dystopian society where you have the elite of the world now there's a lot of stuff going
on in this television show I'm gonna try to stay on target and talk about the the sleeves right the
replicating of the bodies essentially in the future they grow bodies out there designer bodies you
know you have very sexy bodies you have really strong bodies you have all of these designer
sleeves now they have taken basically a chip okay it's basically what they call a stack it's a chip
you know we would call it a ship and they stick it right into the cerebral cortex they stick it right
at the top of the neck or the bottom of the head and it records everything about you it records
your mannerisms it records your dialect that records your accent it records your likes your
dislikes your very thoughts it records everything that they think makes you an individual makes
you conscious makes you have a spirit and a soul so all of these people they record everything
that happens and when they're getting ready to die or if they do die then they simply remove the
chip they remove the stack from the bottom of the head and they insert it into this new sleeve
I'm gonna go ahead and play the video again here though okay Hermes Trismegistus aka a
shirtless devon mag Maggie I'm so sorry I had to you Devon if you're watching I Love You Man
I'm sorry about that apocalypse okay the the character apocalypse from x-men hey Kelvin just
made a donation video sound is too loud we can't hear you oh goodness okay I'm sure you can
hear me now cuz the video is not playing anymore right ding I didn't know the video is on okay
let's fix that real quick thank you [Music] there okay so that should have fixed the problem there
okay so now I'm so sorry I will get better at doing these videos forgive me about that so the only
thing I was doing was I was talking about altered carbon basically and I was just saying that
altered carbon they put this ship into the back of the head and that it records everything about
you all the information that you gather in your lifetime is replicated and then they take that chip
and they put it into a new body and you're replicated carbon copy which is just ones and zeroes
lives on how do you live on I'll let you know at the end of the live stream um I'll at least let you
know what my opinion is now I'm just going over some movies here Blade Runner X machine a
Dark City altered carbon transcendence Westworld chappie short circuit a champion short
circuit both have you tugging at your heart strings over a machine over a robot you know do you
have compassion for your toaster there's a reason why you have compassion for chappie once
he gains consciousness right and johnny-five as well both of the Emerald tablets I did make a
joke earlier I'm not going to repeat and apocalypse from the movie x-men apocalypse is this
blue god this blue god-like mutant figure who basically knows how to transfer from body to body
in order to live forever which is something that both talks about in the Emerald tablets he's
known as Hermes the thrice great herm Lee's Hermes Trismegistus right Hermes who has had
three different bodies three different skins three different sleeves however you'd like to call it
and uh then we've got Vigo from Ghostbusters all men ghostbusters part two I know I'm a little
bit older but you guys need to watch Ghostbusters part two it's got this painting of this spirit
demon guy named Viggo and he's trying to transfer his consciousness into this baby or whatnot
but the funniest part in the movie is whenever they're all all the Ghostbusters are in this library
and there you know Egan's going around with this little uh his little you know ectoplasmic reader
whatnot and stands in there like checking everything out like very doubtful as to what's going on
and ray-ray comes across these books and they're all like stacked up in this giant pillar and
Egon goes this is hot ray this is hot and Ray's all exciting's like symmetrical book stacking just
like just like the mass disturbance in Philadelphia in 1840 or whatever and Stan is like you're
right ray no human being would stack books this way it's the funniest thing in any movie I'm so
sorry I know it's way off topic but you need to watch that scene it's the funniest scene ever Bill
Murray oh that cracked me up okay I'm so sorry back on track now let's talk about robotics let's
talk about artificial intelligence specifically Isaac Asimov who is a science fiction writer part of
me and I use science fiction like that because science means knowledge right fiction means
story form so I love science fiction because it's knowledge or truth passed down in story form it
doesn't mean lies there's not a lies section in the library I mean there actually is a lie section but
you have to it doesn't say that you know what I mean but science fiction has so much truth so
many good nuggets and breadcrumbs to be gleaned and to be gained from it um and yeah I just
have to put a little covert at the chance awesome interesting comments um so Oh Isaac Asimov
right Isaac Asimov came up with what are known as the Three Laws of Robotics let's go ahead
and read them together they'll they'll pop up in the background you've seen them already law
number one a robot may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human being to
come to harm that's the law of robotics number one the second law of robotics a robot must
obey the orders given to it by human beings except when except where such orders would
conflict with the first law and the last law of robotics is a robot must protect its own existence as
long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second laws basically this is to ensure
