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National security is the comprehensive approach that a country takes to safeguard its citizens, territory,

and interests from potential threats, both internal and external. It involves the protection of the nation's
sovereignty, political system, economy, infrastructure, and the well-being of its people.

National security encompasses various aspects, including defense, intelligence, law enforcement,
diplomacy, and cybersecurity. All these together make up the concept which is national security.
Defense focuses on maintaining a strong military capability to deter and defend against potential
attacks. Intelligence involves gathering and analyzing information to identify and assess potential threats
to national security.

Law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in maintaining internal security and upholding the rule of
law within the country. They work to prevent and respond to criminal activities, terrorism, and other
threats that may undermine national security.

Diplomacy plays a vital role in building and maintaining relationships with other countries to promote
peace, resolve conflicts, and address global challenges. It involves negotiations, treaties, and
international cooperation to protect national interests and maintain stability.

Cybersecurity has become increasingly important in the digital age. It involves protecting computer
systems, networks, and information from unauthorized access, disruption, or damage. Cyber threats can
target critical infrastructure, government agencies, businesses, and individuals, posing significant risks to
national security.

Overall, national security is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires a comprehensive and
coordinated approach to ensure the safety, stability, and prosperity of a nation and its people.

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