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Chapter 04 Test Bank: Carbohydrates

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Many health authorities recommend that Americans consume within the range of _______________% of
their total calories from carbohydrate.

2. _______________ are the main problem associated with excessive sugar intake.

3. The monosaccharides important in nutrition are fructose, glucose, and _______________.


4. _______________ is the major monosaccharide found in the body.


5. The disaccharides important in nutrition are sucrose, maltose, and _______________.


6. Milk sugar is known as _______________.


7. _______________ is a condition in which one lacks lactase. Symptoms include gas and bloating after
consuming dairy products.

8. The main function of glucose is to supply _______________ for the body.

9. The red blood cells and brain are two body tissues that derive most of their energy from ____________.

10. The hormone _______________ is released from the pancreas when blood glucose is elevated above a
normal range.

11. The major source of glucose released to elevate a low blood glucose level is _______________.

12. Polysaccharides that cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes, and therefore cannot be absorbed,
are called _______________.

13. _______________ are products from partial fat metabolism as a result of too little dietary carbohydrate.

14. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the _______________.


15. Dietary fiber may play a role in the prevention of _______________ cancer.

16. The recommendations for a high-carbohydrate diet refer to one that is ______ in complex carbohydrates
and ______ in simple carbohydrates.

Multiple Choice Questions

17. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
A. Galactose
B. Fructose
C. Lactose
D. Glucose

18. Major fructose sources include

A. milk and cheese.
B. fruits and high fructose corn syrup.
C. fruits and vegetables.
D. nuts and seeds.

19. After absorption, galactose is converted to ________ in the liver.

A. glucose
B. fructose
C. glycogen
D. lactose

20. A disaccharide is formed by the chemical bonding of

A. two monosaccharides.
B. two polysaccharides.
C. one monosaccharide and one polysaccharide.
D. two oligosaccharides.

21. Simple sugars in large quantities have been shown to

A. cause obesity.
B. promote tooth decay.
C. cause diabetes mellitus.
D. cause hyperactivity.

22. In the U.S. diet, carbohydrate supplies approximately what percentage of total kcalories?
A. 15%
B. 35%
C. 50%
D. 75%
23. The process that plants use to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of the sun's heat
and light is called
A. biosynthesis.
B. anabolism.
C. photosynthesis.
D. glycogenesis.

24. What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?

A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Galactose
D. Sucrose

25. Glucose also is known as

A. levulose.
B. ribose.
C. maltose.
D. dextrose.

26. Which of the following is true?

A. Glucose and glucose form sucrose.
B. Glucose and fructose form lactose.
C. Glucose and galactose form lactose.
D. Glucose and galactose form maltose.

27. The term "simple carbohydrates" refers to

A. starch.
B. monosaccharides and disaccharides.
C. fiber.
D. polysaccharides.

28. Of the following, which is a major source of sucrose?

A. Alcohol
B. Fruits
C. Grains
D. Sugar cane
29. Which of the following is a major source of lactose?
A. Skim milk
B. Broccoli
C. Apples
D. Honey

30. The monosaccharides important in nutrition are

A. glucose, fructose, and lactose.
B. fructose, glucose, and galactose.
C. fructose, glucose, and maltose.
D. sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

31. Which of the following is true about carbohydrate digestion?

A. Carbohydrate digestion is assisted by cooking, which softens tough skins.
B. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach.
C. Chewing food does not assist in carbohydrate digestion.
D. Saliva production does not influence starch digestion.

32. What enzyme is responsible for carbohydrate digestion in the small intestine?
A. Salivary amylase
B. Bicarbonate
C. Pancreatic proteases
D. Pancreatic amylase

33. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the

A. stomach with gastric lipase.
B. stomach with salivary amylase.
C. mouth with salivary amylase.
D. small intestine with pancreatic amylase.

34. Amylase is
A. an enzyme that digests protein.
B. a branched chain of glucose units.
C. an enzyme that digests starch.
D. a straight chain of glucose units.
35. What is the fate of disaccharides not digested in the small intestine?
A. They pass into the colon and are absorbed.
B. They pass into the colon and are fermented by bacteria.
C. They are absorbed and converted to glycogen.
D. They are absorbed and converted to fat.