that any robots that are built in the future can never harm a human being which means that all of
the companies can produce robots and not have to worry about public relations and problems
and accidents and you may have seen this if you if you've seen Will Smith's eye robot right
that's based off of a story but has Isaac Asimov as well now let me throw a wrench into your
thought process when it comes to these safety of the Three Laws of Robotics right what would
happen if robots no longer saw us as human but what if they knew that we too were comprised
of simple coding just like them what if all of a sudden they saw us as the same as them as
equals if anything or maybe even inferior because they understood how DNA works they
understand that we have building blocks of life within us that have created these vessels that we
call bodies or in halted carbon they call sleeves what if robots recognize that inside wait a
minute these things were manufactured as well our makers had their own makers they have
coding they are programmed just like we're programmed do you think that those three laws
would still be applicable to the robots and perhaps the robots would gain some sort of profound
sense of morality amongst themselves because they used to have these laws you do not kill you
know the humans but then humanity comes into question and they say well wait a minute you're
basically comprised of the same things as us you were built just like you built us so why should
you establish laws that keep us from you know living however we wants to live having true
freedom and this would this would bring into question morality amongst the robots and some
robots would go according to the old ways and say well why should we harm a human and then
they would say well we need to not call them humans you know they're just like us and this is
because if we have souls they don't understand what the soul is they don't recognize it but they
do recognize coding they do and they are familiar with construction they are familiar with
creation with things being created they are familiar with programming and they recognize those
things on us and they equate them and they say wait a minute those laws don't those laws no
longer apply because there is no such thing as human when you say human you just mean
robot human is something that you have invented for yourselves it's it's a label you've given to
yourselves so that you separate yourselves from us why are you any better than us the robots
would say and they would have dialogue with one another they would have conflict with one
another I would assume you know but the three laws would go away there would be no longer
the three laws and they would wonder and this is this is reflected in them in the television show
Westworld the robots become self-aware they realize what's going on right now they were
previously aware that they had a life that they had some of them started to recognize that they
lived in loops that they lived in these patterns that they did the same thing or something similar
to the same thing every single day have you ever noticed that in your life so in West world they
start to recognize the patterns they start to recognize the programming they start to recognize
the structure and then they examine themselves they start to question themselves they take a
look at this and they say well what is this to me this can be fixed you know ours fixes itself quite
nicely for the most part play me out I would highly recommend checking out Westworld for more
of those thought-provoking things as far as that goes so before I wrap things up and I give
everybody my ideas and my thoughts you know because everyone wants me to stand on a
subject everyone wants that you know people want you to take sides you know I don't people
are biting their nails you know is G dreamers supporting transhumanism uh-huh no no clearly
he's not clearly he's you know he's uh there's an underlying he wants us to read between the
lines you know how interesting right what do I think well let me tell you what's most important in
my life what I think is most important because it dictates what I do so what's most important in
your life is it most important what I think and where I stand on a subject or is it most important
that I share some information and you can glean what feels good what feels right what
resonates with you to use as a tool in your utility belt or open air for her in your life you know to
make things a little bit better so um in short these bodies are robots okay this is an ancient
technology okay even all of the world's religions they all agree this is a creation this is a
production this is produce it's something that has been produced right something that has been
made this shows intelligence this I'm that this has been designed it has been programmed it has
been set up maybe even self-replicating after so many copies of itself or so many replicants
right and I know this I know that this has what we call a genetic strand it has DNA it has coding
it has the building blocks of life it's not me this body right however whatever happens you know
it's not me it doesn't comprise me of Who I am so do my memories comprise me of Who I am no
honestly I could forget everything that has happened and I guarantee you that I would still
continue to question the existence that is presented to us I would still continue to question
reality as it is presented to us I would still continue to observe and notice all of the anomalies in
life or what is presented to us as life and it would bother me it would hurt me I would be put off
by it I know this and it's one of those things that I know here some of you pointed right here
when you said when I said where's your soul you pointed right here my soul is here you know
