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This works without fail every single time and it literally transformed my life in

ways that I didn't even think was ever going to happen at a point where I even
doubted if it could ever be transformed that's how miraculous this was hi my love's
welcome back to my channel I'm Jessica Alexandria of Behati life thank you so much
for tuning in today we're gonna be talking about curses what they are how you know

Have a curse on you and the most important part I'm going to give you three of my
favorite ways to break them and I have used all three of them and I'll give you a
little bit of my own story and experience with each now let me go ahead and explain
to you exactly what a curse or a hex is a curse is evil intention that is thrown
your way that is there to serve misfortune over your life sometimes it can be
something someone says or if someone is cursing

You out and they have they're pointing their finger at you but it's the intention
behind it if they are throwing bad juju your way or actually going so far as to do
a spell in order to make bad things happen to you that is what a curse is and it
can be something again as elaborate as I'm doing a full-blown ritual or it could be
something as simple as them being like go to hell or you're never gonna find love
in your life or you get what exactly what is

That you deserve and the thing is is that anything could really be a curse because
it's pretty much the words that someone says and the thoughts that they're thinking
as they're projecting them out towards you it can block blessings it can bring bad
luck misfortune it can make things in your life backfire you can find yourself
being such a good person but it doesn't seem to matter because all of these bad
things keep happening and you can't

Explain it there's really no explanation for it the other thing is that with curses
is that maybe it wasn't directed at you maybe it was directed at your family or a
family member from a jannat generation that had already passed this is something
that I actually experienced in my life within my family that we we knew that we had
bad luck in one area of our life we had intuitively known that there was something
kind of evil or bad following

Us with that it kept getting passed on from generation in a generation and then it
was confirmed a little later on through psychic reading that we had done for each
other and then also from outside psychics that were saying the same thing and
seeing the same thing and confirming what it was that we pretty much already knew
for ourselves but when it happened was before our generation my generation my
mother's generation my grandmother's

Generation and then before that generation there was there was evil that was put on
all the women within our family on that side of the family that they would have
misfortune follow them regardless of how good they were regardless of how hard they
were and regardless of no matter what the universe would bring them it would always
kind of like backfire this actually happens a lot more than you guys would know or
that you would even

Expect to think because back in the olden days that was pretty much you know I
don't want to say that people are throwing magic around left and right but that was
kind of like how things were done in a lot of ways there's a lot of ritual that was
done even even with Christian backgrounds it was there's still a lot of evil words
that were said and evil things that were done through words so how do you know that
a curse is on you well like I said before it just

Seems like everything seems to backfire you can have success in all of these areas
of your life but there could be this one area that there is consistently a drought
no matter how plentiful it would seem that the opportunities would be or how
blessed or how lucky you should be it just things to seem to backfire or a lot of
you guys intuitively kind of know or you have a vibe or maybe you guys intuitively
kind of feel this like dark cloud following

You let's go ahead and talk about removing the curse which to me is the most
important part of this video now there are three different ways three of my
favorite different ways that you can remove a curse or a hex that's been placed on
your life whether it was something lightly done in this life or something that was
heavily done it towards you in this life or it's something that's passed from
generation to generation the first one is by using

Red brick dust now this actually happens to be one of the easiest and cheapest
forms of removing curses and I use this for blessing and removing bad juju bad
vibes from my house and from my home and from the environment around it for those
of you guys that don't know I've moved a I've moved so many times in my life
probably over 30 times in my life I moved every year since the age 9 and then
multiple times sometimes within one year and each

Time we've been in a new home or I was in a new apartment or whatever the case was
and that home if I walked into a home outside of staging it if that home had bad
vibes around it because there was a fight or a divorce or a death I would use this
in order to break the curse in order to break the bad juju of that home and then
also to simultaneously bless me while I'm living in that space the other way that
this red brick dust can work in

Order to remove curses is to remove the energy that you bring to the home if you
yourself or energy of your ancestors is carrying on with you now in the present and
is infiltrating the energy of the home and basically what you need is a hammer you
need a basic red brick you need a broom that you don't mind throwing away you need
a bucket you need spring water red brick is so powerful when it comes to removing
curses believe it or not and it's so easy to work with