36. Which of the following describes the process of starch digestion?

A. Starch to lactose to galactose
B. Starch to maltose to glucose
C. Starch to glycogen to glucose
D. Starch to sucrose to fructose

37. Glucose is absorbed via ______ absorption.

A. passive
B. facilitated
C. active
D. participatory

38. Which of the following is not true of carbohydrate absorption?

A. Monosaccharides can enter the villi.
B. End products of carbohydrate digestion are transported through the portal vein to the liver.
C. Maltose is transported through the portal vein to the liver.
D. Disaccharides are digested to monosaccharides by enzymes attached to intestinal cells.

39. Lactose intolerance is caused by

A. a milk allergy.
B. lactase deficiency.
C. milk bacteria.
D. intestinal bacteria.

40. The major symptoms of lactose intolerance are

A. gas, abdominal pain, and distention.
B. a rash, sneezing, and stuffy nose.
C. a headache and chest pain.
D. nausea and vomiting.
41. Those with lactose intolerance usually can consume all the following except
A. small servings of milk products.
B. some cheeses.
C. yogurt containing active cultures.
D. milk shakes made with skim milk.

42. The main function of glucose is to

A. serve as raw material to build tissue.
B. work with enzymes to carry out chemical reactions.
C. repair tissue.
D. supply energy.

43. Which organ will first receive sugars after they are absorbed into the blood?
A. Kidney
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Pancreas

44. Which of the following hormones corrects a hyperglycemic state?

A. Insulin
B. Epinephrine
C. Cortisol
D. Glucagon

45. When insulin is released, it causes

A. the liver to break down glycogen and release glucose into the blood.
B. muscle and fat cells to increase glucose uptake.
C. fat breakdown in fat tissue.
D. the liver to make glycogen from protein.

46. Which of the following hormones is released to correct a hypoglycemic state?

A. Insulin
B. Testosterone
C. Estrogen
D. Glucagon
47. Which of the following hormones is released during stressful times to increase blood glucose levels, making
more energy available for use?
A. Insulin
B. Epinephrine
C. Glycogen
D. Progesterone

48. The glycemic load takes into account the glycemic index of the food and the amount of
A. carbohydrate consumed.
B. glucose absorbed.
C. insulin released from the pancreas.
D. glycogen stored.

49. For which of the following is glucose most critical as an energy source?
A. Muscles
B. Brain
C. Liver
D. Heart

50. You are on a diet and eating less than 50 grams of carbohydrate per day. The claim made in the diet
educational materials is that carbohydrate is the main culprit in being overweight, so it must be restricted.
Which of the following will happen as a result of this low carbohydrate diet?
A. Proteins in muscles, heart, and other vital organs will be broken down into amino acids to make needed
glucose, over time weakening the muscles and organs.
B. Fat will be broken down and used as the exclusive fuel, leading to considerable fat loss and little health risk.
C. Ketones will be produced from partial protein metabolism to be used for energy.
D. Fat will be broken down and converted to glucose that will be used as the primary energy source.

51. Glycogen is
A. a highly branched polysaccharide.
B. stored in the absence of dietary carbohydrate.
C. a straight chain of glucoses linked together.
D. a hormone for blood glucose regulation.

52. Starch is comprised of hundreds and perhaps thousands of which molecule?

A. Fructose
B. Glycerol
C. Glucose
D. Galactose
53. Amylose is
A. a long, straight glucose chain.
B. branched glucose chains.
C. a long, straight fatty acid chain.
D. branched amino acid chains.

54. Which of the following has the most starch?

A. 1 medium orange
B. 1 cup of kidney beans
C. 8 fluid ounces of milk
D. 4 ounces of meat

55. The major storage sites for glycogen are

A. muscles and liver.
B. kidney and muscles.
C. liver and kidney.
D. liver and pancreas.

56. Dietary fibers primarily are

A. polysaccharides.
B. polypeptides.
C. disaccharides.
D. monosaccharides.

57. Which of the following is not true of dietary fibers?

A. They are mostly polysaccharides.
B. The bonds between sugar units cannot be broken by human digestive enzymes.
C. They cannot be absorbed by the small intestine.
D. They are absorbed in the large intestine.

58. Which of the following is not a nonfermentable (insoluble) fiber?

A. Cellulose
B. Hemicellulose
C. Gum
D. Lignin
59. Which of the following is not a viscous (soluble) fiber?
A. Lignin
B. Gums
C. Pectin
D. Mucilages

60. Viscous (soluble) fibers

A. increase stool size significantly.
B. are not readily fermented by intestinal bacteria.
C. do not dissolve in water.
D. can lower blood cholesterol.