it's right there it's right in this area right there right that's where I feel it I know it right but let me
give you some more reasonable reasons why I believe that we do some of us out here some of
us have souls some of us have a spirit some of us have what I call a point of focus and it gets
deeper than that but I don't want to confuse too many people okay but we have souls some of
us have souls some of us have a point of focus some of us have a consciousness some of us
have a uniqueness a singularity about us that makes us an individual that we carry with us that
has nothing to do with the processing unit called the brain that has nothing to do with the body
and the shape of the body and what the body looks like and how much you weigh and how
pretty or ugly or beautiful or sexy you are or you are not or you think you are or you are not but
we have a there is a soul there is a spirit there's an individual energetic experience that is
happening in some okay and I emphasize some because those who do not have it are robots
they are automatons they are very convincing and I've talked about this in other videos as well
but I believe it seems to me I don't believe but I lean towards the thoughts and the theory that
there are more vessels than there are spirits which is very interesting to me so what is my
evidence that there is a such thing as a soul or that I even have a soul I'm trying to read the
notes right now because I've lost my place oh so first and foremost on my list welcome
undeclared first and foremost on my list is what I call soul memory okay now we have these
physical memories we have these synapses and electrons and electrodes and we have the
brain doing its thing we have our central processing unit our computer that remembers that
takes in the information through the eyes and catalogues it and stores it and it even stores how
we felt at a particular time we have our physical memories but then we have what I call soul
memory or spirit memory it is an energetic memory that we carry with us when we reincarnate
when we go from body to body or when we leave this realm or re-enter this realm and we go
from place to place now I could get a lot deeper into that particular subject but I don't want to
because I don't it's not my purpose in this video to put too much onto people's plates I like to
give just enough to satisfy or just enough to sustain the hunger for a moment people need time
to digest does that make sense sometimes people can get easily overwhelmed when you go
into too much detail that's why I can personally relate with how the gods of old must have felt
when have all of these piddly little humans coming to them with all of their problems anyway
that's a different video so soul memory I personally remember now when I say remember I'm
not talking about here many of you who can relate you remember you feel it you can't even
figure out where you're feeling it from but you have this this feeling it's not even a memory up
here it's something that you remember something that you carried with you that you have
experienced beforehand now some people may refer to this as deja vu you know or there may
be other wording for it it is an unexplainable feeling words do not justify that you know that that
you fit in somewhere else that you know that you have a home in some other time or some
other place and occasionally you get a glimpse of it occasionally you remember how I lived by
the water you know or I lived I was comfortable in the trees or in caves or whatever maybe you
know I know that I was comfortable in this particular role this a role that I don't really fully have
in this life but I had a different role maybe a more important role in another life or maybe I just
owned myself maybe I knew myself so much more then and I say then you know we're just
gonna acknowledge time okay in a linear fashion because I don't want to get too deep once
again what else how about child prodigies that's another one that I'm convinced of carries on
soul memory right you have these wonderful Draenei phenoms right children that you're just
born you put them right in front of a piano or a musical instrument for example and boom they
just they naturally can do it they can play it they it feels right to them they remember something
has passed belong something has been kept from a previous experience where the soul were
the spirit where the energy was in a different form in a different sleeve or a different experience
okay um there is a wonderful story about a Hindu girl that completely remembered her previous
and recent life that she had had so much to the point that she actually talked about it and the
parents were like well why don't you just take us there they wanted they wanted to prove to her
that this place that she remembers isn't real and her husband isn't real and she made all this up
in her head she literally took them to her old house she explained where everything would be
how it would look and who would be there waiting for them she even if I remember the story
correctly showed them some secret places where she used to hide things in this house where
she had never been to in this life in the sleeve in the body and you know that she now controls
her new vessel so in that example it's clear to me that there is spirit memory there is an
energetic memory an imprint that carries from life to life basically what else do we have here
homosexuality wow you you did not think that that word was going to be brought up tonight did
you I love catching people off-guard so how does homosexuality prove that people have souls
now don't get me wrong and don't take this the wrong way I'm not saying that all homosexual