But I do want to warn you guys and tell you to be careful with crushing the red
brick which is the first thing that it isn't that you're going to need to do what I
like to do is I like to take newspaper or plastic and put it outside and start to
crush the a red brick with a hammer then you're going to separate the red brick
into two separate equal piles the first tile of red brick dust so you want to put
it you want to crush it so much that it actually turns into a

Powder you're then gonna put that in a bucket of fresh spring water it doesn't have
to be a whole lot of water it could just be one bottle of spring water that you can
get anywhere from the dollar from the vending machine from Whole Foods it doesn't
matter but make sure that you have fresh water don't use tap water and then pour it
into the bucket and then add the red brick dust to the bucket then what you're
going to do is take a rag or

And you are going to wipe down the floors and wipe down as much of the walls as you
can and while you're doing that you're calling in your angels you're calling in
your guides and your ancestors to help to remove any bad vibes to help to remove
the curse and speak it out of your life a lot of people choose to work with a mop
but I I don't like that method at all I personally like to use a rag a rough rag
because I can scrub the floor I could

Scrub the walls and it's just really in my belief I feel like it just completely
removes the energy and unlike simultaneously cleaning as I go along but that's just
me as a Virgo I'm very thorough and I feel like with a mop you're just kind of
coasting through and lightly brushing it over granted just having the red brick
dust and the water wiping throughout the home is enough in order to bless the home
but of course again we're ago we always go above and
Beyond so it is what it is just do whatever feels most comfortable for you after
you're done mopping down the walls and the floors more importantly the floors on
the wall you're going to take the other half of the red brick dust and you are
going to sprinkle it around the perimeter of the home while you are sprinkling the
dust the red brick dust around the perimeter of the home make sure that the windows
and the doors of the house are open that why you're

Letting breezes come in that way you're letting good energy come in because you've
already called it in as you were mopping the floors down as you are mopping the
walls down and working with your angels and guys in order to completely remove and
bless the home and to reverse the energy of this curse that's been bringing
misfortune and bad juju into the home itself you can also use that same bucket of
water that you use to mop the floors and I used to mop

The walls in order to bless certain objects let's say there's a ring that it is
that you like to carry that it's connected to divorce or a death or an object that
you that is connected to bad vibes you can use that same red brick dust water in
order to bless and cleanse that object and do the same thing that you would for the
floor in the walls to bless and remove the curse from the home environment but
speak good over that object and call your angels

Call your guides call the divine call God and your ancestors in order to reverse
the energy of that object and start it fresh and start a brand new for those of you
guys for like Justice age work Saints does not work when it comes to curse reversal
there's a lot of people who will probably debate me on that but in my opinion and
from my experience when it comes to energy work and magic there are curses out
there that just

Sage alone is not going to work sage should work in conjunction with it but using
and believing that sage is going to completely remove a curse from your home and
far from you is not enough curses are so serious and they can be very dangerous and
more than that they create so much discomfort and heartbreak and sadness within
your life that I would never rely just on stage alone in order to reverse something
that is so strong this is why you really do need to

Take it to the next level and do these extra steps in order to protect yourself
your home and your family but anyway so back to it was that saying you know your
windows are open you have good vibes and good air and good breeze you're working
with the elements of the nature coming in and blessing your home as well as your
angels and your guys guys working to bless your home and the red brick dust is
doing what it does in order to reverse and to remove the curse you have

Already sprinkled the dust around the perimeter of the home as much as you can then
you go back in you take a broom that you don't mind throwing away after you're done
using it and you sweep that red brick dust out of the house starting from the far
end of the home and then moving it out the back door or the front door if you live
in an apartment and there's only one way in one way out of your apartment then just
move it out of the door that's fine too

But as you're doing that think you're and ancestors thank your angels think thank
you guys thank God thank the divine for working with you to remove this curse and
to lift this curse from your life when you are dying it's sweeping the red brick
dust out and when you are done blessing the home it is time now to throw away the
broom and think it for its service now the next thing that I recommend my curse

