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1. Prevedi gi re~enicite na angliski jazik.

1. ]e mo`e{ li da kupi{ tri paket~iwa gra{ok?

2. Kolku ~ini edna tegla xem?
3. ]e mi dadete li dve limenki koka kola, }e ve molam?
4. Ima tri paket~iwa gra{ok.
5. Jas bi sakala edno par~e torta.

2. Napi{i gi datumite so zborovi.Vidi go primerot.

Ex. 31 October the thirty-first of October

1. 15 November___________________________________________
2. 22 March______________________________________________
3. 4 July_________________________________________________
4. 12 February____________________________________________
5. 21 February____________________________________________

3.Napi{i gi rednite broevi.Vidi go primerot.

ex. 11 eleventh

1. 4_______________________ 2. 7_______________________
3. 12______________________ 4. 15______________________
5. 19______________________ 6. 20______________________
7. 22______________________ 8. 23______________________
9. 30______________________

4. Povrzi gi pra{awata so to~nite odgovori.

1. Why is Abdul making a cake?

2. When is Grandma’s birthday?
3. How old is Grandma?
4. How are you?
5. Where is Grandma Alima?
6. Who is Sinbad?
7. What is Abdul making?

a) He’s Masid’s uncle.

b) He’s making a cake.
c) Because it’s Grandma’s birthday.
d) She’s at the market.
e) It’s on the fifteenth of November.
f) She’s ninety years old.
g) I’m fine, thanks!

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