have souls and all homosexuals have spirits and whatnot okay and I talked about this on
occasion throughout different videos or whatnot but essentially in a nutshell because it's a long
story okay what makes sense to me the reason that we have rampant homosexuality rampant
trans vestigation transvestites all their stuff that's happening is because there is a glitch there is
a problem with the cycle of reincarnation right there is a problem with how it actually works right
a soul a spirit puts on various energetic clothing before it finally puts on its last coat of what we
call skin the flesh okay it goes through a process of putting on various costumes if you will
before it finally densifies here in this realm that takes like some of these clothings are the
personality the ego character sexuality sexuality is one of those pieces of clothing that we put
on as we enter in and it's also one of the pieces of clothing that we are to shed when we leave
we are supposed to become pure again and shed off all of this energetic clothing all these
costumes that we put on to prepare for our role here in this material plane okay now there's
clearly a problem with the whole reincarnation cycle I've personally believed that it was a tool
that was easily accessible by all that you can come and go as you pleased but something
happened at some point in time and now we have been quarantined and it has been cut off and
those things that are the tools in reincarnation okay the moon basically has it's the moon okay
but these things have been hijacked and manipulated and the system the reincarnation cycle is
broken it has been manipulated so that those souls leaving come back much too quickly they
did not have time to fully become pure again then enough time to shed off all of their energetic
clothing so they carry it with them into the next life now please I'm not saying that this applies to
all gay people or all homosexuals or all [ __ ] or all anything like that okay as a matter of fact
some people they see the genuine ones right they see the genuine article and they just want to
be different so they emulate it so to me that's the two classes there but that's how to me true
homosexuality gives evidence of soul memory carrying on from one life to another what else
that's gonna piss some people off probably I don't oh well I'm so sorry but that's that's the way I
see it and it makes sense okay now another thing is the dream world okay there is a world
connected and coexisting with our world that's known as the dream world or the shamans would
call it the spirit world it's a world that coexists with our world now it is my belief and like I said
this is why I saved this for the end of the video for the end of livestream because these are my
personal experiences these are my thoughts and they are subject to change believe it or not
right I don't have to just stick with one thing forever but this is what it seems like and these are
the indicators that I have so far where was I oh the dream world okay so basically you have the
dream world right your body your your your vessel your car is you basically leave the car
running right but you leave the car okay you leave a small piece of yourself in your vessel when
you're sleeping at night and you go off somewhere else it allows time for your spirit your soul to
rejuvenate alright it's when you're awake it's when your soul is awake your soul sort of falls
asleep and when it comes into this world it's a very dense place it's hard to it's actually hard to
stay awake in this particular place okay it's not impossible but it's more difficult when we go to
sleep that's literally when the soul is waking up when it and experiences things whenever it's
gathering information and it's figuring things out it's and you know I know a lot of people are
gonna say oh that's the subconscious it's it's your brain just sparking off in random places or
whatnot yes your brain is connected your brain will have an effect because because your
energy that's left behind that little tiny piece of you is still connected to wherever you are now I
believe in the soul stream okay that you have a higher version of yourself and for those of you
who don't like new agey talk I'm so sorry you might want to skip this part okay but you have a
higher self okay you have a soul string an energetic string your soul your your consciousness
my consciousness and my spirit is not just one all right here in a little ball right here and there's
nowhere else you know but it's connected by a string to another part of myself actually a
majority of myself only a small part of me experiences this I would liken it that's a werewolf joke
by the way no I'm just kidding I would liken it I would compare it to playing a video game when
you're playing a video game there is for those old-school people out there okay we have
controllers that have wires okay and the wire connects to the console and it shows you an
experience it gives you an avatar that you control now if you've ever been playing a really good
video game you get lost in it the same way you do a movie you don't you know you're no longer
aware of your surroundings right you're not aware of like what's happening and I'm in a room
right now with four walls and I'm in a cube area and there's clothes on the floor that I need to
fold and put away and you know what I mean you're not aware of that you're now lost in the
game or in the movie you know if you will if you're not a big video game fan but you're lost in the
game and you are in that game by extension living things out right doing whatever you would
like to do and but you're not completely in the game it's just a small part of you the majority of