61. Which of the following is not a rich source of viscous (soluble) fibers?
A. Fruits
B. Oatmeal
C. Whole wheat bread
D. Legumes

62. Dietary fiber may play a key role in the prevention of which cancer?
A. Colon
B. Liver
C. Pancreatic
D. Stomach

63. A reasonable and recommended goal for daily dietary fiber intake is how many grams?
A. 10 to 12
B. 15 to 30
C. 20 to 34
D. 25 to 38

64. John Fibernugget wants to increase his fiber intake. Which of the following would be the safest way for him
do this?
A. Eating enriched grains such as Rice Krispies and Saltines
B. Buying bran and fiber supplements to add to his current diet
C. Reading the labels of grain products and buying those labeled "wheat flour"
D. Eating more fruits and vegetables and not removing the edible peels
65. Which of the following foods would have the most fiber?
A. Kidney beans
B. English muffins made with enriched flour
C. Orange juice
D. Corn flakes

66. When eating a high-fiber diet one should

A. restrict fluid intake.
B. not be concerned about consuming large amounts.
C. avoid foods that are not whole grain.
D. increase fluid intake.

67. What is the minimum number of grams of carbohydrate, per day, humans must consume to avoid ketosis?
A. 75
B. 100
C. 130
D. 250

68. The World Health Organization recommends limiting added sugar intake to ______ percent of our total
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

69. Which of the following breakfasts would be highest in carbohydrate?

A. Grapefruit half, 2 fried eggs, 3 bacon slices, 1 slice of toast with butter, coffee
B. 8 ounces orange juice, 2 cups Cream of Wheat with 2 tablespoons sugar, English muffin with jelly, 1 cup
whole milk
C. 8 ounces orange juice, 2 bran muffins, 8 ounces nonfat yogurt, coffee
D. 1 cup whole milk, 2 ounces sausage, 2 fried eggs, 1 slice of toast with butter

70. Medical conditions related to metabolic syndrome are

A. Type 1 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cancer.
B. Type 1 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
C. Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
D. Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cancer.
71. Which of the following is not characteristic of Type 1 diabetes mellitus?
A. Arises most commonly in adulthood
B. Associated with a tendency to develop ketosis
C. Sometimes caused by viral infection
D. Has a genetic link

72. All of the following are characteristic of Type 2 diabetes mellitus except
A. arises most commonly in adulthood.
B. caused by insensitivity of fat and muscle cells to insulin.
C. often associated with obesity.
D. the least common form of diabetes.

73. The most important dietary approach for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus is to
A. lose body fat.
B. eat regular meals.
C. maintain a constant ratio of carbohydrate to protein to fat throughout the day.
D. avoid sugar.

74. If you had the condition phenylketonuria, which should you not use?
A. Stevia
B. Aspartame
C. High fructose corn syrup
D. Saccharin

75. Sucralose (Splenda®) is ______ times sweeter than sucrose.

A. 100
B. 250
C. 500
D. 600

76. Sucralose (Splenda®) is made by adding

A. lactose to sucrose.
B. chlorines to sucrose.
C. sucrose to galactose.
D. sucrose to glucose.
77. Which of the following is not a metabolic syndrome risk indicator?
A. High blood pressure
B. High HDL cholesterol
C. Elevated glucose
D. Elevated triglycerides

Matching Questions

78. Match the following with the descriptions below

A simple carbohydrate with the chemical

1. Glycemic Index composition (CH2O)n ____
2. Hypoglycemia A simple sugar ____
Class of sugars formed by chemically linking
3. Monosaccharide two monosaccharides ____
4. Hyperglycemia Known as complex carbohydrates ____
Fibers that mostly do not dissolve in water
5. Type 1 diabetes and are not fermented by intestinal bacteria ____
Fibers that either dissolve or swell in water
and are fermented by bacteria in the large
6. Polysaccharides intestine ____
7. Nonfermentable The blood glucose response of a given food
(insoluble) fibers compared to a standard ____
High blood glucose; above 125 mg/100 ml
8. Type 2 diabetes blood ____
Low blood glucose; below 40-50 mg/100 ml
9. Fasting hypoglycemia blood ____
10. Viscous (soluble)
fibers A form of diabetes prone to ketosis ____
A form of diabetes in which ketosis is not
11. Sugar commonly seen ____
12. Reactive Low blood glucose that follows a meal high
hypoglycemia in simple sugars ____
Low blood glucose that follows a day or so of
13. Disaccharide fasting ____
Chapter 04 Test Bank: Carbohydrates Key

