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Advanced Placement European History

Industrial Revolution and Social Unrest


I. Multiple Choice: Answer the following questions by selecting the best choice of the alternatives given. ( 1

1. Great Britain was able to embrace the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s before Europe for all of the
following reasons except:
a. large labor force
b. natural resources
c. overseas markets
d. strong absolute monarchs to provide a stable government

2. This event in the United Kingdom (1845-1847) facilitated the migration of hundreds of thousands to the
European continent and America:
a. the Industrial Revolution
b. the Scottish Sheep Slaughter
c. the Irish Potato Famine
d. Socialist Revolutionary Movements

3. The process of proletarianization had which of the following effects?

a. It contributed to the artisan’s loss of control over their trade and product
b. It decreased the need for skilled labor and personalized products
c. It spawned the Chartism movement
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

4. Family structures changed in which of the following ways during the Industrial Revolution?
a. Families worked closely together in a shop environment
b. Education and discipline of children were provided by parents
c. Families were separated due to competitive pressures to produce goods
d. More skilled laborers were needed due to the quality requirements of goods produced.

5. Child Labor Laws of the 1830s were meant to prevent exploitation of children in the factories but resulted in:
a. Children working sixteen hour days in unsanitary conditions
b. Children being removed from the nurture and care of parents
c. Children being required to attend school two hours a day
d. b & c

6. The Industrial Revolution had which of the following affects on women?

a. It forced many into prostitution
b. It produced gender roles (woman’s work) still prevalent today
c. It often facilitated illegitimate births, fleeting relationships and co-habitation.
d. All of the above
7. Why throughout the 19th century were the political and economic elite concerned with order?
a. Frequent revolutions of the 19th century made many fearful of losing property
b. Industrialization and Urbanization encouraged crimes such as theft, arson, etc.
c. Working Class socialists were becoming quite violent
d. a & b

8. Prison reform in the 19th century was based on the belief that:
a. Criminals were innately evil
b. Rehabilitation of criminals was possible through personal, solitary reflection
c. Seclusion and silence would actually cause more violent behavior
d. Harsh treatment violated the prisoners civil liberties

9. All of the following are principles of classical economics except:

a. The government should provide a sound currency
b. The government should protect property rights and impose low tariffs
c. The government should allow competition to drive economics
d. Chartism and movements like it were helpful in promoting laissez faire economic principles

10. Economist Thomas Malthus painted the state of the working class as bleak. Malthus suggested that the
population would outstrip the food supply and suggested that:
a. The Corn Laws should remain in effect in Great Britain
b. Wages for the working class should always remain low to stabilize population
c. The population increases geometrically while the food supply increases arithmetically
d. all of the above

11. The difference between socialism and communism concerns who owns the means of production. Which
of the following is a true statement?
a. In socialism, individuals control the means of production where the government controls it in
b. In socialism, the government controls the means of production where individuals control it in
c. In socialism, the government controls the means of production where communities provide their
own needs based on mutual bargaining and assistance in communism.
d. In socialism, individuals control the means of production where the military controls it in

12. Which of the following was an idea expressed by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in The Communist
a. History is a struggle between the “haves and have nots”
b. Capitalism will cause a revolution between these two groups
c. The working class will revolt and create a society where only their class has political and social
d. a & b

13. Early Socialism movements in the 19th century centered on :

a. advocating government sponsored redistribution of wealth
b. creating utopian communities where job rotation, universal suffrage and sexual freedom were
important pillars
c. legislation that prevented the formation of workers’ unions
d. the creation of “poor houses” to discourage government sponsored aid to the poor

14.Marx predicted that all economies based on capitalist principles would fall. He further suggested that the fall
would occur according to a determined cycle. Which cycle best describes Marx’s model of economic decline?
a. Socialism-----Capitalism------Communism
b. Communism---Capitalism----Socialism
c. Capitalism----Socialism----Communism
d. Capitalism----Communism---Socialism

15.Which of the following were goals ( in theory) of the 1848 Revolutions?

a. Republican Governments
b. Universal male suffrage
c. National unity based on common language and culture
d. all of the following

16. What two groups united to try to promote change during this period?
a. Upper Class and the Middle Class Liberals
b. Middle Class Liberals and the peasants
c. Middle Class Liberals and the Working Class radicals
d. Middle Class Liberals and the Conservatives

17.What other movement, in addition to liberalism, inspired revolts in the Austrian Empire?
a. Romantic
b. Conservatism
c. Nationalism
d. Radicalism

18.Why did the 1848 Revolution in France have fail to achieve its goals?
a. The revolutionaries had divided goals
b. Louis Napoleon was more concerned with liberalism than order
c. Radical socialists joined the conservatives against the liberals
d. Britain interfered with the French Provisional Government’s military goals

19.Why did the 1848 Revolution fail in Austria?

a. The empire abolished serfdom
b. The empire essentially split the movement by granting the lower class some of its demands
c. The ethnic minorities felt more secure under Austrian than Magyar rule
d. all of the above

20.Why did the 1848 Revolutions in Europe fail in general terms?

a. Liberals and working classes had different economic goals
b. The liberal cause was fractured into too many competing groups
c. Liberals refused to grant social reforms that would hurt their businesses
d. all of the above

21. What overall impact did the failed 1848 Revolutions have on European politics in the 19 th century?
a. The middle class liberals became more elitist and furthered liberal reforms through parliaments
b. the working class began to unite in political clubs and socialist parties instead of violent
demonstrations which will cause revolution in the early 1900s
c. Conservatives became more liberal and protective of their property once they achieved some of their
d. a & b

II. DBQ: Read the following primary source document and indicate CAPP (context, audience, point of view,
and purpose) 4 pt.

..We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of
ruling class to win the battle of democracy.

The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all
instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase
the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.

Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on
the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and
untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social
order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production. ..

Karl Marx

Communist Manifesto

1. Context:

2. Audience:

3. Point of view:

4. Purpose:

2. View the painting below and answer the question that follows:
How does this painting of the declaration of the Provisional Government in France foreshadow the failure of the 1848
Revolution in France?

III. Short Answer: Answer the following question in a,b,c form. Use examples to prove your argument( 6pt each.)

1. The Industrial Revolution resulted in many social consequences that in turn affected the
development of Europe.

A. Besides the dynamic changes in mechanization, discuss two social consequences of the
Industrial Revolution.

B. Identify one social consequence that translated into political action in the early to mid 19th
century European History.

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