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Comparing attacking interview okay um uh Exorcist Prisa America most specifically

is a Washington Chief Exorcist prison and before coming back starts uh foreign you
know afternoon prayer yeah it's a device cleansing purifying sanctifying bringing

Peace amen the Light of Christ shared upon you and cast out the evil one name of
Jesus may be healed you know Jesus may be at peace May almighty God bless you all
fathers Sons Holy Spirit [Music] foreign you know yeah sorry it was muted thank you
so much interview

Uh we are protected the device is protected uh but on preview highlights behind

the scenes excited with Father Stephen Rossetti thank you God bless I was lying in
bed and I was not asleep uh and I was just saying that all of a sudden Wham I got
attacked by this uh incredibly powerful force very evil I said and I Knew by the
grace of God

Exactly what it was although it never happened to me before I knew it was the evil
one and uh it was incredibly powerful and and moved with an incredible speed thank
you so much for tuning in in our weekly online program our story on catholico today
I'm very excited and I'm thrilled to introduce to you this great man of God and I
always follow him in his social media in all his teaching about spirituality about

Deliverance Ministry and I'm sure McAfee almost all of you are so familiar with
this man I know you are excited for this interview and he will share a lot of
wisdom and and information to all of us our guest for today is a priest of the
Diocese of Syracuse and a research associate professor at the Catholic University
of America he is a licensed psychologist and has been the chief Exorcist of the
Archdiocese of Washington for over 13

Years he is the author of many books and articles particularly on Priestly

formation and spirituality he currently heads the Saint Michael Center for
Spiritual renewal whose Ministry involves exorcisms Deliverance praying and the
support and renewal of Priestly spirituality please all welcome brothers and
sisters the author of the Diary of the American Exorcist priest Monsignor Stephen J
Rossetti thank you Adrian it's great to be with you and all of your

Listeners thank you so much I'm on senior for this opportunity this is a dream
come true for all of us for guesting you here in our program well you know I wanted
to uh Filipino brothers and sisters you know we have a a strong uh connection to
the ministry of exorcism in your country yes uh and actually you know we've been
very impressed with with the quality and the the the the wonderful work that the
exorcists do in

The Philippines do you have a great you have a great uh program there so uh wow
you're one of the best in the world actually you know I think United States had
some good but the Philippines are doing great work and I'm impressed wow do you
think because of the many cases here well uh you know for example I'll pull out
this book uh I use this this book for example which was done by the uh it uh it's
for exorcists this book which is done in the Philippines

Yeah father cabining and all the work there I think uh we're very impressed and uh
well there's a lot of faith the Catholic faith is strong in the Philippines and and
uh and they they do tell me that you do have a number of cases there because of
people following uh you know Pagan types of practices yeah so the need is great but
also they just serve faith-filled people who uh I think in many ways the Philippine
exorcists are are at the Forefront of a

Lot of this ministry Yes actually many people many Filipinos now are so aware on
this ministry especially on what is happening in the news in the media just like in
the province many students has been possessed I mean group of them and yeah I saw a
lot of it yeah I know I uh warm warm regards and uh affection for our brothers and
sisters there in the Philippines and and I'm actually coming uh next year

Wow the Philippines they invited me and I'm very glad to go and I'll be speaking
to the exorcists in the country and doing a workshop with them well here in Manila
uh I think it's going to be in Manila architis of Manila I think so yeah I'm
looking forward to also to meet you in person um I've been I've been blessed by you
all and and you've and used that book I used it uh yesterday you know so I I it's a
very good collection of a

Powerful first it's good to hear that Monsignor Monsignor Stephen uh can you give
us a brief background about yourself well I'm 71 years old so happy to be so uh I
used to be in the Air Force I was I went to the Air Force Academy I was in the Air
Force and actually I was stationed in Taiwan in the 70s you know and I went to the
Philippines for for a few days which I enjoyed so I was in I was in that area

