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Exorcisms: what Catholics need to know

Brothers and sisters so excited for today's show i'll be talking to an exorcist
about spiritual warfare not just the stuff that he does but the stuff that we have
to do in our everyday lives someone peter 5 be sober and alert your opponent the
devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour resist him
solid in your faith and we're not going to dive into this stuff to

Freak you out and hopefully we don't but to bolster your faith and to to help you
take the entire spiritual life more seriously uh because there's a lot in the line
thanks for watching father chad reporter good to see you chris thank you so much
for making time to do this you'll be very welcome i know you haven't a busy
schedule which is actually a little scary to think that you have a really

Busy schedule but this is true i do have job security these days oh man uh you know
before i i dive into your work as an exorcist uh and spiritual warfare and how the
things that you do apply to all of us in everyday life because stuff like exorcism
is pretty dang rare but right the rest of it's not um i i want to dive into your
your personal story first sure what what made you a devout catholic in the first

You're not the average guy uh what happened no it was my parents to be honest with
you we had a very we had a very devout uh family life um you know going to uh mass
confessions on a regular basis uh my parents got us involved in the uh in serving
and all of that um we had devotional life even within our family the other thing is
my mom was the head of the catechetical

Program for the parish we were in and she actually made everybody this was back in
the day this kind of dates me a little bit but they they in the day you had to
memorize the entire baltimore catechism to be confirmed are you serious yeah so by
the time i was in sixth grade i had memorized the entire baltimore catechism and
got confirmed and um and two by daily mass all sorts of devotions like going to um

Devotions of the nine first fridays five uh first saturdays that's everything so it
was just it was just part and parcel of our family life it's just a really
prayerful family it was i think i think people over complicate sometimes like how
do i help my kids keep the faith and it's like oh you're praying a lot you know you
talk to god or just about him sometimes right exactly yeah in fact one person said
to me she's the she said you know the one thing i've noticed at

Least today especially because things are a little more difficult for families she
said the thing i've noticed most today is is that the families that seem to not
have any of the children that fall away are the ones that say the rosary together
every day um so it's a good reminder folks say say the roads were together no say
the roads are together it's powerful stuff uh okay so what got you what made you a
priest is that something you was

Kind of knew you had grown up you wanted to be one or is that college or where did
this enter in um well it basically when i was four years old ironically when i was
four years old um all my siblings went back to uh went back to school i was the
youngest and so my mom started going back to daily mass because she had time and so
in that day and age the children didn't come up to the communion round but uh but i
remember seeing my mom
Going up to receive communion this is even when they were receiving it at the
communion rail and uh seeing my mom receive it and give seeing the priests give out
communion i still have the image in my mind of him giving out communion and uh you
were four i was four years old and what ran through my mind is that's what i want
to do that's incredibly easy discernment yeah god bypassed a lot of teenage angst
and pain for you he did it didn't mean that

Women weren't interesting when i was younger it just i always realized no this is
where my vocation was and um so it was never much of a discernment process for me
and thanks for saying that too because some guys think well i like girls so
therefore shouldn't be a priest like well no i'd hope if you like girls right want
to be a dad like this these are the kind of things that would

Make you a good priest right and it's also a sign that you can get the calling at
any age right it's not necessarily at four it can be when you're older too so
archbishop chef you when he said when he was nine he knew i mean just so some
people they can know they can uh okay so this is uh you know a crazier question
here uh it's easier to conceive of someone falling in love with the lord and having
a prayer

Life becoming a priest and then how do you get into your line of work as an
exorcist because that's that's not something like you know i want to sign up for
that like what do you what what do you do well in fact i even tell people i still
don't want to be an exorcist the only reason i'm exorcist is because every time i
try and get out of it it seems like our lady pulls me back in so but um

Most exorcists myself being one of them is usually because of the fact that the
bishop is actually requests that you do it so when i was in the archdiocese of
omaha i had written a book on psychology from a domestic point of view and one of
the chapters was on diabolic influence and the intersection between diabolic and
also psychology so where did i get that book by the way

Because that sounds incredible um you can just actually it's available uh on amazon
but there's also um our own uh website which is um census treated students press
it's a bit long or it's a sentrad press okay um but they can they can uh actually
get it there so i wrote that book it was during that time that i was actually
talking dexter's who were friends it was for me it was purely an academic interest
because i was just interested

In the intersection between psychology and diabolic influence wow and then um a
case actually arose in the archdiocese of omaha and then essentially speaking
through a series of uh back and forth of the chancery they asked me to take the
case so then i got some more training and then just started doing it so okay so it
was probably writing that book it

Wasn't a particular charismatic gift i mean do you would you describe yourself as
having a gift where you walk in a room and you kind of sense something's off or
what's that like for you yeah people ask me that pretty commonly because they just
presume if you're an exorcist you have some charismatic grace which is actually in
my case i told people i'm a grinder which basically means i i tell people look my
job is just to

Swing a sledgehammer and break rocks i just keep grinding away at it i don't
necessarily have any it doesn't mean that we that as an exorcist you don't get
ordinary graces during sessions where god gives you a grace to see this is what you
this is the direction you need to go and things like that but they're not
charismatic in that sense because they're just ordinary graces okay and so um
although i you know i
Have seen authentic charismatic graces even in this line of work um even
discernment of spirits that were on levels that you know were you know kind of like
padre pio kind of levels of clergy so you do see that from time to time but um i
don't have one and i think that there's a reason for that is because my i think one
of the reasons why our lord and our lady have me in this is because um i've been
spending the 15 years as an

Exorcist um observing things so that as i mentioned before i was interested in that

intersection between psychology and uh diabolic influence and so i've been watching
those things and so it's it's easier for me to take a more objective academic
approach when i because i wrote some books on it um so that it so that you can give
people some of the objective criteria okay so that

The subjective criteria which arises from the charismatic graces has an objective
criteria which it can be measured against okay so um especially in this area
because demons can also falsify charismatic graces we have to be very careful in
the discernment of wow wow okay um your job is is literally the stuff of horror
movies right i mean they they make scary movies

Out of what you do they do and i don't i don't want to uh i don't want to give the
devil too much attention because he's mr look at me and uh very much so right so we
we could talk all about that and i'm sorry to disappoint if you're watching for
that kind of thing but i i but supernatural things do happen they do and they're
freaky right i'm you know i i have a friend who was part of an exorcism in haiti
and this woman was

Cussing four guys out in their own native languages fluently and she never went to
school from the mountains of haiti and i'm like that's that's just one of like many
really crazy uh stories right um is it scary uh well there's two parts of it the
first is is that um the types of things that demons do are within a certain kind of

Range or a gamut so okay you know after you've been in exercise for two to three
years you've seen probably pretty much everything you're going to see right and
it's not the devil's not very creative no in fact they're high very consistent more
so than we would think it seems random to us because we don't know their patterns
sometimes but they're actually very consistent so you know and the church has said
these are the three kinds of things that you're going to

Watch for that give indication that the person is possessed for example and you do
see those things people say well have you seen this from like you see in hollywood
yeah i've seen all those things but they're not that common in fact those real
extreme forms of prayer natural signs that you see probably only occur in about
five to seven percent of the caseload you do see things that are pretty natural but
not those you know like levitation and

Things like that those are those are fairly rare so very small percentage of people
come to you are actually possessed and then a very small percent of people who are
possessed uh will levitate or speak other languages or do things that are like this
is that's correct so the percentage we actually have statistics that we've been
keeping track of the number of people that actually come to us that actually are
possessed that that we

First hear their initial story and begin the vetting process it's only point five
percent so less than one percent of the people it doesn't mean they don't have
other diabolic issues but it's less okay and as far as you know the scary part is
is it's um because um demons work within a certain set of parameters the church has
said look follow these rules and if you stay
Within your lane you're going to be safe it's when exorcists or priests get outside
that that that's when the problems really began and so as long as you stay within
that lane generally speak doesn't mean i mean it is stepping into a boxing ring of
a sort but it's it's manageable it's not that difficult if you have a strong prayer
life people say have you ever been afraid and always tell people two times that was
good the first time which

Was thinking to myself i hope i don't do anything stupid right because it's it's
your first time right in the driver's seat yeah uh the second time though it's
funny because that's the same exact kind of fear that anybody has with any new job
yeah the second the second time was one time this one demon would not obey so i
just turned to god the father mentally and i just said punish him in a way he's
never been punished before and there was a full-blown greater

Natural manifestation right there and he the demon was screaming and what what the
did you say this out loud or just in your just in my own mind i said it i said it
to god and so what happens is the the with the fear wasn't in relationship to the
demons because they're not really to be feared because they're on a short leash
it's what was what i was looking at is the severity of god's punishment for those
who disobey

Him and don't um that reject him so that's what i've looked at i'm like if that
doesn't strike the fear of god in you nothing will right literally looking this is
what hell looks like so that there was that fear but the but it's really falling
out of style to even talk about that it very much is so it very much is so but but
in relationship to the demons there is i there's an experienced exorcist doesn't
have any

Fear he's cautious you have to be careful but you don't there's no fear because um
they can only do what christ permits and so you know they're restricted and so you
know as long as as long as i stay under christ's protection which is basically
staying in the lane that the church has said to stay in you're not gonna you're
you're not gonna uh you're not gonna suffer any faith yeah faith it's faith and

Don't coexist no they don't you know that that's exactly right yeah yeah that's
incredible uh that's really amazing so but you said the demons aren't a short leash
and yet sometimes god allows these horrific displays so what's that there's a
mystery here you tap into when you say that you know like god is a specifically
allowing these things why

