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What is your philosophy in life and the reason behind this philosophy or what is the importance

of this philosophy inn your chosen profession in particular or in your life in general?

My Philosophy in life is to be always positive in life no matter how hard the situations life

throws me. I always see to it that I remind myself that I am bigger my disappointments, failures

and fears. I always keep in mind that I have to face everything with courage and faith in our

Almighty God for I am confident enough that he will not leave me and He will make me win

whatever battle I have to fight and to endure. Additionally, my Philosophy would be keeping in

mind that there will be an endless fights and battles that life will be throwing us that why being

strong is a necessity. It was a very important weapon together with our faith in Him. Another

Philosophy of mine also is about choosing to be kind no matter how harsh and cruel the society

I am living in. I believe that this kind of attitude will create a domino effect to spread kindness

and positivity. To accept failures and defeats also is a big part of being who I am today, standing

still no matter how many surprising failures hits me. This is my Philosophy and it helps me to

become the better version of myself that contributes to my personal growth and development.

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