Of the world for a couple years in the 70s and after the military I went to the
Seminary became a priest and I've been a priest for 39 years almost 40 years and uh
uh was I worked in some parishes I'm also a licensed psychologist too so I find
that very helpful in this ministry so I work as a most of my Ministry has been as a
psychologist for priests and religious who need assistance uh but then I've worked
into this actually as a

Ministry for the last maybe 15 years uh doing this uh Deliverance work oh wow why
did you choose to become an exorcist priest I didn't I didn't choose I think our
lady picked me so uh oh well here's what hairstyle I got into the ministry uh I was
a psychologist as you know pre-psychologist and the Arts dice of the Cardinal asked
me to to look at a potential case of possession he said I wanted to as a
psychologist to take a

Look at it and see if you think the person has a psychological problem or is a
person possessed so I I went through the case and and I said you know I said uh I
said you know your eminence doesn't look psychological I think the person needs an
exorcism so is it fine so he asked three different priests to do the exes and they
all said no so I was sitting there talking to the Victor General the art the
auxiliary Bishop he said what are we going to do

About this and I said well I said well give it to me I said how hard can it be so
I so that's how I became the Exorcist no one else would do it Oh by that uh when
was your first encounter with the devil my first explicit account now we all uh are
attempted by the devil so all all Christians all people are accepted by the evil
one so but my first explicit encounter which was very demonic I was a

Seminarian oh hey yo seminarian I was lying in bed and I was not asleep uh and I
was just saying that all of a sudden Wham I got attacked by this uh incredibly
powerful force very evil I said and I Knew by the grace of God exactly what it was
although it never happened to me before I knew it was the evil one and uh it was
incredibly powerful and and moved with an incredible speed and I realized that

Within seconds I'd be overwhelmed so then that thought came to my mind at the
bottom of my bed uh was my my rosary beads so I lunged out of bed grabbed my rosary
beads and the moment I grabbed my rosary beads the devil left and the whole thing
took about two seconds but as I tell people in about two seconds I learned most of
what an exorcist needs to know number one the devil is much more powerful than me

He's also moves with Incredible speed so if I try to fight him myself I'll be
overcome within seconds but bear do our lady is he's dust yeah so so now I never I
never go anywhere without my Rosie bees I sleep with my rosy beads wrapped around
my hand just like you yours are on yours I sleep that way did you really see that
creature I mean no I didn't I didn't see that I didn't there's no visual thing for
me the spiritual experience but it

Was very clear and very powerful yeah this was no this was not this was not um no
no this was like a hit by a truck oh my yeah you know when you when you talk to
seminarians and sisters uh it's not that uncommon that they will have some
experience of the evil one the the Satan does not like people becoming priests and
sisters and he will do whatever he can to derail the vocation if you actually speak
to them privately more

Than a few will will reveal some kind of demonic attempt to to stop their vocation
wow I think you were attacked by that that time because the devil knew that you
will become an uh Exorcist priest you know I I don't think so I I think he just
knew I was going I was in the Seminary gonna become a priest so oh no the devil
can't know this does not know the future some people uh think that no he does not
know the future uh only God

Knows the future and and a number although he can guess he's very smart and then
sees the forces so he can predict very pretty accurately what's going to happen but
he does not know the future number one number two can't read our minds people think
oh the devil's reading my mind the devil is not reading your mind so what he does
do he's a he's a great psychologist and and he can tell a lot by what's going on
with you and your face and all those things are going

On so he has no idea what you're thinking on our body language yes all that kind
of stuff it's always a great psychologist only an evil one but uh but but but
people get paranoid I think the devil is reading their mind not reading their mind
the God does not understand so how about those whispering in our ears or bad
thoughts um coming on on our minds the devil can influence your mind yes he doesn't

Your mind he can influence your mind yes he can he can put stuff ideas in your
mind that sort of thing and we also have what's known as demonic obsessions in
other words I think people are not that aware of this but should be that the devil
can put a you know bang on our heads with all sorts of evil thoughts uh some a
typical demonic messages that the devil puts in your brain you know you're an awful
person there's no hope for you God doesn't care

