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Translation Theory Final Project

Characteristics of Language Which Affect Translation

Chavva Elsya Fedora (benerin sendiri nama lu) 222115000 (gua kgk tau nim lu

1.) Meaning components.

A. Plurality (Jamak):
a) Duplicate or repeat the root of the word. For examples,
- Botol-botol: bottles (repeated root "botol" means more than one bottle).
- Pohon-pohon: Trees (repeated root "pohon" means more than one tree).
b) Singular forms preceded by numerals or numeralia should not be followed by plural
nouns or word repetitions according to good and correct Indonesian language rules.
For example, "tiga mobil" (three cars), "banyak desa" (many village), and "para
pekerja" (the workers) are correct forms. An alternative example could be "empat
pohon" (four trees) rather than the incorrect form "empat pohon-pohon."
c) Multi-meaning words without a plural marker. This means that there is no plural
marker, such as number or numeralia, preceding the plural word. Words with many
meanings. for examples:
- "bendera" (flag)
"Bendera negara" (national flag)
"Bendera olahraga" (sports flag)
- "uang" (money)
"Uang kertas" (paper money)
"Uang logam" (coins)

B. A term in Indonesian that may appear in several words in another..

"selamat" - In Indonesian, it can mean "safe" or "congratulations."
"Selamat datang" (welcome)
"Selamat ulang tahun" (happy birthday)
"mata" - In Indonesian, it can mean "eye" or "face."
"Matahari" (sun)
"Mata uang" (currency)

"kota" - In Indonesian, it can mean "city" or "town."

"Kota besar" (big city)
"Kota kecil" (small town)

"hari" - In Indonesian, it can mean "day" or "sun."

"Hari ini" (today)
"Hari matahari" (day of the sun)

"bulan" - In Indonesian, it can mean "month" or "moon."

"Bulan purnama" (full moon)
"Bulan Desember" (December)

"air" - In Indonesian, it can mean "water" or "air" (in general).

"Air minum" (drinking water)
"Air mata" (tears)
These examples illustrate how certain Indonesian terms may have equivalents in
English, and these equivalents may vary based on context or nuances.
2.) The same meaning component appears in several ways...
a.) Kaki, kakimu: Both involve the concept of "foot" in English.
b.) Air, cairan: Both involve the concept of "liquid" or "fluid" in English.
c.) Tangan, lengan: Both involve the concept of "arm" or "hand" in English.
d.) Rumah, tempat tinggal: Both involve the concept of "house" or "dwelling" in English.
e.) Buku, halaman: Both involve the concept of "book" or "page" in English.

3.) The same form has several meanings.

1. **"api"**
- Meaning 1: fire
- "Api membakar kayu." (The fire burns the wood.)
- Meaning 2: bee
- "Api itu menyengatku." (The bee stung me.)
2. **"batu"**
- Meaning 1: stone
- "Batu besar di taman itu indah." (The big stone in the garden is beautiful.)
- Meaning 2: card
- "Dia memiliki banyak batu dalam permainan kartu." (He has many cards in the
card game.)

3. **"tangan"**
- Meaning 1: hand
- "Dia mengangkat barang dengan tangan kanannya." (He lifts the object with his
right hand.)
- Meaning 2: clock hand
- "Jarum tangan jam menunjuk ke angka 12." (The clock hand points to the number

4. **"mata"**
- Meaning 1: eye
- "Matanya indah." (Her eyes are beautiful.)
- Meaning 2: point (on a tool)
- "Mata pisau itu tajam." (The blade is sharp.)

5. **"tutup"**
- Meaning 1: lid
- "Tutup botol itu terbuka." (The bottle lid is open.)
- Meaning 2: close
- "Tutup pintu sebelum pergi." (Close the door before leaving.)

6. **"kunci"**
- Meaning 1: key
- "Saya kehilangan kunci mobil." (I lost the car key.)
- Meaning 2: lock
- "Dia menggunakan kunci untuk membuka pintu." (She uses the key to unlock the
7. **"pohon"**
- Meaning 1: tree
- "Pohon besar memberikan naungan." (The big tree provides shade.)
- Meaning 2: wooden pole
- "Mereka membangun rumah dengan pohon-pohon kecil." (They build the house
with small wooden poles.)

8. **"tanggal"**
- Meaning 1: date (calendar)
- "Apa tanggal hari ini?" (What is today's date?)
- Meaning 2: extract
- "Dia membuat minuman dengan mengekstrak rasa dari tanggal merah." (She
makes a drink by extracting the flavor from red dates.)

