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like visas currently pending so um and the only reason I'm on house arrest is

because of my immigration status so if I were a citizen United States citizen

like I would not be on house arrest nor would I be banned from social media so
and I voluntarily chose to um kind of stay here and to figure everything out so
hopefully people will um give me some credit for that thank you like so many of
us think we know you we have seen your story play outs money is not an issue for
me what's you wearing you look poor so who is the real annadelity gosh I guess
that's a loaded question I guess I'm still figuring it out so you are out of jail
you served two years at Rikers and you've been under house arrest for how long
five weeks so what does house arrest entail it's 24 7 confinement I mean I can
move anywhere within the building and you also have to wear an ankle monitor
correct oh that's right yeah okay can we see the ankle monitor yes Anna through
the tabloids dubbed the fake German heiress is waiting to hear if she'll be
deported are you writing a book I tell all maybe yes like I've had so much
written down it's like I don't know like I'm looking for the best time to
actually like um publish it because you're not like my grandma gaze is still on
Direct appeal I sat down exclusively with a 31 year old in her one bedroom East
Village Apartment her rent 4 200 a month Anna sketches which are basically paying
the bills hang on the walls so where did you create this work uh I made it
earlier this year while I was in Orange County Jail what do you project your
annual income to be this year from your artwork I think I got off 300 000 maybe I
don't know okay so some people may say is this annadelavy scheming again what do
you say to those people um um I mean I don't know I'm just like I'm just selling
my art I don't know how would you describe your art well I'm I'm Pokemon at
myself in the events I've been through um for my sketches there's always a sense
of fashion tied in has anyone surprising purchased a piece of your art oh my gosh
so many people did I mean um Kawaii Fineman she purchased the SNL the Saturday
Night Live run it on my card this is a metro card I don't know like all kinds of
people a lot of lawyers purchase my Brands why do you think that you know lawyers
are loving your artwork I don't know I would like to I would love to hear from
them why they love it is it a daily practice for you to create some sort of piece
of art or work on it during the day um I try to yeah so I try like to sketch
like um write down some ideas yeah I don't like necessarily draw every day
because it just entails like a lot of setup and um yeah but I do sketch a lot
okay so I imagine you find yourself with a lot of time here at your apartment
since you are under house arrest um just some of the basic things how do you go
about getting your groceries do you cook do you order your food tell us a little
bit about your day-to-day life uh well so far I've been actually pretty busy
having lots of meetings but um I'm not allowed to leave so I have to order
everything in okay so I'm like using um Uber Eats or doordash or caviar or like
people bring me stuff okay are you a cook I am not uh I mean I'm sure I'll get to
it but I have like a sculpture on my stove right now yeah it doesn't look like
you've been doing a lot of cooking around here anna but maybe you could who knows
it could become a new hobby um they did they did teach me how to cook or how to
bake cookies in prison so maybe I'll you had you got to learn how to bake cookies
in Frozen what else did you what new skill sets did you learn in prison um I
mean that's pretty much it I mean because I'm vegetarian or do you work out do
you do any kind of like yes I have like a skipping rope really I hope your
neighbor's okay with that I bet I don't know neighbors downstairs yet okay that's
good that's good news well one thing we know that isn't a part of your daily life
is social media how are you managing that are you coping okay with not being able
to post on the gram uh I guess option off like six weeks last year yeah you
went to town on the six weeks last year that you had available to you you went to
Dale is that normal that they strip social media from people who are under house
arrest no it's not so then why do they do that to you I think it's I mean my
lawyer I mean I don't know I'm not an immigration expert not yet but it's pretty
unprecedented I mean my what I believe is that they were trying to um give me as
many opportunities to fail so they could like rearrest me and say like I can't
afford all the rules so just kind of like a bit of a setup you know so did you
remove the apps entirely from your phone from your devices so you're not tempted
yeah I don't even have the passwords to my social media accounts probably the
smartest thing there um walk us through a typical day what time do you get up
what do you like to order for breakfast walk us through from start to finish uh
well actually I wake up pretty early um I don't know why just like I don't know
um like today I woke up like at five in the morning um and I just usually like
catch up with people in Europe I have like lots of friends and like um London
especially how was this experience changed you or has it you've been to an ice
Detention Center you have served time at Rikers you are now 31 years old and
living under house arrest has this experience changed you absolutely yes um but
I just learned so much and I met so many people that wouldn't be exposed to
normally and um yeah it's been like a huge learning experience like all over I
learned so much about the system I got kind of like The Human Experience and um a
lot about myself and I was a huge exercise like a perseverance too so are you in
touch with your family yes you are are they a big support system to you right now
um they are supportive I wouldn't say that my primary support system but they are
I mean just because they are not in the country so they don't really know much
about the system so uh like yeah but they help as much as they can and have
been a touch for me throughout the whole time I've been in jail and in prison so
do you have celebrity friends uh Sam yes like who who do you turn to um I don't
want to put anybody on blast so fair enough what about uh dating are you dating
these days no I was too busy too busy for dating yes is that some would you like
to find love would you like to start dating so I think it pitched a lot of dating
shows so oh really yes um but I'm trying to like just figure out my own life so
what's next for you I'm hearing that there's also the possibility of a reality
television show how much truth is there to that and if there is truth what's the
status of it no there's no truth to that you would not do a reality show
absolutely not no you bet you would do a dating show no so this is where you come
for some fresh air all right yeah it's pretty I mean it's better than jail so
Anna what are bringing you little sources of Joy these days you say you're happy
but what is bringing you that happiness and joy I just having um I guess having
my phone being able to communicate with people not for like GTL pay phone um
being able to like order fresh food and salads um having access to like internet
and I haven't been able to see my friends not for like the plexiglass in jail so
yeah it's like little stuff like this yeah so close definitely [Music]

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