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VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

1.Why did the revolution 17/11/1989 get the name Velvet? a) because people wanted lower price of velvet b) because the revolution was violence free c) because demonstrants wore velvet clothes

2. What was the aim of this revolution? a) unification of Berlin b) abolition of tuition c) overthrow of the communist regime

3.Which day was 17/11/1989? a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

4. Which part of the population demonstrated? a) children b) students c) seniors

5. What historic event did students come to honour at Albertov in Prague? a) Death of student Jan Opletal and execution of nine students on 17 November 1939, who took part students anti-Nazi demonstrations. b) Big October socialist revolution in the year 1917. c) Death of Karel Hynek Mcha in the year 1836.

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

6. How many demonstrants were surrounded by the police in Nrodn Street? a) 150,000 b) 70,000 c) 10, 000

7. What was the name of the police troop which scattered the surrounded crowd? a) Emergency backup of Ministry of Interior (black berets) b) Special intervention regiment of Jan Opletal c) Special Purpose Section (red berets)

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

8. How many demonstrants were injured in Nrodn Street? a) 570 b)1,500 c) 45

9. Which of these slogans did demonstrants shout face to face the police in Nrodn Street? a) We have staffs in hand. b)We want new leaders. c)We have bare hands.

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

10. What percentage of people took part in the general strike on 27 November 1989? a) 40 % b) 75 % c) 90 %

11. What happened after the Velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia? a) Communists gave up the right to absolute power. b )A lot of young students died and communists had absolute power. c )There were not any reforms in Czechoslovakia.

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow

12. When were the first free elections after the Revolution held in Czechoslovakia? a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1990

13. Who was elected the first president in the first free elections after the Revolution? a) Vclav Havel b) Vclav Klaus c ) Gustav Husk

VELVET REVOLUTION SURVEY RESULTS Correct answer highlighted in yellow <a id="WebLinkDescLink" href="">Haga clic aqu para completar la encuesta.</a>

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