9. **"bendera"**
- Meaning 1: flag
- "Bendera merah-putih berkibar di atas gedung." (The red and white flag is
waving on top of the building.)
- Meaning 2: sign
- "Bendera kuning menunjukkan area berbahaya." (The yellow flag indicates a
dangerous area.)

10. **"garis"**
- Meaning 1: line
- "Dia menggambar garis lurus." (He draws a straight line.)
- Meaning 2: boundary
- "Itu adalah garis batas antara dua negara." (That is the boundary line between two

These examples illustrate how the same form in Indonesian can carry different
meanings based on the context in which it is used.
4.) A word's meaning is determined by its larger context.
a.) "rumah ku" or "my house" in English may mean:
 Meaning 1: "rumah yang aku beli" (the house I bought)
 Meaning 2: "rumah keluargaku" (the family house)
 Meaning 3: "rumah tempat aku tinggal" (the house where I live)
b.) "pekerjaan ku" or "my job" in English may mean:
 Meaning 1: "pekerjaan yang aku sukai" (the job I like)
 Meaning 2: "pekerjaan keluargaku" (the family job or business)
 Meaning 3: "pekerjaan tempat aku bekerja" (the job where I work)
c.) "mobil ku" or "my car" in English may mean:
 Meaning 1: "mobil yang aku punya" (the car I own)
 Meaning 2: "mobil keluargaku" (the family car)
 Meaning 3: "mobil tempat aku duduk" (the car I use)
d.) "teman-teman ku" or "my friends" in English may mean:
 Meaning 1: "teman-teman yang selalu bersamaku" (friends who are always with me)
 Meaning 2: "teman-teman keluargaku" (friends of my family)
 Meaning 3: "teman-teman dari tempat aku bekerja" (friends from my workplace)
These examples illustrate how the meaning of possessive phrases in Indonesian
can be determined by the larger context in which they are used.

5.) The use of Indonesian prepositions such as “di”, “sampai”, and “karena”.
a.) "Dia tertarik pada cerita-cerita fiksi."
- She is interested in fiction stories.
b.) "Pasar itu buka sampai larut malam."
- The market is open until late at night.
6.) A question may be used for non-question.
a.) "Apakah kamu pikir dia akan datang?"
- Non-question usage: "Saya yakin dia akan datang."
Translation: "I believe he will come."
b.) "Kenapa kamu tidak memberi tahu saya sebelumnya?"
- Non-question usage: "Saya merasa diabaikan."
Translation: "I feel ignored."
c.) "Apakah kamu tahu alamatnya?"
- Non-question usage: "Saya sudah mencarinya di internet."
Translation: "I have searched for it on the internet."
Translation: "It annoys people."
7.) A verb may have many meanings depending on the situation.
- a.) "Mereka mengajar anak-anak di sekolah dasar."
It can mean: "They teach children in elementary school."
Or: "They educate children in elementary school."
- b.) "Dia mengecat dinding kamarnya sendiri."
It can mean: "He painted the walls of his room by himself."
Or: "He coated the walls of his room with a layer of paint."
- c.) "Kami menginap di hotel selama liburan."
It can mean: "We stayed at the hotel during the vacation."
Or: "We lodged at the hotel during the vacation."

8.) A single meaning may be expressed in a variety of forms.

a.) "buku tebal ini" or "this thick book" in English may be expressed in several
- "buku tebal ini" or "this thick book" in English;
- "buku ini memiliki ketebalan" or "this book has thickness" in English;
- "buku, yang mana ini tebal" or "the book, which is thick" in English.
b.) "pakaian merahnya" or "her red dress" in English may be expressed in
several forms:
- "pakaian merahnya" or "her red dress" in English;
- "dia memakai pakaian berwarna merah" or "she is wearing red clothes" in English;
- "pakaian, yang mana warnanya merah" or "the clothes, which are red" in English.
9.) Different surface structures (words used in a sentence) may have the same
a. Expressing permission to borrow a book:
 "Bolehkah saya pinjam bukumu?" or "May I borrow your book?" in English;
 "Apakah saya boleh meminjam buku Anda?" or "Can I borrow your book?" in
 "Dapatkah saya pinjam buku Anda?" or "Could I borrow your book?" in English.
b. Inquiring about directions:
 "Apakah kamu tahu jalannya?" or "Do you know the way?" in English;
 "Bisakah kamu memberi tahu saya cara ke sana?" or "Can you tell me the way there?"
in English;
 "Tahu tidak jalan ke sana?" or "Know the way to there?" in English.

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