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Name: ______________________
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
a. Christian devotion
b. art and learning
c. chivalry and tournaments
d. good health after the plague
____ 2. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?
a. Utopia
b. Romeo and Juliet
c. the Bible
d. The Prince
____ 3. In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man?
a. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist.
b. He painted the Mona Lisa while holding scientific discussions.
c. He lived in Italy during the 1500s.
d. He used perspective in all of his drawings and paintings.
____ 4. Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?
a. Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices.
b. The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.
c. Charles V told his people that buying indulgences was a way to earn a way to heaven.
d. Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children.
____ 5. Who declared himself the head of the English Church?
a. Henry VIII
b. John Knox
c. Martin Luther
d. Emperor Charles V
____ 6. Who was the important Catholic Reformer who founded the Jesuit order?
a. Katarina Zell
b. Girolamo Savonarola
c. Ignatius of Loyola
d. Pope Paul III
____ 7. During the 1500s, what was China's official trade policy?
a. China openly traded with all European countries.
b. Only the government was allowed to trade with foreign countries.
c. China traded only with Japan and other Asian countries.
d. The government lowered taxes to promote trade.
____ 8. What were Europeans' main motives for making voyages of exploration?
a. to test their new technology
b. to grow wealthy and spread Christianity
c. to break the Portuguese monopoly on trade
d. to gain extra land for a growing population
____ 9. The heliocentric, or sun-centered, theory was proposed by
a. Galileo Galilei.
b. Nicolaus Copernicus.
c. Francis Bacon.
d. Isaac Newton.
____ 10. Francis Bacon helped to develop the
a. microscope
b. law of the pendulum
c. scientific method.
d. barometer.
____ 11. Isaac Newton explained the
a. law of universal gravitation.
b. anatomy of the human body.
c. chemical composition of matter.
d. function of blood vessels.
____ 12. Jean Jacques Rousseau outlined his ideas on democracy in
a. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
b. The Social Contract.
c. Starry Messenger.
d. On the Spirit of Laws.
____ 13. The Bill of Rights was influenced by
a. Voltaire.
b. John Locke.
c. Jean Jacques Rousseau.
d. all of the above.
____ 14. What aspect of the U.S. Constitution did Montesquieu influence?
a. public elections
b. the branches of government
c. the Bill of Rights
d. representatives
____ 15. Which of the following did the Enlightenment promote?
a. a belief in progress
b. a more secular outlook
c. a faith in science
d. all of the above
____ 16. What did the American colonists protest as "taxation without representation"?
a. French and Indian War
b. Navigation Acts
c. Stamp Act
d. import tax on tea
____ 17. How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals?
a. It stated that all titles of nobility should be abolished.
b. It protected the rights of the accused and prohibited cruel punishment.
c. It set up a system of checks and balances for the U.S. government.
d. It said that people have rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
____ 18. Which of the following was a result of the Scientific Revolution?
a. the belief that the earth was an unmoving object at the center of the universe
b. improvements in medicine and scientific instruments
c. reliance on ancient authorities to explain the physical world
d. the assumption that the human body was similar to the anatomy of other animals
____ 19. What concept was the belief in "divine right" used to support?
a. absolute rule
b. freedom of religion
c. separation of church and state
d. waging war for religious purposes
____ 20. By the end of the 1600s, what had England's system of government become?
a. an absolute monarchy
b. a military dictatorship
c. a constitutional monarchy
d. a constitutional democracy
____ 21. Which of the following did the Restoration "restore" to power in England?
a. Parliament
b. Catholics
c. the monarchy, as an institution
d. the king who had been overthrown in the civil war
____ 22. The first national government of the 13 individual states in North America was created by the
a. Constitution.
b. Navigation Acts.
c. Articles of Confederation.
d. Declaration of Independence.
____ 23. Which of the following was created by the Articles of Confederation?
a. the Congress
b. the Supreme Court
c. the office of president
d. the office of vice-president
____ 24. About what percentage of France's population belonged to the Third Estate?
a. 1
b. 15
c. 50
d. 97
____ 25. What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?
a. Robespierre was executed by guillotine.
b. French women marched all the way to Versailles.
c. A mob stormed a prison looking for gunpowder.
d. All of the above
____ 26. What was Napoleon able to accomplish during peacetime?
a. He set up government-run public schools.
b. He set up a comprehensive system of laws.
c. He established a fairer tax code.
d. all of the above
____ 27. Which group imposed the Reign of Terror?
a. the Second Coalition
b. the Committee of Public Safety
c. the National Assembly
d. the king's Swiss guard
____ 28. Which group finally forced Robespierre from power?
a. royalists
b. peasants
c. the clergy
d. his fellow revolutionaries
____ 29. What strategy did Czar Alexander I use to defeat Napoleon in Russia?
a. endless negotiations
b. guns and cannons
c. frontal attack
d. scorched-earth policy
____ 30. Who were the Bolsheviks?
a. soldiers in the White Army
b. radical Russian Marxist revolutionaries
c. members of the Duma, Russia's parliament
d. followers of Rasputin
____ 31. Who did China's peasants align themselves with in the 1920s?
a. warlords
b. Nationalists
c. Qing Dynasty
d. Communists
____ 32. What were soviets under Russia's provisional government?
a. labor unions
b. local councils
c. revolutionary leaders
d. plans for redistributing land
____ 33. What is a totalitarian state?
a. a state in which the people have a direct say in their government
b. a state in which the people elect representatives to the legislature
c. a state in which the government controls every aspect of public and private life
d. a state in which the working class is glorified and has the greatest voice in
____ 34. What was the purpose of the Soviet state's Five-Year Plans?
a. foreign policy
b. political reform
c. social restructuring
d. economic development
____ 35. Which of the following reflects the leader who was responsible for the Great Purge and the
main group
that was victimized by it?
a. Lenin ---> the Mensheviks
b. Jiang ---> the Kuomintang
c. Jiang ---> members of the Communist Party
d. Stalin ---> members of the Communist Party
____ 36. Why did Chinese peasants align themselves with the Communists rather than the Nationalists?
a. The Communists divided land among the farmers, while the Nationalists ignored their
b. The Nationalists relocated thousands of peasants in the Long March.
c. The Nationalists were forcing China to industrialize.
d. The Communists moved peasants to collective farms, where they prospered.
____ 37. What event in 1937 halted the Chinese civil war?
a. The Nationalists succeeded in wiping out the Communists.
b. Chinese Communists began a 6,000 mile journey.
c. The Japanese launched an all-out invasion of China.
d. Chinese peasants aligned themselves with the Communists.
____ 38. What was the Industrial Revolution?
a. increased purchases of land by wealthy landowners to cultivate larger fields
b. increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the
c. increased use of teenagers as factory laborers who worked 14 hour days, 6 days a week
d. increased populations of urban areas during the 1800s
____ 39. Which of the following was a result of the agricultural revolution?
a. Many small farmers became tenant farmers or moved to cities.
b. Enclosures became landmarks of wealthy landowners.
c. Landowners experimented with new agricultural methods.
d. all of the above

