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Life gets complicated at times ,it’s not a cake walk for anyone.

Not every situation brings out the

best of us, sometimes we take wrong decisions at wrong time. The decision should be taken only
after careful dialogue and discussion with all stakeholders.In the given context I don’t think this
article gives me much help in deciding what I want to do. The fact that they don’t consider my
emotional status and my families emotions enough, I find it hard to support either. I respect each
version but, I don’t believe I can narrow down my opinion to such arguments. If I were in that
position , I would have been thinking of many things. I don’t think the law makes it more easy
for minorities to be euthanized just because they are more prone to be discriminated.
The reason of opposing euthanasia based on racial minority basis is not correct , instead they
should be fighting for making health care system to become more inclusive .Opposing euthanasia
based on racial discrimination thoughts doesn’t help anyone and doesn’t solve the purpose ,the
purpose being equitable health care.
Death is not mere physical exhaustion , I believe soul losing hope of life and insufferable mental
torture is . If I wish to euthanize ,it should be me who gets to the decide or my family . I don’t
want the government or doctor to take that decision . Based on all these considerations I would
take my decision.
This narrows down my thoughts

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