About you you're going to go to hell you might as well give up you might as well
kill yourself all those negative self thoughts the devil keeps smashing and banging
our heads with these and they get they can become very strong typically while all
of us have negative self thoughts when they're really strong they could be demonic
ah I see good to know that Monsignor yeah we'll see so this is important for

People if you're being a plagued by these demonic obsessions in your brain you
should say this is not me this is the evil one I reject them I rebuke them I
renounce them and I cast them out in Jesus name I I cast out these evil thoughts
out and I in Jesus name and I pray for God's healing and peace amen so uh I see
that you have Branch out into social media I mean you're very active in Facebook
Instagram and even in

Tick Tock I saw you in Tick Tock yeah so why do you do that how is it going um
it's interesting you know I you know being 71 I I did not grow up with computers
all that kind of and I and even now I don't have I didn't don't have social media
accounts but uh but what we found was there was a real interest in our ministry
especially among the young people but they might not be going to church they don't
know anything about the faith they run
Catechized but they're interested in this ministry so we said look maybe we have
an opening year to reach out to the young people so I so we we have there there's
this young guy came forward by the grace of God who who knows all about social
media good Catholic boy and he said uh we'll help you I said thanks Grady so
basically Grady uh posts all my stuff online I still don't know how to do it so he
does it all and

Kind of a as a kind of uh uh test to see if there will be uh and it's completely

taken off as of two days ago we have 70 000 followers on Instagram yeah and it's
and it's rocketing up uh so and and a lot of the people are young people uh so we
are reaching a lot of young people and and I think this ministry is instructive in
the faith and and hopefully it's uh preaching the Good News a bit to them amen and
the Bible says that the word of

God will reach until the ends of the Earth and it's now happening well it is it's
amazing you know this ministry we started I started very small you know I for
example we had these online Deliverance sessions you know once a month for an hour
now we have an online delivery so by the way uh what time is in the Philippines
right now uh it's already 11 30 p.m here okay so basically we have it at seven
o'clock in the evening here so it's probably like

Eight o'clock in the morning there or something like that yeah yeah so but once a
month we have these online Deliverance sessions and when we did our first one about
uh almost not quite a year ago we I just hoping to have maybe a maybe 50 100 people
show up we had thousands of people show up now every month we have 13 000 people
sign up wow 13 000 it's going up and then from all over the world I get notes not
just from the Philippines but from Australia

Singapore India you know Europe uh Africa people in Africa following us South
America wow there's a real need for this Deliverance Ministry uh and so I and I and
I know I know that you've got a place called St Michael Center in your country too
so that's great the need is great and you can see that and uh that whenever we
started this thing we don't advertise by the way we have we have our own little
site but we never we never advertised it just

Went viral yes decades ago this ministry exorcism is a taboo now it's been people
are now open to it because of the need well yeah but I would say that well the
whole AC is meaning Pope Francis has spoken more about Satan than all the other
previous uh popes and he has asked every diocese to have an exorcist but there are
still diocese in whole countries that don't have exorcists and don't

Believe it so this is we're still we're still working on this issue um how about
uh in in America how how is it going well I would say we're making progress over
half the diocese's in this country have exorcists uh but still that a lot of them
don't um most of the Bishops will be very supportive of this ministry but some

Some are some are not um so we have a ways to go you know although it reminds me
you of course we all know father Gabriel Moore yes so a story goes that it was
supposed to be true that he was speaking to a Vatican Cardinal about this ministry
and the Cardinal says I don't believe in this devil electricity and stuff and then
father of North goes well you know your eminence I I have a book I want you to read

He said well what book is that he said the Bible yeah there's so many exorcism
happened there the Bible is full of it people say well Jesus didn't didn't say
Jesus didn't really say that there's a devil nonsense nonsense he was doing
Excellence was a major part of his administration yeah he spoke very clearly about
the evil one I just it just appalls me when people this