Uh well he allows he allows the demons to basically show themselves at least in

certain cases in order for us to um for the exorcist to know that they're actually
present so that they recognize okay this person needs my help um and their churches
help this the other part of it is too is that a lot of times what you see in the
demon is actually you can learn something from it so as st thomas aquinas says
demons manifest their characteristics so how

They appear when they manifest actually is their characteristics so you learn a lot
from the demons in the process it's also um done but the primary reason that we
keep coming across more and more is is that the reason why the demons are allowed
to afflict people um is that ultimately they're the instrument of our
sanctification and god allows them into our life because by having to combat them
we attain a level of virtue and sanctity that we wouldn't

We would just be mediocre spiritually a lot of times wow so like every cross like
everything like any other cross and in fact some of the holiest people i've ever
met were people who they're possessed but then they start the spiritual battle they
start developing the virtue and they become some of the holiest people i've met wow
yeah wow okay

So many questions are coming to my mind while you're talking uh when you see the
the pain of a demon yeah strange question have you ever felt bad for this being
that is so miserable uh know for two reasons one is that i have to deal with them
too you know and as i mentioned it's like stepping into a boxing ring so you do get
a tax the pro life that we have structured in our

Community is such that it keeps almost all of that at bay but you still get a
little bit of that okay so and that's just on a personal level but it's also
recognizing um how much affliction they cause other people and that in point in
fact um the uh you know the demons actually want to have to replicate their pain
and suffering in other people even the very nature of their pain and suffering how
have you

Seen that well in the sense for example so like for example um every demon who fell
he fell based on a specific his task he was assigned a specific task and he
rejected so his sin is very specific to himself and so a lot of times the
conscience his conscience bothers him he has pains of conscience because they have
the natural law just like we do and so what happens is that pain of conscience
they'll start making

The person feel guilty for stuff that they've never even done or they'll just
afflict people emotionally because they have access to the emotions making them
feel depressed self-loathing self-hatred all those things which is why i tell
people they have to stop you should have no self-loathing you know we should love
ourselves for christ's sake ultimately but so they they have flicked people and so
um they want us to hate ourselves they

Want us to hate ourselves they want to hurt us they wanted to and so they have a
lot of malice and it's funny because even the um even the punishment that as an
exorcist because we're instruments of just god's justice to them even what we meet
out on them they will admit pales in comparison to what they deserve for the sin
that they've done and the and the offense that they've committed against gone wow
yeah wow

Do you ever get uh uh some of the people in the studios were a little nervous today
because you actually he actually came here from an exorcism and uh you forget
tagalongs i'm sure this is part of your the the daily routine and how do you deal
with them uh there's two things that we do is right at the end of the session we
actually say a set of prayers to keep us to kind of clip

Any of that type of stuff from occurring okay um it does still happen from time to
time um and so what we tend to do is um uh it as priests we've kind of got into the
habits so that and we also train our lay assistants who assist us during these
sessions that if you feel attacked or there's something going on then what we'll do
is we'll go to another priest and ask them to do a minor exorcism over us just kind
of just

Kind of cleared out we found that uh works um pretty significantly as an exorcist

usually it's in the first couple of years that the the the most amount of tax
you're going to get because they're testing and probing you to see where your
weaknesses are they're talking to each other oh yeah they they know what your
weaknesses are etc and they they communicate that with each other

And so they're trying to test the probe but after a while they get to the point
where they don't want to attack or even try and test an experienced exercise
because they know if he's if he's doing what he needs to do and he's leading his
spiritual life properly any attack that they make he can use to his own spiritual
advantage wow wow uh you gave me a prayer i want to i want to share with people
watching sure

That has helped me tremendously and it's a prayer of consecration to our lady where
you specifically mention any area that you feel like is being oppressed that's
right and it's like well if the evil one wants it he's got to go to our lady now
because it's hers that's right exactly and yeah you sure you had very few problems
in part because of that that's right yeah which way i say that prayer every day
yeah how

Do people get that prayer by the way i can put it in the show notes too yeah you
can put it in the show notes it's um technically speaking public domain but it's
actually in a book that i put together i compiled a a variety of prayers for
deliverance work just called deliverance paris with the laity okay which they can
get on online um fantastic what uh what what sets an exorcism up to work

What sets it up to fail uh and to work long term to stick because i know these
these things aren't like some people have an idea that you know they've seen uh
some they've seen the chosen and they think well actually just do what jesus did
and just says get out and it's you know it's over in a 30-second scene that's right
or a scene in the bible which obviously had that authority that's great you have a
lot of prayers you have to say that's correct

And it's a battle so what it is what makes it more successful more quickly um i
think there's two parts to it the first is is on the side of the person who's
possessed ultimately is um the two characteristics that were primarily looking for
them is consistency that is making sure that there's they are being very faithful
to their own prayer life and doing what they need to do because we tell them

Look 90 of this is your battle i'm helping you fight it i'm going to give you
direction and counsel that's what we're going to do and the other 10 percent that's
seen it quite on very often for your liberation is probably the sessions that we
need to do the solemn exorcisms but it's ultimately your battle so if they come up
to battle and they fight it very well then we're good it's when they stop

Doing their prayers or if they're unwilling to suffer because they have to be

willing to suffer through this process um because it's very painful so we find that
most people um quit um uh most of them quit most of them quit about 60 of the
people quit the process because either it just requires them to give up a lot of
stuff in their spiritual life like their sins that they might be attached to and
things like that and they go through life possessed

Yeah and they they'll they're will they're willing to live with the possession then
get rather than give up their sin and that's incredible yeah and that's part of
that is is is the other part which is um something which we talk about i talk about
it actually in my books is is what we call the diabolic compatibility so when
demons attack people in the course of their life

Especially when they're possessing they spend a lot of times a lot of time excuse
me getting the person's psychology to conform to their own psychology so that
they're compatible so that they can manipulate them more easily and so a lot of
times what happens is that the people have to be willing to break that
psychological compatibility so it's and that means there's a lot of suffering so

If they maintain their prayers and and and do what we ask and that means giving up
certain things in their spiritual life that may be bad we call that removing the
obstacles to grace so if you get rid of that a lot of times that itself will weaken
the demons just getting rid of their sin uh and then if they if they're willing to
go the distance that is perseverance and that willingness to suffering for an
extended period of time those are the people that

Are successful and you do see god giving them those grace sometimes it's
extraordinary the grace of god gives people to to go that go that distance wow wow
yeah i guess i shouldn't be shocked because i also think of dysfunctions and sins
in my own life or i know people who are in anonymous groups most of them don't make
it that's right and they choose lives of ruin rather than dealing with their stuff

That's right i mean any vice takes a long time to get and this is uh i guess this
just makes it clear like what every vice is a battle for that's right it's your
soul with demons it is yeah and they can use any vice of yours they can drive it
they can drive you to to continue that bias and to increase it because the more
advice you have the weaker you are and the easier it is for them to manipulate you
wow okay so how do i ensure

You know again this is extremely rare but i think answering this question will will
uh illuminate things that are that are not quite so rare in the spiritual battle
you know how do you ensure that your your family that your own soul is closed to
attacks like possession uh the two the two principal things uh well there's two
ways in which

People ultimately become possessors actually a third which is extraordinary i've

only read of them i've never seen them the first is is that um through mortal sin
so any mortal sin can open you to possession can open you to possession so i i mean
people become possessed through mortal sins of pride fornication pornography is the
one that we're seeing a lot especially among men um and so those but i have seen
people become possessed through yeah as i

Mentioned um i saw a woman who became possessed through a mortal sin of pride so um
and it's she was a virtuous woman and the demon tempter in that regard to think
that she was better than everybody else and and so um so any mortal sin is an open
door exorcists say venial sin is not going to cause you to be possessed it will be
it can be kind of a an open door in the sense that demons will use it to kind of
drive a few in certain things but it's it's

Moral sin the other one is if some grave evil is committed against you like you're
cursed or we see somewhat common people um especially among women people who are
raped molested or psychologically traumatized those are the types of people what's
interesting is about that second category of class though is that the women or the
people that suffer those the victims if they

Climb out of it they are some of the holiest people and their examples of
forgiveness are just astounding and that's why god allows it and that's why god
allows it and it's also a way to draw them closer to him because um and to show
them that ultimately in the end there are certain wounds that only he can heal
right so um so there's that part so those are the primaries the third category is
that you don't commit immortal sin and that dude

There's no um nothing the evil's been done against you i've only read about that
those kinds of cases you know nuns who became possessed or things of that sort but
those are extraordinarily rare and usually they have to do with something external
to the individual well wow the um it's just i'm just always blown away by the
mystery of of salvation the mystery of god allowing our own crosses to bring

About resurrection but then you see it played on every area of life you want to get
a bigger bicep you put resistance on the bicep that's exactly it it gets the same
principle and the lord loves to create these things some doubters would listen to
this though and say well why would he choose such painful paths and i don't know
how would you answer that because i just i just think well

It's hard to answer but like i look at the movies frankly i like to watch i love
braveheart the guy gets his guts ripped out at the end and he's a hero yes i think
god's like me i i don't know how to say it he likes the saga and the victory exit
he loves a good fight he does i mean you just see this you see it even in the in
the cases where the positions might protract for a certain period of time and just
seeing seeing how the person

Who's possessed fights the nobility that they fight this thing with and you're just
you you even recognize it yourself he's even as an exorcist as a priest realize you
know without god's grace i couldn't fight that level of a fight right so there's a
real uh joy that you get out of seeing that you know actually usually it's not in
the battle of course it's after you see the person attempting that but i think it

Boils down to one principle is that there are certain people that he just simply
wants to draw closer to him than others it sounds we you know we want to have think
that god's egalitarian is true that he wants everybody in heaven with him that's
true but there are certain people that he wants through the crosses that they carry
to to have more glory in heaven in fact it's right in saint paul engage the serpent
and win the crown of glory so we