Removal number two is to do a dragon's blood bath bath soaps are so powerful when
it comes to working your magic setting intention and curse removals of all types we
see this being used many times or the power of water being used many times in all
different types of belief systems and all types of spirituality and all different
types of religions because water has the power to heal to transform to shift to
bubble up to brew we see this in baptisms we see

This in our tears we see this in our body we see this in the pools of the ocean and
the ebbs and the flows and water is so so powerful and I use it a lot when it comes
to working my magic in a way that I am allowed to be glowing and more easy and more
effortless but just because it's quote-unquote easy doesn't mean that it isn't
powerful AF and that's why this is curse removal number two and again it's the
dragon's blood back so this right here is actual

Dragon's blood dragon's blood is essentially a powerful red red resin and the
energy of this is so strong in building power in order to build energy but also in
removing curses and bad vibes around you so what you want to do is almost very
similar to the red brick method that it wasn't I was talking about earlier you want
to take a chunk of drivings blood and I feel like this is just enough and then you
want to take a mortar and pestle you want to add

The dragon's blood to the bottom of the mortar and pestle and then crush it up into
a fine powder just as you did with the red brick then you want to add two cups two
full cup of epsom salts me personally I'm very overly generous with my Epsom salt
because I believe that and from my experience salt and water together is a powerful
form of baptism and detoxing that I always incorporate within my bath and you I see
that with with the chart jokes

That it is that I offer within my shop within the Apothecary they always
incorporate different forms and variations of salt that you can add to your bath
water that is charged in order to change the vibration in order to change the magic
the essence of whatever it is that you're trying to call in whatever it is that
you're trying to do whether it be protection curse removal attraction love beauty
whatever the case is so then once your dragon's blood is

Crushed into a powder you're going to add cinnamon you're gonna add drops of
patchouli you're gonna add 1/2 a cup of papaya leaves if you don't have papaya
leaves around you I have some of that within my apothecary the links for that are
down below and then a sprinkle of black pepper now the reason why this combination
is so powerful is because not only is it surging with energy dragon's blood
cinnamon black pepper and black pepper are fire elements and they

Work to completely dissolve and transform anything in a way that is powerful and
masculine it's very assertive even though the back itself is very feminine and
releasing this is what surges all of those energies together and those elements
together in order to create incredible change quick and fast it's very very very
powerful when you have these ingredients together not only are they working to
break the curse but the act of you stepping into this charge

And blessed bath soap which I'll tell you about how to do that in a second it works
as a baptism in order to cleanse you new and cleanse you fresh but then more than
that it goes a step further and reverses the curse and bounces it back to you
whoever it was that gave it to you whether they are presently alive or it's in
spirit so you have all of these ingredients together I prefer mixing them up in a
ceramic or glass bowl they're smashed together

They're pushed together and then you sprinkle them into the bath soap when the
ingredients are in the bath water you want to sit at the edge of the tub and you
want to call in again angels' your guides ancestors the divine Archangel Michael's
one of my favorite Archangels to work with when it comes to curse removal you want
to ask them to bless your bath space to make it the space sacred to make it holy
you want to tell them your intention my intention
For this bath soak and my intention for this moment for this baptism is to
completely remove bad vibes off of me to completely remove this curse to break this
curse for my highest and greatest good I have freedom on me I have abundance on me
I love on me peace and blessings flow to me now this curse is completely removed I
ask angels and guides I ask you Archangel Michael I ask you divine I ask you spirit
that you work with me now in order to bless this

Water and as I step into this water it is the old version of me I'm gonna be
baptized born anew and the curse is going to be completely removed so it is so
shall it be done ashay when you're sitting in the bathtub just allow yourself to
float to soak there are many times when I have done this for myself and I've done
it a total of three times in my life for separate occasions two out of those three
times while sitting in the tub not only did I feel

The release the weight of it lifted off of me but I actually felt an emotional
release that I didn't even know that was that I was carrying but as I was soaking
in the tub and as I would come up from the tub water and from this blessed soak I
actually felt this weight being lifted off to my shoulders that again I had no idea
that was it I was carrying but that's exactly how curses work you don't know the
weight of the burden that it is that is on you are surrounding you until