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Many health authorities recommend that Americans consume within the range of _______________% of
their total calories from carbohydrate.
45-65 or
45 to 65 or
forty-five - sixty-five or
forty-five to sixty-five

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates

2. _______________ are the main problem associated with excessive sugar intake.
Dental caries or
Caries or
Cavities or
Dental cavities or
Tooth decay

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.12
Section: 4.10
Topic: Carbohydrates

3. The monosaccharides important in nutrition are fructose, glucose, and _______________.


Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.02
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates
4. _______________ is the major monosaccharide found in the body.
Glucose or

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

5. The disaccharides important in nutrition are sucrose, maltose, and _______________.


Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

6. Milk sugar is known as _______________.


Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

7. _______________ is a condition in which one lacks lactase. Symptoms include gas and bloating after
consuming dairy products.
Lactose maldigestion or
Lactose intolerance

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
8. The main function of glucose is to supply _______________ for the body.
energy or
calories or
kilocalories or
kcal or

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

9. The red blood cells and brain are two body tissues that derive most of their energy from ____________.
glucose or
dextrose or
blood glucose or
blood sugar

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates

10. The hormone _______________ is released from the pancreas when blood glucose is elevated above a
normal range.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.09
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

11. The major source of glucose released to elevate a low blood glucose level is _______________.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates
12. Polysaccharides that cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes, and therefore cannot be absorbed,
are called _______________.
dietary fiber or

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

13. _______________ are products from partial fat metabolism as a result of too little dietary carbohydrate.
Ketones or
Ketone bodies

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates

14. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the _______________.


Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

15. Dietary fiber may play a role in the prevention of _______________ cancer.
colon or

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.08
Topic: Carbohydrates
16. The recommendations for a high-carbohydrate diet refer to one that is ______ in complex carbohydrates
and ______ in simple carbohydrates.
high, low or
high; low or
high, moderate or
high; moderate or
higher, lower or
higher; lower

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.05
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates

Multiple Choice Questions

17. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?

A. Galactose
B. Fructose
C. Lactose
D. Glucose

Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.02
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

18. Major fructose sources include

A. milk and cheese.
B. fruits and high fructose corn syrup.
C. fruits and vegetables.
D. nuts and seeds.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates
19. After absorption, galactose is converted to ________ in the liver.
A. glucose
B. fructose
C. glycogen
D. lactose

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.02
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

20. A disaccharide is formed by the chemical bonding of

A. two monosaccharides.
B. two polysaccharides.
C. one monosaccharide and one polysaccharide.
D. two oligosaccharides.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

21. Simple sugars in large quantities have been shown to

A. cause obesity.
B. promote tooth decay.
C. cause diabetes mellitus.
D. cause hyperactivity.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Section: 4.10
Topic: Carbohydrates

22. In the U.S. diet, carbohydrate supplies approximately what percentage of total kcalories?
A. 15%
B. 35%
C. 50%
D. 75%

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates
23. The process that plants use to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of the sun's heat
and light is called
A. biosynthesis.
B. anabolism.
C. photosynthesis.
D. glycogenesis.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.01
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.01
Topic: Carbohydrates

24. What is the major monosaccharide found in the body?

A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Galactose
D. Sucrose

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

25. Glucose also is known as

A. levulose.
B. ribose.
C. maltose.
D. dextrose.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

26. Which of the following is true?

A. Glucose and glucose form sucrose.
B. Glucose and fructose form lactose.
C. Glucose and galactose form lactose.
D. Glucose and galactose form maltose.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates
27. The term "simple carbohydrates" refers to
A. starch.
B. monosaccharides and disaccharides.
C. fiber.
D. polysaccharides.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

28. Of the following, which is a major source of sucrose?

A. Alcohol
B. Fruits
C. Grains
D. Sugar cane

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.02
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

29. Which of the following is a major source of lactose?

A. Skim milk
B. Broccoli
C. Apples
D. Honey

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.02
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates
30. The monosaccharides important in nutrition are
A. glucose, fructose, and lactose.
B. fructose, glucose, and galactose.
C. fructose, glucose, and maltose.
D. sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.02
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.02
Topic: Carbohydrates

31. Which of the following is true about carbohydrate digestion?

A. Carbohydrate digestion is assisted by cooking, which softens tough skins.
B. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach.
C. Chewing food does not assist in carbohydrate digestion.
D. Saliva production does not influence starch digestion.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