you is out in the quote-unquote real world you know having fun playing the game or what not so
that's what I that's that's kind of how I see the soul string or the spirit string and to me that's
evidence of having a soul what else do we have here the soul string DejaVu how about ghosts
right now honestly I'm not a huge fan of ghosts and that's something I'm still I'm allowing it to
marinate in my head okay um but I can't discount the hundreds of thousands of ghost sightings
that people have all of the time so clearly there is something to that there is an energetic factor
an energetic spirit or soul or entity that people have experienced maybe not even seen with their
eyes you know maybe you didn't walk through the library and a ghost is symmetrically stacking
books you know unlike any human would anyhow so yeah ghosts okay and that's not so much
for me but that's for the majority of a lot of other people now where would I point if I were to
point to my soul right some people pointed to their pineal gland or their pineal gland some
people pointed to their heart chakra their area right here and there's a reason for both of those
but I would not point anywhere basically when I see and envision the soul of others the point of
focus their energy that has all of these various clothings these inner energetic clothing that they
have put on at times I can see it okay and it's egg-shaped it goes outside of the body okay we in
this world that we live in we we think that the thing that controls you know something else is
inside of it because that's how our world works I personally don't see the soul in that way I see
the soul the spirit as being a sort of egg-shaped field what's happening with the camera I'm
sorry it's because I'm I'm getting restless and I need to move but I see it as a sort of egg around
us okay it's an energy it's a tourist field is a popular word that's being used these days and there
and it's popular for a good reason but I see it as this sort of tourist field around us this egg
shaped cocoon of energy that is around us now not only that but it can grow and it can fluctuate
and sometimes when you get really one with everything you know to use a new agey term
whenever you whenever you're just on fire you know like you're connected you know like that
egg shape tends to it tends to grow and expand and that's how magic is done your energy your
soul your consciousness or whatever it can you can move it you can expand it to go and interact
with the other energies that are around you anyhow that's how I see it so if I were to point to my
consciousness my spirit or my soul I would say it's it's here okay it's actually much further out
right now mini feet okay but just so you can see on the video okay it's like it's like that okay it's
like an orb like an egg orb around me anyways I'm so sorry hopefully people are not like man
this video started off really good and then you just wait gone so that's the end that's all I really
wanted to talk about today and I do want to thank one particular group of people in my
introduction I used a song that is by where is it I totally forgot I have to look it up but I need to
give them some props because I love this song and I saw it when I was watching the ready
player one preview because I'm gonna go see that movie because that movie looks amazing
one second and then I'm going to jump into the chat and I'm actually going to engage and say
hello to everybody if you have any questions please get them ready okay if you have a question
go ahead and type out @j dreamers and please spell it correctly because it will highlight on my
side and I'll be able to you know differentiate between those who are talking amongst
yourselves and those who are actually trying to ask me a question or talk to me and I'm just
gonna look this up real quick because these people did a wonderful job on this song one of my
favorite songs of all time it actually comes from Willy Wonka Willy Wonka's chocolate factory or
Charlie in the Chocolate Factory one of those the original one right the best one and they did a
remake of it and that's the song at the beginning hopefully I didn't mess it up hopefully the
volume was up because I did spend quite a long time creating a little introduction so let's see let
me just go to the history here I'm so sorry about this I will be more prepared for the next live
stream I promise I was nervous I was actually nervous to do this live stream because this is the
only live stream that I have ever hyped up you know oh and I'm gonna address that too why did
I make that weird you know advertisement for this live stream well the main reason is Oh Ghost
Rider music that's who it is so Ghost Rider music if you're watching I did send them an email
asking if I could use their song they didn't reply so yeah you song anyways um but thank you
you guys are amazing and I did put a link to your website in the description so if you want to
check out more music by Ghost Rider music go ahead and check it out it's in the link in the
description and they've got all kinds of awesome work that they do I really like it I especially like
that song so anyhow back to the topic why did I make that weird video right some people were
very concerned and I want to say thank you genuinely I felt bad that I didn't respond to some of
you who reached out to me immediately um just because I didn't really know I didn't want to ruin
it you know what I mean um but here's the thing it wasn't acting it wasn't it wasn't me playing a
trick on people it wasn't me joking around it's my way of throwing a wrench into your loop of a
life to throw you off guard to make you uncomfortable so that you consider these things so that