It has been lifted off and your spirit now is light so you should feel that when
you rise up from your bath water and when that happens just go ahead and drain the
bath bathtub water drain that charge water all of that needs to be washed away and
so afterwards what you want to do is you want to turn on the faucet clean the
bathtub you want to shower and clean yourself and bathe yourself brand new and then
after all is said and done use blessed holy water or

Florida : water which you can see here use Florida : water that is blessed and
splash that on your body thank your guys thank your angels your ants the divine
that God Archangel Michael for working with you bringing you back anew and set
intention for the type of love the type of money the type of life the type of help
that it is that you want to to have within your life and to attract and build
continue to build

Within your life because chances are you have been trying but this curse this bad
vibe has been the one thing that's been blocking those blessings for you and now
that the curse is lifted this is when the energy can come come in because you have
been baptized because you have been blessed and comment come out of this a totally
new person or your spirit is totally new I also want to see you vow to do better
for yourself and to make healthier choices to make healthier

Options to think lighter to think positive to speak only good things and not ill
things because even though the curse is removed you yourself have become accustomed
to negative circumstances a negative event if you bring the energy of that
negativity that you just released even though that curse itself is gone but your
mindset is still toxic your mindset is still stuck on negative situations and
negative words and negative thinking

Then you are going to allow that negativity to kind of linger even though the curse
itself is gone I hope that that makes sense now moving on to my final favorite way
of curse and hex removal and this is one of the most powerful things that I've
worked for me I don't want to go into too much detail of this circumstance that I
needed this floor with in my life but when I tell you guys it was so powerfully
healing that I did write about it on my blog and

I also created like an altar of sorts like an internet digital altar of sorts to
Archangel Michael because the amount of profound healing that came to me from this
moment and the one thing that I did promise after I did this spell or after I did
this intention after I did this prayer was to share the word and you will also see
the prayer for it down below I'm gonna link it in my description box because I want
everybody to have access to it and I also want to

Encourage you to do this and then once it's done I want you to then pass it on to
others and to continue to pass it on this works without fail every single and it
literally transformed my life in ways that I didn't even think was ever going to
happen at a point where I even doubted if it could ever be transformed that's how
miraculous this was so basically what you want to do is you want to get a white
candle like a seven-day candle it doesn't have to be

In a glass case in fact the first candle that was that I used was a white pillar
like a white regular candlestick and I just held it and I would just keep lighting
it and I would have like a cup and it wasn't it would sit in but for seven weeks I
would like this candle or if you want to use a glass candle I'm using this one
right now an example because this what I just happen to have within my sacred space
right now but it does have to be white or gold or silver

But you light it every single day for seven I'm sorry you light it every single
Tuesday for seven weeks and you say a specific series of prayers again those are
gonna be listed below within the prayer there's a spot for you to ask for whatever
it is that your intention is for what did it whatever it is that you're asking from
Archangel Michael or from your guides and you want to fill in the blank with that
when I tell you your blessings will be answered or your

Prayer will be answered and it will come to fruition it really is a prayer of

miracles I'm so surprised and shocked that more people aren't talking about this
because the effect of it is just so strong and so powerful and I have to recommend
it to everybody as much as I can again that's why I have a full page dedicated to
this on my on my website but again what you do is you do this prayer every Tuesday
it doesn't have to be an exact time but just can commit to

Doing this every Tuesday lighting this candle and saying that prayer and it will
revert remove curses and it also will bless your life depending on whatever it is
that you're asking for now my story with that is this there was a major thing that
was that I was dealing with with in my life that I had been dealing with the
majority of my life since I was a child and I didn't even know any better like I
didn't know life to be different because this was

All I knew it adds and I was called to go to this sacred space that was in Tarpon
Springs in Florida and that was where this shrine to Archangel Michael was created
and you would go there and I remember going I remember looking around me the space
was so quiet it was so still that it was almost eerie like it was almost really
eerie and I remember walking in into the shrine it was beautiful and there were
people there that were praying there