Actually know that god allows demons into your life precisely because he wants a
very specific crown for you to have in heaven it's very hopeful it is very hopeful
with every cross we bear uh what energizes you with your job everybody's got you
know i know it's the amazing thing is to when i sit with you and people are gonna
expect you know he's here with an exorcist like it's gonna be so different and you
have the persona of a you know

Like a grinder like a guy yeah i like to sit down the desk and get some stuff done
right you know but there's there's things that will energize you and your work now
what makes you feel like yeah great day um i think that it really boils down to um
seeing there are there are certain things that actually i tell people look at maybe

Should back up a bit being an exorcist is like being on the receiving end of a
sewer pipe okay by that we mean in the sense because you're dealing with all the
garbage yeah but at the same time women sometimes will lose their wedding rings
down the drain and so it gets and so you get these little gems floating down from
time to time so even in cases of possession when the demons will talk

About say some perfection of god or some aspect of our lady or something like that
it opens up the spiritual life and so there's a real joy that you see in those
perfections the you know people say oh well that's a really interesting job you
have actually the demons are really boring it's the same stuff over and over again
it's the stuff that you hear about the saints or about god or about our lady that
just that that's what that a lot of that

Motivates you so they'll reveal things to you about the spiritual life yeah yeah
about something like for example one case i had joan of arc was the nemesis and he
revealed a very specific thing about daemon was just hated joan of arc he hated he
was the nemesis of joan of arc under a very specific um title and the um the what
was interesting is that one of the things you found out is is that

He caused a very specific kind of a suffering in her um but as a result of that she
became his nemesis as a result of it so it was because of her combating him and not
succumbing to it that she ended up becoming the nemesis in this very specific
aspect of his of him as a demon so you find out she experienced it as a temptation
that she knew was demonic in origin yeah or enough um so basically what it
basically what

It boiled down to is mark twain didn't get in his book so yeah it actually does
appear in his book but he doesn't it doesn't talk about it from this particular
aspect so what happens is at a certain point they asked joan of arc what are you
afraid of because she didn't seem to be afraid she was very valiant she would go
into battle and things of this sort and she said treason as it turns out um

The she is the nemesis of satan under the aspect of satan being the insider of
treason through ambition now if you think about if you think about that in our
modern historic context that's pretty big right and the reason she became the
nemesis of him for that reason is because the archbishop who put her to death was
actually doing it he was persecuting her and put

Her to death because he wanted to get a higher bishopric it was treason he was
committing he was a french bishop he was committing treason against his own country
in order to gain some of this great specificity to the very specific the aim of
these demons oh yeah um wow and this sorry go ahead so it's just one of those
things that you you start to see those particular so it's those particular aspects
in the end i think the thing that really keeps me motivated

To do it and enthusiastic about it is um two things one is because i mentioned

before i think our lady wants me to do this and my basic attitude is if she wants
it that's what she gets and then the other part of it is um knowing that if i'm
faithful in this battle then there's also some crown that god's going to give me
not that i'm looking for those specific things but i want to

Be able to manifest his glory in these things as well praise god praise god and
you've yeah how would you describe your spiritual growth personally as a result of
this line of work because i know god doesn't just make us his tools he chooses a
particular task because he wants to make us uh grow in these through these tasks he
does yeah i kind of mentioned it uh earlier today when we were talking

Privately but i mentioned the fact that um you know when before i was right before
i was going to become an exorcist i said to god make me a man of prayer two months
after i'm an exorcist i said to him this isn't exactly what i had expected you know
what this wasn't i was anticipating and but that's there's two things i've noticed
is um a real commitment to prayer and a real consistency and habituation in
relationship to making sure that i'm

Always praying the second thing this is too is it's just uh you know doing a lot of
mortification like fasting on a regular basis um it's powerful against demons yeah
very powerful because they there's they in addition to avoiding you if you're
praying a lot they really don't like a body as saint paul says that's been
subjected you know they bring your body into subjection he says and that's done
through doing mortifications like fasting and

Abstinence and practicing a little self-denials and things of that sort so doing
that on a consistent basis so as an exorcist it's kind of sink or swim so you got
to do this stuff but now that i've gotten to the point where this stuff is more
it's more habituated i would say um there's real joy in it so if i if i go over to
someone's house you know that's a benefactor of czars or or you know is is uh um
has made a really good dinner the next day i'm like i'm

Ready to fast again you know so wow so that's that's been very helpful in that
regard you know it's also opened up for me um not just on an intellectual level but
even on a personal level in relationship to god in the saints it's opened up a
depth in seeing as i mentioned like say joan of arc who i now have a very strong
devotion to or um you know various other saints

Um in fact one time and there was this one demon it was the feast of saint
catherine of siena and i asked him to katharine to come down and afflict him and he
just went bananas and then it just kind of dawned on me and i said wait a minute
you weren't the guy that got kicked out by catherine of siena in the public square
were you and then he just went crazy right so that tells me okay that's who

It was come on that's so cool yeah so it is so but the point is is that it gives
you a real depth to your devotion and to your recognition of the reality the truth
of all things all doctrines and all teachings of the church yeah so just it's it's
a reminder to me it's edifying thanks for sharing this i know that's why i had
giants i knew it's it's just the basic stuff of faith the prayer the fasting come
back to these basics you

Know what take them seriously yeah this is no joke uh last question before we we
take a little break and go into the next uh next set of uh next topics sure um how
do you celebrate at the end of the day you know it's miller time like what does
that look like yeah for you as an exorcist well unfortunately i have to spend a lot

Of time working because i've got so much stuff going on and every exorcist
complains that he's too busy but what i really honestly do is and people it's it's
somewhat of a joke and someone not i tell people as a joke i tell them you know i
drink scots and smoke cigars well after coven i can't drink much alcohol anymore
because it affects me more than it used to but but i just actually have relaxed we

Actually have a community time with our community and we just sit relax and talk
and so i'm able i'm one of those guys is really able to leave work at work so after
the sessions i'm able to go work and stuff and just keep my mind completely off of
it awesome but also um i engage in normal recreation just like anybody else does
which the devil doesn't like no he does not he's like normal he does not like us

To have a normal life he's envious wow that's profound thank you so much uh guys uh
next episode we're gonna dive into uh dealing with the spiritual uh combat that
that most of us experience as part of just following jesus and how to win in that
combat with father chad roberger we're also going to talk about the temptation to
just give into constant negativity

Which is not just a psychological battle but there's spiritual dimensions to that
as well you don't want to miss it and thanks for watching today man wasn't that
great listen if you don't want to be happy be sure not to subscribe but if you want
a more joyful life the kind of life that god created you for the kind of life jesus
promised when he said i came to give you life to the full then make sure you hit
subscribe and share this channel with everybody you know
The 5 levels of spiritual combat

Welcome my brothers and sisters from ephesians chapter six put on the whole armor
of god that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil for we do not
wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities
against the cosmic powers of this present darkness against the spiritual forces of
evil in the heavenly realms therefore take up the whole armor of god that you

May be able to withstand in the evil day and having done it all to stand firm stand
therefore having fastened on the belt of truth having put on the breastplate of
righteousness and as shoes for your feet having put on the readiness given by the
gospel of peace in all circumstances take up the shield of faith which you can
extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one i love this at the end of
ephesians where paul is just summing up how to

Live the christian life he lands really strong on oh by the way this is actually a
battle against the evil one and this isn't just for people who are in exorcism
ministry this is the the everyday life of christians we are in a spiritual battle
and here to talk about that today dear uh friend and we're honored to have father
chad ripager and thank you ron thanks again for for being with us thanks for having
me chris honored and blessed to have you uh

Before we dive into the topic today i want to let everybody know about some books
you've written okay just short easy read books mostly pictures very few actions no
no no fixtures you have dominion tell us about this and how to get it uh so
basically dominion was a book um it's i've written it for the lay people but it's
basically about the structure of the spiritual battle so if you want to understand
you know how demons function

How they attack us things that you can do in order to do that combat it's in the
book great so we're going to crack into a little of this today but you know we have
30 minutes and this is uh obviously way more thorough okay and then this one that
is actually a more extensive book it's actually influence yeah diabolic influence
so it's the full title on that is the nature and psychology of diabolic

Influence this is actually written for priests but specifically for exorcist it's a
manual for exorcist basically um and so it contains a lot more information than the
late people's book primarily for the training of exorcisms okay and we also do sell
it to um psychologists healthcare professionals who are working in this area okay
so it's kind of get like a dsm for uh demonic battle yeah it's yeah of a sword

Yeah and why don't you want the average lay guy getting a hold of that one uh well
we call it the csi effect which is basically um so the police complain that people
watch csi and then when they commit to crimes they enact what they'd saw in csi to
try and cover their crimes and so that's so we call it the csi effect which is
basically they'll read the book and then come in and mimic uh what we see there
when we really need
Because the real goal in this ministry is to get to the truth whether it's you know
it's not because sometimes people just want their problem to be diabolical so they
don't have to deal with you know they think that i'm just going to wave my wand and
then they're not going to have to deal with their problems when in point in fact
what our real goal is to get to the truth of the matter what is exactly the problem
what is the degree of diabolic influence if there is

Any and so it's the truth it's more important and so we just don't want that to
influence people's presentation themselves in an authentic in a transparent manner
okay beautiful yes you don't want a teenage kid reading that one and yeah no
imitating things that they saw okay right yeah all right so let's talk about
spiritual combat sure five levels of spiritual combat uh two of them is uh almost
none of us