Is part of our Bible this is part of our tradition and our faith is Dave fide it's
part of our faith yes amen and Monsignor Stephen I was able to watch her video
discussing six demonic messages how would you usually know if a message is
something that is premeditated by the person psychological or something that is
really demonic in origin well Adrian a few minutes ago I mentioned some of the
typical demonic

Message so one of the first ways you know a message might be uh demonic would be
by the content you know when you've got the idea through your brain is that you're
a horrible sinner and God hates you and you're unforgivable and there's no hope for
you that does never comes from the Lord and and God and that God doesn't care about
you you might as well kill yourself those are not messages from the Lord the lord
always says I love you I

Forgive you I welcome you into the kingdom uh so first of all buy the content uh
second of all by the strength of them we all have these you know negative you know
thoughts in our brains is part of you know seeing falling human beings but when
they're very powerful when they again hit you like a truck and and and that's
another sign it could be a demonic Obsession and then finally if prayer seems to
help you know you reject

Them you renounce them you rebuke them and you pray you know for healing and peace
if that seems to help that's another another sign it could be demonic oh I I'm
curious Monsignor those who are mentally ill do you think most of them are caused
by the devil no uh there is a very clear difference uh between a mental illness and
a demonic possession which is why you know we we want people to be evaluated first
before so uh as a psychologist I'm very much aware of the

Typical process and symptoms of psychosis and that's very different than a case of
possession so although there are some kinds of psychosis which people are convinced
that they have demons um one type of paranoid schizophrenia where they have these
voices and the voices are evil and they're demonic and that sort of thing it's no
it's just it's just the illness it's not it's not

A possession the same thing with some forms of bipolar disorders and some forms of
autism on some forms of uh what we'll call a did a dissociative identity disorder a
former multiple personality and then one of their Alters uh can can seem demonic
but but it's a mental illness it's not possession and you see but that's important
you know because a lot of times that people come at me say oh you're my son is uh
my son has got

Demons and he's you know he gets he's schizophrenic and I want you to fix him I'm
going no no this is a mental illness you need to see your psychiatrist so you take
your medication and and the prayers uh are not gonna stop this hmm thank you for
that clarification Monsignor because sometimes people uh confused if I mean they
see something and they all already thought that it was caused by the devil well it
happens a lot I mean it happens

It happens a lot and and and the problem with that is it you need the right kind
of Remedy if something is psychological you need to to deal with it in a
psychological level and to take the medications and that sort of thing if it's
spiritual if it's a a demons then then you need to pray amen and I read your book a
diary of an American Exorcist and you discuss Satan on a short piece can you tell
us about that monsignor

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of my patreon groups thank you so much God bless well well that's very important
for all of us to know Satan is on a short leash that he's only allowed to to do
what God allowed to do so uh some people say well

I don't want to do this ministry because the Faith's going to whatever or I don't
want to get involved I don't want to upset Satan no no no no sometimes I have
people possessing me I don't want to do this prayer because it makes Satan unhappy
well I said if you've got a prayer that makes Satan unhappy you should say more of
it I said when we find out the demons don't like something then we do more of it
God does not allow Satan to kill people

Human beings kill each other but he does not allow Satan to kill people main
people that sort of thing he tempts them he can kind of rough him up a little bit
like he roughed up Padre Pio he can roughed up a little bit he can uh he can kind
of get bang your head a little bit you know he can tempt you and all sorts of
things but that's all uh and and then and when we suffer that in faith it can
actually become a source of

Sanctification which is what we see in the lives of the Saints the god allowed the
demons to beat up Padre Pio and Saint Catherine and Siena and all the famous
Mystics and it was the first of sanctification for them wow so shortlist means uh
the leash on the dog yeah that's a solution on a dog yeah in other words what it
means is Saints controlled by the Lord and only

Allowed to do so much and he's got a short lease he's he's holding on to him he's
controlling him well and on that we know that God is still in control here on Earth
even if we see so much evil now well God allows people to sin I mean God does not
allow like people to kill each other he'll he'll allow it but he doesn't it's not
his will that we commit sins you know so he gives us free will to commit sin um and
if you give yourself over to the