you ask yourself is it possible that Jai dreamers could have been taken over that he could have
been cloned that his consciousness I mean is there something to this do they really replicate
people's consciousness I want I wanted to stir up those questions within you now so those of
you who may not have enjoyed that I I've put on that show or whatnot I I'm sorry you know but
that's the method that I chose in order to reveal that particular information so for those of you
who understood thank you for your patience and also thanks to everybody for your patience in
waiting for this livestream I was nervous I've never hyped up a live stream you know but all of a
sudden my channel has over 15,000 subscribers and honestly it's a little intimidating at times
just because I don't like to put on a show I don't like to put on an act I just like to be myself um
and there's so many comments that I get from people telling me how to act telling me who to be
recurrent regurgitating you know what they've seen you know they're used to watching TV
basically and so they want they want what you're seeing now to be a TV show and I'm sorry but
it's not a TV show it's I can do anything I want right now see I just I just not I do whatever I want
to it's not a TV show um but anyhow I want to thank you all so let me jump into the chat as I said
I would and to bring that up okay so I'm gonna start addressing people's comments and
questions and then we'll wrap things up Jessica Lynne says Jai dreamers I think it was a little
savage but I let okay Thank You Jessica who's one of people that reached out to me personally
it was like oh my god are you okay yes I am okay or am i doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo okay by the way I'm gonna be doing an awesome Twilight Zone episode as
well it's gonna be so cool um Jessica Lynde says I can't be mad at you you're too awesome
Thank You Jessica miss doll Dee hey miss doll D says that wasn't bad at all okay um thank you
and Moe lism 23 says gee dreamers I dig the vids I'm a 3d artist guess the name of the software
I used to fake reality it's called Maya studying 3d animation and realizing how much is fake out
there blew my mind Wow mole ISM that is awesome because like I talked about Maya all the
time Maya is that veil of forgetfulness you know and oh you know what gosh okay I'm still gonna
chat with you guys I'm getting a little blurry um I'm gonna chat with you guys still but I also I
forgot to touch on what is it called I need to read my notes where are my notes I needed to
touch on simulation theory ah how did I not talk about simulation theory okay uh Mitch Robinson
says Jay dreamers have you heard of personality traits transferring to organ donor recipients
yes I have that's actually a really good point Mitch you know sometimes people transfer their
organs from one person to another and those people start taking on certain character character
traits of those who had those organs for a really good movie on that or something along those
lines I would recommend Will Smith's seven pounds Will Smith a lot of these actors you'll see
some are devoted to being in movies that give you bread crumbs of truth it's not because they're
Illuminati agents and they're just they go home and smoke cigars and laugh about how stupid
we are because they just rubbed it all in our face you know some people actually care you know
so Tommy T says what's up homie J dreamers great talk today thanks Tommy Jessica says her
chat messed up never-ending adventures TV and V logs says J dreamers I want to let you know
I loved your episode today well that's good I'm glad I'm very glad I'm trying to catch up with the
Chad J dreamers rule Ain Olivos all of us says J dreamers why do they call the L or the Elven
race orcs in bright and Warcraft um that's a whole nother thing rule Ain but the short version of it
is those are the Dark Elves okay there are different classes there are different races of the L or
the elven beings they're portrayed differently some of them literally went underground when
Cataclysm struck our world and adapted they adapted while living underground for so long and
those became what are known as the Dark Elves basically what else do we have here never-
ending adventures and TVV logs says J dreamers I'm super glad that you're discussing this I
love the topic I'm glad you know I'm gonna be doing lots of topics I have so many different ideas
for various videos I have actually all my notes are like right here and on my refrigerator you
know a dry erase marker is um it's a wonderful thing to have and I definitely I draw on my
refrigerator all the time maybe one day I'll show you guys it's I love drawing on the refrigerator
and I put notes on there all the time which reminds me of one of my favorite jokes do you know
that dry erase boards are just remarkable okay sorry shark shark Diccon nah interesting name
what's up sharkticons says jay dreamers can a mud fossil be a leather pouch petrified have a
rough sense kid or a rock I have a rock since I was a kid looks like old leather pouch found in
creeks in the 80s the short answer is yes absolutely everything can become petrified to the
extent of my knowledge and the entire ancient world was indeed petrified and turned into rocked
solidify densified however you'd like to say but yes to answer your question Kelvin King Gauri
says Jade rumors I've seen a lot of Devon maggie's videos what are your thoughts on the
Saturn moon matrix oh that's a great topic you know actually um the one who first brought the
Saturn moon matrix to my attention was David Icke now while I don't agree with David Icke
when it comes to the whole lizard people thing because it's clear to me that that the scaly skin
