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Di Susun Oleh:

 Larassaty
 Nanda Hidayah
 Rahayu Apriyanti
 Rifani Sumaida
 Winda Syafitri
 Sandini
 Fera Aquananda

Guru Pembimbing :

Kelas : XII IPA 1


TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, we give praise and gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala who
has bestowed his grace in the form of opportunities and knowledge so that we can complete this
paper. We also do not forget to express our thanks to all parties who have helped in preparing this
report. We hope that this report can be useful for readers. Apart from that, we are also aware that this
paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, we hope that there will be constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers in order to create better future reports.


 The main ingredient is of course tapioca flour or also known as aci flour,
approximately 100 grams.
 For the mixture, use the same amount of wheat flour or around 100 grams.
 Medium sized garlic that has been minced until smooth, about 2 pcs.
 Instant stock powder as needed or approximately ¼ teaspoon.
 Granulated sugar approximately ½ teaspoon.
 Lodized table salt according to taste or ¾ teaspoon
 Ground pepper only as needed or more or less the tip of teaspoon.
 Hot water that has been boiled until it boils is sufficient or approximately 170
 Thinly chopped spring onions to taste or approximately 2 pcs.
 Enough cooking oil as needed

 Terjemahan
 Bahan utama tentu saja adalah tepung tapioka atau dinamakan juga tepung aci
kurang lebih sebanyak 100 gram.
 Untuk campurannya tepung terigu dengan jumlah sama atau sekitar 100 gram
 Bawang putih ukuran sedang yang sudah diuleg sampai halus kurang lebih
sebanyak 2 pcs
 Kaldu instan bubuk seperlunya atau kurang lebih ¼ sendok teh.
 Gula pasir kurang lebih sebanyak ½ sendok the
 Garam dapur beryodium sesuai selera atau ¾ sendok the
 Merica halus seperlunya saja atau kurang lebih sebanyak ujung sendok the.
 Air panas yang sudah direbus sampai mendidih secukupnya atau kurang lebih
sebanyak 170 ml
 Daun bawang yang sudah dirajang tipis secukupnya atau kurang lebih
sebanyak 2 pcs.
 Minyak goreng secukupnya sesuai kebutuhan.

How To Make Cimol

 First prepare the water then cook until it boils.
 Take approximately 170 ml then add iodied salt, granulated sugar, instant
stock and crushed garlic then boil again until boiling.
 While waiting, take a fairly large container and then add the tapioca flour
along with the wheat flour and spring onions. Still until all ingredients are
evenly mixed.
 Pour in the water mixed with the spices little by little while stirring using a
wooden spoon or spatula until smooth.
 If it looks soft and sticky, add a little tapioca flour then stir again.
 Remember, don’t overcook it, just mix it well so the cimol won’t be too
 Once slightly cool or warm, take enough then shape the dough into a ball or
oval according to your taste. Repeat until finished.
 Prepare a frying pan and fill it with enough oil.
 Add the cimol mixture that has been formed into a round shape then turn on
the heat to medium low.
 Fry until cooked and appear to float, then remove and drain.

 Terjemahan
Cara Pembuatan Cimol
 Pertama siapkan airnya kemudian masak sampai mendidih.
 Ambil kurang lebih sebanyak 170 ml kemudian masukkan garam beryodium,
gula pasir, kaldu instan dan bawang putih yang sudah dihaluskan lalu rebus
kembali sampai mendidih
 Sambil menunggu, ambil wadah agak besar kemudian masukkan tepung
tapioka bersama dengan tepung terigu dan daun bawang. Aduk aduk sampai
semua bahan tercampur rata.
 Tuang air yang sudah dicampur bumbu tadi sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk
menggunakan sendok kayu atau spatula sampai rata.
 Jika keliatan lembek dan lengket tamabahkan dengan sedikit tepung tapioka
kemudian aduk kembali
 Ingat jangan terlalu lama ya, ckup sampai tercampur rata saja supaya nanti
tidak terlalu kenya cimolnya.
 Setelah agak dingin atau hangat,ambil secukupnya lalu bentuk adonan menjadi
bola-bola sesuai selera. Ulangi sampai habis.
 Siapkan kuali untuk merebus cimol kemudian setelan mendidih masukkan
cimol yang sudah dibentuk bulat tadi lalu tunggu sampai matang dengan
kelihatan mengapung lalu angkat dan tiriskan.

 450 grams of chicken, cut into several pieces
 Sugar, salt and stock powder to taste
 Oil for frying
 7 red onions
 4 cloves garlic
 5 curly chilies

 Terjemahan
 450 gram ayam, potong beberapa bagian
 Gula, garam, dan kaldu bubuk secukupnya
 Minyak untuk menumis
 7 siung bawang merah
 4 siung bawang putih
 5 buah cabe kriting

How To Make
 Wash the chicken thoroughly, then boil
 Once the chicken is cooked, shred it thinly and set aside
 Blend the ground spices, then saute the spices until fragrant
 Add the shredded chicken, add water, sugar, salt and stock powder, stir until
 Cook until the water reduces, then adjust the taste, remove from heat.
 Shredded chicken is ready to be served.
 Terjemahan
Cara Membuat Ayam Suwir
 Cuci bersih ayam, lalu rebus
 Setelah ayam matang, suwir-suwir tipis lalu sisihkan
 Blender bumbu halus, kemudian tumis bumbu hingga wangi
 Masukkan ayam yang telah disuwir, tambahkan gula, garam, dan kaldu bubuk,
aduk hingga rata
 Masak hingga airnya menyusut, lalu koreksi rasa, angkat
 Ayam suwir siap disajikan.

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