Experience right that's correct three of them are fairly common that's right but we
often reduce them to just the human and natural experience but you have a correct
vantage point that shows they're certainly not purely uh just a human experience
right what what are the five levels so the first would be it's just the uh um well
there's actually there's

Technically there's six but there's the ones that people are gonna most likely to
experience so the first one is um uh ordinary temptation that's what we all suffer
once adam and eve ate the fruits because they used their bodies to commit the sin
as a result that seated dominion of the um satan and the demons to influence us on
a bodily level so that includes any of our

Faculties or any aspect of our body god permitting so that's why they can affect us
emotionally they can put things into our imagination and so those are the primary
ways that temptations occur and all of us are subject to those temptations and i
love how you worded that and there's so much we could dive into here my gosh but it
did seated dominion yeah some people think well they just made a little mistake no
this was a battle between heaven and hell

That's right yeah and sometimes we we reduce temptation to the purely natural level
and and some of it is uh you know a teenage kid is going to struggle with certain
things because of human evolution and the need to correct so how do you distinguish
between the the natural and the supernatural where's the overlap in well there's
everyday temptation yeah i

Think that well obviously temptations come as they always said from the world the
flesh and the devil so you know so it can just be but a lot of times if it comes
from the devil it doesn't necessarily have any corresponding thing externally um
also the demons will very often tempt us with stuff that's not our normal
difficulties which would normally arise from the flash so they can cause you to
have temptations in areas that aren't even

Your issues right oh my gosh by natural disposition we have issues each one of us
has to develop virtue in specific areas to overcome those things so some people are
sanguine they're going to have to develop more temperance or more chastity or some
say than someone who's cleric right so um but the ultimate way that you're really
gonna know is um that that it's actually really a spiritual thing is there's
usually three things i

Usually recommend to people is prayer just pray against it and if you notice it
shuts off or it gets better um so don't just try to muscle your way through the
temptation uh because there's often an element that's demonic you should also just
what does a prayer against temptation look like so it can just it can be something
as simple as just turning toward our lord and our lady and asking them for help but
it can also be

Actually what we call a binding prayer a lot of um catholics are misinformed

thinking that it actually came from the protestants it's true that the prophets do
talk about binding prayers but in point in fact it actually the binding of demons
is through the entire history of the church it's in all its rituals etcetera so um
what does that sound like so you're just one of those yeah so if you pray you just
say um

Any spirit of and then you name the behavior so if it's temptation against lust so
any spirit of lust i bind you in the name of jesus by the power of the precious
blood by the intercession of the blessed virgin mary and i command you to go to the
foot of the cross to receive your sentence boom yeah i love the power yeah so it's
there's a power that we overlook that god gave us as average christians exactly
that's so awesome well and even christ said by my

Name you'll cast out demons so it's just invoking his name can have that effect of
blocking them or so so if you find that in the temptations if you just use you know
invoke christ's name and rebuke the demon and you notice it just stops well then
that tells you that it's it's there's a spiritual there's a diabolic component
whereas if it just kind of continues then that's probably more of a sign that it's
it's more natural on a natural level

That's actually the primary way that we actually do diagnostics right because if a
problem is psychological or natural the prayers aren't going to have hardly any
effect whereas if it's diabolic you're going to see a shift there's a very set of
patterns you're going to see but you'll see a shift archbishop told me there's
certain temptations that he and by the way thank you archbishop for allowing me to
have this interview yes i had to ask her special permission

Because like everybody wants to interview an exorcist that's not they don't want to
be rock stars um but he said this one beautiful prairie he said i just covered that
temptation in the blood of jesus yes just call the blood of jesus down in
particular temptations yeah it takes two seconds and then the prayer of
consecration which we talked about earlier i've also i'll tell people consecrate
that area of your

Spirit of your the temptation or that area of your spiritual life a lot of times
that'll shut it off as well perfect praise god helpful uh okay so there's two areas
of combat that that we talked about in the last episode yes that we don't need to
really cover now it's possession which is yes point five percent of people you said
who comes very very possessed yeah uh one you mentioned in a great talk on youtube
about spiritual combat you

Should look this talk up uh father rick burger on on spiritual combat which is uh
is physical abuse from a demon yeah which is really rare too that's right uh some
exorcists call it vexation that's what the italians call it as vexation the problem
is the term vexation historically had a very broad meaning of any attack whatsoever
okay um so the a lot of the exorcists uh for example father moore who is considered
kind of

Like the father of modern exorcism he he's labeled it by the latin term which is
dolor which is pain that they afflict pain on people that's very rare it's usually
it's the prerogative of saints yeah if you're if you're padre pio it might happen
exactly so people don't have to worry about we don't have to worry about that here
in the studio today all right

But then there's other there's two others that we we experience in our everyday
life and those are oppression and obsession okay let's dive into what those are how
do we deal um well let's do with oppression first because we kind of dealt with a
little bit with obsession sorry first because it deals with the same faculties that
temptation does so impression obsession so obsession is basically um an attack on

Psychological faculties but it's much stronger than just ordinary temptation okay
all of us sub for ordinary temptation the number of people that have diabolic
obsession is you know just a percentage of the people that are again all of us are
going to suffer temptation oppression is obsession sorry is much less and this is a
very oppression and obsession are much less yeah they are so what percent of the
average christian

You think is suffering from oppression or obsession um well it's kind of funny
because i tend to think it's a little bit higher than some exorcist although i've
talked to numerous exorcists and we all tend to generally agree that the number of
people because our our world has gone become so sinful especially in the area of
oppression there's a specific reason why we're seeing an up ramp in that but

In relationship to obsession we're actually seeing uh an increase over the last

even 20 years there's been an increase so our general um estimate is probably
somewhere between 15 and 20 percent of the adult population maybe a little bit
higher is diabolically obsessed and it's interesting because just about the time we
kind of concluded on that percentage they came out with a um a study done in

That indicated that people between the ages of 18 and 22 25 percent of them have
either seen a psychologist or currently seeing a psychologist wow so the
percentages are or on psychotropic drugs so it's there's uh there's and i'm not
suggesting that all psychological problems are diabolic it just means that they can
attack our psychological faculties and such exacerbate and exacerbate it and make

Feel and so um and the oppression has uh obsession has a very diabolic obsession
has a very distinctive difference from psychological obsession if someone's
psychologically obsessed it's usually because there's been a series of events in
their lives or they've done things that have caused a series of mental habits and
they've gotten into a bad situation and it tends to be very constant it'll slowly
degrade but it tends to be very constant does that that

Means the same thing i would in secular terms say obsession like i i just can't
stop fixating on this dysfunctional cycle that's right and so psychological
obsession is that exactly that whereas diabolic obsession they do experience that
but it tends to be different in the sense that it's not consistent it'll turn on
and turns off a common experience many priests will see is people will come to
confession and they'll confess a

Sin and then um usually in the area of the sixth commandment they've gone a little
while but then they've bounced yeah yeah with less they've felt they've fallen and
then they go to confession and they say well it feels like it lifted they'll feel
this kind of experience and then it it they go for a few days like maybe in a
couple of weeks or even longer and then it just kind of sets back in real strong
and that and so that kind of pattern you

See that's what that's more of a kind of a diabolical whereas if it was a

psychological thing it would have some external stimulus it would also um not
respond to going to confession very much it's not going to respond to prayer it's
not going to respond to other things and it's going to be much more consistent so
uh but diabolic obsession is becoming more commonplace primarily we're seeing is
because of uh pornography is where
We're seeing the uptick in his results there's the natural and the spiritual going
hand in hand there that's right and uh to add to your statistic about young people
2016 was the first year that gen z went into college over half self-described as
below average in mental health yes and those numbers are not purely uh all because
of neurological imbalances i mean that's no that's very high yeah um

Do you recommend binding prayers for obsession is it the same kind of response or
is it to have a next level response oh you can use it if you say somebody binding
prison then you notice it kind of shuts off for a little while but then it comes
back well then that tells you that that you're gonna have to do a little bit more
one of the things that we developed um when we were in oklahoma when we came to the
archdiocese of denver

At uh by the graciousness of archbishop aquila when we came here i told the priests
i said we can't maintain this vetting process because we were we were spending we
were the priests were vetting over 600 people of contacts um a year at the time and
now we're up to about through two to three thousand that we vet to the people
actually come to you see if they should come to and so i just said we can't
maintain this we have to have put in some place so we started

This this uh protocol we call it a protocol but it's basically that the name of the
place is called you can go online and see some of it it's called libra christo
christian crystal which basically means free man in christ so it's that's that's
the goal that's the goal exactly so um but what we did is we developed and what we
found with um diabolic obsession is that ninety percent of the people didn't need

To see an exorcist what we noticed is was a consistent pattern of just a basic

elementary lack of discipline in their spiritual life wow not praying on a regular
basis and not doing certain things on a regular basis wow they might be going to
confession and going to mass on you know on sundays and holy days etc but they're
not they're not consistently praying so what we do is we put them on a protocol
which is with obsession we say get up every

Morning do the angelus noon six and six and say the pressure of the argument
christian norman six and six just and then cut out we also found if they cut out do
a little bit of media fasting where they're cutting out you know looking at their
ted their phone the lot and all that but if we if they just do that just gain a
certain elementary discipline almost all the cases of obsession don't even need to
see a priest to do the

Prayers it'll just slowly lift them i got it i mean i i almost want to encourage
our viewers re-listen to this in slow motion because there's little things being
said that you might miss or breathe over an exorcist just said one of the things he
does is tell you to look at your phone less yes and just scroll on your phone less
and pay attention to that i mean that's literally a foothold for the evil one it

Is because well it all it it there's a philosopher by the name of bogelin who said
every time we use technology we get a pleasure at it which is true we actually know
that from modern brain studies we get a dopamine uptake so what we and he says as a
result you need to do some type of penance to counteract the pleasure that you're
getting out of these things otherwise you're just going to end up in spiritual
dissipation and so he was the one who kind of