Devil you're gonna you're in trouble but that's your choice you know that you know
that's your choice I'm convinced by the way that some of these terrorists I think
you're going to kill innocent people in schools and and yeah kill innocent children
and and and then kill themselves I'm convinced that a lot of them are listening to
the voice of Satan in their ear um and uh in America there's so many cases of
shooting in the school

It's a unbelievable it's just people are not paying enough attention to this
there's something basically wrong when individuals go into schools and shoot
children yeah this this when I was a kid you know this this never happened wow
something something's wrong something's wrong and do you think almond seniority was
affected by the uh mobile games well I think because there's a couple things
there's lots of things actually one is

The decline of Faith you know when when you stop uh practicing the fake the faith
is our Shield as a Ephesians 6 tells us when we stop practicing the faith uh we are
more susceptible to the work of the devil so when we when you get rid of your
Shields you know Satan can be uh more effective in your life number one uh number
two the the you know the sin in the world the drugs the the sex and all the kind of
stuff that's going on

Does not good and then all the anger and then and then I'll cause all the guns uh
the anger the violence the the lack of faith I'll add that all together and you end
up with some very sick angry uh people who are influenced by Satan wow and that's
why we our parents should train disciple our child to be follower of Christ I mean
absolutely yeah if you don't believe in Jesus so we're seeing this more and more as
people stop
Practicing the faith if we don't believe in Jesus and the faith you'll believe in
anything we've got people who are joining satanic Cults it's practicing Witchcraft
and stuff where'd they learn that it's not when I was a kid people didn't do that
you know they're they're now when they don't have the faith and they start blaming
all sorts of Nazi things he also mentioned in the book that there are demons on
food is that true

Yeah this is interesting uh we have several lay people who are cares we have some
charisms from the Lord now we're very careful about that we've green them very
carefully and there's lots of people say oh I have this Charisma we they don't
they're all just it's their own imagination it's in their head and these false
Visions are very dangerous but we do have some people who are actually uh gifted by
the Lord and we we're

Certain of that um and one of them did as I say in the one of my blogs that's in
the book that she actually here's what happened we were having lunch and we and
they serve the food and and uh she's not eating she she looked kind of uh uh a
little a little awkward you know what's wrong she said well he wouldn't

Say I said is there a demon on the food he goes yes well I said uh fine we just
had a blessing and said that the demon gone she said yeah see and then when the
dessert came out it was the same things he wouldn't eat the dessert I said is there
something on dessert too he goes yeah and I said to her I said now you say the
prayer no no I said no no I want you to say the prayer she did demon left and so

I think well I think most time food is not cursed I think there was something in
the kitchen he was cursing the food and so um so yeah so I think when people curse
things demons can be on food or anything there are examples where people are are
passing out these rosaries which are not really holy rosaries they've got some
demonic symbols on them and they're cursing them so they probably have

Demons on them so you can curse anything yeah oh it is really important to pray
over before meals well all those things the church gives us for example I have a
holy water font in my house the youth you see over my my shoulder you see the
creatures we should have crucifixes bus crucifixes we should use holy water on
things so we could have our homes blessed our car is blessed whatever so we should
use those sacramentals the Lord gives us many people ask Monsignor

If Ordinary People can cast out demons well as you saw in that example when we
were praying over the food she said the prayer and the Dame is left so it's a
little complicated in the sense that we don't want people the lady to you use what
we call applicatory prayers we don't want that that delay people to to face the
demons say in Jesus name I command you to leave that that's really something a
priest or actually should do so uh normally speaking we say we want

You to use what we call deprecatory prayers ask the Lord to cast out the demons so
on our app you will see a number of prayers for the laity which are typically
deprecatory prayers asking the Lord to cast out the demons which is fine that they
can ask the Lord now there are exceptions to that the exceptions are with spouses
and children and one's own body so if you feel like you've got demons attacking you
you can command

