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Choose The Correct Answer !

1. The following sentence which expression of “ Congratulation “ is …..

a. Poor you are
b. Great
c. Get well soon my friend
d. Don’t be sick
2. The following sentence is expression of Hope is …..
a. I like nice house
b. I need a nice house
c. I would like to have a nice house
d. I wish I had a nice house
3. Roni : I won the swimming competition yesterday
Dimas : Really? That’s very great. Congratulation !
Roni : …..
Dimas : You are welcome
The correct expression is …..
a. Oh, don’t mention it
b. I hope you say so
c. Thanks for saying so
d. That’s very great
4. Congratulation on your success in English speech Olympiad 2022
Your best friend,
Benk Aji
Who was the card sent to ?
a. Aji’s Friend
b. Benk Aji
c. An Olympic Athlete
d. The speech committee
5. Congratulations on your success in English speech Olimpiad 2022
Your best friend
Benk Aji
Why did the writer send the card ?
a. To make her friend happy
b. To join English Contest
c. To congratulate his friend
d. To Encourage her friend
6. You can use the following expression to utter your hope , except ……
a. I am going to continue my career in Malaysia soon
b. We hope you enjoy this phase of life
c. Let us hope for the best
d. She hopes to meet her favorite artist in the airport
7. Eka : Happy Birthday to you , mala . May God bless you
Mala : ……..
Eka : You’re welcome.
a. I am sorry
b. Well done
c. I hope so
d. Thanks
8. Your hear that your classmate, Andi, got an accident and his arm was injured when he rode his
bicycle yesterday.
What would you say to express your hope about Andi’s condition?
a. I hope he gets well soon
b. He should not ride bicycle carelessly
c. Good Job!
d. I have to visit him in the hospital
9. What do people say an other people’s success , achievements , good fortune ?
a. I hope and wish
b. Congratulations
c. I don’t agree with you
d. Amazing
10. Gina will join a speech contest tomorrow . What do you say to support her ?
a. I wish you can do all the test
b. I hope you can’t win the contest
c. I will keep my finger crossed for your winning contest
d. I can’t believe you can win it


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