Noticed that at first but we've really seen it in relationship to the phone people
have to be really disciplined in relationship to it and all those little things the
lack of discipline of temperance the lack of basic human virtues creates footholds
that's right that's how the demons get and they use it against us and then um in
the cases of obsession it's usually something they've kind of driven in the person
for a while so once they start this

Spiritual discipline um of doing the angelus and six and six and their exam
christian arm prayers we found that like i said ninety percent of them don't even
need to see a priest for prayers there's some of them where the oppression strong
enough to where they do need to see a priest to kind of give him that last prayers
yeah well or just a minor exorcism a couple of few times just to kind of get them
over the hump and then

They're fine um so uh they don't necessarily need to see a priest i'm so i don't
look i don't see too many cases of of obsession um usually the people that i will
see are either possessed or people who um have under a temporary attack and we just
not need to clear it out so those are the people i see okay and by the way i want
to give a shout out to my son joey who uh he willfully got rid of his

Phone as a teenage kid he's like i'm not happy with my phone yeah he's got his
watch so he can communicate or call him but he can't scroll around because it's it
just he could feel it takes over yeah there's a freedom you experience by putting
the thing aside for yeah i gotta i gotta get another place where i can follow my
son's example and that's tough yeah yeah uh okay so uh temptation obsession
oppression what does that look

Like okay so you overcome it so obsession is actually an attack on the interior

faculties where oppression is an attack on the outside it's on our externals okay
so this will be things like our job situation or our workplace they'll attack
people your relationships you see this a lot with in marriages so they'll attack
the relationships they can attack people's health um sometimes someone has health

That can be a demonic attack yeah financial problems that can be a monster yeah so
yeah they're financial problems so it's from the outside yeah so with and you know
by the way i'm not suggesting that you know if you have a health issue you normally
go to a doctor first yeah and it's going to normally respond to medication but once
in a while get stuff that doesn't respond and so um we also with people of
oppression we

Actually put them on the same protocol we do with obsession and we have found that
it actually uh will cause a significant lifting over the course of time it's a kind
of a slow climb out the primary thing that we discovered is the most effective
thing against oppression is that consecration which you mentioned earlier really
consecrating the very specific thing yet the more specific it is the more

Effective it seems to be so consecrating like if they're attacking your finances so

there was a doctor who's a benefactor of ours very good catholic man um one day he
calls me says you know i he's he said nobody has paid their bills we can't get
people to pay their bills loans paid we have had no money coming in in over a month
we said there's you know there's something this is just not normal so i said well
here's to consecrate the the the inflows of your

Finances to our lady he did he called me back a week later she's not going to
believe it everybody settled up within a week incredible so you know and i've i've
noticed similar differences in my life from that specific prayer uh because and
it's it's hard with as an average christian going through life you know you don't
know if it's like is this a regular sickness or is it uh maybe it's my time to go
and that's why

I'm not getting better maybe there's a demonic influence that the lord wants me to
push back on and experience victory right but it's not like these prayers take that
much time no you're still normally done why not just pray them yeah that's it too
you know as an exorcist because you get attacked quite a bit i just do any anything
i'm just i'll i'll i'll put it in there and then if it if it has an

Effect it has an effect and then otherwise i know it's it's uh it's kind of a it's
not a natural problem and we've even there was one time this one nun she said she
had this one sickness she was like a flu she was not getting better she tried
everything so i just did a minor exorcism over her and she said halfway through the
first prayer she felt the whole thing lived wow so i'm not suggesting everybody
like i said their illnesses are but they're

Sometimes they do kind they can they can basically mimic or cause every form of
physical or psychological illness it doesn't mean that even the majority of them
are diabolically caused it just means that they can do that and so people need it
so why not say a little prayer you know and i i'm again i'll put that prayer in the
show notes we mentioned it in the last episode where you consecrate yourself to a
lady and say these

External goods that god has given me by virtue of natural law i give to you mary to
keep him safe from the evil and even if it's from a natural cause of giving that
target it's still a good thing yeah can't go wrong and i love your um there's a
there's a part of your charism and personality i think god communicates through
that lowers the uh the the the fear of like yeah that if i if i start going there
am i crazy am i seeing the devil under

Every every rock right and he's like well no he is actually probably under a rock
but that's fine who cares my jokes are under every other rock but uh no you see and
i think the thing is is that well saint peter himself says be vigilant and watchful
so we watch if we see it then we deal with it if we don't we don't pay attention to
it and even when you see it i don't think you you how do you how do you avoid

Obsessing on the presence of the evil one yourself well part of it is i'm just so
busy with other stuff i just did a time there you go but um no part of it is it
goes back to that normalcy of life they want you to obsess because then that's not
normal right and so that's why i just took st peter's uh words to heart i watch and
if i see something that i notice okay there's the pattern that you would see if

Something's diabolic then i'll address it otherwise i don't yeah wow uh and i um
i'm not gonna i i i do you start to pick up on it while you're watching right we're
talking about this in the in the break that there's actually you're following the
lord for a long time you see certain patterns you start to pick up on the fact that
almost like oh there's actually something assigned to tail me yeah and i won't even

The dignity of calling it someone uh you know it's just kind of more annoying than
anything it is yeah and you just learn to you know focus on the lord and be normal
you can see why teresa of avila when satan appeared above her was floating above
her she's like oh you again yeah yeah like i've been dealing with you for a long
time exactly yeah and i've heard a john vianney's story similar devil's the foot of
his bed yeah just you i

Think one of the things too that can be helpful too within relationship to people
as far as you know keeping themselves protected against oppression obsession is
just leading a normal catholic life this is actually true even in possession or any
form of diabolic influence leading a normal catholic life what does that look like
getting to mass every sunday on holy days of obligations getting to confession
never committing mortal sin staying in the state of grace

Doing prayers you know developing the normal catholic devotions um but a consistent
prayer life and following the church's rules on fasting and things like that doing
those things just leading a normal catholic life if you do that your odds are
becoming diabolically influenced in an extraordinary way you're still going to get
some temptations because that's just all part of the god's providential plan

But you're not going to your odds of getting extraordinary diabolically um attacked
is rare very rare i i really i love the the answer come back to the basics exactly
just be serious about the basics because your spiritual war uh you do you see
particular trends among teen behavior that is it's often chalked up to just
psychological experiences but from your point of view you're saying no that's

Majority of the time something spiritual we had mentioned the trend with cutting
cutting yeah there's two areas that we that i've personally seen it there other
exorcists might be able to speak to other aspects of their experience because
exorcists experience even though it's all within a certain kind of gamut that the
it's demons are the opposite of god god is very simple his demons are very

Complex so you know depends on whether you get the tail of the elephant or the
trunk you know determines what your experience is going to be so a lot of times uh
exorcists will have a slightly different experience but that being said what we
have found out is is that at least in my experiences is that doing minor exorcisms
over people that cut just a few times will usually clear it out they just stop they
just stop in

Fact in most cases especially with women you do it once and it's over but wow but
they don't again they don't necessarily have to have a priest to help him do that
just doing that protocol or just getting some spiritual discipline itself will
cause a lot of that to stop because it tends to find it tends to follow the
patterns of diabolic obsession the other area that we've seen in is in certain
kinds of eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia so especially

Bulimia we have found that if you do the exorcisms minor exorcisms over people with
bulimia almost always the binging and purging stops almost immediately what whoa so
it's um it doesn't mean that they still don't have psychological issues that they
have to process but the more extreme parts of that just tend to stop wow and so we
found that happens and i'm not suggesting if you have that problem you just
automatically go to a priest but i'm just saying that we have

Noticed that consistent pattern or at least that i have that if i've prayed over
women who had those particular issues that it tends to clear up again even those
can be cleared up by just following our protocol you know spiritual discipline
doing those things will eventually help it to clear out what does someone do
they're they're listening right now thinking my kid's cutting uh you get 3000
requests a year

Uh who do i go to what the heck do i do yeah i actually have what we call a case
facilitator so they can't really contact me directly anyway you know unless they're
um someone like you who i've known for a while you know obviously you can just call
me but um but if the uh but basically what it boils down to is that we um they can
contact us at deloreans d-o-l-o-r-a-n-s dot org and we can put them in the
direction but what we usually tell him is you need to

Really go talk to your pastor first because he's gonna be and especially like in
the diocese of um of denver archdiocese of denver a lot of the priests actually
understand this work to some degree and so they're able to help you at least to
begin the initial process so some some prayers with your local parish priest even
if it's not father chad ripper that's right this can they have that that authority
that's right in fact you don't need to
Be an exorcist to help people in these areas in fact with oppression obsession you
don't even really need to see an exorcist in most cases okay you know unless maybe
there's a curse that's connected to it and that's extraordinarily rare you can
maybe go to your parish priest and say hey pray the prayer on page 54. just read it
dude okay is there like something that simple because a lot of priests are like

In fact that's they can actually contact us as well there to help priests in fact
what we usually try and do there's a versus a very specific reason why we're trying
to get people in contact with their local pastor the first is that he's more likely
to know them and be able to help them more on a concrete basis and also because
avail i you know we're just a limited resource as exorcists because there's so much
of a demand and so much stuff that we have

To deal with but also what we've found is that by putting people in contact with
their local pastor and by working with it it also solidifies their relationship
with their parish local parish church so that once they are liberated they're more
likely to continue that relationship beautiful uh the the motto of the of the green
berets is to liberate the oppressed and i'm just really grateful for that that
mission that god's entrusted to you