Them to leave because you have authority over your own body a good example that
was that a guy who uh it was a actually a Evangelical and he said I was attacked by
demons in my house house was a vaccine and he said I was there on me you know I
died I was caught I got you know he said in Jesus name I command you to leave he
said three times it ended and that's right so if the
Demons are attacking you you can command them to leave well if they're attacking
your spouse or your young children then you can command them to leave because you
have authority in those cases wow so even the things that you own uh I would say uh
but I would say generally speaking we don't want the lady to go mono mono with the
demons just say Lord I ask you to bless this whatever and ask your Catherine demons
from it so if I were someone I would say

Look I would get some holy water yeah and and the English book of blessings
there's a holy water blessing for a house that a late person can use so I would say
those prayers that's in the book in the book of blessing and then I would just make
a holy wall around the house wow how about the sacred image can we bless our image
usually well here's the thing usually when there are there are prayers in the uh in
the book

Of blessing for these sorts of things but generally speaking when we when we pray
and bless religious objects generally speaking we we always refer to a priest to do
that uh so when it comes to blessing sacred things that's when usually they're done
by priests or or Bishops wow thank you for that clarification I hear other Exorcist
priests encounter uh their patients possessed by Judas is this the real Judas who
became the

Apostles of Jesus what have you heard uh some of them they say that it is just the
demons possessed Judas yeah okay well here's what I would say first of all we don't
know a demons are liars first of all so you got to be careful but sometimes we can
command them to tell the truth now I did have one encounter with it with a an evil
presence that said his name was Judas and so I

Commanded in Jesus name tell me the truth are you a demon using Jews his name are
you Judas a fallen human being and he said I'm Judas a fallen human being and and I
know I know another actually said the same thing uh that he had the same encounter
and and I actually believe it's true here's why I believe it first of all you can
tell by the voice and the way the demon was acting the evil spirit was acting that
it was it was not a

Demon but a human being it was different and also it did not react to the prayers
see the The Exorcist has the authority to cast out demons yes yes he does not have
an authority to cast out Fallen human beings per se and I can pray for that the
church can pray for it but that special Authority that I have uh so what happened
was at and it was a tough case and then at some point uh Judas left it was it was
misspelled and so I commanded the demons present I said what happened

To Judas tell me the truth in Jesus name he said the Blessed Virgin she had to use
it she she cast him out that's what the actors will say if you run into a fallen
human being in a human person possessing years either not by themselves they're
with a bunch of other demons uh and and you need to have Mary or say Michael or
someone to cast them out because I hear his name many times especially on Emily
Rose the movie Emily Rose

Right well here's the reason why I think that Satan does that he does it to stick
in Jesus's eye your disciple that was your disciple well guess what he's now
possessing one of your you know mud beings you're a human beings that doesn't of
course but it drives you uh speaking of Apostles of Jesus I also read in the book
that you mentioned Saint Peter was once possessed by a demon

Well that that's a conjecture the church has never spoken about that yes but uh
but there are some some some uh indications that that might be true when Jesus said
to get behind me Satan uh was it using that phrase metaphorically uh whatever I
mean obviously at the end Peter was the faithful disciple and and completely
freedom and demonic and he died a holy death on an upside down cross but uh one of
the and I had an exodus an exorcist a senior actually

Would tell me he thought that at some point in the early that Peter was possessed
before he was freed by the Lord and so I was in an exorcism and uh and uh I had a I
had a relic and uh and it was up it was of Saint Peter and it's like The Relic on
him and I didn't show it I didn't show it I couldn't see it I said who is it Jesus
name tell me Peter he said he used wow he said he

Used to be ours and then I said not anymore what's the replay of the devil yeah
now the devil's a liar so who knows but that way that's what they said I mean it's
not important I mean Peter was a faithful disciple and and then Mary Magdalene was
a faithful disciple and Jesus cast the demons out of her so amen I heard Saint John
Bosco was also possessed by the devil I don't know was

Do they have a early history of having demonic problems I hear I read this article
that God allowed to possess yeah there are cases where we believe that Saints uh
during their lives were possessed by Videl as victim Souls they didn't do anything
wrong they were victims Souls that God allowed this for their sanctification and
for for The Graces for the world uh a clear case of that of Saint Mary of Jesus
crucified the little the little Arabs