Were some that were crying but it was very light and I was thinking like these
people are probably praying for miraculous healing they're probably praying for
certain situations and certain circumstances and Here I am praying about this one
situation I don't know why I'm getting emotional right now talking about it but it
just reminds me again of how desperate the situation was for me and and how much I
had been hurting from this thing from this

Circumstance and how much healing I needed and then also looking at other people
that were struggling and suffering within their own stuff I was guided to go there
and my mom and I went together and I remember just praying and I remember praying
and I remember feeling uncomfortable when I first started praying but then I just
like lost track of time and I when I by the time I did open up my eyes everyone was
gone even my mom wasn't there anymore

Like she was waiting for me outside I just I didn't hear anybody like I just was I
was just praying to our angel Michael and asking for a miracle over my life and and
then during that process I had I learned while I was praying that if there is
something that is heavy on your heart it's so imperative for you to pray about it
it doesn't matter how trivial trivial you think it is if it's making your heart
heavy then it's so important for you to ask for guidance

And for you to ask to be released of it and that's exactly what it was that I did
and now looking back at it I realize how important it was for me to get this off of
my heart and how actually like large the magnitude of the burden that I was
carrying was even in comparison to other people's issues but because I've gotten so
used to it and I because I gotten so accustomed to my life looking like this and
being a certain way that I had just gotten used to

Carrying that burden and I feel like the universe God will put things on your heart
and put things in your life in order to test your faith in order to put you in a
position where you have to ask them for help so that you can actually receive
miracles as a testament to what the universe and what you know the divine can do
for you and to help to spread that word and that message but either way you know I
opened up my eyes finally when I was done talking

Archangel Michael and i looked around there's nobody there and i remember being
like oh it didn't work and then i walked out and you know but i had done my prayer
so i walked out and I saw my mom waiting for me and as soon as I stepped on this on
the the front step of the shrine literally I felt this huge weight off of my
shoulders and I was like oh my god like I've never I've never felt that before like
I didn't realize that I was carrying this burden

And this weight on my shoulders for so long and then when I tell you guys like I
went home and I would do that prayer seven weeks even after I had felt that and I
never like I never had that you know same release afterwards but I was consistent
and I was faithful to that prayer and when I tell you after the seven weeks when
there was when I tell you there was a miraculous healing when it comes to my
situation and the energy of the person that it was I was

Praying about in my relationship with that person he was insane and he honestly was
a miracle but that was a part of you know an aspect of this bad miss well I
actually was a part of the curse that it was I was talking about earlier that we
had discovered but it was creating so much heartache for me and I didn't even
realize it because I had gotten so used to carrying it and that's how it is for
some of you guys that's why I was so important to me I'm

Sorry for getting emotional but you guys know how I am sometimes it's when I see
other people suffering or when I see I remember like my own my own story and my own
journey and stuff like that and just taking these steps and how quickly your life
can change I don't again I don't know why people aren't talking about this more
often and why they're not sharing this prayer but again it's people like I guess me
and other

We do share it that this is why we're here and if it can happen in my life and I've
used this multiple times in each time move at the very end of the prayer there is
miraculous healing and I have to include it when it comes to curse removal in this
video but also don't just use it for curse removal use it for asking for the
desires of your heart in areas that you may be lacking faith or you're not sure how
things are gonna happen or how things are going to

Manifest because it is a miracle and it will happen and God your angel is Archangel
Michael will speak to you and when I tell you the power of Archangel Michael is so
real whether you believe it or whether you don't and I hope that you do but if you
don't still call and see what will happen because it will turn a non-believer into
a believer real quick when that energy starts to shift and you start looking around
and you just like

Damn the only way that could have happened is if it was through a miracle and I
just have like chills joy talking about it right now but it's crazy because it
doesn't really hurt me but right now but it's just crazy um how everything kind of
worked out anyway you guys thank you so much for tuning in I would love every
single one of you as if you were you know my own I hope that this video helped you
if it did go ahead and hit the thumbs up video make sure

That you hit subscribe share this with the people that it is that you love your
friends in order to give hope in order to give healing and until then I send you
all of my love and

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