Yeah thanks for being a spiritual warrior and for for being driven by the the joy
of liberating the oppressed yeah like i said i'm kind of one of these guys that
it's like standing in a field someone hand me a gun and i get shot at so i have to
shoot back you know it's not necessarily my chosen work not more probably of an
academic but i do think this is where god wants me to work praise god i'm grateful
for you i'm grateful for your time today too and

Brothers and sisters thanks for watching listen lean into the basic stuff of
ordinary spiritual life because this isn't just about you becoming a better person
this is about winning in a spiritual battlefield forever man wasn't that great
listen if you don't want to be happy be sure not to subscribe but if you want a
more joyful life the kind of life that god creates

You for the kind of life jesus promised when he said i came to give you life to the
full then make sure you hit subscribe and share this channel with everybody you
The Psychology of the Demonic w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

My friends i'm honored to be back here with real life ghostbuster exorcist father
chad ripper and today we're going to be talking about stuff that really impacts the
everyday spiritual life of every christian today and that's that's how much we let
ourselves fall into negativity uh versus lifting our hearts and minds up in
gratitude and why that's so spiritually

Spiritually important to pay attention to thanks for being with us i say paul wrote
from prison during one of the worst times of his life rejoice in the lord always i
say it again rejoice let your reasonableness be known to all the lord is at hand
don't be anxious about anything and everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your make your request known to god then the peace of god that

Surpasses all understanding what guards your hearts and minds in christ jesus uh so
often we fall into just constant negativity fixation on things that bring us down
and saint paul didn't do that and we blame our circumstances here's paul in prison
waiting to get beheaded and and just thinking about the goodness of god and
focusing himself on thanks that's not just pop psychology to be you know spread

Positivity and not to be negative this is part of the spiritual war uh thanks for
being with me again oh you're welcome i'm really it's good to be here it's so
edifying to talk to you especially because a lot of what what you end up saying
isn't just the stuff of exorcism which is inaccessible to me i'm not gonna be
involved in that probably please god

Uh right but it lands it lands on the stuff of everyday spiritual life it does uh
what's the overlap of and i know this is a concern of yours and you've spoken
extensively on it what's the overlap of just being a positive person so to speak
again to borrow terms from popular psychology instead of a negative person with

Your line of work as an exorcist and what you see in the spiritual battlefield you
know there's different levels to it ultimately but i think that um obviously the
earth is basically the intersection between heaven and hell and how much is like
heaven is up to us and how much this like hell is up to us right so if we're going
to commit a lot of sin then it's just going to become like it is in hell or if we
if we become

Very virtuous and very holy it's going to become more like it is in heaven and so
ultimately what it really boils down to and this is something that we even see
among people who come to us who are that are working through us that are actually
possessed what they will what will happen is is that they will the demons will
start driving the negative to get focused on something negative and it's to take
him down and

It the the as the person becomes focused on what's negative um to use uh domestic
psychology and the analysis of it that means that the object of evil is present to
the faculty which then causes pain and then it also over the course of time weakens
it so what happens is let's let's break that down for the layman okay the object of
evil is present to the faculty what's that mean so when you're thinking of
something negative you're

Thinking of something that's actually evil or bad that means it's in your um it's
in your intellect it's it's in your imagination you put the visual screen up in
front of you in front of your brain right exactly exactly and so the emotions and
then the will that are viewing that the same time is in fact defined sorrow as
presence of um evil and a repetitive faculty so as soon as it sees that evil then

Sorrow and then the person goes through um and then over the course of time it
becomes habitual which then becomes a weakness and so what happens is we found that
especially with people who are possessed it's really all about maintaining their
focus because if they don't if they once they get kind of sucked into you know when
am i going to get liberated why isn't god love me as much as if he would just
liberate me or which actually isn't

The case or why is it you know or even that kind of self-loathing which we talked
about in another episode if he that when they get focused on that what's happened
is that as they do that the demon gains more and more power over them and he's able
to control them much more easily than if their focus is on god or on something
that's good because it's the opposite because the good if you if the demons are
affecting your imagination and you start thinking

About something positive it literally drives them out of your imagination and so
they'll this is one of the reasons why it's one of the principal aspects of
spiritual combat is don't get sucked into all the negativity and as i mentioned um
you know when i work with people who are possessed when they start going down that
path i never address what they're dealing with like the self-loathing i just tell
them you've lost your focus if you keep your

Focus entirely on god who's goodness itself and all the things that pertain to god
which are good then your the demons have less ability to influence you or to tempt
you or to bring you down we we get we get lost in in computing our way through the
problems that's correct correct uh and yes and the lord is saying come back to me
that's exactly it instead of just focusing on the solution i love again thinking of
little kids you're scared you run to mom yes

You run to dad that's that's right you don't sit what you're afraid of and try to
figure it out and think about your own i think it's a pride root in that that as if
as if by my own faculties i will figure out yes how to solve the evil yes it's the
it's the pride that drives it but saint thomas says that fear drives rumination he
says because what you're trying to do is figure out how do i get around this evil

And when important fact in spiritual warfare you're not going to figure it out most
of the time in fact usually when people are under diabolic attack i tell them you
will not gain clarity especially with people who suffer from scrupulosity and
things like that in the moment of attack you will not gain clarity don't try and
seek the clarity because if you do that the demons are just going to do running

Commentary on whatever you think they're just going to keep jading it keep changing
your perspective on it so the best thing to do is just get away from it and focus
on god you just keep your focus on god and once it lifts then you'll have the
clarity in relationship to it but it's that and this is something that uh you see
even among possessed people too as well is the fact that they as i mentioned they
lose that focus but you

Can you immediately you can tell they've lost their intellectual clarity about god
and about about the world and about the about reality ultimately this is this is
stuff that i think has fallen out of a lot of uh just catholic uh council teaching
spiritual direction and i'm grateful that you're you're bringing it front and
center in in your work yes uh because before we had uh focus on on deadly sins i
think a lot of the church fathers and desert fathers

Would focus on dark thoughts yeah that precede them and and i don't i don't know
why we've gone down the road almost of of you know usually we talk about vice and
we think of these lower passions only correct when there's other vices as well to
think of negativity as a vice that's right if it's habitual it's a vice yeah and
and boy that vice is just fed

So much today i mean you're calling me on my stuff right now because i get sucked
into twitter it's part of my job to post things right that's right it feels like
poison man i pick up the phone oh yeah that's true that's true and these and
they're so good at sucking you in you know it's very interesting because saint
thomas um he says that uh when he's unpacking the fruits of the holy spirit he says
the first is love which is basically

Charity which is actually loving god and love your neighbor for the sake of god and
he says when the um so that's that's just the act of loving god and loving your
neighbor for god's sake the consequent to that then is because the beloved is
present to you you're thinking about him and you're focusing on god because the
beloved is present he said arises so the next one fruit that arises out of that

Is joy right so and you can see this that the joy in people's lives is really
declining and it's a sign that they're just getting too focused the other thing is
that the negativity it's a sign of worldliness right because you're getting so
sucked into all the worldly problems and getting them fixed or what the problem is
or trying to figure it out or you know find out who's guilty of this or whatever
rather than just focusing on

God and then the joy kind of arises from that and then you can also see there's no
peace so saint thomas says once the person becomes focused on god that that's right
order and that's saint augustine's definition of peace tranquility of order so
there's this quiet that takes over because there's this right order and so people
say you know you just don't seem to be

Upset or even though you see all the evil stuff in fact what we hear demons saying
about what politicians do or doing and this and that some of it you can't believe
some of it is probably likely etc you know so you hear demons oh yeah they tell us
all sorts of stuff they are on twitter they're keeping up with the news yeah
exactly so but but you know so you hear all that stuff but in the end it ultimately
boils down to

What do i want to be my focus i always tell people look at it in heaven everybody

is focused on god that's why saint paul says god is all in all it's only god god is
the is it right whereas in hell it's they're focused on anything but god that's why
i mentioned the diabolic principles anything but god but their diabolic principle
is anything but god i just wanted to reiterate that because

It's powerful to think about it is even even in because people can get sucked into
over analyzing aspects of their own spiritual life which normally we do have to
take some time to look at our spiritual things but if it becomes too much of a
focus you've already distracted you've lost your focus the focus should ultimately
be the only reason i'm looking at this is so that i can focus on him or get to him

Wow i'm really amazed and again there's so much i said this in the last episode re-
watch this in slow motion because there's nuggets here that i don't want you to
miss you just said the demons will tell you stuff that's going on in the world of
politics yeah they want they want you to be thinking about politics during an
exorcism that's right it's a distraction yeah they they

Want me thinking about politics incessantly like hey look at look at this look at
this look at that they might be telling you real secrets and you could break the
news and uh yeah yeah but oh yeah you're but you're thinking obviously i would
never say yeah yeah i never say anything just as a demon as a source but yeah yeah
right right you'd have to have some type of uh secondary evidence yeah exactly

But but it also it it tells you that the that in our own spiritual lives that
people if if they if they are focusing so much on worldly things and negative
things you know and a lot of times it's to make themselves feel better so like the
fact that they might feel bad the fact that they have negative feelings towards a
particular politician because of their behavior when the politician is found out in

To those things then people will say see look at this i told you there's a there's
a focus on feeling better about something that's negative which is just habituating
their faculties in that regard wow ultimately there should be kind of a sadness
that this is sad or we need to we need to pray for this person or what have you but
it's all a distraction to keep you which is demons are always doing anything with
god it's anything that

They can get you distracted even if it's something that looks wholesome or is good
or and so that's why when it comes to matters of the world even the spiritual
writers always said and this is very true especially in relationship to dealing
with spiritual combat you deal with it only to the degree that the thing requires
and then you keep your focus on god to the degree that the thing requires i