Yeah she was possessed two or three times by the devil which the Lord allowed for
her sanctification for for Graces for the world so there are a few cases of this
where the devil has been allowed to uh apparently possess the person in some
fashion ah so same as case of analyst Michelle or also known as Emily Rose in the
movie well that that's uh uh uh that's a more of a conjecture uh she's not been

Canonized of course and and was she a victim so I don't know some people believe
so it could be uh I really don't know for certain about that possibly possibly amen
and what do you think Monsignor of your experience as an exorcist priest is the
most feared by the devil what's most appeared by the devil yes Jesus hey Tara first
of all the devil's a coward the Devils they're cowards they

They puff and they huff and they you know but they're they're cowards they're
afraid of everything but basically but they're expressly afraid of Jesus they're
terrified of Jesus you even mention his name I was the narcissism I mentioned the
same I mentioned the name of Jesus several times the demons goes Stop Dancing mate
so we mentioned even more you mentioned even more they've got Jesus Jesus Jesus
they can't stand the name of

Jesus which is why we don't want you to use the name of Jesus as a cuss word or
swear with Jesus is a holy name it's a sacramental it's a holy Thing by itself um
and of course next to Jesus the Satan Kent is terrified of Mary when Mary shows up
they can't get out of the room fast enough they are terrified of Mary they won't
even use their name they call her that woman they that way

They're in there so anything holy uh which is why axism you use holy things you
say prayers use holy water relics crucifixes you use holy things and they can't
stand anything holy because they have rejected God and His Holiness another thing I
strongly recommend we've learned this in our Ministries go to confession if you
have not been to confession in the last several months you should uh Pious late
person should go at least I would say once a month and

It's a Wonderful Grace it scrubs the soul we don't do exorcisms without having
gone to confessions every week and I would say I want you to go to confession if
you haven't been for years if you're listening to this podcast and you haven't been
to confession in years I want you to get yourself to confession What a Wonderful
Grace and great protection the devil hates confession as a matter of fact I think
father Gabriel Moore said one good confession is better
Than dozens of exorcisms wow we insist that people go to confession before we pray
over them in an exorcism um father Monsignor how can you define a good confession
well you do your best to do to confess your sins now if if you inadvertently miss
something or the Lord forgives it but we do our best we have to be honest with the
priest and tell them our sins you know especially of course the big ones what

We call mortal sins oh but but if you go to confession every week like I do uh
hopefully we're not committing mortal sins every week but but we still we were
sinful people and so and then we started working on the the Lesser venial kinds of
sins but but uh yeah no it's uh we open ourselves to the Lord we've got to say you
know Lord what what about show me my sins Lord that I might confess them and work
on them um yeah lots of nice little guides you

Can use to prepare yourself for confession you know it gives you all sorts of
things to look at and reflect upon in their lives yes and some people are being too
hard on themselves because sometimes after they go to confession on the other day
they already commit mortal sin and then um they feel so ashamed and guilty I mean
what can you say about that father well there are people who are what we call
scrupulous yes other words when

We've made a a good confession done our best Let It Go Let It Go be at peace and
then some people keep running back to confession every hour you know yeah yeah it's
good velocity it's that's that's not that that's abusing the sacrament and then
with those sorts of people we say you may not go to confession any more than maybe
once a week at the most um yeah don't be going to confession every hour just make
yourself feel better that's a form of an obsessive

Compulsive disorder scrupulously it's a psychological disorder um once a month is

it's already okay that's what I recommend a a Pious Catholic Catholic now some will
go more some go less but uh you should definitely go at least once a year my gosh
no I I met some people recently who who were Catholics who were going to mass and
everything but it hadn't been

Confession in two years or five years or ten years I said what what are you doing
I mean you're you're you're [Music] or we're looking at a powerful moment of Grace
amen yes what advice can you give to those watching this interview and how they can
protect themselves from the evil from the Devil practice the faith fee Ephesians 6
Dimension when you practice the faith then trust in Jesus