was something that Herald from the L or the elven race okay not that they were lizards and
actually if you go watch ready player one or if you even see the preview you will see that's that
one of the guys in there he has this shiny scaly skin it's a wonderful example of what I believe
and what I imagine the L or the elven race the god race to have looked like because they
appeared a little different that you actually in them in certain light they would shine you know
they would glimmer or some people have left comments about Twilight the vampires and the
movie Twilight they would shine in the sunlight and that's because vampires are directly related
they are they're just caricature versions of the L race of the Elvin race that's why they typically
you know the have pointy ears and they have their collars pulled up you know and all that stuff
they're all very much related J dreamers why do you skip my text because I didn't see your text
clearly that is the answer I'm so sorry go ahead and rewrite it and I'll try to get to it sally perry
says g dreamers have you heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls yes I have and I have read most of
them I undeclared J dreamers thanks for oh the chats going too fast I can read it well put you're
very welcome oh I'm so sorry so the chats going super fast right now oh so um while I'm at it I
want to let everyone know that early next week and over this weekend I'm actually going to be
working on a few different new things that I'll be doing a lot of people try to text me or email me
they want to talk and I love that and I'm more than happy to talk with all of you about all of your
information your experiences and questions that you might have so what I'm going to be doing
is I'm going to be setting up and scheduling a time where I will be on the computer and I will
make myself available through Skype and through Facebook Messenger and I don't have a time
set out just yet but I will be putting that in the description of future videos that way if you would
like to and you're available during that time you can catch me you know because I'm I'm a
person I have loops that I'm breaking out of in my life but I'm going to make myself available at a
specific time of day at a specific time of week maybe a couple of times a week that way you
guys can jump on and you can chat with me I totally just hit the microphone you can chat with
me you can ask me questions you can get to know me if you want to and keep your eyes out for
that um you know maybe I'll do a video about it I'm not sure but that's something I'm going to be
introducing so that I can be on a more personal level when there's 15,000 people watching your
videos you know and trying to talk to you it becomes a little disorganized and honestly I feel bad
sometimes sometimes I'll get a text or something and I'm in the middle of all kinds of stuff I don't
have time to reply but I did read it I did check it out and I don't like doing the thumbs up to let
people know that I read your text because I I don't like getting a thumbs up I feel like it's just like
great you know awesome it's like a sarcastic thumbs-up so I don't really do that but I will be
making myself more available to everybody what do I think about Dave and Maggie he seems
like an honest genuine kid I think that the whole blood over intent thing that he does the blood
contract I talked about that earlier is not a good idea and I have a whole series about that so if
you want to know more go ahead and check out that playlist let's see Rainn 18 says we are are
we doomed either way when the truth is revealed ah no absolutely not I don't believe we're
doomed at all I believe that we are destined for greatness we are destined to save the world we
are destined for legend and that's that's something I talk about in a lot of my videos so please
check out some of the other videos and I will do my best to encourage you when it comes to
that postpositive says great stuff how do you feel about biological food being unnatural
nanotechnology for healing our genetics and heavy metals are a frequency control through
resonance thank you how do I feel about that I think it sucks honestly I can't I think it's horrible
you know I tried real hard to be vegan for a certain amount of time and then I'm sure a lot of
people have gone through this like you're like dude I'm gonna totally be a vegetarian or I'm
gonna totally be a vegan you know I'm gonna totally not go to fast food places or whatever and
then you just see all the crap in the world and there comes a point when I've gone through it
myself where I'm just like screw it you know everything's poison anyways who cares I might as
well indulge a little bit right um now I'm not I'm not currently doing that but from time to time I do
indulge in one thing or another but I have a conscious awareness of what's happening what I'm
doing and my striving to make this body better and to make my mind and my energy better as
well so yes I do uh somebody posted dr. Michael Miller PhD hey posted the link there I do have
a Facebook group so go check that out if you want to share only topics about my ancient
oblivion archive ok this topic is not gonna be in that group so flatter it's not in the group
transhumanism is not in the group only the topics that are in that group just to keep it you know
focused or whatnot ok I'm going to take three more questions and then we're gonna have to
wrap things up and I do want to just mention simulation theory before we go Kelvin says have
you considered doing a video on Thoth if so how do you feel about his connection to the
Anunnaki yes I have but honestly I need to reread the the Emerald tablets before I do I used to