Think of the it's a great saying that the more you focus outside your sphere of
influence the less power you have inside of it right that's exactly the same yeah
as a dad the the devil wants me to do comparative analysis between cnn and fox news
if that's my full-time job great yeah i'm not a reporter so that's right therefore
i can be done in five five minutes right but you want to stay aware

Of things not bear your head understand how do you draw the line when the inherent
nature of these things is such that literally there's companies that have i have a
friend who works for a game company they have a psychologist to figure out how to
get you addicted to the game news sources are they're winning so how do you handle
the balance of these things yeah it's interesting you

Mentioned that uh the addictiveness of a game they actually know the structure and
mechanisms that actually elicit specific um uh addictions or cause the brain to
become addicted they actually know that they actually know you put this in with
this degree and you're gonna get this amount of addiction they actually know this
okay so that all being said you know when it comes to when it comes to stuff like
the news media and stuff
Like that i do keep up on it because i have to to be somewhat knowledgeable um if
no other reason and sometimes i give lectures outside of discussion of spiritual
warfare and so i need to be somewhat knowledgeable of these things that are
actually occurring but even to keep track of kind of what's going on in the world
to get a sense of it because you know recently i did a series of conferences and
showing how

Communism is basically the exact same psychology as diabolic psychologies they're

that if you take if you actually unders know what diabolic psychology is it lines
up absolutely perfectly with the psych communist behavior so um so it and so you
have to i have to be knowledgeable about those things do i find that lecture it's
actually just on my channel on youtube so you can just go under youtube but it's
but the point i'm making is is

That um there's two things that i do the one is um the media fasting which
basically means this i started doing it in lent originally and then i liked it so
much i just do it all the time which is basically i only allow myself 20 minutes to
read the news in the morning and you cut it off and then i cut it off and what i
find is i'm pretty much up

With most of everything in 20 minutes and then you're good and then i'm good so i
don't need to be focusing so much on it wow once in a while if there is an article
especially in relationship to the church or things that are going on i might take a
little bit of time to read it but outside of that i don't the other thing that i do
i found too is um i found that i actually have a more cheerful disposition and more

And it's a lighter thing which we talked a little bit about freedom is if i just
cut out all videos unless it's something that's going to educate me or or i need to
listen to or what have you so in fact i was mentioning there was this one gentleman
he was he was watching you know he would work very hard he would get towards
tonight and then he would spend a couple of hours watching a couple hours a

Couple of hours every night so it's at one point i said to him you do realize that
you're spending 730 hours a year watching videos oh my gosh so i said you need to
start reading and that's what you shifted to reading and then what people find is
is that even the even these things that they're um you know the videos they're
watching it just it's just slowly taking them down and it's weakening them there's
another part to this and as i mentioned

You know it's anything but god it's a it's a sign that they're not recollected but
usually it's a sign that people's real focus isn't their own spiritual life it's
other things when they get that much sucked into the negativity it's a sign that
even if they claim to be catholics and they're out there arguing for catholic
things etc the fact of the matter is is that they're not focusing on their own

Spiritual life and you can very often see it just in the tone by their lack of
charity or even justice or what have you um you know there's no sense of being kind
to people or meekness and relationships it's reinterpreted as a weakness if you're
kind yes exactly people people are proud of the fact that they're unkind it's like
that's that's a fruit of the holy spirit yes that's not weakness that's pretty
manly to actually have the strength to be kind when people

Are driving you crazy yes exactly yeah i mean i think the real problem is is that
it's like anything else is that a lot of times people it's a lack of precision i've
complained a lot that in theology the real problem has been a lack of precision
there are times in which you aren't nice but that's because it's proceeding from
charity for the sake of the person's correction but and you're not focusing on the

You know i'm going to club this person over the head right or they're somehow
rather what you're doing but under normal circumstances kindness should rule the
day it's only the rare exception that it should you should you should switch to
okay look that's enough and this is how it's going to work so what when the when
this mine when the intellect is focused on the negative on all the things that are
wrong what

Exactly happens to the soul that makes that soul more uh responsive to the evil one
is it despair that occurs or is it that's part of it that's it and what else i
think that's part of it i think no what's happening is you're starting to replicate
their own psychology demonic psychology yeah i mentioned a little bit earlier you
know we talk about this compatibility between because so once a per demon possesses
somebody or gets into their life he starts

Setting about trying to drive certain kinds of vices and thinking patterns that
conform to his own thinking patterns so that it's easier to get you to do the
things that he wants you to do what happens is in relationship to the um to the uh
to when people get into a negative pattern of thinking is that it starts
replicating that exact same negative pattern that they have because as i

Mentioned all the demons in hell are focused on everything they don't have a
positive thought in hell and so all you're doing is you're becoming like that and
so just becoming like that setting up or opening up the door to that psychological
compatibility is just going to attract them and they're going to start driving that
to gain greater control and influence over you

And then it starts here's here's the mystery of sin and vice that starts to feel
good to people yes it does why would something that brings them down feel good um i
actually talk about that in my book in psychology st thomas says there's two parts
to it the first is is that um the body adjusts itself to the operations of the soul
and we know this right so

If you see some guy who weighs 300 pounds and he's sitting on a couch and says i
want to want a marathon you're like getting happening right right so what does he
got to do he's got to get up he's got to start exercising it's going to take a long
time and then eventually the body begins to adjust to the fact where he can run 26
miles but it's going to take time so the but the dog's got to adjust it the same is
even true in virtue and vice

So the body begins to adjust itself to be able to sustain higher levels of virtue
and even higher level or even more levels of disorder and so what happens at the
same time is when we act in accord with our bodily disposition so if we've
committed a lot of vices then when we act in accordance with that vice he says when
we act in accordance with our disposition we get a pleasure out of it when we act
contrary to our disposition

It's painful and we know that from our own experience that when we start fasting or
doing starting to overcome advice it's painful right but then as time goes on then
it starts the body begins itself and it actually becomes delightful to perform the
action the other part is something that aristotle said which is as you go in virtue
then what happens is the action as you perform the action that's in accord with

Virtue then what happens is that you get an actual delight in the faculty in
performing that act that act the same is also true about vice you know i just got
the image of a herniated disc yeah it starts to bend you over it does exactly you
straighten out it hurts that's right that's what you need to do you need to squish
the disc back that's right physical therapist so you just go do the opposite bend
that's right then

It starts to feel great after a while that's right yeah wow and so that's that is
part of the is the fact that people eventually start to get delight out of
performing things that are evil wow are you you're a fan of the lord of the rings
very much so yeah so the palantir i just love the volunteering you're saying they
think that by looking into this stone they'll figure out the evil ones plans and
then they their mind conforms

To the evil one that's every time yeah it's the exact yeah you should spend
christian you you need to spend more time in the in the good news than the breaking
news that takes work it does take work is there there's the the satisfaction of
curiosity yeah for all of us well and just because of the effects of original
actual sin we all have a tendency towards spiritual sloth it's

Just not work it's hard work and so we just want something that's comfortable and
if you're comfortable in your spiritual life actually a lot of people who are
negative are very comfortable in their spiritual life but if you come from
spiritual life that's not a good sign all right the devil will back right off yeah
wow yeah that's the the big spiritual uh deadly sin of her age is that sloth and

Everybody feels so busy that's right you know but but it's not spiritual work i
think most young people lose faith because they're they're just so sh they don't
ask questions of faith that's correct content with living at this depth and not
knowing it well and not knowing their faith well this is something that we run up
against quite a bit a lot of the people that come to us who need spiritual help to
get out of what's it's because of the fact that a

Lot of times they just lack basic catechesis you know well i didn't know that
living with my boyfriend was a problem you know that yeah yeah and so it's just
learning but i think that also one there's another aspect to that and this is
something that i began to notice among different people so that you have people
that are focused on different kind of negativities so there's some people that are
focused on yeah you mentioned before four types of of

Negativity right that people fall into typically uh yes you might have to remind me
about some of them self others politics church that's it yeah so the self
negativity that's exactly what demons cannot stand themselves for two reasons one
is because they still have a pagan conscience so their sin when they committed
their sin they still look at themselves and

Realize i am evil and they have a natural inclination just like we do to be perfect
so the fact that they're not really bothers them wow the other part of it is is
that when they rejected their task that task was in god's image in some fashion so
that when they rejected their task that task is who and what they are it's their
actual nature who's like the saint thomas says and so as a result of that when they
rejected their task it was a perfect act of

Self-hatred they hate who and what they are acted right against what they are
that's right they just can't they hate themselves so uh and so people who have that
negativity of self they're buying into that they're perpetuating that that's why i
tell people you have to stop that and part of it as i tell them it's against
charity because charity is love of god and love of neighbor but it's also christ
said you know you have to love your neighbor as yourself which

Means you're terminus of your love isn't in you it's in god so you love yourself
for god's sake so you still have to have a love for yourself but the way we
maintain it so it doesn't become selfish is rightly ordering it towards god and
that's the exact opposite of the demons they have a self-hatred and so i tell
people look it's a sin against charity to hate yourself in that matter i i'm just
so refreshing to hear you say this

I wrote i wrote a book on on on rewiring how you talk to yourself and replacing
negative phrases with the word of god that's it and what he says about you and i've
gotten some criticisms that oh this is just pop psychology he's like no this is so
it's really refreshing here and exorcist validate like this is real spiritual
warfare it is spiritual warfare yeah and there's a principle in psychology um kids
going through pain try to externalize what they're feeling

And make their parents feel it to communicate it to them that's right and demons
apparently do the same thing they oh yes they do they want us to feel about
ourselves the way they do they do they want to have they want us to have stuff part
of it is is because um if we have a if we have a hatred for ourself um then what's
going to happen is the definition of love is willing to good of