32. What enzyme is responsible for carbohydrate digestion in the small intestine?
A. Salivary amylase
B. Bicarbonate
C. Pancreatic proteases
D. Pancreatic amylase

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

33. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the

A. stomach with gastric lipase.
B. stomach with salivary amylase.
C. mouth with salivary amylase.
D. small intestine with pancreatic amylase.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
34. Amylase is
A. an enzyme that digests protein.
B. a branched chain of glucose units.
C. an enzyme that digests starch.
D. a straight chain of glucose units.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

35. What is the fate of disaccharides not digested in the small intestine?
A. They pass into the colon and are absorbed.
B. They pass into the colon and are fermented by bacteria.
C. They are absorbed and converted to glycogen.
D. They are absorbed and converted to fat.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

36. Which of the following describes the process of starch digestion?

A. Starch to lactose to galactose
B. Starch to maltose to glucose
C. Starch to glycogen to glucose
D. Starch to sucrose to fructose

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

37. Glucose is absorbed via ______ absorption.

A. passive
B. facilitated
C. active
D. participatory

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption
38. Which of the following is not true of carbohydrate absorption?
A. Monosaccharides can enter the villi.
B. End products of carbohydrate digestion are transported through the portal vein to the liver.
C. Maltose is transported through the portal vein to the liver.
D. Disaccharides are digested to monosaccharides by enzymes attached to intestinal cells.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.08
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

39. Lactose intolerance is caused by

A. a milk allergy.
B. lactase deficiency.
C. milk bacteria.
D. intestinal bacteria.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates

40. The major symptoms of lactose intolerance are

A. gas, abdominal pain, and distention.
B. a rash, sneezing, and stuffy nose.
C. a headache and chest pain.
D. nausea and vomiting.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates

41. Those with lactose intolerance usually can consume all the following except
A. small servings of milk products.
B. some cheeses.
C. yogurt containing active cultures.
D. milk shakes made with skim milk.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Section: 4.06
Topic: Carbohydrates
42. The main function of glucose is to
A. serve as raw material to build tissue.
B. work with enzymes to carry out chemical reactions.
C. repair tissue.
D. supply energy.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

43. Which organ will first receive sugars after they are absorbed into the blood?
A. Kidney
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Pancreas

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion (and lactose intolerance)
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

44. Which of the following hormones corrects a hyperglycemic state?

A. Insulin
B. Epinephrine
C. Cortisol
D. Glucagon

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.04
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

45. When insulin is released, it causes

A. the liver to break down glycogen and release glucose into the blood.
B. muscle and fat cells to increase glucose uptake.
C. fat breakdown in fat tissue.
D. the liver to make glycogen from protein.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.09
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates
46. Which of the following hormones is released to correct a hypoglycemic state?
A. Insulin
B. Testosterone
C. Estrogen
D. Glucagon

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.09
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

47. Which of the following hormones is released during stressful times to increase blood glucose levels, making
more energy available for use?
A. Insulin
B. Epinephrine
C. Glycogen
D. Progesterone

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

48. The glycemic load takes into account the glycemic index of the food and the amount of
A. carbohydrate consumed.
B. glucose absorbed.
C. insulin released from the pancreas.
D. glycogen stored.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Bloom's Level: Understand
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

49. For which of the following is glucose most critical as an energy source?
A. Muscles
B. Brain
C. Liver
D. Heart

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates
50. You are on a diet and eating less than 50 grams of carbohydrate per day. The claim made in the diet
educational materials is that carbohydrate is the main culprit in being overweight, so it must be restricted.
Which of the following will happen as a result of this low carbohydrate diet?
A. Proteins in muscles, heart, and other vital organs will be broken down into amino acids to make needed
glucose, over time weakening the muscles and organs.
B. Fat will be broken down and used as the exclusive fuel, leading to considerable fat loss and little health risk.
C. Ketones will be produced from partial protein metabolism to be used for energy.
D. Fat will be broken down and converted to glucose that will be used as the primary energy source.