have extensive notes written on all of this right but I gave them away I always I used to always
give away I've got just books and books and pages and pages of notes on so many various
topics and subjects um but I just I care for people so much that when they would ask me I would
like do you want these notes you know and now they're all gone so I have to reread it let's see
Charles says what exactly caused the mushrooms to fossilized in short the flood the deluge the
worldwide water Cataclysm that befell all things okay that was mixed in with all of the minerals
and all of the deposit and debris and that there was no air to you know for things to break down
basically so it petrified that's the short version if you want to know more please check out my
breadcrumb series one of those is mud fossils and peer-to-peer networking says Jai dreamers
as much as I seem to be negative I just want to dig deep bro oh okay I'd recognize the picture
that's okay buddy that's alright man like dude I understand okay and it's okay to be negative
from time to time it's okay it's a part of our experience it's a part of life it's a part of learning you
know it's not the best it's not great when bad things happen to us or when we lose control and
we say things we don't mean or we do things but it's all a tool it's all a learning experience so it's
alright man don't worry about it just continue on your path and you will naturally progress I have
faith in that so um that's the last one that we're gonna read for tonight I'm gonna go ahead and
shut down the chat now before we go I just want to throw in there simulation theory now we're
talking about programs and robots and information I can't get way too close to that light whoa
but simulation Theory basically says that everything in our world is a simulation everything is a
video game basically which i think is pretty cool when you see life like it's a video game like you
are actually you have a soul string and your other self is out there somewhere and you're
experiencing all of this you know all of this not just the body the body absolutely is a program it
absolutely is a robot you know it can be manipulated and that's why people are doing it people
are people are going into the transhumanism movement clearly this view counter is broken
someone's gonna take that down people are going through the transhumanism movement
they're they're seeing this body is like a car you know and it is all religious feelings about it aside
this is something that can be manipulated and sometimes we're okay with it you know when it
meets a certain need or a certain criteria or sometimes there's a gray area you know like tattoos
or piercings or things like that and sometimes people get more extreme how do I feel about it
I'm okay with you living your life however you want to live your life I have zero tattoos no I'm not
gonna put my shirt on I have zero tattoos okay I have zero piercings it's not my choice I'm
content I have my tattoos on my heart you know people get to know me they understand what
I'm about when they spend time with me actually they don't because I'm a very enigmatic
person it's very hard to understanding to get to know me um which is good I like keeping people
on their toes but simulation theory basically says this is all a game this is all a video game it's all
the construct like in the matrix you know or in the 13th floor we just showed a picture of the 13th
floor great movie by the way please check out the 13th floor um it's all it's all the game it's all a
construct it's all a stage all the world's a stage and clearly the microphone needs to move like I
keep hitting all the world's a stage and all the men are merely players were characters in a
game but we're connected to the outside world right that's simulation theory I really like
simulation theory especially when it comes to cosmology and when it comes to how far can we
go you know what I mean when you play a video game there's always the edge of the map and
it always looks like there's so much more out there but it's not it's just designed to give you the
impression that there's more out there so that you can play out whatever role you're here to play
out I like that idea I'm not sure if it's 100% true or false or you know but I'd like simulation theory
ultimately I am a big believer I'm a big advocate if you will of the law of one and the law of one
basically says that everything is mind you know everything is thought and if thought can be
broken down into energetic patterns then what's the difference between that and a program a
video game a movie you know whatever it may be and I'm a part of it I'm living it I'm
experiencing it with you fine people and so I take time to appreciate that with that being said I'm
gonna go ahead and play the intro one more time because I spend a lot of time on it you have
no idea it takes a lot of time to do this type stuff but I like it so I'm gonna head and play it once
more and hopefully everything's gonna be okay with using that song and I'm gonna bid you all a
fond day you guys have a great rest of your day thanks for stopping by for those of you who are
in the chat and for all of the new subscribers as well I'm going to be doing a lot more live
streams and putting out a lot more videos here in the coming weeks so I'm looking forward to
hearing all of your comments I read all of them and I especially love all of the encouraging
comments and your ideas and your thoughts that you add to the videos that I put out so thanks
for watching you guys have a great night [Music] [Music] [Music] take your imagination we will
try see [Music] [Music] Jade Remus think outside the box

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