That's what I say as we tell everybody trust in Jesus practice the faith you know
the Lord will lead you home now does that mean you won't suffer of course you will
suffer all of us suffer in this life we all do but we have faith with Justin Jesus
he'll bring us home you know he'll wow and maybe Monsignor you have something to
promote to our viewers you have a website social media Pages

Yeah I would say I mean go to our website lots of free stuff there prayers uh blogs uh resources articles
books all sorts of stuff there and there's an app called Catholic exorcism download
the app Catholic activism and of course we're all over social media you'll see that
and attend our once a

Month Deliverance sessions it's good for not only Deliverance but also for some
healing as well so uh join us and uh pray with us amen and how they can buy your
book on my website Catholic you'll see us a place to buy the book or you
can go on Amazon or anything like that you can and buy it online the book's
available um books called Diary of American Exorcist

Oh yes the diary of the American Exorcist yeah uh what could what can you say
about this one The Relic Saint Michael oh I like that that's a rock from Gargano in
Gargano of course you can't there's no such thing as a relic of an Angel you can't
have one of their wings you know so yes so uh but in Gargano a famous uh site where
Saint Michael appeared in Italy not far from Padre appeals uh uh place where he
lived in

Was buried uh if say Michael said if you take if you pray with these rocks you'll
you'll experience God's healing so that that's a rock from Gargano and we're
invoking St Michael's intercession and it's a wonderful thing have you ever used
oil already oh yeah as a matter of fact see have I ever you used use a rock you
mean this one yeah you betcha yeah you know what's the effect on the uh

On the demonia well I mean it's you're you're simply invoking the the same Michael
that's so yeah what say Michael is the one that cast Lucifer Out of Heaven remember
you know so say Michael and the good Angels cast them out so uh you're simply
invoking say Michael's intercessions wow and I heard some uh many Exorcist presets
you will know the authenticity of The Relic it it will use on the exorcism itself

Well uh sometimes the demons will visibly react to relics sometimes they won't but
they're always uh effective because you're invoking the Saints intercession some
saints uh tend to be more active in exorcism than other others but any holy thing
the demons hate they hate it which is why by the way you you you put relics in
altars every altar has a relic a bone of a saint because you're saying that the uh
the the prayers of the mass on the bones

Of the Saints or as the early church did so it they're holy things and uh it's a
good thing to use amen any last word Monsignor before we ask you to pray for our
viewers and to ask for your a blessing keep up the good work Adrian oh God God
bless you and uh it's a wonderful thing being a Catholic I just uh thank God for
our faith I thank God for Jesus and her blue beautiful mother I thank God for the
holy church and uh may the Lord

Continue to support us and guide us yes amen and we will continue to pray for you
Monsignor and your ministry great I'll give you a final prayer and a blessing okay
yes I asked a blessed mother now to spread her mantle over you all may she protect
all of you and your loved ones May the holy angels surround you protecting you may
the blood of Jesus

Wash over each and every one of you and your loved ones cleansing purifying
sanctifying bringing peace amen Elijah Christ shine upon you and cast out the evil
one the name of Jesus may be healed name of Jesus may be at peace May almighty God
bless you all father son Holy Spirit go in the Peace of Christ thank you so much
for this opportunity um Monsignor Stephen it's such a wonderful experience to have
this time

And conversation with you and I learned so much what you shared on on to us right
now and I'm blessed to have you in our show well I love to connect with our
brothers and sisters in the Philippines and hope to do so in the future as well yes
I'm looking forward to see you next year me too hope to see you soon again God
bless you and you how do we know that a Marian operation is a pre-natural or
Supernatural origin

Because of many people who are now saying Mama Mary is appearing to them yeah well
first of all for every authentic Marion apparitions there's probably one or two
dozen that are not the devil kind of uh or the person's own imagination though be
part of my patreon group at the click Mulan and gold membership access thank you
and God bless foreign


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