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Tetrahedral Void in BCC

Please see the following figure to have an idea about the tetrahedral void in BCC crystal structure.
The body diagonal in BCC structure is √3a. Its related to radius of the atoms via equation 1:

√3a =4R 1

The distance from the centre of one corner atom to the centre of body centred atom will thus be
√3a/2. This is what is represented in the imaginary cube (right hand figure) comprising of the area
enclosed by the red dotted region shown in the left figure.

The distance between two black atoms (right hand figure) is √3a/2. The distance marked by yellow
dotted line is 4
a. This distance is related to R+r via equation 2.

a =R+r 2

Solving equations 1 and 2 lead upto the following result.

r = 0.291R

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