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Undergraduate coordinator teacher recommendation

Dr. Univ. Oglindoiu Amalia Mihaela, teacher of the Faculty of Geography and teacher
coordinator of the student Gheață Andrei Angelo Maldini, student in the Territorial Planning, 3rd
year in undergraduate studies, applying in the cultural exchange program Summer Work & Travel
2023 I declare that he will fully complete his undergraduate studies and exams this summer session

Being his third year applying in this program I believe that his previous trips to the United
States of America were beneficial because they gave him the opportunity to visit some of the
greatest geographical places the world, such as: Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon and
also great cities like:Chicago, New York, Las Vegas, Miami, Washington DC, San Francisco that helped
to examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places
can have an impact on people

He also wants to apply for a master's degree in the Department of Graphics at the National
University of Arts in Bucharest next year in which he has my support.

Dr. Univ. Oglindoiu Amalia Mihaela Date: 02/20/2023

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