Another well then you're not going to will yourself the good which is ultimately
god you're going to turn away from them in the end they know that yeah so as you
think you are so you act that's it yeah um we might not get through all these in
our in our time but i want on the church negativity about the church yeah i i
recently was at a beautiful conference and uh i i took a little

Video of kids just praising god and it was in a more of a contemporary uh

charismatic type of prayer uh the type of music wasn't even out of liturgy without
this clip i got well kind of you know probably here's my focus on the negativity
they got 60 000 views on twitter and tons of thumbs up but i'm of course paying
attention to the 50 people yes yeah but there was a pile on of that's not gregorian
chant that's pagan

That's pure emotionalism and all they could see was why it was wrong stop these
kids immediately from right from what they're doing and there's a there's an
interior church division that that i think is growing it is i'm i'm having to
respond to things i never had to as a grown up in generation john paul ii and like
what what the heck is going on right and it's it feels poisonous it is

Speaking to that i think that part of it has to do with um what you're seeing is
it's true that the church has some problems i mean obviously the whole yeah scandal
yeah um you know we're seeing all sorts of difficulties bishops saying things that
you know are contrary to what the church has always taught so we're seeing those
kinds of things um being said and so the the problem is is that there's two things
that i'm

Starting to notice is one is that people are becoming focused on picking out all
the air okay you might know what's wrong doesn't mean you know what's right and
this is something that you see a lot of times is that people will um and you
actually see this you know seminarians will say well i know that they taught me
this about scripture that it's not inspired and that it's not this and it's not
that in seminary so i know

That that's not true that's true but you may not know exactly what the actual
definition of inspiration is so i find that there's a lot of imprecision in the
criticisms and so a lot of times they're they're not everything is heresy
everything's heresy everything's naked nice definition of the word before you use
it yeah well that's it or or or the other thing is that they'll do is they'll
criticize something because

They come off looking as intelligent in doing so right and there there's a lack of
precision or a lack of detachment in relationship to it but the other thing that
i've seen is it's detaching their them from the love of the church itself the
church is the bride of christ it's one holy catholic and apostolic it's holy it's
doctrines holy it sanctifies people there's always going to be people in the church
that are going to be

Seeking wholeness and god's going to be sanctifying them etcetera so what's

happening is demonic hating the church that's what you're starting to see people
are starting to have a hatred for the church or even for the for the papacy or the
episcopate or the priesthood or whatever the cases they're they're starting to have
this real negative attitude which is exactly what the demons want they want you to
have a hatred for the church they don't

Care under what aspect they want to have a hatred for the papacy or for the for the
episcopal or whatever they want you to hating these things because that way um if
you have a hatred for them you're less likely to a to be praying for them which is
what we really need to be doing but the other part of it is is that you're not
going to have a true love for them they're going to not develop that virtue of
filial devotion

To the office of the papacy or to the office of the episcopal or just a love for
the church which is the bride of christ it's christ it's the mystical body of
christ they know that if they can start fostering that that hatred for that
distaste for it or looking at it in a negative way all the time it's going to cloud
your judgment about the good that's actually there it really helps to put the
language of vice around this it does yeah around being a

Negative person yes uh because it it is it's important to see things that are wrong
that are going on yeah you have to see it when it becomes a vice it becomes all you
see that's the focus that's right uh we see that in the church we see that in
society at large there's racism is real uh mistreatment of women is real all these
things are real but we've seen in recent years movements of people who would reduce

Entirety of the american experience to nothing but that that's correct yeah and if
that's true the logical conclusion is burn it down that's right yeah that's right
throw away the declaration of independence start over and start a civil war frankly
this is this is the end goal of the evil one is total destruction that's right two
and if you can get your dates for example if he can get you to hate um the

Papers or the hate the pope then eventually he can separate you from it right by
becoming state of the conscious which is a problem among certain kind of traditions
you know he can get you to the point where you you basically are going to have to
start denying catholic principle in the end and that's one of the real problems but
you're right in the sense of and that's i think that's one of the most corrosive
forces there's two things that i see there's

One is the corrosive force of like you said you there's in the general stream news
media mainstream news media there's this constant focus on the negativity but
that's just that's diabolic in the end because it's just going to get everybody
focused on that the other and so and then as a result we can't see the good things
about other people in our culture there's no charity there's no charity why would i
love if that's all i'm

Seeing is exactly present and then you're also seeing that in relationship to the
church the same thing's happening in relationships where they're becoming so
negative and so so um and and i get the fact that people are suffering in
relationship to these things but that's actually goes back again to virtue and vice
so as i mentioned aristotle says if you perform an action that's in accord with
virtue you get it the light of that action if you get to the point where you
Have mastered the virtue of courage and mastered the virtue of suffering well which
is the virtue of mortification you've mastered that virtue you actually get a
delight in suffering that's why the saints had this delight in suffering because
wow they could actually that because in it they know they're achieving the good and
it's in accord with virtue it's when it's not a quarter of a virtue that it's
painful right oh yeah and so but what's

Happening is is that if if he can get you to be constantly focused on this

negativity you're never going to suffer well and as a result you're just going to
be miserable which is exactly what they want because they don't want us to be happy
oh it's true god created us for joy these things that my joy may be in you yeah the
evil one is an enemy of our joy he is i think of this in marriage and

Family too oh absolutely oh yeah in gratitude for a spouse can destroy a marriage
it's like a cancer in the mind it is totally uh teenagers you know when you get
habituated to the vice of negativity it's like an emotional masturbation almost
funny no no that's like true whereas i just wanna i just wanna fixate on everything
wrong with my dad i tell my kids you're going to go to counseling for things that i
did wrong

And you know that's part of your experience in life and sorry i'm trying my best
that's what you get for having a father who suffers from original sin yeah that's
what you by the way get in line right totally yeah and i think that's actually
really true in fact i you know a lot of times with the couples i first one of the
first things i have to educate them is on how spiritual warfare

Attacks marriage and i said the first thing you have to realize is quit taking
stuff personally between each other the battle between the two of you is not
between the two of you it's between you and this demon that's afflicting your
marriage dang powerful keep that in mind yeah uh the the the one big solution to
negativity focus on god pray focus on god yeah prayer which is ultimately focusing
on someone might

Hear that and think i'm going to focus on god by focusing on church news or praying
for the things wrong with the church be more specific um well it ultimately means
that even in your meditation or in the things that your prayers that you're doing
your goal is if you're going to pray for these things it's to bring other people to
god it ultimately has to all revolve around god

And if you if that's why i said people have lost their focus maintain your focus
which is ultimately god just you focus on him everything else will take care of
itself so if you're spiraling out of control in the news pick up pick up the
gospels yeah exactly just start reading the gospel god matthew mark luke and john
the the stuff before might be a little confusing to you the stuff after might it
might be a

Little confusing the gospels are there's a simplicity there is yeah put the right
stuff in your head uh and gratitude gratitude thanks in all circumstances this is
god's will for you in christ jesus five right uh there's there's a power to this
thanks for illuminating all this i mean this takes in a a different weight when you
situate it in the context of spiritual battle that's right and uh you

Bring that the the gravitas to the conversation to illuminate that to people this
is serious business do not let your mind spiral some negativity about your marriage
your parents yeah the church the world the news be aware of problems and then focus
back on the lord with a spirit of gratitude and just contemplate the right stuff do
we have one more minute absolutely one more minute okay so this
Is very interesting what we do is we tell people to do this is and we actually
practice this within our community which is if you get a negative thought about
somebody else you to automatically assume it's false oh that's good so when you're
but that that's so when you're when you are engaging in spiritual warfare you can
always bet that the demons are going to put a false impression on you about
somebody in in

Relation so like for example i'll i'll think to myself the demons will put my head
so father so-and-so didn't do actually get home and find out he did exactly that
and then some right so it's they're they're specifically and it's the same thing in
marriage you the first thing you have to do is just presume all negative uh
judgments about your spouse are false or not accurate well and that's one of the
ways but a lot of

That is backed again to focus on gone start with the disposition of mercy that's
right and then if problems arise when you have that right mind space right then you
could deal with them exactly yeah um where do people find all stuff about you your
books that you've written articles videos where do people look um they're well as
far as uh so there's videos are actually on um some of them are on youtube on
census video which is

Census vidalia dalian is the actual website i it's eventually like youtube's going
to take us down but that's okay look at a deposit it's only a matter of time it is
because we're catholic right we'll be in jail together be fun yeah but uh but then
also if they're if they're looking for the books that i've written it's just uh
sendtrad press it's s-e-n-t-r-d-t-r-a-d okay we'll put on the show notes too

Yeah you can order from them a lot of the books are on there's a few of
the books that are not available on amazon we're trying to slowly we started a
corporation we're trying to get away from amazon um and so that's one of the places
where they can start to take a look beautiful would you would you close us out in a
prayer and a little blessing absolutely thank you name of the father son holy
spirit amen god the father we thank you for all the

Good that you have granted to all of us the gift of faith the gift of charity all
the even the sanctifying grace the gift of our lady that you give to us in this
spiritual battle we also ask you god the father to make us focused on and god and
jesus god the father and jesus and also the holy spirit we ask you to be focused on
you that you become our soul focused even in the matters that we engage in in our
daily life

Benediction omnipotentis part recent feeling spiritual supervose admonished emperor

amen amen hallelujah thank you so much you're welcome what a blessed time with you
guys we love you thanks so much for watching see you next man wasn't that great
listen if you don't want to be happy be sure not to subscribe but if you want a
more joyful life the kind of life that god created you for the kind of life jesus
promised when he said i came to give you life to

The full then make sure you hit subscribe and share this channel with everybody you

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