Bloom's Level: Analyze

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.07
Topic: Carbohydrates

51. Glycogen is
A. a highly branched polysaccharide.
B. stored in the absence of dietary carbohydrate.
C. a straight chain of glucoses linked together.
D. a hormone for blood glucose regulation.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.04
Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.03
Topic: Carbohydrates

52. Starch is comprised of hundreds and perhaps thousands of which molecule?

A. Fructose
B. Glycerol
C. Glucose
D. Galactose

Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.04
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.03
Topic: Carbohydrates
53. Amylose is
A. a long, straight glucose chain.
B. branched glucose chains.
C. a long, straight fatty acid chain.
D. branched amino acid chains.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Figure: 4.04
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Section: 4.03
Topic: Carbohydrates

54. Which of the following has the most starch?

A. 1 medium orange
B. 1 cup of kidney beans
C. 8 fluid ounces of milk
D. 4 ounces of meat

Bloom's Level: Apply

Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

55. The major storage sites for glycogen are

A. muscles and liver.
B. kidney and muscles.
C. liver and kidney.
D. liver and pancreas.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Section: 4.03
Topic: Carbohydrates

56. Dietary fibers primarily are

A. polysaccharides.
B. polypeptides.
C. disaccharides.
D. monosaccharides.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates
57. Which of the following is not true of dietary fibers?
A. They are mostly polysaccharides.
B. The bonds between sugar units cannot be broken by human digestive enzymes.
C. They cannot be absorbed by the small intestine.
D. They are absorbed in the large intestine.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption

58. Which of the following is not a nonfermentable (insoluble) fiber?

A. Cellulose
B. Hemicellulose
C. Gum
D. Lignin

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates

59. Which of the following is not a viscous (soluble) fiber?

A. Lignin
B. Gums
C. Pectin
D. Mucilages

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates

60. Viscous (soluble) fibers

A. increase stool size significantly.
B. are not readily fermented by intestinal bacteria.
C. do not dissolve in water.
D. can lower blood cholesterol.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates
61. Which of the following is not a rich source of viscous (soluble) fibers?
A. Fruits
B. Oatmeal
C. Whole wheat bread
D. Legumes

Bloom's Level: Analyze

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.04
Topic: Carbohydrates

62. Dietary fiber may play a key role in the prevention of which cancer?
A. Colon
B. Liver
C. Pancreatic
D. Stomach

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.08
Topic: Carbohydrates

63. A reasonable and recommended goal for daily dietary fiber intake is how many grams?
A. 10 to 12
B. 15 to 30
C. 20 to 34
D. 25 to 38

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates

64. John Fibernugget wants to increase his fiber intake. Which of the following would be the safest way for him
do this?
A. Eating enriched grains such as Rice Krispies and Saltines
B. Buying bran and fiber supplements to add to his current diet
C. Reading the labels of grain products and buying those labeled "wheat flour"
D. Eating more fruits and vegetables and not removing the edible peels

Bloom's Level: Analyze

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates
65. Which of the following foods would have the most fiber?
A. Kidney beans
B. English muffins made with enriched flour
C. Orange juice
D. Corn flakes

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

66. When eating a high-fiber diet one should

A. restrict fluid intake.
B. not be concerned about consuming large amounts.
C. avoid foods that are not whole grain.
D. increase fluid intake.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Section: 4.10
Topic: Carbohydrates

67. What is the minimum number of grams of carbohydrate, per day, humans must consume to avoid ketosis?
A. 75
B. 100
C. 130
D. 250

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates

68. The World Health Organization recommends limiting added sugar intake to ______ percent of our total
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.09
Topic: Carbohydrates
69. Which of the following breakfasts would be highest in carbohydrate?
A. Grapefruit half, 2 fried eggs, 3 bacon slices, 1 slice of toast with butter, coffee
B. 8 ounces orange juice, 2 cups Cream of Wheat with 2 tablespoons sugar, English muffin with jelly, 1 cup
whole milk
C. 8 ounces orange juice, 2 bran muffins, 8 ounces nonfat yogurt, coffee
D. 1 cup whole milk, 2 ounces sausage, 2 fried eggs, 1 slice of toast with butter

Bloom's Level: Evaluate

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

70. Medical conditions related to metabolic syndrome are

A. Type 1 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cancer.
B. Type 1 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
C. Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
D. Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cancer.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Figure: 4.14
Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse effects of this health problem
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates

71. Which of the following is not characteristic of Type 1 diabetes mellitus?

A. Arises most commonly in adulthood
B. Associated with a tendency to develop ketosis
C. Sometimes caused by viral infection
D. Has a genetic link

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse effects of this health problem
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates

72. All of the following are characteristic of Type 2 diabetes mellitus except
A. arises most commonly in adulthood.
B. caused by insensitivity of fat and muscle cells to insulin.
C. often associated with obesity.
D. the least common form of diabetes.