____ 40. What was the benefit of being a stockholder in a corporation?

a. complete ownership of branch corporations
b. free goods produced by the corporation
c. not personally responsible for its debts
d. all of the above
____ 41. What is the laissez-faire policy?
a. a policy that allowed labor to set working conditions based on votes on issues relevant
to their industry
b. a policy where labor created a committee to set working standards without
interference from industry owners
c. a policy that taught owners of industry how to set working conditions based on
government standards
d. a policy that let owners of industry set working conditions without government
____ 42. What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?
a. nationalism
b. militarism
c. imperialism
d. patriotism
____ 43. What region was referred to as the "powder keg" of Europe?
a. the Middle-East
b. Alsace-Lorraine
c. Austria-Hungary
d. the Balkan Peninsula
____ 44. Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-
front war?
a. Attack France first, then Russia.
b. Attack Russia first, then France.
c. Send half of the army to France and half to Russia.
d. Ally with Russia to fight France.
____ 45. Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary known as Central Powers?
a. because the war was fought on two fronts
b. because of their combined armies
c. because of their alliance in the war
d. because of their location in the heart of Europe
____ 46. What did the war become once the participating countries began devoting all of their resources
to the war
a. industrial war
b. world war
c. total war
d. uncontrolled war

____ 47. What were the Fourteen Points?

a. parts of the "war guilt" clause
b. a plan for the postwar world
c. the constitution of the League of Nations
d. the terms of surrender offered to Germany
____ 48. What did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to?
a. Britain's policy to sink any ship in German waters without warning
b. Germany's policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning
c. the U.S. Navy's warning of the type of warfare the Central Powers could expect
d. Germany's decision to focus its resources on the waters surrounding Europe
____ 49. What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?
a. As a country gains colonies, its military grows to protect them.
b. As a country's military expands, the country wants colonies to recruit troops.
c. As a country's colonies grow, the military stages training exercises there.
d. As the military expands, a country seeks colonies to prevent coups at home.
____ 50. What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?
a. to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines
b. to trap enemy soldiers in mud pits on the front lines
c. to force enemy soldiers to pass through a "no man's land"
d. all of the above

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