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse effects of this health problem
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates
73. The most important dietary approach for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus is to
A. lose body fat.
B. eat regular meals.
C. maintain a constant ratio of carbohydrate to protein to fat throughout the day.
D. avoid sugar.

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse effects of this health problem
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates

74. If you had the condition phenylketonuria, which should you not use?
A. Stevia
B. Aspartame
C. High fructose corn syrup
D. Saccharin

Bloom's Level: Apply

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

75. Sucralose (Splenda®) is ______ times sweeter than sucrose.

A. 100
B. 250
C. 500
D. 600

Bloom's Level: Understand

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates

76. Sucralose (Splenda®) is made by adding

A. lactose to sucrose.
B. chlorines to sucrose.
C. sucrose to galactose.
D. sucrose to glucose.

Bloom's Level: Remember

Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners
Section: 4.05
Topic: Carbohydrates
77. Which of the following is not a metabolic syndrome risk indicator?
A. High blood pressure
B. High HDL cholesterol
C. Elevated glucose
D. Elevated triglycerides

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.14
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates

Matching Questions
78. Match the following with the descriptions below

A simple carbohydrate with the chemical

1. Glycemic Index composition (CH2O)n 11
2. Hypoglycemia A simple sugar 3
Class of sugars formed by chemically linking
3. Monosaccharide two monosaccharides 13
4. Hyperglycemia Known as complex carbohydrates 6
Fibers that mostly do not dissolve in water and
5. Type 1 diabetes are not fermented by intestinal bacteria 7
Fibers that either dissolve or swell in water and
6. Polysaccharides are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine 10
7. Nonfermentable The blood glucose response of a given food
(insoluble) fibers compared to a standard 1
High blood glucose; above 125 mg/100 ml
8. Type 2 diabetes blood 4
Low blood glucose; below 40-50 mg/100 ml
9. Fasting hypoglycemia blood 2
10. Viscous (soluble)
fibers A form of diabetes prone to ketosis 5
A form of diabetes in which ketosis is not
11. Sugar commonly seen 8
12. Reactive Low blood glucose that follows a meal high in
hypoglycemia simple sugars 12
Low blood glucose that follows a day or so of
13. Disaccharide fasting 9

Bloom's Level: Understand

Figure: 4.09
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g., starches),
and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose
Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body
Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse effects of this health problem
Section: 4.01
Section: 4.02
Section: 4.03
Section: 4.04
Section: 4.07
Section: Nutrition and Your Health
Topic: Carbohydrates
Chapter 04 Test Bank: Carbohydrates Summary

Category # of Questi
Bloom's Level: Analyze 3
Bloom's Level: Apply 18
Bloom's Level: Evaluate 1
Bloom's Level: Remember 17
Bloom's Level: Understand 40
Figure: 4.01 1
Figure: 4.02 3
Figure: 4.04 4
Figure: 4.08 6
Figure: 4.09 4
Figure: 4.12 1
Figure: 4.14 2
Learning Outcome: 4.01 Identify the basic structures and food sources of the major carbohydrates - monosaccharides, disaccharides, 21
polysaccharides (e.g., starches), and fiber
Learning Outcome: 4.02 Describe food sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners 12
Learning Outcome: 4.03 Explain how carbohydrates and digested and absorbed, including the consequences of lactose maldigestion ( 15
and lactose intolerance)
Learning Outcome: 4.04 List the functions of carbohydrate in the body and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohyd 8
Learning Outcome: 4.05 Describe the regulation of blood glucose and discuss how other nutrients can be converted to blood glucose 13
Learning Outcome: 4.06 Outline the beneficial effects of fiber on the body 13
Learning Outcome: 4.07 State the RDA for carbohydrate and various guidelines fro carbohydrate intake 7
Learning Outcome: 4.08 Identify the consequences of diabetes, and explain appropriate dietary measures that will reduce the adverse 5
effects of this health problem
Section: 4.01 2
Section: 4.02 16
Section: 4.03 5
Section: 4.04 9
Section: 4.05 9
Section: 4.06 14
Section: 4.07 13
Section: 4.08 2
Section: 4.09 8
Section: 4.10 3
Section: Nutrition and Your Health 6
Topic: Carbohydrates 77
Topic: Human Digestion and Absorption 13

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